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Giving Up My Chance at Forever: Prequel (The Chance Series Book 4) by K.B. Andrews (7)

Chapter Seven


“Alright, guys. Let’s call it a night,” I say as I unplug my guitar and place it in the stand by the door.

The guys pack up and say goodbye, but Sean stays on the couch next to Alissa. Both of them are heavily drunk, and their closeness makes me uneasy.

“Sean, you need to leave, man. We both have to work in the morning,” I say as I walk to the front door and hold it open for him.

He looks up at me with surprise written on his face. “Oh, okay. I guess I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow then.”

He walks out, and I close the door behind him without saying goodbye. I lock the door, and when I turn around, Alissa’s up and taking empty bottles and cans to the kitchen. I follow after her.

“What the fuck was that?” I say through clenched teeth.

She turns around to face me, confusion on her face. “What was what?”

“That little show you did tonight and then your little date with Sean.”

She laughs. “What are you talking about?” She turns off the kitchen light and goes to the bedroom, leaving me following behind her again.

“I know you were just trying to make me jealous,” I state flatly as I pull off my shirt and toss it onto the floor.

“I was not!” She pulls her shorts down nice and slow.

My eyes follow the material and for a moment, I’m distracted. I shake my head clear of the dirty images that flash before my eyes. “So, the singing and flirting with every guy in the band?”

“I was just having fun, Dane. I listen to you guys play music every night. I wanted in on it. And I wasn’t flirting with those guys. I have no interest in them. You know that.”

I kick my jeans off and sit on the edge of the bed. “And Sean?”

She pulls off her top, revealing her dark purple, lace bra and panty set. “What about Sean? I’ve never been interested in him. You’re the one I want. We were just talking and having a good time.” She comes to sit on my lap, straddling me.

My hands rest on her hips with my fingertips squeezing, holding her to me. “I don’t like them looking at you. And I don’t like you egging them on.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and leans her forehead against mine. “I’m sorry. I was just having a good time. I wasn’t trying to cause problems.” She brushes her lips against mine.

I kiss her passionately, realizing that I have something to lose. “Do me a favor?”

She brushes the hair from my eyes. “What?”

“Stay away from Sean.”

She laughs. “Sean? Really?”

“He called dibs.”

She leans back in my arms. “What do you mean he called dibs?”

I smile and lie back on the bed, placing my hands behind my head so I can look up at her still on my lap. “Before we’d even met, he called dibs. I ignored it and went after you anyway. He likes you, and I don’t know what he’s willing to do to get your attention, if you know what I mean.”

She places her hands against my chest and leans over me, causing her blonde hair to cascade over her shoulder. “And you don’t trust me?”

I remove my hands from behind my head and wrap them around her wrists, pulling her hands away from my chest so she falls closer. “I trust you. It’s him I don’t trust, and I’d rather not beat my best friend’s ass because he tried making a move for you.” I press my lips to hers and roll her over so I’m on top. I plan on taking my time with her, not caring about the night we’ve just been through or the fact we both have to get up for work in four and a half hours. She’s mine, and I want to show her that time and time again.

* * *

We both get to work at nine in the morning. We work for several hours before my dad comes in and goes straight to his office. I wait on multiple tables, but the place is dead this early in the day. I’m relieved when my break rolls around. I head out back and sit at the picnic table, pulling a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. I don’t smoke much, but today sucks and being hungover isn’t helping. I place the cigarette between my lips and light it, taking a long drag.

Mason walks out of the shop door and looks over at the grill. He sees me sitting at the picnic table between the two buildings and walks over, taking a seat across from me.

“What have you been up to?” he asks.

This is the first time I’ve really seen my little brother and had a chance to talk to him since the day I moved out. “Working myself to death. How’s soccer?”

He grins. “Really good. Coach says if I keep up the good work, I could be the first sophomore to win MVP next year.”

I smile. “That’s good! I’m proud of you. Looks like that full ride to college is getting closer.”

He nods. “Why didn’t you tell me you were moving out?”

