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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3) by Piper Stone (12)

Chapter 12

As the snow continued to fall, leaving a fresh blanket of white, the entire group of Missoula smokejumpers, almost eighty strong, stood in formation. Every man and woman in uniform, they stood behind the casket, their bodies fanning out behind the majestic trees, whose icy limbs had succumbed to the pull of the earth.

Garcia and the rest of the Jackals stood in back, but everyone had a bird’s eye view of the burial service. Sadly, Antonio stood to the side, as if he was no longer a respected member of the team. Perhaps, he needed to break the ice with the man who seemed to have no real friends. They all had to stick together. He remained numb, more disturbed about Jimmy Martin’s death than he wanted anyone else to discover. Any death was horrible, but this one weighed on his mind. Shoddy parachutes, family members who’d do anything to get a piece of property. What was the world coming to?

He held his position as a group from the local Marines folded the American flag. Jimmy had served his country for several years. He watched Stoker’s expression as the flag was presented to the older man sitting alone, his sallow complexion and haunted eyes highlighting his sadness. A single family member. He held his breath as the thought resonated too deeply in his own soul. His father was ill, his mother living somewhere else. How had he not noticed? The team had become his family, especially Stoker. He could never repay the kind of friendship they’d built, the amount of strength his buddy had given him.

Stoker was noble, honorable as were so many of the others on his team. He’d never considered himself any kind of hero. He’d never served in the armed forces, never even saved a human life, not alone any way. But he was an excellent team member or at least he could be. He shook away the self-doubt as the service continued.

Words were said then the Marines saluted, he turned his attention to Laney. She was sitting with what few members of the town had come, bothering to sit in the blustery weather in order to pay their respects to a man who’d done nothing but try to protect and prevent. She seemed so small, but she’d garnered a heightened level of strength just in the past couple of days. In fact, she was his rock at the moment. He noticed she remained saddened, almost haunted. The sixth sense had never left him. The attorney was lying about something. Then again, he couldn’t get his mind off James Hatcher. Everything was getting muddled.

The information Landen had passed on remained disturbing and he definitely wasn’t finished investigating. Mr. Hatcher deserved answers. Or maybe he merely wanted to be a part of a resolution. Either way, he was going to talk with the sheriff.

Stoker looked in his direction, his expression laced with his own memories. He nodded, the look one of reverence as the older man stood, interrupting the minister and whispering in the man’s ear.

The brother stepped forward, acknowledging the crowd, tears in his eyes. When he spoke, his words were clear, a deep baritone resonating from his throat. “Thank you all for coming. Very few of you really knew my brother. Jimmy was a kind man, but he’d lost his way until a few years ago. He and I hadn’t spoken in almost ten years when I received a phone call out of the blue. He said he was joining a team of smokejumpers. I admit to you that I had my reservations. Jimmy had been involved in so many careers during his life. He’d been a scholar in school along with receiving a football scholarship. But he never wanted the fame he received after the NFL came calling. He just disappeared for almost a year. He floundered after leaving school, finding work wherever he could. Then he joined the Marines.”

Garcia held his breath, hearing the heartfelt words as if a telling of Stoker’s life.

“I was proud of him, the man he’d become, and I honestly thought Jimmy would be okay. After he left the Marines, something died in my brother. He’d lost his verve for life. That’s when I lost touch. Five years passed, and he called me one night. I listened to what he said he was going to do and after our call, I told my wife that this was just another wild goose chase.” The old man faltered, wiping tears from his eyes. When he lifted his head, he looked up at the sky. “I was wrong. He was the happiest I’d ever seen him. I know Jimmy well enough to be able to say, he died doing what he loved. I’ll never forget his words during our last phone call.” He paused and eased his head down, his eyes locked on the entire smokejumping team.

“He said you were his family and I can see why. Thank you for loving him and caring about him these years. You are a remarkable group of individuals and I am proud to stand here today, in place of Jimmy. God be with all of you.”

The words seemed to hang, floating amongst every one of the men and women who served. As Jimmy’s brother sat down, hugging the flag to his chest, the minister held up his arms.

“Let us pray.”

Garcia heard the words, the beautiful prayer meant to comfort and perhaps keep all of them out of harm’s way, but his heart continued to remain heavy.

