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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3) by Piper Stone (6)

Chapter 6

Garcia rolled over and opened his eyes. Darkness enveloped the room and he blinked several times as he attempted to focus. A sliver of the moon was streaming in through a set of blinds, the magnificent view sliced by the vinyl slats, yet he could see a splash of stars in the still shadowed sky. He shifted and the feel of cool sheets against his naked body was a reminder, a shot to his fuzzy memory. Laney. Exhaling, he realized he was lying at the edge of a soft bed, his leg dangling over the side. The taste of her remained in his mouth, a scintillating reminder of the evening they’d shared.

Very carefully he rolled over, cognizant of the beauty sleeping next to him, her hand forced to shift but remaining on his upper body. He turned his head, studying her sleeping form. She was tucked very close, her head bumping against his arm. Sighing, he thought about the evening they’d shared and his cock instantly hardened. He resisted laughing as he turned again until he was able to face her. Using the tip of his index finger, he brushed hair from her eyes, marveling in her peaceful, perhaps sated manner of sleeping.

He hadn’t planned on seducing her, certainly not spanking her, but the diary had been so damn cathartic, a draw he’d been unable to resist. He could hear her dog’s breathing sounds somewhere close and figured the pup had ventured into the bedroom after they’d fallen asleep. He didn’t even remember coming to the bed, but he did remember the connection, the way she felt in his arms. He held his breath, listening to his rapidly beating heart. What was this supposed to mean? He hadn’t spent the night with any woman in

Garcia forced back a chuckle. He wasn’t into staying the night, trying to make some bullshit small talk in the morning. As she issued a soft moan, her eyelids fluttering, his heart swelled. He brushed his finger down her cheek and was shocked at the tingling sensations rushing through his body. This just wasn’t normal.

Lifting his head, he glanced at her digital clock. 4:45. He had a little while to himself. He lowered his head, kissing her forehead then tugged the sheet back, climbing out of bed. When neither Topper nor Laney moved, he padded out into the living room, grabbing his jeans. As he pulled them on, he stood gazing at the fire. The embers were still bright orange, a single bluish flicker of a dying flame reminding him of the amazing time they’d spent together.

Coffee. She had to have coffee. The moment he turned toward the kitchen, he noticed the diary, now infamous in his mind. A grin crossed his face as he walked closer, pulling the leather-bound book into his hands. What had possessed him to read the entries he may never know, but now he understood their strong connection, electric to the point he could still feel her aura covering every inch of his body. He took the book with him as he walked toward the kitchen, turning on only the light over the stove. The warm glow highlighted her sleek kitchen, so organized, every kitchen gadget in its place. There were no crumbs, no pots or dishes in the sink. She was meticulous in everything she did.

After searching, he found the canister of coffee and made a full pot. Then he turned his attention to the diary after glancing toward the hallway. While reading something so personal might be delving into her privacy, he couldn’t resist her words, her dark and powerful needs. He wanted nothing more than to get to know her.

Leaning against the counter, he flipped through the pages from the beginning. There was nothing outstanding at first, merely her worries about her classroom and students yet the passages were so beautiful, a telling about the subtle woman who had managed to chip away at his heart.

The intense scent of coffee filtered to the air as he continued to read passages, a smile never leaving his face. She was poignant with a flair for writing, even humorous in her regard to the teaching staff at the elementary school. With every sentence read, he fell into a web, a moment where he wanted to learn everything about the delicate yet formidable woman, who’s lavender eyes had captured him from the second he met her.

He turned past several pages and a series of bold lettering caught his eye.

Fuck you! You will not haunt me. I refuse to allow you back into my life. You don’t own me!

Garcia reread the words, surprised at the tone, and a myriad of questions rushed into his mind. Who the hell was she talking about?

“What are you doing?”

He jerked his head in the direction of the angry voice, her shaking voice, and eased the diary onto the counter. “Making coffee.”

Laney folded her arms and walked closer, her face pinched. “You were reading my diary. Damn it! Don’t you understand that’s private? I don’t care what you found last night, the words you read. They are my words. Mine!”