I take a drag off my cigarette and shrug. “I don’t know, Mase. It wasn’t exactly planned. I was offered an opportunity, and I took it. I needed out of that house and his rules.”

“It wasn’t that bad, Dane.”

I lock eyes on him. “No, it wasn’t. But you know me, I have to do everything the hard way and on my own.” He looks a little sad, so I add, “It’s nothing against you, Mase. I just need to be on my own.”

A long silence draws out while I smoke the rest of my cigarette. “So how are things going with that Lindsey girl?”

He smiles. “Home run,” he says with a big smile covering his face.

I shake my head. “You did it anyway?”

“No big brother to watch my every move, what do you think? You would’ve done the same thing.”

He’s right, I would have. But now that I’m a little older, I see what he’s gambling: his future.

“I don’t have shit going for me like you do.”

“Don’t worry about it, I used protection. I’m not stupid.”

Dad walks up to the table with his hands on his hips. “I think you have work to do, Mason.”

“Alright, see ya later, Dane.”

I nod goodbye and watch as my dad takes Mason’s seat. “I have some news.”

“What’s that?” I ask, flicking my cigarette into the gravel.

“I have another band set up to play this weekend. You’ll still get your turn, but your show will end at ten. Then the other band will play from ten until midnight.”

My eyebrows draw up. “I thought we were the Saturday night band?”

He nods. “You still are. This band, they’re on a small tour. They’re just passing through. They have followers and will bring in a lot of business. Next week, everything will go back to normal.”

“I can’t believe this. My band, we’re doing good. We draw in a crowd. Every week it’s getting bigger.”

“I know, Son. I’m not doing this to punish you. I’m just trying to keep things new and fresh for the customers. They like your band. They do. But how many times do you think they’ll continue to come out and watch the same band over and over?”

“Whatever. My break’s over. Better get back to work.” I stand and walk back inside, leaving him sitting alone.

It doesn’t piss me off that he hired another band. It pisses me off that he hired another band to play on my night. And instead of them opening for my band, my band’s opening for them. We’re the loser band that plays before the major headliner.

The moment I walk back into the bar, Alissa knows something’s wrong. She walks over to me, holding her empty tray at her side. “What’s going on, babe?”

“My dad hired another band for Saturday night,” I say, walking behind the bar to wash my hands before getting back to work.

Her brows scrunch together. “Really? So, you don’t have to play Saturday? Maybe we can go out and see a movie or something.”

“No, I still play. I’m opening for the new band.”

“Oh. Well, why don’t you and the guys start setting up other gigs in nearby towns?”

Why didn’t I think of that? This is the first real business we’ve ever played. It’s better than the house parties we usually play, so I never considered trying to find different venues.

“That’s a good idea, baby.” A small smile starts to form as I lean in and press a kiss to her lips.

“We’ll talk about it with the rest of the guys tonight,” I say, pulling away to put my apron back on.

* * *

Alissa and I both finish our shifts and have dinner at the grill before heading home. When we pull into the driveway, the guys are already there, unloading the amps.

I let everyone into the house, Alissa, Mark, and Zach. No girls this time. As they start setting up, I take a seat on the couch and pull my guitar into my lap.

“So, I have some news, guys.”

Mark stops setting up his drums, and Zach quiets his amp.

“My dad has another band lined up for Saturday night. We’ll still play, but we’re opening for them instead of the other way around. They go on at ten and play until midnight.”

“Dude, what was your dad thinking? Doesn’t he know anything about line ups?” Zach asks.

I laugh. “No, he doesn’t. Right now, he’s only thinking about getting more and more people into his bar. And this band is on a small tour with its own following.”

“They’re on tour? Who is it?” Mark asks from behind his drums.

“I was so pissed off when he told me that I didn’t even bother to ask. But before I left, Doug, the bartender, said it was Busted Lip.”

“Busted Lip? We’re opening for Busted Lip?” Mark asks.

I nod my head. Busted Lip is a band that started in a small town just like us. They’re known up and down the east coast, from New York to Florida. And the best part is they’re an indie band. No managers or company in their pocket. They set up their own gigs, write their own music, and pick when and if they play. Total freedom is rare when you’re in a band, especially if you want to make it big. I’m sure one of these days they’ll sell out to make millions, but right now, they’re the coolest band around simply because nobody tells them what to do.