Minutes later, the Jackals stood in a semi-circle, a quiet embodiment of a collective spirit. The majority of the other smokejumping team left, but the three men who’d been reassigned hung, as if waiting for an invitation.

Riker nodded in their direction, a pensive look on his face. “I guess they want our okay.”

“They want to be a part of the team,” Boone said under his breath.

“Then we should give it to them.” Garcia took a step away from the group. “They are our team now. Period.”

“Garcia is right.”

Riker glanced at Landen. “Yeah, I know.”

Garcia took the opportunity, moving toward the three men. Although the same perceived arrogance remained, he could tell they were unsure of what would be expected. They all were. “Moose, Zane, Steel. Glad to have you on board.” He extended his hand, his eyes looking directly into every man’s.

Moose shook his hand first. “I know how close your team is, how proud.”

“We are,” Garcia stated, conviction laced in the two simple words. “We’re all glad to have you on our team.”

“Yeah, well, my guess is not everyone,” Moose said as he shot Riker a look.

“His bark is worse than his bite. However, don’t cross him.” Garcia grinned. “The man has been through a lot in his life.”

“Haven’t we all?” Steel’s words were soft spoken.

An awkward silence settled in.

“Hear anything about the parachutes?” Zane asked.

“Just that there is an investigation. I’m sure that’ll take a while.” Garcia looked over at Laney, who stood with Shannon and Jessica.

“Damn well better not. The only chutes the Rattlesnakes have are those pieces of shit,” Steel huffed.

“Yeah, just damn lucky it’s the off season.” Garcia watched Antonio move toward his car. The jumper might have a nasty attitude, but one of his many attributes was having worked with demolitions during a previous career. If his hunch was correct, Antonio might offer some answers. He was also a man few others would bother to talk to. Why should they? Antonio refused to allow anyone to get past his suit of armor. “I’ll talk with you guys later.” He moved toward the brooding man, cutting him off just before he got into his car. “You have a few minutes?”

“What do you want?” Antonio kept his voice even but the tone edgy.

“To talk.”

“You going to rake me over the coals too?”

“Hell, no. That isn’t going to do either one of us any good. I know why you split the team. You were trying to make certain the fire didn’t collapse on the firefighters. Right?”

Antonio gave him a harsh look before nodding. “Yeah. As if anybody listened or gave a damn.”

“Did you tell the captain?”

“Couldn’t get a word in edgewise. He heard from Riker what happened. Bought his story over mine.”

“You need to tell him. Explain.”

Shrugging, Antonio closed his door. “You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. Stop getting in my business.”

“It’s my business too, in case you forgot. We all risk our lives. Together, but of course you seem to forget about the fact you have a damn team behind you.” He allowed the stinging words to linger.

Exhaling, Antonio looked away, shaking his head. “As I asked before, why are you bothering? Did some of the guys put you up to this?”

“Hell, no. They couldn’t care less if you throw away your career. To answer your question, because you don’t let anyone in. You’re a hard-headed ass.” He could tell his team mate was debating, as if trusting anyone was the last thing he wanted to do. If he knew anything about Antonio it was that the man needed a mission.

Antonio snickered. “Yeah, I guess I am. I have my reasons.”

“We all do. Every one of us has a history, some horrific moment driving us to this point. If you fall into despair, you’ll never get out.” Garcia rolled his eyes. The statement was directed more at himself.

He finally shook his head. “I hear you. I’m glad you didn’t quit.”

“You know what? I am too,” Garcia said and this time with conviction. “Can you take a drive with me? I need to get your opinion on something. Maybe your expertise.”

He shrank back and hesitated. “Sure. Why not?”

“I’ll be right back.” He knew Stoker and the majority of the team couldn’t care less about the Hatcher fire, but he refused to let it go. From what he’d heard, Stoker knew the deputy, Carter Worth very well. They’d gone to school together. Maybe Antonio would be able to tell if the guy knew anything. Then again, maybe he had no business meddling. He made his way over to Laney, thankful Shannon had remained. “Shannon, do you mind taking Laney back to my place?”

“Not a problem at all. That way I can really tell her all the sordid details about the group. You know, Burnout. That secret society you guys hold so close to your breast or should I say beast?” Shannon winked.

“Do not listen to a word this woman says. She’s a troublemaker,” Garcia admonished with mischief in his voice.

