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Family Ties (Morelli Family, #4) by Sam Mariano (48)


Chapter Forty Eight




I watch as Sal takes off in the same direction as Mia, a little dread settling over me. I don’t want to draw Mateo’s attention if he hasn’t noticed, but of course he has. He frowns as Sal catches up to her just before they disappear down the hall toward the bathrooms.

Mateo frowns at the table for a moment, then pushes back his chair to stand. He hesitates when he remembers Isabella is with him and he can’t leave her at the table, so I quickly push back my own chair.

“I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go make sure Mia doesn’t get lost,” I tell him.

His eyes move in my direction but he still doesn’t look completely satisfied. Since he’s mistrustful of everyone, I’m sure our concerns are different. I know Sal didn’t follow Mia for any nefarious purposes, but Mateo views the world through his own lens, so I’m sure the thought at least crossed his mind.

When I make it to the bathrooms, Sal is leaning against the wall with his phone out, standing guard outside the ladies’ room. It’s stupid that I feel even a trace of relief; I know I never have to worry about Sal betraying me, but 28 years of trust issues don’t just evaporate because you meet Prince Charming. Luckily my prince is incredibly patient and doesn’t even take offense when I show up to check on him.

“Miss me?” he jokes.

I nod, moving close and wrapping my arms around his neck. “You were gone so long.”

Sliding his phone back into his pocket, his sexy gray eyes meet mine and he wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m not complaining. You can follow me into a darkened hall anytime.”

I smile as he leans forward to give me a kiss, but I don’t linger long before pulling back and telling him lightly, “Well, it was me or Mateo. I thought you’d enjoy my company a little more.”

The mere mention of Mateo annoys him. Like all of us, Sal goes back and forth on liking him. One day he thinks he’s just fine, the next he’s sure he’s a massive asshole who needs to be set on fire. It looks like today is a “kill it with fire” day.

“Your brother is something else,” he says, leaning back against the wall, but still lightly holding my waist. “And Mia—that girl needs a fucking babysitter. Why’d she drink the wine?”

I smile. “Because he ordered it for her and she rarely disobeys him.”

“Well, she’s trashed. I think I’m gonna have Mark drive her car home.”

I shake my head. “No way, Mateo will never let her leave with Mark.”

“She’s not gonna leave with Mark, she’s gonna leave with Vince. I just texted him and told him to come pick her up.”

Surprise trickles through me with a dread chaser and I widen my eyes at him. “Why did you do that?”

Sal looks surprised as his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “What do you mean, why? Because she’s wasted and there’s at least a 40 percent chance of her getting date-raped if your brother takes her home.”

“Sal, you can’t do that. I love how gallant you are, I do, but… we don’t get in Mateo’s way like that. Even Adrian doesn’t do that, and Mateo loves Adrian. It’s dangerous to cross my brother. He likes you now, but I promise you, he would turn on you on a dime. I know it’s uncomfortable watching and having no power to stop bad things as they happen, but that’s the way it is with my family.”

I understand why Sal is struggling with this—he’s the one with the clout in his own family now, and it’s well within his reach to make things happen or not happen. But he has no such influence in my family, and if he forgets that fact, especially in defense of Mia, he will swiftly find himself transferred over to Mateo’s bad side.

“Except I do have the power to stop it. I have fingers—they’re capable of texting Mia a safe ride home. I’m not interfering in his business or his life; I’m simply preventing him from potentially hurting your friend in a social situation. Maybe if he hadn’t laid out his fucking plan right in front of me I could’ve given him the benefit of the doubt here, but he did. Who he fucks isn’t my business, but I’m not gonna stand by like an asshole and let him hurt someone I like when I could very easily prevent it with a single text message.”

I shake my head at him. “But you can’t. I don’t know how much clearer I can be. We can judge and complain and try to cajole him, but we can’t actively interfere. He may be friendly right now, but Mateo is the boss; things only remain nice if he gets his way. I’ve told you before, Mateo does what he wants and we fall in line—that’s just how it is. You can’t protect Mia from Mateo. Vince is her boyfriend and our cousin, and he can’t even protect her from him. If you try, you’ll make him an enemy, and you do not want Mateo for an enemy.”

The door opens before Sal can respond. His resistance is giving me anxiety, but now I have to do damage control. Mia emerges from the bathroom, smiling in the cheerfully oblivious way of drunken people. I move away from Sal to go to her side. “Hey, having fun?”