“That’s fucking awesome!” Zach says.

“I know. I was pissed at first, but knowing that it’s Busted Lip, this could be a great opportunity for us. Every record company on the east coast has been trying to sign them. There could be labels there. We could actually get noticed.”

The guys are bouncing off the walls with excitement.

“Alright, calm down,” I say, laughing as they jump around and bang on the drums. “Listen, I think we need to showcase some of our original songs. Nobody’s going to sign a band who plays nothing but covers. We need to show them what we can do.”

“We could play “Lost Without You”,” Mark says as he takes his seat behind the drums.

I grab some paper and write the song down. “That’s a good one, but we don’t want to start with a slow song.” I stick the end of the pen in my mouth and chew on the cap while thinking. “How about we open with a cover song, get the crowd really feeling the music, then we can lead in with an original?”

“We could do Alissa’s song.” Zach says while strumming his bass.

I laugh. “No Blondie.”

Zach joins in on my laughter. “No, I mean “I Love Rock and Roll”.”

I think it over. “You think we can pull off Joan Jett?”

Alissa crashes on the couch beside me. “It was originally done by a British group in the seventies called The Arrows. I think it could work.”

I look over at her. “How do you even know that?”

She grins and winks at me. “You’re not the only one that knows music.”

I laugh with a shake of my head. “I’ll write it down, and we can try it out tonight.”

We make a list of songs to try out. After the list is made, we play each song and decide whether or not we want to add it to the set list. Then we put them in order depending on what we can bridge over and how they sound next to each other.

We’re finally done around one in the morning, and we call it a night. We have one more day before the show on Saturday, so we all agree to meet up tomorrow night to play the set list we put together to make sure we’re all feeling it.

* * *

Saturday night quickly approaches and with it comes the show. Alissa doesn’t have to waitress tonight, but she’s coming to watch the band and help out if needed. Dad has all hands on deck with Busted Lip coming in.

We head into the grill early and get everything set up. We still have a couple hours to burn before the show, so the band and Alissa hang out at the picnic table behind the building. Mark, Zach, and Alissa are excited about the show. I’m sitting next to them, but I don’t hear a word they say. I’m in the zone, ready to play. My nerves are high from thinking about what could come out of tonight. If my dad is right, Busted Lip will draw in their own crowd and hopefully a few record labels.

I’ve become so used to telling myself this could never happen, that my music wouldn’t get me anything more than the thrill of playing and a good time. But now, it could actually pay off. We could be discovered. We could be signed. We could end up on tour looking back on this exact moment years from now.

Zach pulls out a joint and lights it. He brings it to his lips for a hit, then passes it around. I take a quick puff, trying to ease my nerves, but I’m not trying to get stoned before the show. I need to be sharp.

When the sun goes down, we head inside. The place is already filling with people. I grab us a couple bottles of water and take a seat. Dad goes up on stage, and the place gets quiet.

“We have a good show put together for you guys tonight.” Everyone claps and cheers. “We have your favorite band that’s here every weekend, Empire of None!” The place cheers even louder and I can’t help but smile. “And, we have a great band that’s currently on tour, Busted Lip!” People pound on the tables, scream, and clap. My jealously goes up just a bit because the crowd got louder for them, but I quickly push it down, remembering my jealously won’t get me anything. This could be a big step for the band.

“Are you guys ready to hear some music and have a good time?” Dad asks through the microphone, causing the cheers to grow louder than before.

“Alight, let’s hear a round of applause for Empire of None!”

As everyone cheers us on, we stand and make our way toward the stage. We take our places, and I step up to the microphone. “How is everyone tonight?” I ask.

Everyone screams again, and I take a minute to check out the crowd. My eyes scan over them, looking for anyone that could be important, anyone that could work for a record label. I see many new faces, but none of them look like business men. Pushing those thoughts away, I decide to just give the show my all. If something comes from it, great. If not, oh-well. Nothing will be any different than it was two days ago.

