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Fight (Fate Series Book 1) by Paige Hill (20)


“I think I’m going to head back in. I’m starting to get a little hungry.”

“Do you mind if I catch a few waves?” Declan asks, looking down toward his shorts. “I uh, need a couple of minutes to cool off”.

Trying in vain not to smile at his unfortunate situation, I paddle back toward the shore.

Spreading the towels out under a conveniently located palm tree, I relax into the warm sand and focus on the water. Watching Declan surf just hit the top of the “sexy shit Declan does” list. It’s a rather lengthy list, if I’m being honest with myself.

By the time Declan starts paddling back to shore, the warmth of the sun combined with the calming sound of the water has lulled me into a relaxed state. I am moments away from giving in to the pull of sleep when I am alerted to his presence. I don’t have to open my eyes to know he’s there. Declan’s unique brand of masculinity is dangerous.

“I thought you were hungry?” he asks as he flops down on the striped beach towel next to me.

“I am, but I thought it would be rude to eat without you,” I answer honestly, moving to rest back on my elbows.

“You didn’t need to wait on me, but thank you,” he says, starting to spread out our lunch and, to my surprise, cold Coronas. “You can’t have key lime pie for dessert without Corona,” He quips, giving me a megawatt smile.

“No, I suppose you can’t,” I chuckle.

Declan and I snack on variety of fruits, crackers, cheese, and deli meat in comfortable silence. The view before us is breathtaking. Deep blue water as far as the eye can see. The light breeze coming off the water takes away the humid Miami heat and brings with it the distinctive smell of crisp ocean air. Combine that with the coconutty scent of my previously applied lotion, and my mind drifts toward fantasies of tropical vacations.

“Tell me what you are thinking about.” Declan’s voice cuts into my thoughts as I realize I have a thoughtful smile on my face.

“I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me. The last few days here with you…” I pause, unsure how to express my gratitude. “It has been perfect.”

For the first time in my life, I feel utterly content. Like I’m where I need to be, in a place where I fit in.

But where will I be when this is all over?

Today’s the day. Looking at myself in the mirror, I visibly see the naive glow that accompanied my time here fade, only to be replaced with dark shadows. Refusing to let my good mood slip away, I focus on the positive. I haven’t received any disturbing notes or roses. So far so good. If that asshole is out there, he hasn’t made himself known. I want to believe that he has given up and moved on, but I know that isn’t the case. Something in him has shifted. Maybe it’s been there all along and I just couldn’t see it, but his obsession with me has reached a new height.

“Jesus Christ.”

My eyes meet Declan’s in the mirror as he stands in the bathroom door, wiping an open palm aggressively against his stubble.

“What?” I ask, turning to face him.

“You’re gorgeous. It’s going to be a long fucking night.” He closes the space between us, his hands sliding to the back of my neck, his thumbs tilting my chin up. His eyes catch mine before he lets out a low primal growl, his lips taking over mine. The kiss is possessive, completely consuming and I am left wanting.

“We need to go before I lift this tiny skirt and take you against the counter.” His voice is raw as his fingertips leave a hot trail up the back of my thigh, just under the hem of my black sequined skirt. A flood of heat pools between my legs as he leans in and nips at my ear. I am so turned on that I don’t have the capacity to give a shit about work, Mark, or concealing my identity. All I can focus on is Declan and the dirty, dirty things I want him to do to me.

“Now, let’s go,” he whispers into my ear before smacking me on the ass and strutting out the door.

Holy hell. I didn’t think it was possible to be more turned on than I already was. He’s not wrong, it’s going to be a long fucking night.

“It’s about time I get to see your face again!” Wendy shouts over the music as we make our way through the door. I can’t help but match her genuine smile. It really is nice to see her again. If circumstances were different, I could see us being friends. Declan squeezes my hand, grabbing my attention.

“Stay alert tonight. Just because we haven’t heard from him doesn’t mean he’s not around. I’ll have my eyes on you all night,” he whispers into my ear before he ducks behind the bar with a wink.

“So, I guess someone finally busted through that wall.”