“Oh, yeah. Isabella is so cute and sweet. Oh my god. She’s going to be the cutest flower girl ever.”

“Yeah, totally.” Without missing a beat, I add, “Hey, listen. You know Vince is coming to pick you up, right?”

She nods with gusto. “Yep. Sal called him for me.”

“Okay. But if Mateo asks, can you say you called Vince? Don’t tell him Sal was involved in that decision; just tell him you called Vince to pick you up since you obviously can’t drive home.”

“Sure. It was a good idea. I knew I couldn’t drive home, but I didn’t really think about it. Sal is so nice and smart. I’m glad you’re going to have a nice, smart husband.”

I crack a smile as we head down the corridor toward the dining room. “Yes, I’m very pleased with his many virtues.”




For the very first time, I use my own key to unlock the front door of my very own home, right in the heart of suburbia.

Since Sal and I are leaving for our honeymoon directly following the wedding, we’ve been slowly moving in all week. I was pretty easy to move, except for the fact that I have way too many items of clothing for our new his-and-hers closets. Sal has assured me he will build me a bigger closet, but I’m fine with what we have. I don’t really need all those dresses now that I won’t be at family dinner every night, so I left some behind.

Tonight we will spend our first night together in our new home.

Sighing with contentment, I peel off the thin white sweater I wore to the rehearsal dinner and hang it on the coat rack in the corner. I love having my own coat rack in my own entryway.

“Can you believe it? In 24 hours, you and I will officially be husband and wife.”

Sal smiles, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips brush my neck and I shiver with pleasure. I turn in his arms so I can wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle into his embrace.

“I should’ve married you the minute I saw you,” he states. “Think of how many wasted days you’ve been a Morelli when you could’ve been a Castellanos instead.”

I grin, giving him a quick peck on the mouth. “You know changing my last name isn’t going to rewire me, right?”

“I like your faulty wiring just the way it is.”

“Now that’s true love,” I tell him, winking.

“You Morellis are a special breed; love means a different thing to you nutjobs.”

“Whatever, you love us.”

“I love you,” he specifies. “The rest, I could take ‘em or leave ‘em.”

“You’re totally hooked.”

He leans in to kiss my neck.

“You chugged the Kool-Aid,” I continue.

His warm breath travels toward my ear.

“You love our issues so much you renewed your subscription.”

He nips at my earlobe.


His big hand comes up to cover my mouth so I can’t talk.

I attempt a muffled “hey!” but then he moves his hand and replaces it with his mouth. He can shut me up with kisses anytime he likes.

After a minute, he pulls back, his gray eyes dancing with amusement as he regards me questioningly. “You done now?”

I let my hand drift down to catch his, walking backward toward the stairs. “Nope, you better take me upstairs and shut me up some more.”

“As long as you know your place, woman.”

I poke him in the stomach for that one, then before he can retaliate I hightail it up the stairs.




Waking up on the morning of your own wedding is both thrilling and terrifying.

At least, it is for me. I still have no idea if Sal’s mom is coming, but it seems like she’s not. He’s sleeping at night now, so I think he’s managed to get over it, but it’s still heartbreaking. I would be crushed if even Mateo refused to come to my wedding, so I can only imagine Sal’s own mom refusing to show up for him.

It’s still going to be a wonderful day, though. I’m not marrying the man of my dreams—I’m marrying someone better.

There’s a lot to do, even for our small, intimate wedding. Just getting myself ready is a whole thing. I start the day getting mani-pedis with my bridal party and Meg. I don’t know how Meg shoe-horned herself in, but one minute it was just the bridal party, and the next minute Meg and Mia were both there. Since her fiancé is paying the bill, I can’t really say much about it.

Even now that she’s sobered up, Mia doesn’t like Maddie. She tries to get Meg on the anti-Maddie team, but Meg doesn’t have enough sense to shoo away attractive women, apparently, so she chats her up instead.

I guess I can’t marry Maddie off to Alec, after all. Mia would probably come around once she accepted Maddie wouldn’t try to seduce Mateo, but it’s probably best to just leave it. Also I don’t know Maddie well enough to be sure she wouldn’t try to seduce Mateo, and nobody needs that.