“We have a good show planned for you guys tonight. We’re going to play a few songs we haven’t played for you yet. And we have a few originals we want you to hear.”

As they clap and cheer, Mark counts us down.

I lead in with guitar and start up the lyrics to “I Love Roll and Roll”. We put a new spin on an old classic, making it sound more metal, and with the twist, it sounds great.

When the song’s over, we lead into “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne. The crowd’s cheering, and they’re up dancing in front of the stage. Sweat drips off my body as I deliver the performance of my life, giving it everything I have.

“You guys lovin’ the music?” I ask while grinning and flashing the ladies a smile that makes them scream. “Alright, this one is an original called “Lost Without You”.

Mark bangs his sticks, then Zach leads in with bass. My fingers strum, picking up the melody. After a few bars, the lyrics start to spill out.

The song is slow and heartfelt. I close my eyes and belt out the lyrics, feeling every word of the song. When I open my eyes, the dance floor is covered in couples swaying slowly to the music. They’re holding one another tightly and look like they’re completely lost in one another.

When the song wraps up, they all turn to the stage and clap and cheer. My heart picks up with excitement because they loved the song we wrote. I smile to myself and look at the table Alissa is sitting at. The smile falls from my face when I see Sean sitting next to her. They’re both smiling and clapping for the band. He leans in and whispers something to her, making my anger spike.

I want to hop off the stage and kick his ass out, but I know I can’t do that. Instead of making an ass out of myself and my band, opt to keep my temper in check. With all my might, I push those feelings down and start playing the next song.

“Cherry Pie” by Warrant makes all the women in the bar rush the stage. They dance and sway back and forth in front of me. I grin and wink at them, feeding off their energy while singing the song. As I’m looking around the bar, I notice the other band walk in. They look around and nod to me on stage. They settle at the bar and order a round of beers, then turn on their barstools to watch us.

With the band there, I know record label reps will be coming in any minute, so I do my best to make the music sound that much better. All the while I work the stage when I’m not singing to involve the crowd and get them riled up.

We sing one last song before taking a fifteen-minute break. The guys in the band take off to the table their women are sitting at, but I head to the bar to grab a bottle of water. I’m taking a long drink when someone bumps into me.

I turn around to see Busted Lip, the whole band, standing behind me.

“Hey, what do ya think of the show?”

“Not too bad. I’m Link the guitarist for Busted Lip. This is Tanner the lead singer. Travis, the bass guitarist, but we call him Spike because of his hair. And that over there,” he says pointing to a guy a foot away talking to some girl with a killer boob job, “that’s Dillion, the drummer.”

I nod. “I’m Dane, and I don’t know where the rest of my band is, probably off trying to get laid,” I joke.

Link laughs and pushes his long blond hair out of his eyes with his tattooed hand. “You guys sound pretty good. How long have you been playing together?”

“A few years now. We were just playing small parties, but we got this gig playing here every Saturday night a few months ago.”

“You mean, you don’t play anywhere else?”

“Naa, money’s good. It pays the bills, so we figured what the hell?”

“What do you say to hanging out a bit after the show?”

“Yeah, man. Sounds good. I’ll catch up with you when you’re done. We have a few more songs to sing, then you’ll go on.” I walk away and round up the band. Before I get back on stage, I walk over to Alissa. I lean over and give her a long, slow kiss. When I pull away, her face is flushed, and her blue eyes have darkened. Sean sits back, looking like he didn’t notice the show, but I know he did.

“Thanks for coming, Sean,” I say as I walk away, but keep my eyes trained on Alissa as a silent warning.

I know she’s not interested in him, but I also know he is interested in her. I wouldn’t put it past him to try something, and while I won’t be mad at her as long as she stops it, I will be angry if she puts herself in that position.

I take my place on stage and before the music even starts up, people head to the front of the stage to dance and sing along.

We get to play for another hour before our part of the show is over. The crowd is wild and wound up for Busted Lip. While we’re on stage playing, they watch us intently. Even if they don’t bring in any record labels, I hope they at least put in a good word.