“I think I know bullshit when I hear it,” Laney mused, nuzzling next to Garcia.

“When you love birds are ready, my car is over there. Landen and I came separately. Give us time for some girl talk.” Shannon laughed.

Laney waited until she’d walked away. “Is something wrong?”

“No, just a tough as nails smokejumper who needs a kick in the ass.” Telling her the truth wasn’t going to give her any comfort, especially if she found out he’d been shot at.

“Sounds like someone else I know.” She grinned and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I need to do some things anyway. I won’t let a substitute teacher take over forever.”

“No hot dates or else.”

She gave him a feigned look of horror and took two long strides back. “Or what, big he man?”

“You know what.” He laughed and waited until she was out of sight. He could see the service had affected her and spending time together tonight would be healing for both of them.

At least he hoped so.

* * *

When Troy didn’t see Laney at school that morning, he nearly panicked. The single conversation he’d overheard had led him to a series of conclusions that he refused to get in the middle of. The damn favor was out of the question. He was an attorney for Christ’s sake. He could lose his license or worse. The fires in the community, the businesses and houses that had burned down, could they be the product of his client and the man’s goons? The thought was horrifying, but something he had to consider. And there were more planned? This was outrageous. Still, he had to plan this carefully, figuring out what to do. The phone call stating in no uncertain terms the money was going to be returned had resulted in the thugs paying him a visit. He touched his eye and winced. Assholes.

His thoughts had immediately drifted to Laney. Yeah, he knew she had another life. He had figured it out early by looking into her past, she’d moved around a lot. Further digging and he’d been led down a path of disappearance. He’d been an attorney long enough to put pieces of the puzzle together.

When he’d found out she wasn’t sick, he’d asked everyone he knew until he realized she must be with her new lover at the funeral. Sure, he remained bitter. However, he didn’t want to see her get hurt. Not by anyone. He was determined to find out any additional information before he made what might be career ending decisions. No, life ending decisions. Shit. What was he going to do?

He’d been summoned to his client’s office and stood in the lobby, doing his best not to pace back and forth. He didn’t like being here, couldn’t afford to be seen with the man. Folks had their minds made up about him. Still, Troy had agreed to the favor. He’d actually agreed. Now, to find out the details. What little he knew meant destroying a man’s livelihood. Sure, the agreement would make the poor guy wealthy but to have a hand in little more than swindling was against everything he’d ever stood for.

“You can go in now,” the polite secretary said as she pointed to an oversized door.

Troy nodded and headed for the office, hesitating just outside. One action and you’re done. All the bills are paid off. That’s it. He’d been saying the same words for two days. Inhaling, he walked inside.

“Ah, Mr. Bruester. So good of you to come and on such short notice. Welcome. Would you like something to drink?”

Troy noticed the other man, who sat quietly on the other side of the room, as if he was observing and nothing more. “I’m fine. Thank you. What can I do for you?”

“Those contracts. Do you have those completed?” The man wasn’t introduced, but he was watching intently. The suit was of good quality, but not like the tailored and expensive linen and silk the man sitting across from the desk always wore – including in court. Still, there was an air about the mystery man that was disconcerting, giving him a wary feeling.

“Yes, the transaction is ready. We just need signatures.” Troy moved closer to the massive mahogany desk. He eased his briefcase onto the closest chair and pulled out the paperwork. The sum of money had been inflated, to take care of any items not covered by insurance. “From what I’ve heard. I don’t think he’s going to sign.” He was praying the man would cease his actions, find another way to make money.

“You leave that to me.” He took the papers and slipped them into a folder then leaned across the desk. “Now, let’s get to why I really asked you here. You’ve proven to be invaluable to me during these last few months and I wanted to thank you and to offer you another job. Something has just come to my attention and it’s really a gift, a time for celebration.” The look on his face was one of utter bliss.

“I have a job, but thank you.” Troy could sense the hair standing on the back of his neck.

Laughing, he sat back and looked at the mysterious visitor. “Let me rephrase. You’re going to handle one last task for me. If you do, then our relationship will disappear. I won’t need your services for any additional aspects. I thought my men tried to explain this to you.” He glanced at Troy’s face, concentrating on the bruises.

