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Greek God: A Single Dad, Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 34) by Flora Ferrari (3)






I caught a glimpse of him while I was fumbling with my map.  I can’t even tell which side is up on this darn thing.


A few seconds ago I flipped it over and saw him right in my line of sight.  I tried not to stare even though he was…right at me!


I’d heard all the sayings about Greek guys and had no idea if they were true or not. But oh my god were they ever.  At least in his case.


He was an absolute Adonis.  Tall, tanned, and beyond toned.  He had the bluest of eyes which didn’t look at you, they looked through you.  The contrast against his skin and hair was breathtaking.  He’s the kind of guy who could immediately make me forget about my ex.


I’ve never had a fling, whatever that means, but after what happened to me back in Seattle I’m actually considering it.  It could be a good way to help relieve some stress and feel good about myself again, or at least try.  I’m still not sure if I could even go through with it or if a guy like that would even want to, but my mind is definitely spinning at the possibilities.


But when I look a little lower I know right away he’s not that kind of guy.  I see the cutest little girl in the world tugging at his fingertips.  Oh my gosh, he’s a dad.  Now I feel like a home-wrecker for even having those thoughts.  I’m worse than my ex’s home wrecker in San Francisco…if he even bothered to tell him about me.


But that’s old news.  I need to block that out.  I’m in Greece to have fun.  There will be other guys, although I’m still pretty bummed this guy’s not available.  And why is he still looking at me like that?


I keep my eyes on my map and forget about it.  I need to sort out where I am, where I’m going, and where I’m going to stay.  That whole idea of just running to the airport for a getaway works great in the movies, but this is real life.  I’m tired, hungry, and need a shower.  If I don’t get them soon I know there’s a good chance I’m going to get grumpy and this day could start spiraling real quick.


I think I’m figuring out this map when all of the sudden a big body steps in front of me.  I look down and see that little girl.  It’s him!


She waves at me as her dad pulls off her Hello Kitty luggage.  How cute!


But wait?  What is he doing now?  He’s reaching for my bag!


I lean in and grab it, but he’s too quick.  I keep my hand on top of his.  He’s not getting my bag.  Is he one of those robbers I’ve seen on TV shows?  He uses a cute child to distract you and then he runs off with all your stuff?  Oh my god I’m like one of those dumb first time tourists and he’s about to steal everything I brought with me.


My heart is beating fast as the TSA agent, or whatever they’re called here, comes over to see what’s going on.


The part I can’t explain is that part of my excitement is from the adrenaline of catching this thief, but part of it is from the way he looks up at me as he stand over my bag.  Wasn’t it a couple years ago that that “hot criminal” made the rounds on social media?  What was his name?  Jeremy Meeks?  Well he wasn’t my type, but this guy most certainly is, not that I even knew a type like him existed.


What is in the water over here?  I’ve never seen anything like him.  He’s tall like an athlete and has what looks like no body fat.  But his face and those eyes.  He looks like David Gandy…only better!  I didn’t even know that was possible.


I’m still in shock when he reaches down to open my bag.  Well, he’s busted now.  When my bag doesn’t open Mister Criminal will get hauled away.  I may be new to this whole international travel thing, but I’m not about to let myself get taken by some scam artist.


He enters the code and I hear a noise.  Wait?  Did it just…click open?


He opens the top and suddenly all my panties are on display for the entire airport!  Oh my god.  My face instantly turns red.


“I’m sorry,” he says.  “We must have the same bag.”


“And the same combination,” the little girl says.


I knew I should have picked something more difficult.


I stare in horror at my panties which are still on top of his arm.  It’s like he’s not sure if he should touch them or not.


I fall to my knees and shove everything back inside, grabbing the panties from his arm first.  Wow, his forearms are pure muscle.


I shut the bag and lock it back up.


“I’m really sorry,” he says as the agent walks off.


She’s just going to leave me here with this guy?


“It was next to my daughters and it looks just like mine.  I figured it was—”


“Dad, your luggage!” the little girl says.


He turns and grabs a bag which looks exactly like mine.  Same dent and all.


Okay…this is getting weird.  I calm down just a little and realize maybe we do have a misunderstanding here…but I’m still not sure.


