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Grizzly Perfection: A Paranormal Shifter Menage Romance (Arcadian Bears Book 6) by Becca Jameson (3)

Chapter Three

Adriana took a deep breath and forced herself to leave the sanctuary of her—correction, Nolan’s—room the following morning at about ten. She knew Alton, Joselyn, Oleta, and Stanton were all in the house. It was quiet. They were probably holding their collective breaths.

Sure enough, they were all four sitting at the kitchen table. She was surprised Paige and Wyatt weren’t there. Or even the Osborns’ other daughter, Ryann, whom Adriana had met on several occasions.

Four sets of wide eyes followed her into the room. Joselyn spoke first. “You okay?”

Adriana nodded. “I’m fine. You all look like someone died.” She wrapped her arms around her waist, a chill making her shiver for the tenth time since she got up. She’d worn Nolan’s jacket all night, but it would have been weird to wear it all the time, so she’d forced herself to take it off, shower, and dress. Jeans, a long-sleeved white tee, and a thick navy cardigan that was not doing enough to warm her.

Normally, she put a lot more effort into her appearance, not because she was vain but because she truly enjoyed matching fabrics and coordinating her makeup and jewelry. Today she felt like curling up in a corner and staring into space.

“Are you cold, hon?” Oleta asked.

Permanently it would seem, but Adriana shook her head. “I’m fine,” she repeated. Shifters ran warmer than regular humans. She wasn’t usually cold. But she’d been shivering ever since Nolan drove away without meeting her.

She wondered if any of them had spoken to Nolan this morning, but she didn’t have the guts to ask. Mostly because she couldn’t stand the idea of him continually talking to other people without contacting her. It was absurd to feel so much frustration, but she couldn’t avoid it.

“We left you a plate of food,” Joselyn stated as she rose from her seat and padded toward the microwave. “I’ll heat it up for you.”

Adriana took a seat at the table, trying not to shake or think too hard. He’ll call when he can.

“Coffee?” Oleta asked.

“No, thank you.”

Joselyn pulled the plate from the microwave and brought it to Adriana. “Addy doesn’t like coffee. She’s more of a tea person.” She spun back around and pulled a mug from the cabinet.

Were they all going to dote on her, walking on pins and needles all day? Or for months for that matter? “Look, I’m fine,” she repeated for the third time. Eventually, she would believe so herself. “I’m sure you all have a lot to do. Don’t worry about me. I have homework to do, and I need to find an apartment.”

Did she? Was finding an apartment still on her list of priorities this morning? Yesterday she’d been determined to get up early and go visit a few. But that was before she’d met Nolan—or not met Nolan.

Stanton glanced away, and Oleta pursed her lips. Now what? No one said a word. She decided she wasn’t about to ask more questions.

Joselyn set a steaming cup of tea on the table and lowered into the chair beside Adriana, tucking one foot under her. “You could stay here, you know. You don’t have to move into an apartment. I mean, at this point, maybe it would be better.”

Adriana took a sip of the too-hot tea and then picked up her fork, knowing she needed to attempt to eat the scrambled eggs and sausage they’d left for her. She glanced at Joselyn, who fiddled with the corner of her placemat.

“Jos has a good point,” Oleta added, her voice too happy. “You could stay here. You’re family now. You were practically family before we even met you. This house is plenty big. This way you won’t have to worry about having to break a lease later.”

Stanton nodded, his arms folded across his chest. “She’s right.”

They all had a point, but something was off. Everyone was way too excited about this plan. Even Alton was nodding agreement. Adriana was twenty-three years old. She’d never lived on her own or even with a roommate. She’d taken classes online from her childhood home through Athabasca University. As the youngest of five kids, she was the baby in lots of ways. She was the only one still living at home for the last few years.

Moving out had been huge. Coming to Calgary had been huge. Finding an apartment hadn’t been a priority for the last two months because Alton and Joselyn insisted she stay with them. But now that the Osborns were home, it was time to move out. They didn’t need a house guest when they’d just returned from their sabbatical.

Joselyn and Alton definitely didn’t need her under foot any longer. They’d only been bound together for eight months. They needed privacy.

Alton spoke next. “Or you could move in with us. You know we’d love to have you.”

Adriana set her fork down and glanced around at every face. What was going on? She felt like she was at an intervention. “What on earth are you all trying to convince me of? I’m just going to find a roommate near campus like I planned. No one was concerned about the idea yesterday. I don’t see how it’s any different today. Nothing has changed.”

Except my mate is at a hotel somewhere hiding.

“We don’t even know how long this witness protection thing might last, is all,” Alton said. He was seated at Adriana’s other side, sandwiching her with his mate. “Could be weeks. No sense moving all your stuff and promising someone you’ll room with them and then moving again.”