Troy could read between the lines. The blood money continued to have strings. He’d never get out from under this. He shifted from foot to foot, resigned to at least listening. “What do you need me to do?”

He looked Troy up and down for what seemed like an eternity before sliding a second folder in his direction. “Should take you no time and there’s no one who will give a damn.”

He hated the fact his hands were shaking. As he picked up the file and looked at the specifics, he had to grip the edge of his desk. “I don’t understand.” No. No!

“I think you do. It’s spelled out very clearly.”

“I’m not going to do this. I refuse.” Troy closed and yanked his briefcase, glaring at the other man before taking a long stride away from the desk.

A smile crossed the man’s face as he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a glossy photograph, sliding it very slowly across the desk. “I think you are going to change your mind. I would hate for anything to happen. I can only imagine the pain.”

Seeing the beautiful face of his little boy, he gulped for air. There was nothing else he could do. He’d been sucked into Hell. The monster had him by the balls.

* * *

“What exactly are we doing here?” Antonio asked as he peered out the windshield.

“Talking to the sheriff about the Hatcher ranch incident and The Wild Orchid fire.” Garcia cut the engine.

“They were ruled accidents. At least that’s what I heard.”

“Landen found evidence that James Hatcher is the owner of The Wild Orchid. Don’t you think that’s coincidental?”

Antonio snorted. “We’ve seen lots of fires.”

“Doesn’t mean they aren’t connected. You know Carter Worth?”

“So what?”

“So,” Garcia said as he yanked the keys from the ignition. “I ran into him a few nights ago and I could tell he was hiding something about the initial investigation.”

Antonio gave him a hard look, one full of contempt. “I guess we’re not being buddies here.”

“I asked for your advice. That’s all. I’ll do the talking.”

“Sure. Whatever.”

He placed his hand on the handle then hesitated. “Look, no one else thinks this is important, but you weren’t there. You didn’t see how terrified Mr. Hatcher was. You didn’t see the look in his eyes. If I’m wrong then I’ll be glad that I am, but I can’t have this hanging over my head. And no, we might not be friends, but we do share the same respect regarding fire and I would assume right versus wrong.” He didn’t wait for Antonio to answer before climbing out of the truck. He was grateful Antonio followed.

They walked into the sheriff’s office and waited. He noticed the deputy’s name and smiled as she finally looked up. “Deputy Sampson. Is Sheriff Brennan available?”

“He’s out on a call. Anything I can do for you?” she asked, giving Antonio a respectful nod.

“How about Deputy Worth?” Garcia kept the smile on his face.

“I think he’s around here somewhere. Let me check. And you are?”

“We’re from the smokejumping team. Garcia Puevos and this is Antonio Giovanni.”

When she walked off, he turned toward Antonio. “Just a few questions. That’s it.”

Antonio remained quiet, yet his eyes swept the room.

They had to wait for a full five minutes.

“Hey, old friend. Where ya been hiding?” Carter swung around the door, a huge grin on his face. He gripped Antonio’s hand then pulled him into a hug. “You guys have been on fire. No pun intended.”

“Been busy.” Antonio’s voice was subdued.

“Just wanted to ask you a few questions if we could,” Garcia said from behind.

“Sure. Sure. Anything for the boys. How’s that wildcat you were with that night?” Carter teased, a huge grin remaining on his face.

“Out of my life,” Garcia mumbled.

“She was a looker. I tell you what. Come on. Let’s go into the sheriff’s office. He’s out but I know he won’t mind.” Carter led them into a small office. “So, whatcha got?”

“The Hatcher fire and the one at The Wild Orchid, I know, were listed as accidents,” Garcia launched in.

“Yeah. Nothing spectacular and no crime for us to investigate really. Why?” Carter sat on the edge of the sheriff’s desk.

“What if I told you that Mr. Hatcher owned The Wild Orchid?” Garcia threw out the carrot.

Carter scratched his head and darted a glance at Antonio. “Well, I’d say that is interesting, but given the different nature of the fires, more sad than anything.”

“But you knew Mr. Hatcher was terrified of something or someone,” Garcia continued.

“Yeah, so you told me. Even went to the hospital to talk with him. He didn’t say a word about anything being wrong. I tried.” Carter kept his smile.

“Nothing odd about the fires at all?” Antonio finally asked.

“Not really. The insurance will pay for the damage.”