While he wasn’t surprised at her vehemence, he was concerned about the level of fury. He slumped before walking around the island. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have invaded. I just… Well, after last night I

“You thought you could interfere with every aspect of my life?” she demanded.

“No, I…” He exhaled and inched closer. “Look, what happened last night was incredible. I am so happy that we

“Fucked? That you figured out I’m sick?” she interrupted again.

He held out his hands. “Whoa. Sick? There’s nothing about you that’s sick. My God. Did some asshole say that to you?”

She shook her head and looked down as she took a purposeful step back. “I don’t need your pity. I’m a big girl. I know I have issues.”

The words seemed to echo in his mind. He collected his thoughts and dared move closer. “Laney, you don’t have any issues. What you want, desire is amazing. I love everything about what you shared, the secrets and needs. I have them too. Don’t you see that?”

Her lower lip quivering, she looked at him then rolled her eyes. “You said those things to get me into bed.”

“Not even close, lovely lady. Not even.” When she didn’t respond, and he could see her shutting down, he walked back toward the kitchen. He certainly wasn’t good at figuring out a woman, her needs and a way to get through. After glancing at the diary, he pushed the book out of his way and stood in front of the coffee maker, then said, “You don’t understand me. There’s no way you could. I’m not even sure who I am any longer, but last night, the way we were together was special. Incredible. I’ve never let go that way.”

The tension as well as the quiet remained.

Garcia dared look in her direction and for the first time, he noticed just how terrified she seemed. Whoever or whatever reason had driven her to writing the passage, her world seemed to revolve around her anguish. He was ill-equipped to handle anything of this magnitude. “I guess I should go.”

Laney didn’t react or say a word.

So many thoughts, damning and ugly, raced through his mind, mixing with a list of questions. What had this woman gone through? Resigned that she wasn’t going to share any aspects of her private life, he walked into the living room to collect his things, stopping just after he passed her rigid body. “For what it’s worth, last night was very special to me. I don’t let go and never share my darkest desires with anyone. Ever.” When she remained quiet, he shook his head and snagged his shirt. He grabbed his boots, anger replacing concern. What the hell was he supposed to say to her? Huffing, he jerked on the boots, shirt and grabbed his jacket, heading for the door.

“I’m not who you think I am.”

Her voice was whispered yet strong, the words said with meaning. He stopped short and tipped his head, watching the way her face contorted. “Then who are you?”

She pressed her shaking fingers across her mouth before turning to face him. “Someone you don’t want to get close to. I’m not a good person.”

Of all the things she could have said to him, every admittance from being married to having children, these words were totally unexpected. He thought about the connotation, the hidden meaning then walked with purpose toward her, taking both of her arms. “I don’t know what past life you had and I’m not certain I care. What I do know is the woman standing in front of me, the beautiful creature who for just a few moments in time, allowed me in, gave me a gift. An amazing gift. That’s the woman I want more than anything to get to know. That is, if she’ll allow me to.”

Laney swallowed and lifted her head.

Even in the darkness, he could see tears in her eyes. “Oh, Laney.”

Her body continued to shake but she didn’t attempt to struggle, to leave his arms. “You could get hurt.”

“I’ll take my chances if you will.”

After studying his face, she looked down at Topper, who stood by her side, a forever companion so quiet yet so in tune to her. “You don’t understand.” She took a step away.

“Then help me to understand. Let me in. Whatever you’re facing, I’m right here.”

“You don’t know me.”

He gripped her hands, squeezing. “But I want to.”

Laney sighed, as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. “Please, just leave this alone. Okay?” She broke the hold and walked into the kitchen, gripping the counter.

Garcia had no idea what else to say or how to help her. “I need to get to the hangar. We’re working with the other team of smokejumpers today.” He could tell she was brushing tears from her eyes. “Maybe we can have dinner sometime, I mean if you wouldn’t mind.” When she remained quiet, he turned toward the door.

“Coffee. Have coffee with me at least.”

The rattle of cups as she dragged two from an upper counter seemed so forlorn, so apprehensive. He clenched his fists and watched her stilted movements as she pulled cream out of the refrigerator. There was no way he could leave like this. “Coffee. That sounds good.”

* * *

“We leave in five minutes,” Captain Phillips called out as he walked out of his office.