I take my seat next to Alissa while Busted Lip takes the stage. The hard metal music cuts through me, causing goosebumps to prickle my skin. My band plays more classic rock, but I’ve always loved hard rock. I love the way it pumps me up and gets me going for anything. I love how it can make me angry or take my anger away. It’s an outlet. No matter what I’m feeling, hard rock covers it all.

“What brought you out tonight, Sean?” I ask, putting my arm around Alissa.

He shrugs and runs his hand through his neatly styled blond hair. “I needed something to do. It’d be nice if I could get a beer.” He lets out a laugh. “Alissa says it’s not possible though.”

I laugh. “You know my dad,” is the only reply I give.

While Busted Lip is on stage, I watch Sean. He checks out Alissa every time he thinks I’m not looking. It pisses me off, and I know I’m going to have to talk to him soon. Better to try and fix the issue before a real problem arises that puts an end to our friendship.

* * *

Once midnight rolls around, the band joins us at our table while people start filing out.

“You guys killed it up there,” I say.

“Yeah, dude. I love your music,” Zach chimes in.

“Thanks,” Link accepts graciously.

“How’s the tour going,” Mark asks.

“Good. It’s good. We love that we get to go where we want when we want,” Link offers.

“That would be awesome. Think you’ll ever sign with a record label?” Zach asks.

“We’ve had a lot of offers. For now, we’re happy in control. By the way, you guys sounded pretty awesome yourselves,” Link compliments.

“Thanks, man. That means a lot coming from another musician,” I say.

Link is the most talkative of the group. He compliments us and continues to talk with us about our music choices.

“So, what’s your game plan?” Link finally asks.

“You mean for the band?” Mark clarifies.

Link nods.

“Well, we play here every Saturday night. Maybe add some other routine gigs,” I shrug.

I don’t really think anything of his questions, other than he’s just trying to be friendly. But when he approaches me at the bar a little while later, I get what all the questions are about.

“You want a beer?” he asks me after I’m handed another bottle of water.

“Na, I’m not twenty-one, and my dad owns this place. He’d kick my ass for putting his bar at risk.”

He picks up his beer and takes a long drink. “How old are you?”

“Almost eighteen, but I live on my own.”

“That blonde girl over there belongs to you?” he asks, pointing at Alissa.

I look over my shoulder to see her talking with Mark. “Yeah, she’s mine.”

“Look, I’m sorry about all the questions earlier, but I have a proposition for you.”

“What’s that?” I ask, turning to face him.

“In a couple weeks, our lead singer will be leaving. His girlfriend is about to have their baby, so he won’t be able to finish the tour. We’ve been looking for a new lead singer.”

“You want me to come on tour with you?”

He nods. “I mean, if you’re interested. I know you have your own band and a girl here, but we’re getting really close to signing with a label.”

I sit back in the barstool and think it over. This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping would happen. A chance to make it big.

“I’d have to leave my band?”

“And your girl too, I’m afraid.”

“Leave Alissa?”

He nods. “We have a strict no girls policy on the tour bus. There just isn’t room, and it really bums the single guys out when they’re trying to get it on with a groupie and a girlfriend gets offended by walking in on a pileup, if you know what I mean.”

What do I say? The lead guitarist for Busted Lip is asking me to come on tour with him and his band. They’ve had record labels chasing them for months. It’s only a matter of time before they’re signed and making big money. Not to mention the fame that comes with a world-wide tour. How can I pass up a chance like this? This could set me up for life.

I look over at Alissa who’s laughing carelessly at something Sean is saying.

The band would be pissed, but I know they’d understand. Alissa, though… Can I leave her? Even if she agrees to wait for me to get back, I’d constantly be worrying about Sean.

“I don’t know, man. I’ll have to think about it.”

“No problem. Give me a call, but don’t wait too long. We only have a couple of weeks to find someone.” He hands over a card with his number on it. “We better hit the road. We have a twelve-hour drive to our next gig.” I stand and give him a hand shake.

“Thanks, I’ll think about it and give ya a call.”