Garcia knew in his gut there was more. “I don’t buy the coincidence.”

“Well, then talk with Freddie if you’d like. I have his report somewhere if you’d like to see it.” Carter narrowed his eyes.

“I’ll talk with Mr. Nelson. As you can imagine, he’s worked with our team on several cases. Thank you.” Garcia moved toward the door. Now, he knew there was more going on.

“Hold on a minute. Close the door.”

Hearing the change in Carter’s voice, he exhaled then did as requested. “Did you think of something?”

“My head will be on the chopping block for telling you this, but…” Carter half whispered.

“Just here to get the right information,” Antonio stated.

Carter took a deep breath. “Someone took out a large insurance policy on both places about a month before the fires. We’re keeping it quiet until Mr. Hatcher is out of the hospital, to see what he’s going to do. No evidence that he had anything to do with the insurance purchase, but the sheriff is looking into it. Don’t ask me any other details because I don’t know.”

Garcia noticed the twitch in the corner of Carter’s mouth. Why give them some information and hide other evidence?

Antonio shot Garcia a skeptical look. “That’s all we need. Appreciate the information.”

“No problem. Hey, you wanna grab a beer on Friday?”

“Sure,” Antonio answered, the tone remaining bland.

“I’ll call you.” Carter held out his hand again. “Good to see you guys.”

“You too.” Garcia waited until they were out in the parking lot before turning toward Antonio. “He’s lying.”

“He knows more than he’s able to tell us. Now, what aren’t you telling me?”

He inched closer so that only Antonio could hear. “The fire investigator thinks there’s more to this and…”


“I was shot at by two men and I think they were looking for something and not insurance papers.”

Antonio had a wry smile on his face. “Buried treasure?”

“My honest guess is that however they detonated the fire, they wanted to eradicate the evidence. Especially if we’re talking about an insurance fire.”

“Fraud. Interesting. Only one way to find out.”

Garcia couldn’t have been more surprised. “If you’re up for it, let’s go hunting.”

“What the hell. Now, you have me curious.”

For the first time in days, Antonio smiled.

* * *

Laney shifted in her seat, her thoughts remaining on the unknown caller. She didn’t buy that Detective Braxton would be careless enough to call her or have any additional reason to do so. Wringing her hands, she tried to maintain her composure, but the fear was crowding out every aspect of reality.

“Garcia. I never thought he’d find the right girl,” Shannon said then laughed as she eased out of the parking lot.

“I’m not sure I’m the right girl.”

“Oh, trust me. He’s head over heels.”

Laney couldn’t make small talk. She just couldn’t. She could barely think straight.

“So, did he explain Burnout to you?” Shannon continued.

“The smokejumpers get together and talk about disciplining women.”

She burst into laughter. “I’ve never heard it put quite that frankly. Yes, you’re right. I was in mild shock when I heard, but when you get to know the guys, their dangerous tendencies and their need to command all things, you begin to understand.”

“I see.”

“Is this something you’re interested in?”

“I thought I was,” Laney said as she shivered.

“And now?” Shannon turned up the heat in her car.

She wanted to confide in someone else, to open up and share aspects of her life, but she was finally coming to terms with the fact she needed to leave. There was simply no other way. No matter what the detective had told her, something was off. “I could see myself living a domestic discipline lifestyle. I would love to have a man cherish the woman inside, keeping me safe while instilling rules. I think that must sound insane.”

“No, that sounds idealistic and an understanding I had to come to when I allowed Landen in my life. The change for me has been amazing.” She waited, as if wanting Laney to agree. “Garcia is a good man. I don’t know him very well, but he’s honest and trustworthy and will give anyone the shirt off his back.”

“I can tell. I… Well, I love him.” The words opened a valve, pushing her past a point of sadness she didn’t realize would happen. She just didn’t want to lose him. “I do. I’ve never loved another man and he’s so special, so giving. I want to be with him so much.” She heard the strangled, angry and haunted sound to her voice. What the hell was she going to do? How could she have the strength to leave this wonderful place?

“Laney, what’s wrong? Talk to me. I’m a good listener. Did he hurt you? If he did, I swear to fucking God, I’ll kick his ass!” Shannon snapped. “I will, too.”