“Sorry?” I ask, unsure what Wendy’s statement means.

“Declan,” she says, nodding her head in his direction. “Some of the others have a bet going. He’s worked here for several months and every single night women throw themselves at him. Not once has he taken the bait. Personally, I think he just wanted to keep his personal life separate from work. Hard to do if the one-night stand knows where you work.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Most of the guys were betting that he’s gay. Guess I won that bet.” She laughs.

“I uh, I guess. But I didn’t bust any walls, as you so eloquently put it. He’s just helping me out of a tough situation. I’ll be out of his hair soon.”

“You really can’t see it, can you?”

“See what?” I’m not stupid, I get where she’s going with this and I need to shut it down. “He’s just a nice guy who wants to help. Guys love being the knight in shining armor. I’m just the metaphorical damsel in distress. Just a way for him to feel good about doing a good deed. Once the problem is solved, the spell wears off. Then we get to trade-in the carriage for a broken-down Honda.” I gesture toward the imaginary horizon with a look of derision.

Her smile never falters. She continues to stare at me like a mother does when she knows something her child doesn’t.

“I guess I was wrong,” she says, shrugging her shoulders as she walks away. “He’s the one with the sledge hammer.”

She doesn’t give me a chance to respond and quite frankly, I don’t know how. I know I’m developing feelings for him. How could I not? But we all know that emotions run high in a tense situation. And my entire fucking life is a tense situation. Declan deserves a woman who can give him a normal life. Stability. Fuck, even a family. None of which I am capable of providing. Declan is the kind of man you only meet once in a lifetime. The realization that I’ll never have the kind of life that warrants a man like Declan cuts me to the core. Can you really miss something you never had?

It doesn’t take long for the place to reach maximum capacity. I’ve barely been able to talk to Declan short of yelling drink orders. The pace matches the tempo of the music that pumps from the speakers. The sound, mingled with uproarious chatter, makes the atmosphere familiar, almost comforting. A welcome distraction. But, Declan was right when he said it was going to be a long night. I am ready to fall face first into a fluffy pillow when I notice a young woman stagger down the hall and out the back door. There is nothing back there but a dark alley and opportunity. Scanning the room as quickly as I can, I search for Nate. My pulse quickens with each second as I think about the danger that woman is in.


Nate and the new bouncer—I haven’t caught his name yet—are currently defusing a situation that appears to be an angsty love triangle and the bartenders are five deep. I couldn’t get their attention if I tried. It’s a bad idea to go anywhere alone but I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to that woman, knowing I could have prevented it.

Setting my tray down, I glance around once again, hoping someone will be freed up. Even Wendy’s attention is drawn to the crowd of thirsty patrons eagerly flagging her down.

Stop wasting time.

Wiping my suddenly-sweaty palms on my apron, I steel my nerves. Making my way to the rear exit, the roar of the crowd becomes more and more faint with each passing step. I am immediately greeted with humid Miami heat as I timidly step out and hurriedly scan the alley for signs of the girl. Unexpected reminders from my first night in town flood my mind, causing my steps to falter. Supporting myself with one hand against the abrasive brick exterior, I push the unwanted memories out of my mind. This isn’t about me. Where is she?


The sound of a glass bottle hitting the pavement before it rolls down the alley catches my attention. Before I can think better of it, I let out a small shriek, slamming my own hand over my mouth to silence it. My heart picks up, the beat a terrifying crescendo. Try as I might, the only sound I hear now is the ringing in my ears. I stand frozen in place only a few seconds, but it feels like hours. Why am I so afraid? No one deserves this kind of power over me.

Determined not to let fear take control, I shake out my trembling hands and take a few steps, my mind back on the task at hand. My eyes strain to make out shapes in the distance. The old rusted lamp post has seen better days, only illuminating a few feet around it, the rest of the area cast in an eerie shadow. Movement catches my eye near the dumpster, thankfully in a somewhat lit area.


Soft feminine groans followed by the sound of violent heaves, answer me as the woman empties the contents of her stomach.

“Are you alright?” I ask, slowly making my way over, trying not to startle her.