After mani-pedis and some nerve-steadying mimosas, my bridal party and I head to the bridal room at the church. I don’t go to church, but Sal apparently has one that he goes to with his mom, so that’s where we’re getting married. It’s beautiful, with stained glass windows, soaring ceilings, and cherry wood pews. Candles and white rose petals have been set up along the path I’ll walk up the aisle. Isabella has some more white petals to drop on her way down the aisle.

It’s perfect.

The ceremony doesn’t even mean that much to me—big, small, a success, a flop. None of it matters to me. All that matters to me is becoming Sal’s wife, going to our home tonight, and boarding a plane to Italy tomorrow so we can spend a full week away from it all, just enjoying each other. What matters to me is the life we’ve already started building together, the memories we’ve already started making, the dreams that have already come true.

While I get ready with Mia, Cherie and Maddie, a photographer snaps photos. My dress is absolutely incredible. I tried on a few strapless dresses that looked nice, but the one I settled on is a full white ball gown with an embellished overlay, sheer but similarly embellished sleeves that also add a little more modesty to my bust. Then there are these two soft, perfect panels of fabric that skate down each hip to fill out the skirt even more, with more embroidery along the bottom.

I feel like a princess in it, and even though it’s big and heavy and I have no idea how I’m supposed to ever pee once I put it on, I can’t wait. I can’t wait to walk down that aisle and see Sal’s face waiting for me at the other end.

As my stylist affixes the last pearl pin in the back of my hair, I’m already floating on cloud nine—and then Maddie taps me on the shoulder, her eyes alight with quiet pleasure.

I turn my head and stunned relief swirls through me when I see Sal’s mom standing right behind Maddie. She still looks a little guarded, but I’m so overcome with happiness that she showed up for Sal, I can’t keep from pushing off my chair and stepping forward to hug her. She clearly wasn’t expecting it, but she looks a little mollified when I pull back.

Her gaze wanders over me. I’m still in a white satin robe since I haven’t put my dress on yet, but my hair is done, my make-up applied; I feel prettier than I ever have before.

“Well, don’t you look lovely,” Yvonne says, a bit tentatively.

“I’m so happy you decided to come,” I tell her.

“I know, I know,” she says, nodding like I’m embarrassing her.

Maddie flashes me a grin from behind her, giving me a double thumbs up that makes my smile widen.

Yvonne clears her throat, reaching into her purse and drawing out a small white box. “I know you have to get ready so I won’t keep you, but I thought since you don’t have a maternal figure in your life, you might not have your something borrowed.” Lifting the lid from the jewelry box, she reveals a lovely pair of diamond and pearl earrings. “The women in my family—we sort of have a tradition of wearing these at our weddings. I wore them when I married Antonio, my mother wore them at her wedding, and her mother wore them before her. I never really thought to bring them out before Madeline’s wedding, but if you want to, you could borrow them for today.”

Her offer fills me up, and I can’t help hugging her again. “I would love that. Thank you so much.”

The photographer has been lurking, and she suggests we get a shot of Yvonne putting the earrings on me. Yvonne seems to like the idea of being included, so I let the photographer move me around into different lighting and snap a few shots.

Once Yvonne is gone, Mia comes over to help me get my wedding dress on.

“Was that Sal’s mom?”

I can’t help grinning. “It was.”

Clasping her hands together, she smiles with relief. “Oh, good. I knew she would show up.”

Laughing a little, I tell her, “That makes one of us.”

Mia and Cherie end up having to double team dress-duty so I don’t rip the damn thing, but once they get it fastened and arranged, I can already tell it’s worth it. Then Mia brings over my veil and puts it on me with the help of the hair stylist.

Mia stands in front of me, hands on each shoulder, grinning at me. “Are you ready to see yourself? I have to remind you, your make-up is perfect, so don’t tear up.”

Laughing a little, I roll my eyes. “I’m not going to tear up, goofball.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she says, stepping back and gesturing to the mirror like it’s a prize and she’s hosting a game show.

As soon as I see the image of myself as a bride peering back at me, I get it. Mia decides to make it even worse by grabbing my hydrangea bouquet and giving it to me so I get the full effect.

I do feel a little burn behind my eyes, but I manage to keep it under control.

“Oh my God, I’m a bride. I’m getting married.”

Mia laughs at me, but she doesn’t understand. I know it’s silly, I know I’ve been planning this moment for months now, dreaming about it for longer, but now, seeing my reflection… now it’s real.

This is no fantasy. This is no dream. This is my reality. This is my future.

This is the day I marry Salvatore Castellanos.

This is the best day of my life.





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