Adriana frowned. “The word I got was months. And I’d rather carry on with my life in the meantime. Besides, even if it was only a few weeks, that doesn’t mean I intend to rush into anything.” Jeez. Even if she met Nolan today, it didn’t mean she would drop everything, pack her stuff, and move into his home. These things took time. Didn’t they?

She glanced at Oleta, who was frowning while fighting a smile at the same time, her lips tucked between her teeth. Joselyn’s eyes were wide, her mouth open.

Adriana picked up her fork and took another bite, her skin crawling from the secret club meeting she was interloping. The club of bound couples who knew things those who hadn’t yet met their mate did not.

“It doesn’t work like that,” Alton stated slowly. He reached out to set a hand on Adriana’s forearm.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’ll handle it. Stop treating me like a kid.” She could talk to her brother that way. She meant the words for everyone in the room, but she looked right into Alton’s eyes to make sure she didn’t blatantly insult all of them.

“You’re my sister. We’ve always been close. I’m just trying to help.”

“Yeah, well, news flash. I’m old enough to make decisions.” In truth, she was being stubborn. She knew it. She didn’t even have the finances to move in with a roommate. She had dug her heels in on the subject weeks ago because she wanted her independence—from her parents, her brother and his mate, and now Nolan’s parents. Any roommate would do. She’d get a job. Work evenings. Whatever it took to make it on her own. This conversation was over.

“So, what is everyone else doing today?” She forced herself to resume eating her breakfast in the silence that followed her question.

The house phone rang several seconds later, making Adriana flinch.

Oleta pushed from the table and rushed to grab it from the counter. She answered, but her gaze was on Adriana. Of course, the woman already knew who it was. And it was obviously Nolan. He could reach out to his mother telepathically without needing modern phones. He could not, however, reach out to Adriana. They weren’t immediate family. They would only be able to communicate in their minds in close proximity until after they completed the binding.

She shuddered. The thought of binding to someone made her nervous for so many reasons. Most importantly, at twenty-three she had just moved out of her parents’ home for the first time and was looking forward to finding herself and enjoying her newfound freedom. In addition, it was nerve-wracking to consider binding to someone who had yet to make an appearance.

Adriana must have blocked out whatever greeting Oleta made into the phone because suddenly she was holding it out toward Adriana. “We’ll give you some privacy.”

Adriana’s hand shook as she reached for the cordless while everyone else jumped up from the table and fled the room. It wasn’t necessary. She would take it in her room anyway. In Nolan’s room. She rose on wobbly legs and gripped the phone at her side while she made her way down the hallway and shut herself in Nolan’s childhood bedroom.

She half-considered opening his closet and sitting in the back of it to inhale his scent while she spoke to him for the first time. But it wasn’t a walk-in, and she would look foolish if anyone came in. Instead, she headed for the window, too fidgety to sit on the bed.

When she finally lifted the phone to her ear, she heard his voice. “Adriana?” Deep. Sexy. Nervous. Kind. Scared. So much emotion in that one word. And she loved the way he said her name, enunciating it in a way that sent a chill down her spine.

“Hi.” Breathy. Short. It was all she could manage to utter.

She heard him exhale as if he’d been holding his breath the entire time she sought privacy. “I’m so sorry about last night.”

“I heard. Are you okay? Is this thing with your client serious?” About twelve more questions were on the tip of her tongue, but she forced herself to stop before she sounded like a fool.

He sighed. “I don’t know yet. Maybe the police are being overly cautious until they arrest this guy. I’m hoping I can come out of hiding after they pick him up.”

“Really?” Her voice rose, and she stood taller. How long could it possibly take to arrest someone?

“I might be overly optimistic. No one has insinuated I could leave this hotel room even to go downstairs yet, but I don’t see how big of a deal it will be before they even pick him up. He doesn’t know anything is in the works until then.”

“So, they haven’t located him yet?”

“No. I don’t think he’s hiding. I don’t even think he has a clue anyone is onto him. I think he just happens to be out of town for the weekend.”

“Oh.” Several seconds of silence.

“Adriana…” Her name again from his lips sounded so exotic. She shivered as if he’d spoken the word into her ear. “The timing of this absolutely sucks.”

“Why didn’t you come inside last night?” She needed to understand.

“I didn’t want to put you in any danger. The officer who was in the car with me wasn’t happy with the plan at all. It was bad enough that I was putting the rest of my family in danger by showing up. When I got out of the car and caught your scent…”

Her breath hitched.

He hesitated. “I panicked. If this guy decides to take revenge out on me, he won’t have any problem finding my family. I can’t change that part, but he has no idea there’s anyone special in my life, and I’m not about to give him any reason to think so.”

For no reason at all, the weird conversation from earlier suddenly made more sense. “Did you tell your parents to encourage me to remain living here?”

He exhaled. “Yes. I guess they weren’t discreet about it.”

She chuckled sarcastically. “Definitely not. It was like an intervention in the kitchen. Between your parents and my brother and his mate, I felt like they were urging me to go to drug rehab or something.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go behind your back. When they told me you were looking for an apartment, I freaked out a bit.”


