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Fate's Shadow by Steven L. Smithen (9)



Twenty minutes later Caleb and Kiera parked in front of the house he had grown up in. They had driven by to make sure no one was home before stopping.

“Do you think they’ll come back?” Kiera asked cautiously.

Cutting the engine off and pulling the keys Caleb looked at he the two-story duplex. “No, everything in there was for show. All made to make me believe I had a shot at freedom.”

Kiera took his hand, “You do have a shot…we have a shot at freedom now. Let’s get you in some clean clothes and get what you need then we can leave this in the past.”

He nodded then leaned in to kiss her, and she took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply before turning and getting out of the SUV.

Kiera waited in Caleb’s bedroom while he took a quick shower, staring out the window down into the street searching for whoever decided to follow them. Caleb walked into the room shirtless wearing blue jeans and barefoot. Kiera turned to watch him. He moved with a grace that he hadn’t had when she first met him she also noticed that whatever Celeste had carved into his skin had healed and took on the appearance of tattoos. The marks covered his back and his chest and ran down each arm.

Caleb caught her staring as he pulled on a long sleeve tee. “It’s the written language of the Angels. I can only think that Morrigan learned it from someone before teaching it to Celeste.”

She moved up to him and pulled up his shirt to exam the marks on his back closer. “How do you know what language it is?”

“They were designed to enhance the power I inherited naturally from my father, but in doing so, it also granted me an understanding of the language.” He answered before turning and pulling her into him, “You’re worried that I’ll turn out like them?”

Kiera nodded, “It has crossed my mind. Son of the Celtic Goddess of Death and a Fallen Archangel it is sort of overwhelming.”

“Now you know how I felt growing up,” Caleb responded with a chuckle. “Let me get dressed and gather some clothes and a few other things then we can leave.”

Fifteen minutes later the two of the exited Caleb’s childhood home. Kiera climbed into the driver seat as Caleb opened the back and deposited two medium sized duffle bags inside.

Once they arrived at Kiera’s apartment, they entered to find the place stripped bare. Only Kiera’s bedroom was left undisturbed along with a note taped to the dresser mirror.


You have 48 hours before you, and your boyfriend will be listed as persona non grata to the Brotherhood. That’s the best I can do for you. I would suggest finding a place where the Brotherhood is not wanted or allowed and disappear forever.


Caleb went to Kiera’s closet and searched for a duffle bag for her clothes. Finding one he turned around to find Kiera in nothing but her bra, panties, and a devilish smile. He stood there frozen until she beckoned him over with a finger.

Dropping the duffle, Caleb took Kiera in his arms and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around him.

Breaking the kiss, Caleb asked, “What about Veronica?”

Pulling him closer she ground her hips into his, “She’ll be good on her word. I have waited weeks for this moment.”

He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as she pulled his shirt off and began kissing his neck and jaw before taking his mouth with hers.

“Make me yours Caleb!” She whispered breathlessly in his ear as he moved them to the bed.


It was dawn when the young couple emerged from the apartment and entered the Land Rover.

“Where to?” Caleb asked the woman who held more than his heart.

“Breakfast,” Kiera answered.


“Perfect,” She answered taking his free hand in hers.

Fifteen minutes later they were on route 1 headed south towards Boston to meet with their mysterious Current Events teacher.

They turned off Storrow drive and slowed down as their SUV moved through the Beacon Hill neighborhood headed to the Kenmore Square area when suddenly, they both gasped when what felt like passing through a soap bubble popping hit them.

Caleb pulled the Land Rover to the curb and looked at Kiera who asked, “What was that?”

“That was an elaborate detection spell. It’s an early warning system. If I had to wager a guess, Mr. Callahan will be waiting for us.” He replied before putting the SUV back into gear and moving toward the address that they had got from the card.

As expected, they pulled up to a large building that took up two lots in this high-end neighborhood and found Mr. Callahan waiting in the front with no less than six armed guards.

Caleb and Kiera exited the Land Rover after parking in one of the spots in front. Waiting for her to join him, Caleb took her hand before they walked toward Micah and his guards that appeared to be watching the surroundings and paying little attention to the young couple.

“Caleb, Kiera welcome to Fenris Security. What brings you to my doorstep?” Micah asked but before Caleb could reply, “If you could give me the keys I’ll see to it that your vehicle is moved out of sight. I’m assuming the fewer who know about you being here, the better.”

Caleb handed the keys to Robert’s Land Rover to Micah. “Thank you, and yes we need your help.”

“Wait, to tell me your story once we are inside and I can ensure your privacy,” Micah replied before Caleb could continue.

Micah ushered them into a sitting room that was off the hallway near the main entrance where a woman with chocolate curls was pouring a cup of coffee. “Caleb and Kiera let me introduce you to my mate and wife, Maeve.”

The young couple could feel the Alpha power flowing off this woman. They could now understand what the shifters they went to school with had meant about their Alpha.

“Nice to meet you two. How about some coffee and then tell us what brings you here so early?” Maeve said holding up the coffee pot.

Kiera was the first to respond, “Yes, please. I think I need more coffee after all the events of the last few days.”