Garcia headed straight for his locker, keeping his head down. He was late, almost missing the ride out and knew all eyes were on him. He heard footsteps behind and jerked open his locker door, grabbing out his bag. He remained troubled by her sudden shift in personality, as if she were two distinctly different people. Even sharing coffee had been strained. At least she hadn’t thrown him out. He continued to second guess even making love with her. He shifted as he realized how much he cared. Every part of him remained tingling.

“Last night’s clothes. Let me see,” Stoker teased.

“Don’t. Okay? Just don’t say a goddamn word.” He heard the edge in his voice and remained in an altered state after leaving Laney’s house. She’d clammed up, refusing to talk about the entry in her diary, yet he knew something was terribly wrong. She was running or hiding, perhaps both.

“Whoa, dude. That bad?” Stoker leaned against the bank of lockers.

“No. Wonderful. Amazing in fact.”

“Then why the face? You look like you’re ready to kick a puppy.” He laughed then clamped the sound, coughing at the end. “Did something happen?”

“Something?” He yanked off his shirt, almost ripping the uniform as he tried to tug it over his head.

“Could be rough today. Hope you guys are in perfect form,” Cooper grinned as he patted Stoker on the back. “I heard you wanted to ask me something.”

Stoker blushed.

“Go on, ask him,” Garcia insisted. Maybe he could get his mind off his ridiculous actions.

“Now isn’t the place,” Stoker said, darting his eyes as Riker and Landen walked into the locker room.

“Oh, go on. The entire place knows that you have a baby on the way.” Landen smiled, his eyes twinkling.

“Shut the hell up!” Stoker pointed his finger at him, shaking his head.

Cooper inched closer to Stoker. “A baby? Are you freaking serious?”

“A special little baby.” Boone laughed as he slunk around Riker.

“See what I have to deal with? Couldn’t keep your trap shut!” Stoker teased as he punched Garcia.

“Just doing my job helping you celebrate.” Garcia thought about Laney. Could he ever be this happy with one woman? Shit. What the hell was he thinking?

Cooper shook his head. “Always the last to know. What do you need to ask me? Might as well get it over with.”

Garcia pushed Stoker forward. “Go on.”

Stoker’s expression turned serious. “I was wondering if, I mean you don’t have to so don’t feel obligated, but…”

“Oh, Jesus Christ. What the hell is up with you?” Garcia growled. “Ask him or I will.”

Cooper tilted his head and folded his arms.

“Fine. I’ll do it!” Stoker snapped and faced Cooper. “I was wondering, well, Jessica and I were actually, if you’d consider being the baby’s Godfather.”

Taken aback, Cooper opened his mouth then narrowed his eyes. “Are you serious?”

“He’s serious.” Both Landen and Riker said at the same time.

Stoker lifted his middle finger.

“I’d be honored. This is amazing. A baby!” Cooper pulled Stoker into a hug. “You old dog, you! I’m so happy for you guys.”

The men cheered, whistling until they drew the rest of the crew into the room.

“What’s going on?” Sawyer asked, looking back and forth from Stoker to Cooper.

“Just baby talk. I’ll explain later.” Riker rolled his eyes.

“Now, get out of here. We leave in one minute.” Stoker hissed.

“We’ll talk later. Right?” Cooper asked.

“You bet.” Stoker waited until the others left the room. “Did this girl blow you off? Is that what happened and why you’re in a pissy mood?”

Snorting, Garcia unfastened his jeans, his thoughts drifting back to Laney. Her smile. The way she kissed. The way she tasted. He yanked off his jeans, pitching them into the locker.

“Shit. What did those jeans ever do to you?”

Garcia shot him a nasty look. “I said. Cut it. Okay? I’m not in a joking mood.”

Stoker held up his hands. “Fine. Christ. I never thought spending time with a beautiful woman would turn you into an asshole.”

He managed to pull on his pants, fumbling to fasten and zip. He could envision her face, the fear and disgust she had. “Sorry. Look, Laney is just…” What the hell could he even say?

“Concerned? Worried about getting involved with a smokejumper?” This time, Stoker’s words were said with concern.