“No! Nothing like that. He’s been amazing. I just…” She dropped her head into her hands. “My past. My past won’t leave me alone.”

“Does Garcia know?”

She nodded as she wiped away the tears that refused to stop. “He can’t do anything. I thought it was over. I thought I could live again. I was wrong. I don’t know what to do!”

“Whoa,” Shannon breathed out as she pulled the car over, slamming the gear into park. “You don’t know me, and you don’t have to tell me, but if Garcia knows anything about this, you have to talk to him. He’ll help you. We’ll all help you, honey. Really. We’re pretty good people.”

Laney sniffed then jerked her head up, forcing her resolve to wrap around her, allowing her to focus. “I wish I could help you understand, but its best you don’t know.”

“Hmmm… Well, is there anything I can do?”

She turned to look at the lovely redheaded woman and could see genuine care in her eyes. “Just make certain Garcia knows I love him.”

Shannon finally nodded and continued driving, both remaining silent until she pulled up into Garcia’s driveway. “I ran away from my life years ago, hoping I’d find solace in any place but home. While I was one of the lucky ones, I couldn’t accept my new life until I accepted the woman inside and that was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. Courage. Find the courage you have inside, and everything will work out.”

Laney turned to look at her and the words were so simple yet incredibly powerful. “That’s sage advice. I’m going to try.”

“I’m around if you want to talk.”

She climbed out of the car and held her breath as the snow continued to fall. “Thanks for everything.”

“Any time.”

Laney stood on the porch, her entire body shaking. She could hear Topper inside, wanting to see his mommy dog, to play in the snow. She grabbed her phone and navigated to Safari. The phone number was easy enough to find. When she hit dial, she was terrified of the answer. “Yes, I’d like to speak to Detective Brian Braxton.”

* * *

“Daddy, can we go out and play in the snow?”

Troy looked up from the computer and smiled as he reached out, tousling the boy’s hair. “Sorry, honey. Daddy has to go out and do some things, but I’ll be back later. I promise. Aunt Sandy will be here with you.”

“But you say that all the time,” Jamie whined.

“I thought you were taking the rest of the day off,” Sandy said as she kept a smile on her face.

He knew the plastic, admonishing look, the one he’d seen more often than he cared to admit. “I just have something to do for a client. Then I’ll be back. And guess what, buddy?”

Jamie continued to pout, but his eyes held a sparkle. “What?”

“We’re going to get a puppy!”

“Yay!” The little boy jumped up and down, squealing as he began to race around the room.

“Do you think that’s wise?” Sandy asked, this time her voice hushed.

“I do. We need a special present for my wonderful little boy.” The words caught in his throat. He glanced back at the computer, exiting out of the program he was in. His heart remained heavy, fearful of his decision but knowing there was no other choice. “Hey, Jaime, would you go and get Daddy’s jacket from the bedroom?”

“Sure! Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!”

He rose to his feet and turned toward his sister. “Sandy, this is important so listen to me. If anything happens this afternoon, I’ve left instructions on the computer. Okay? Don’t ask me any questions. Just do as I ask.”

“You’re scaring me. What have you gotten yourself into?”

“I’m just doing a favor for a client. Should be nothing, but don’t let Jaime out of your sight. In fact, take him to the movies this afternoon. Okay? Promise me you will do that.”

“What the hell is going on, Troy? I don’t like this at all.”

Troy resisted barking in anger. She couldn’t know what a terrible person he’d become. “Just please do as I ask. It’s vital. Okay? If I’m not back by seven, take him to a hotel. I have some cash in my bedroom drawer. Use that. Stay there until you hear from me and don’t call anyone. Please tell me you understand?”

“You’re scaring me, Troy.”

“Just do it! Please. I don’t have any time to explain.”

Her eyes darted back and forth. “Okay, but you’re going to have to tell me what’s going on.”

“I will when I can. Promise.”

“Here you go, Daddy. Puppy!” Jaime raced back into the room.

Bending down, he wrapped his arms around his little boy, holding him tight. “I love you so much. Mind your aunt. Okay? And remember Daddy loves you.”

“I know that. Good gosh, Daddy.”

Troy grabbed his keys and as he walked toward the door, he looked around the room. So many memories, so much to be thankful for. “Bye.”

The moment the snow hit him in the face, he knew.

Today, he was going to die.




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