Caleb shook his head to decline the coffee but looked like he wanted to ask a question but was uncertain.

Micah turned to Caleb, “Go ahead and ask I can see the curiosity is killing you.”

Looking relieved Caleb asked, “That detection ward that we drove through. That was really impressive. Who designed it? How does it work?”

Maeve finished pouring Kiera’s coffee before she turned to face Caleb and Micah. “He’s as bad as Cameron.”

“Cameron?” Keira asked.

“Our grandson,” Micah answered. “He’s about your age, a little older but that’s for another time. Now you two sit and tell us what brings you here.”

Kiera and Caleb sat in the love seat and took each other’s hand before they recounted the goings on of the last few days starting with the incident at school with Ashley and finishing with Robert handing his keys over to them.

Micah sat back in his leather chair with his hand on his chin in thought as Maeve pulled out her cell phone and began to text someone. Micah then looked at the ceiling before saying, “Somewhere my sister is laughing her ass off.”

“What do you mean your sister?” Caleb asked.

Micah waived a dismissive hand, “Not important. What is important is now I know why there has been a lot of demon activity around Salem…more than what is usual when in a city with that many witches.”

Kiera looked at Caleb, “Is summoning demons a normal thing for witches?”

“Yes, it is. Not like the one I talked to but the smaller ones like imps are more common,” Caleb answered.

“Are you going to summon demons?” Kiera asked concern in her voice.

“He won’t need to summon them. They will come if he needs them, but I would caution you against that,” Micah answered for Caleb.

“Like I told Azizl, I don’t want anything to do with my father’s holdings and followers.” Caleb offered with a shiver thought of being like his father.

“You aren’t anything like your father and I would know,” Micah replied.

“What about my mother? She’s going to come after us just like The Brotherhood,” Caleb asked.

“Don’t you worry about your mother or The Brotherhood. I just texted someone who’s been looking for her for almost twenty-five years. I would assume that Merlin has a team scouring that church and your former home for anything that they can use to track her. As for The Brotherhood, I would like to send you two to Montana for a few weeks while we get new identities set up for you then we’ll send you onto Japan where The Brotherhood are not welcomed because the supernaturals that live there won’t tolerate their tactics,” Maeve offered.

“Why Montana then Japan?” Kiera asked.

“First, it’s going to take time for us to get your identities set up so that The Brotherhood doesn’t find out about them. They have a ton of influence in the human government. The second is for you two to get accustomed to how Fenris Security works. We aren’t just going to dump you in Japan to fend for yourselves. We’ve just opened up a new office in New Tokyo and need new employees we can trust,” Maeve answered.

“How can you trust us, I mean you hardly know us? Except, Micah who we only see in class,” Caleb questioned.

“Ah, time to come clean. I’ve been watching you since your sister showed up in Salem with you as a toddler, Caleb,” Micah said sheepishly.

“What? How?” Kiera asked confusion on her face as Caleb looked gobsmacked.

Maeve chuckled lightly, “What my husband forgets is that only me and a few others know his origins.” She patted Micah on the shoulder before sitting on his lap. “Micah is an Angel. Your father Samael is one of his brothers and as such from what I have learned over the years is they all seem to be able to sense each other to a degree. So, when your sister showed up in Salem, he sensed your father’s energy. It was different but like our kids, Dorian and Talia and not having anything to do he slipped on up to Salem to see for himself what was up.”

“I decided to keep an eye on you. We, my brothers and sisters, that is knew Samael had died, but we never found his body,” Micah finished.

“I’m confused then, are you a Fallen like my father?” Caleb asked.

“No, I’m not much to Gabriel’s dismay,” Micah said cryptically. “I kept track of you because I had a feeling that you would be someone of importance.”

Caleb’s face took on a confused expression before Maeve interrupted his train of thought. “Don’t ask, he doesn’t have any more of an answer than that. We have learned to just go with it.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you’d trust me. I was a Brotherhood Valkyrie, and if it weren’t for me falling for this dork next to me I wouldn’t be here,” Kiera said soberly.

“Do you remember your first week here when I asked you to stay after class?” Micah asked and went on after Kiera nodded, “I saw the way you looked at Caleb after only a couple of days. I knew then it was too late for you, your heart had already made its decision and was just waiting for your head to catch up.”

Kiera sat there with her mouth open unable to comment.

Micah laughed knowingly before looking to Maeve, “Trust me I know exactly how you feel.”

They spent the rest of the morning getting all of Kiera and Caleb’s details, and pictures were taken for new identities along with having the corporate jet readied to take them to Montana for the first part of their new life together.

Once Caleb and Kiera were alone he asked, “You know you don’t have to do this. You could always go back. I’m sure…” He never finished because the slap across his jaw was deafening.

“You listen to me, Caleb. You are mine, and I will decide what is good for me.” She paused taking his hands in hers, “Besides the truth is I was just going through the motions before I met you that day. The Brotherhood only wanted me for the weapon they could turn me into. You never cared about my abilities, you only ever cared about me.” Kiera finished as she placed her hand to his cheek before he pulled her to him and kissed her forehead.