He thumped down on the bench and leaned forward, pulling his boots from the bottom of the locker. A moment of complete anxiety washed through every cell. “She’s going through some shit. She wouldn’t tell me, but I think she’s being chased.” The words seemed spot on.

“Chased? Why in God’s name do you say that?”

“It’s not what she said but what she didn’t say.”

“Come on, boys. The bus is leaving.” Antonio stuck his head in the door, tapping on the doorframe.

Stoker exhaled. “We can talk about this later.”

“Yeah. Not much to talk about.” How was he supposed to help her when she hadn’t told him anything? He grabbed his bag, shoved his things into the locker and slammed the door. At least he’d made dinner plans with her.

“Come on. Another fun filled day with the boys.”

Garcia chuckled and followed Stoker out of the locker room and the building. The rest of the team was already on the bus, cutting up and joking as if nothing in life mattered. Sulking, he slumped into a seat, Stoker easing beside him, and shoved his bag underneath the seat in front of him.

“Well, did you at least have anything in common?” Stoker asked.

“More than you know. She’s…” He groaned and wiped his mouth. “Just what I need.”

“That’s fantastic. Might make an old married guy out of you yet. By the way, speaking of weddings.”

He only half heard what his buddy was saying. He’d seen her house, at least a good portion. She had very little, clothes and some furniture, only a couple pictures of her dog and nothing else. Everything seemed as if she could move in an instant if required.

“That’s a shit ass phone call.”

“What?” Garcia looked up at Boone, who was gawking out the window.

“The captain. Look at his face,” Boone huffed.

Antonio leaned over his seat, glaring out the window. “Another call with the mayor’s office.”

“On a Saturday?” Stoker chided.

“Yeah,” Antonio nodded, giving him a darted glance. “Some big meeting on Tuesday. I have a bad feeling our fate is going to be determined.”

“Meaning what?” Garcia asked.

“We’re either merging with the Rattlesnakes or being shut down,” Riker’s booming voice quieted the entire crew.

“You can’t be serious?” Sawyer scoffed.

Garcia shook his head. “Heard this since the moment Stoker and I transferred here.”

“What about all the new equipment they spent money on?” Stoker snarked.

Antonio pulled away from the window. “The Wildland Management team insisted on the equipment.”

“Then they should insist on giving us some new team members,” Boone snapped.

“Not that simple. All about politics.” Antonio sat down and folded his arms.

“The captain’s back is against the wall. Why we have to make a good showing today.” Landen’s voice was quiet.

“That’s it. What the fuck do you know? You’ve been alluding to shit for days.” Riker confronted him.

“Not my place to say.” Landen gave him a hard look and slunk further into the seat.

“Here comes the captain. Shut up,” Stoker hissed.

Captain Phillips paced for a few seconds before sliding his phone into his pocket and taking long strides toward the bus. When he stepped on, he nodded toward the driver. “On our way.” He wrapped his hand around the steel pole at the front as the bus driver rolled out of the parking lot.

The entire crew remained quiet, all eyes on their captain. Garcia could tell the man was exhausted, worry lines covering his brow.

As the driver pushed down the accelerator, the captain looked up, raising his eyebrow as he looked from one jumper to the other. “What the hell is going on?”

“That’s what we wanted to ask you,” Riker said, his tone gruff.

“Meaning?” Captain Phillips shot back.

Everyone hesitated.

“Lots of rumors, Captain,” Cooper said from the back.

“Rumors. All right, boys. What the hell are you getting at?” The captain narrowed his eyes.

Garcia could tell no one wanted to say anything. “We know you’re under the gun with the mayor. What are the odds we’re shutting down?”

Captain Phillips closed his eyes and let out a long breath. “I don’t know what you’ve been hearing.”

“Enough. We know. Just spill it,” Antonio stated.

“If we need to look for a job, then we have a right to know.” Boone kept his voice low.

The captain held up his hand. “Just stop. Okay? I don’t know any details yet.”

“But you do know shutting down is a possibility,” Landen said under his breath.

Shooting Landen a harsh look, the captain shook his head, his lips thin. “Fine. The truth is, I don’t know for certain yet but shutting down the team is on the table, along with a merger and securing money for additional members. The shit is all over the place, which quite frankly pisses me the hell off.”