“Eh, mmm.” Her silky blonde hair shines as she shakes her head no, the movement causing her to retch again. Determining she is done throwing up, at least for the moment, I step in closer, kneeling to help her off the ground.

“Here, lean against me. Do you think you can walk enough to help me get you back inside?”

“Yes.” Her voice is barely audible, but she grips me with more strength than I would have thought possible. “Th-thank you. I couldn’t find the bathshroom.”

“Next time, go with a friend okay? You don’t want to imagine the shit you could have gotten into back here. Trust me. Do you have friends inside?”

“Uh huh. Mandy told me no more vodba!” Her giggles echo loudly through the deserted alley. “Oh, I need to lie down. I sleep.” She says, suddenly changing gears.

“Oh, no, no, no! Stay with me!” I shout, slapping her cheek slightly in an attempt to keep her awake. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

“Natalie,” She mumbles softly.

Her eyes are starting to roll backward again. Shit, shit, shit. I don’t know if I can carry her limp body back through the door. Suddenly the back door opens with extreme force, the swing causing it to slam against the exterior of the building.

“Goddamnit, Sunshine! Why are you out here?” His stride eats up the pavement between us. His chest is heaving and the look in his troubled eyes is feral. “Do you have any idea how stupid it is to be out here? Not to mention ALONE!” His voice cracks as if he’s trying to control his temper.

“She needed help Declan, what was I supposed to do?” He’s angry and I know it wasn’t the wisest decision on my part, but who does he think he is? “Just let her get raped, or worse? I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t live with that! I looked for someone to help me that I knew I could trust and no one was available. I’m sorry her safety couldn’t wait for the fuckwads inside to stop fighting over who screwed who!” I’m seething, my nostrils flaring with every exhale. I’m sure I’m acting like an ungrateful brat, but I am through with men always thinking they know what’s best for me. “I knew the risk coming out here. But sometimes you have to put others safety ahead of your own. She’s just a girl who drank too much. I took the situation for what it was and acted. You did the same thing for me.”

I thrust my finger in his direction, nearly dropping a passed-out Natalie. That breaks his rage enough for him to take her limp body, hoisting her over his shoulder. Choosing to not respond, either because of my stupidity or his sudden understanding, he grabs hold of my hand, dragging me back into the relative safety of the bar.

Just inside the door, a group of clearly worried and highly intoxicated girls accosts us.

“Oh, my God! Natalie, there you are!” one of them shouts, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“I think it’s time you ladies take her home.” Declan’s deep voice cuts easily through the music and chatter. His tone still teeters on the brink of rage. He starts off, carrying Natalie toward the front door, her friends in tow. He never breaks his stride as he turns and mouths, “we are going to talk about this later.”

Not much to talk about; I spoke my peace, but I will hear him out. It’s a conversation I’m not thrilled to have, but I owe it to him. He’s put everything on the line for me, a consideration more important than my own mental independence.

“Taryn, there you are! Declan is about to lose his shit looking for you,” Wendy says with wide eyes.

“Sorry, I was helping a drunk girl out of the alley. He’s carrying her outside to get a ride home.”

“That was sweet of you, no telling what could have happened back there.”

Tell him that.

“The place gives me the creeps,” she continues, shivering slightly for dramatic effect. “Hey, everyone is tied up and I have to get these drinks to table ten before they start a riot. Would you mind grabbing a case of Corona from the stock room?”

“Of course, I’ll be right back.” She waves a big thank you before getting lost in the crowd.

The dimly lit stockroom is kept a bit chillier than the rest of the building. My skin prickles and my nipples tighten as I enter the stale storage space. Metal racks lined with various liquors fill the room. The earthy smell of cardboard permeates the air.

Knowing I need to hurry and get back to Wendy, I load my arms with a heavy case of imported beer. But something isn’t right.

A sickeningly familiar scent assaults my senses seconds before a burning sting spreads from my neck, loosening my muscles. Unable to grip the heavy case, it slips, crashing to the floor in a heap of shattered glass.

“I’ve come to take you home.”

Those are the last words I hear before my world goes black.