“See look,” he says as he turns the dials to all sevens right in front of my eyes and the latches release.  He opens the bag a little and I see souvenirs that look like they might be for his daughter.  “An honest mistake?” he says.


But is this a mistake?  I always thought those cheesy movies where people meet serendipitously weren’t real, but that’s what’s literally happening to me.  And speaking of honest, I honestly can’t tell him that he seems to have found the combination to a certain part of my anatomy.  I’m going to need to duck into the ladies room before I get out of baggage claim because he’s ruining the pair of panties I have on.


“I’m sorry,” I said.  “It’s just that I though…”


“There are a lot of thieves and pickpockets here in Greece unfortunately, especially since the crisis.  You were right to be wary.”


“Thank you,” I say.


“And it’s my fault.  It was your bag.  How yours looks like mine and wound up right next to my daughter’s is anybody’s guess.”


“I guess you’re right,” I say.  We both laugh at the back-to-back use of guess.  It wasn’t intentional, but it was funny.


Who is this guy?  Why is he just suddenly in my life like this?


“I saw you looking at your map.  Can I give you a hand finding what you’re looking for?”


The moment of truth.  Do I tell him I’m okay and allow him to walk out of my life?  Do I accept his offer and be more adventurous, as my ex said I wasn’t.


First thing’s first.  I look down at his left hand.  No ring.  I look at his right just to make sure.  I think those who prescribe to the Orthodox religion might wear it on the right hand.  Nothing there either.


Is he single?  Does he cheat when he’s away on business?  He said souvenirs and he has his daughter with him.  A dad flying in from Paris with his daughter doesn’t sound like a cheater.




“Thank you,” he says.  “I’m glad you’ll allow me to make it up to you for this fiasco.  Can you please tell me what you’re looking for?”


I pull out my phone and scroll to the Airbnb reservation I made as soon as the plane landed.  I can only imagine how much I’m going to get charged for roaming when I get home.


“You are staying here?” he says.  He’s smirking at me and somehow his sexiness level goes up yet another notch just when I think he’s already as high up on the hotness scale as humanly possible.


“Yes,’ I say.  “Is that place safe?”


“I hope so.  I live just down the block.”


“Oh,” I say.


“I can give you a ride.  My car is parked right outside.  Please allow me to make it up to you.  And it’s better this way.  The taxis like ripping off foreigners, as I’m sure they do everywhere.”


He’s got a point about the taxis, and I’m not in a position to be throwing money around this trip…especially money that I shouldn’t have to spend.


This is all just happening so quickly and so…perfectly.  Life doesn’t work that way.


I think he notices my dilemma.  Maybe having a daughter helps him to understand women better than most men.


“Here,” he says.  “Let me show you.”  He quickly pulls a wallet out of his pocket and removes what appears to be a driver’s license, but it’s in Greek.


“It is in Greek, but the address for your reservation is also in Greek.”


I look down at the booking on my phone and then over at his license.  It looks the same.


Another agent walks by.  He winks at me.


“Excuse me, ma’am,” he says.  “Could you please tell me where this is?” he motions for me to show her my phone.


“It’s just over by the Acropolis,” he says.


“And can you tell me where this is?” he says, showing her his driver’s license.


“It’s the same place isn’t it?” she says after looking at it.  She looks at him as if to say, ‘Why are you asking me an obvious question.’


“Thank you,” he says.  She raises her eyebrows and walks off.


“It’s not the same place, but it’s just down the street.  I’m glad to take you there.  We’re going home right now as it is.”


I think back to that movie Taken.  Weren’t those Albanian guys who were always kidnapping women from Liam Neeson’s life?  And isn’t Albania right next to Greece?


And to make matters worse wasn’t it a young girl that met some guy at the airport in Taken 1?


This is almost exactly the same.  That’s just Hollywood, I tell myself trying to rationalize what I want.


I look down and the little girl looks up at me and smiles a big smile.  She’s still holding onto the fingers of her dad’s hand, but I can see she’s getting restless.


I think back to what my ex said.  I’m boring and I don’t take any risks.


Coming here on a whim was a risk and so far that’s turned out pretty darn well.


You only live once, Jackie.  But if you make the wrong decision that once may be a very short once.


“Let’s go!” I say, completely unsure of what I’ve gotten myself into.