“Which way is the mayor leaning?” Stoker asked.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. Have a meeting with her as well as the entire city council on Tuesday, but that’s one reason these evaluations are so damn important. The decision isn’t up to me and even the mayor only has a small part in what the council can or will do to shift funds.” Captain Phillips seemed unable to make eye contact with any of them.

“Then who does?” Riker demanded.

“Yeah, who do we have to suck up to?” Sawyer half joked.

“The mayor sure as shit doesn’t know what we’re made of,” Cooper shot off.

“Then maybe we should show her,” Garcia couldn’t resist adding.

The captain smacked his hand against the metal. “Enough. Here’s what I know, and you need to keep this shit quiet. No talking with the crew of the Rattlesnakes at all. At all, gentlemen.” His words rang in the dense space.

“Sure thing, Cap’n.” Riker shook his head, his look menacing. “Not that they’re responsible for this or anything.”

“They’re not!” Captain Phillips snapped. “They’re not out there to get you, boys. Here’s the cold truth. Our auxiliary unit has been under the gun since inception. We were created after a particularly brutal year fighting fires. Some bright-eyed senator from our state pitched having another unit and the powers that be bought it. They never planned, never fully staffed and in my humble opinion, had no fucking idea what they were doing. Simple fact is, we’re here and have been. So, what now? The merger has been in discussion for eighteen months, but the kicker is, the Rattlesnakes are overstaffed.”

“Hence the concept of shutting us down,” Stoker’s solemn voice rung out.

The captain nodded, his face pensive. “Yeah. Exactly. The only way to win this battle is to beat their test scores. Then, we’ll have a leg to stand on.”

“And how are we doing so far?” Antonio asked after a few seconds of tense silence.

“Not bad at all. Neck and neck and given their numbers to ours, I’m damn proud of you.” Captain Phillips cracked a smile.

“But?” Riker asked through clenched teeth.

The captain moved down the aisle until he faced Riker. “But, without solid numbers today, and I mean way above the Rattlesnake crew, I’m not certain that it matters.”

“Fuckin’ great,” Garcia mumbled.

“Just do your best. That’s all I ask. I’m proud of you and what we’ve accomplished. I won’t let this go. That, I do promise you.” Captain Phillips’ voice held conviction.

Garcia could see his entire world spinning out, forcing him to make decisions he’d been terrified of making. Perhaps Karma was trying to kick him in the ass. Then again, maybe that wasn’t so bad.

* * *

Laney forced a smile on her face as she gathered the two coffee cups. She refused to allow herself to think about the stupid words she’d said to Garcia. She’d almost ended something incredible before it began. And all because of her ridiculous fears. Damn the shit. Damn the past. Damn the monster.

After glaring at the diary, she grimaced. “You’re the troublemaker.” Chuckling, she swirled the pen in her fingers as she stared at the blank page. Yes, the man had violated her privacy, but did she actually care? She rubbed her finger across the page and wrote in a flurry.

I had an incredible evening with Garcia. He’s so strong and loving, dominating in a way that left me breathless. I never expected to feel this way, so alive, so full of passion. He looked right through me, pegging the woman inside and one who needed a hard spanking. I can’t believe I allowed him to spank me and naked. Then his kisses. They were so incredible, the way his fingers touched me, his breath skipping along my skin. I’ve never been so happy.

I have to wonder if this could be love.

Love? What in God’s name did she know about love? Laney dropped the pen and closed the book. At this point, she didn’t want to make any more of the situation than what had really occurred. They’d shared a wonderful time together. Fantastic. She closed her eyes, sliding her hand into her robe and pinching her nipple. Moaning, she twisted and pulled, just like he did, her body tingling from the slice of pain. Her nipples remained sensitive, hard and as she opened her robe with the other hand then cupped both breasts, she envisioned his commanding face.

Holding her breath, she could almost feel the warmth of his hot breath as he stood in front of her naked body. She allowed one hand to travel down her stomach to her pussy. She remained wet and could smell their combined cum. The scent was a powerful aphrodisiac and she wanted nothing more than for him to be here, bending her over the counter, whipping her like the bad girl she truly was.

She laughed and swirled the tip of her finger around her clit. My God, she was so wet, her cunt quivering. Her legs began to shake as she slipped two then three fingers inside her pussy, pumping in and out. The way he’d fucked her, hard and fast was savage, almost brutal. Opening her legs, she continued thrusting, flexing her fingers open as she panted. Seconds later, hairs stood on the back of her neck, as if she was being watched.

Jerking her hand from her cunt, she looked out the picture window into the yard. There was no one outside, no person spying on her, but she was far too uncomfortable to continue. Tying her robe, she walked toward the expansive glass, peering outside. The eerie feeling remained. Don’t do this. Don’t ruin something so special. Slipping her slickened fingers into her mouth, she sucked as she walked back to the counter.

As she placed the cups into the dishwasher, she wiggled in her robe, whimpering as the terry cloth scraped against her ass. A spanking. My God, the man had spanked her and with his belt. She couldn’t even believe the event had occurred or that she’d not only allowed it but nearly begged him. She glanced out the window, watching the way the light breeze blew through the pine trees.

The clear night had turned into a cloudy and brisk day, the kind of morning she adored. This was Saturday and she had nothing to do but figure out what she was going to wear for her date. Date. Hell. She shivered and heard Topper whining. “You need to go out, baby boy? Let’s go. Mama needs some fresh air anyway.”

The frigid air hit her in the face and she inhaled as she held her arms and walked out onto the porch. Topper bounded down the stairs and off to the woods. Leaning against the bannister, she couldn’t help but think about every delicious moment they’d shared, especially the way he’d carried her into the bed, snuggling against her. This wasn’t what she’d expected in any manner, but she felt free and safe at the same time. Then he’d read her diary. “Stop it.” The hiss seemed to float out from her mouth, remaining like a tarnish on the beautiful experience. At some point, he’d ask additional questions. She needed to be prepared with a decent enough sounding lie.

Lie. Isn’t that what she’d been doing almost her entire life? What was the damning expression? You could run but you couldn’t hide? She groaned and shifted when she heard her cell phone. Her gut told her Troy was calling. A trickle of fear shifted all the way down the length of her legs. Some brave chick she was.

“Come on, Topper. Come back inside.” Laney left the door open a crack as she raced to find her phone. The moment she dragged the iPhone from her purse, she slunk back. Unknown. Another unknown phone call. No more fucking around. “What the hell do you want?”

The silence was terrifying.

“Look, you asshole. Don’t call me here again or else.”

There was no menacing laughter, no heavy breathing. Nothing terrifying. She glared at the phone before she ended the call. When Topper bounded in, she slammed and locked the door, leaning against it. Smiling, she hit redial, prepared to take out the intruder with nasty words. When the automatic recording came on, telling her the phone call couldn’t be connected, she looked down at the pup. “That’s it. A robocall. I’m terrified of a robocall. Well, no more, baby. Mama is through with fighting spirits. What do you say? Go with me to find a festive dress today? I have a special date tonight.”


The sound of Topper’s tail thumping against the wall gave her courage, but not to face the nonexistent enemy. Herself. And her needs. She might have just found the perfect man to keep her in line. Giggling, she headed toward the bedroom. Time to take a shower and get the day started. She dumped her phone onto the bed and began to hum as she walked into the bathroom.

Removing her robe, she made faces at her reflection before turning sideways. The whip marks were evident, even a few yellowing. She’d wear his mark for days. The thought was riveting.

Buzz. Buzz.

* * *

“All right. Last team up for the day. Remember, you’re going to be evaluated on your ability to hit the jump spot as well as utilization of the new parachute. You have one attempt today. That’s all the time we have. On the list is Puevos, Hansen, Grey, Frost, Martin, Perez, Walker and Wallace. Let’s go,” Moose barked as he nodded toward the plane.

“Your mind in the game, buddy?” Stoker pushed his shoulder against Garcia’s as they headed for the plane.

“About as much as you are, daddy and husband to be.” Garcia nodded to the others who would be on the plane.

“Okay. Geez. Why don’t you hire one of these planes to run a banner through town?”

“You know what? I just might.” He trotted backward as Stoker chased after him.

“You do and I sick Jessica on you!”

Garcia climbed onto the plane, Stoker just behind him. As he sat down, he glanced at the others. Steel Frost had the same angry look as he had the day before, his ice blue eyes remaining unblinking. “Frosty in here,” he whispered.

Steel turned his head slowly, his expression one of ire.

Zane moved beside Garcia and darted a glance at Steel as the plane doors were closed and the plane began to roll. “I’d leave him alone. He has his demons.”

“Don’t we all?” Stoker asked.

“Yeah, but he lost someone dear to him only two months ago. Hasn’t been the same since.” Zane held out his hand. “Heard a hell of a lot of good things about you guys.”

Garcia kept his eyes pinned on Steel as he shook Zane’s hand. “We try. What’s the news with you guys?”

“What do you mean?” Zane asked.

He could tell Steel was homing in on their conversation but was far enough away, given the noise of the rumbling plane, they couldn’t be heard. “Heard you guys are overstaffed.”

Zane opened his eyes wide. “I guess everybody knows folks are going to be cut.” He shook his head. “Damn fucking bureaucrats. They have no idea what we face every summer. Did you see the Wildland Commissioner watching our every move?”

“He’s a fair guy, at least from what I heard,” Stoker added.

“Not what we’ve heard. Has an ax to grind with our team.” Zane kept his voice low. “Ever since the accident.”

Accident? Both Garcia and Stoker looked at each other.

“Okay, guys. We’re coming up on the jump. Five minutes. Time to get the gear ready,” the spotter called from the front.

All the men stood, readying themselves and checking their equipment.

“Damn chutes cost a pretty penny. Better be worth it.”

Garcia looked at the smokejumper, an arrogant ass who’d created issues on the field for their team. Jimmy Martin had a reputation of being a badass, an angry former Marine who took his position seriously, his private life almost the same. Get out of my way or die.

“Leave it alone, Martin. Do your job and jump,” Zane suggested.

“Remember, they’re all looking at you.” Steel said the words with no inflection.

“Frosty isn’t the word,” Stoker whispered.

“Okay, guys. We are two minutes out. Get in position,” the spotter called.

One after the other, they lined up, waiting for the door to open.

“All you need to do is hit the mark. A truck is waiting to take you guys back down. Good luck.” The spotter looked back at his monitor.

“Here we go,” Garcia said through his teeth. For some reason, he had a terrible feeling about the jump, a nagging that had been in his gut since that morning. This could mean the end of his career. He fell into a zone, cognizant of the orders given, but ready to face the consequences. After all, he wasn’t that good.

“All right. We go in five, four, three, two, one. Jump!”

Steel was out the door first, Martin second, Grey and Perez followed by Stoker and Garcia. As they began to freefall, Garcia looked up at the late afternoon sky, the clouds covering the sun, hovering over in a woeful blanket. He counted, preparing to pull his cord. One, two, three, four, pull! Yanking the cord, he experienced a high as the parachute jerked up before beginning a silent float to the earth. This was another moment when he felt so free and a calm washed through him. He kept his feet together, moving in a slow but purposeful fall. Stoker was close by, his parachute in perfect formation. He heard a strangled sound, a call that he could hear over the wind. Looking around, he waited, homing in.

“Martin, pull the cord!”

Garcia heard the terrified demand and glanced down. Jimmy Martin was freefalling. The parachute hadn’t opened.

“Pull the cord!” the command came again, this time coming from Zane.

“I did.” Jimmy’s voice was almost too quiet, utterly controlled.

“Pull the second chute, goddamn it!” Steel screeched, his voice echoing in Garcia’s ears.

Garcia put his feet together and twisted until he could just see Jimmy pummeling toward the earth.

“Pull!” Stoker screeched.

“Come on, buddy. Pull.” Garcia’s words were muffled. The man continued to fall, spiraling and picking up speed.

“No! Pull! Pull!” Zane screamed.

The scream was high pitched, a knowing of what was about to happen. Aaahhh!”

As the others floated to the edge of the mountain, they watched in horror as Jimmy Martin, a veteran smokejumper and team member fell to the earth, hitting the edge and tumbling off the cliff.





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