“Because I’d like you to at least be safe long enough for me to meet you.”

She tried to read his tone, but since she didn’t know him, she wasn’t sure if he was kidding or serious. Probably some of both. “You said this guy the police are after doesn’t know I mean something to you. Why would he come after me?”

“Just erring on the side of caution.”

She schooled her voice in the same manner as him, trying to hide her intonation, but also not sure if she was joking or dead serious. “Are you truly worried about this idiot coming after me, or are you opposed to me moving into an apartment in general?”

A few seconds of silence passed before he responded. “Both?”

She rolled her eyes, knowing he couldn’t see her. “God, save me from overprotective men.”

He chuckled. At least that lightened the mood.

She let her shoulders relax a bit.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about Fate chaining her for life to a man whose first action as soon as he met her was to try to keep her sequestered somewhere. Too much?

His voice was deeper when he spoke again. “Will you do this for me?”

She smiled. “No.”

His breath hitched.

She decided to hold on to her independence a little longer. It didn’t seem prudent to let Nolan think he could easily boss her around. “By your own logic, I should move out this afternoon and never even stop by to visit.” Argue that one, big guy.


“If they haven’t arrested your client yet, then he isn’t paying attention to you or your family. The sooner I get out of the house, the better. By the time he starts snooping around, he won’t find any connection between me and your parents.” She felt pretty damn good about herself. But Lord, why was she arguing about her living arrangements with an overprotective man she hadn’t even met?


“Yes?” She poured that syrupy sweet word out in several syllables.

There was another long pause while she assumed he dug around in his brain to come up with another argument.

In truth, while she waited for him to think, she got a little miffed. She was done with this subject. If he kept pushing, she would end this conversation fast and move on with her life. Could she do that?

“Do me a favor.”

“Maybe.” Her defensive walls went up.

“Give me a few days to figure something out. Something we can both live with.” He schooled his voice, a mix of concern and stubborn persistence.

She stiffened. “Nolan, I’m not staying here with your parents. They just got back in town yesterday, and I’m sure they’d like to have their lives back in order. They don’t need a stranger moving in and getting in their way.”

“My parents don’t need privacy, Adriana. They’ve been bound to each other for over thirty years. And you’re not a stranger. Maybe you were yesterday, but not anymore. As far as they’re concerned, you’re already their daughter. They would do anything for you.”

She knew he was right. She felt their support already. Even last night when his mother came in to comfort her, Adriana had felt her love. At this point, she was continuing to argue her point on principle. Half of her wanted to see how far she could push him.

Lunacy. The situation was so farfetched it had already turned into the opening scene for a made-for-television movie. “I’m also not moving in with my brother. He did just bind to his mate, and they definitely don’t need me living in their space.”

“Two days. Give me two days.” Did he realize he didn’t ask? His words didn’t lift at the end in the form of a question. He was bossy. Damn alpha grizzly shifters.

She swallowed. Half of her wanted to continue to dig her heels in and make sure he didn’t think he could steamroll her for the rest of her life. The other half thought it was hotter than hell that he cared so much about her safety. “Okay.” Don’t make me regret this.

He blew out a breath. “Thank you.” Was he really worried? Or was he really that domineering?

“Can we change the subject?” This was her first conversation with the man she was destined to spend her entire life with, and so far all they’d done was argue over a topic when she knew full well they were grappling over control, setting the tone for the rest of their lives. She may have only been twenty-three, but she’d taken psychology at her university. She recognized this disagreement for what it was.

“Excellent idea. Tell me everything about you.” His voice was far more upbeat.

Already she liked this side of him better. “Okay. How about the short version? Leave a bit of mystery.”

“Gotta start somewhere.” Yes, she liked this Nolan much better.

“Born and raised in Silvertip.”

He interrupted her. “Youngest of the five children of Allister and Beth Arthur. Twenty-three. Thick brown hair I’m dying to run my hands through. Big brown eyes that seem to stare right at me when I look at them, even on social media. Computer science degree from Athabasca University. Worked at Mountain Peak Brewery with your pack and family until August. Decided your heart wasn’t in it. And then you came to Calgary to pursue a degree in art with an emphasis in fashion.”

A huge grin spread across her face as she listened to his litany. “What do you need me to tell you? You know me better than I do. I guess we can hang up now.”

He laughed, the sound reaching into her soul and making her stomach drop. She hadn’t met him in person, and already he made her sit up and take notice in a physical way.

She was aroused.

“I did my homework. What else did I have to do all night?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. She hadn’t looked him up at all. But she had something better. She’d slept in his childhood room. The same room she was standing in now.

His voice dipped and softened. “Now, tell me something no one else knows about you.”

That drop in her stomach plummeted. A flush spread from her face down her chest. “Mmm.”

“Come on. There has to be something.”

She didn’t have many secrets. After all, she’d lived with her parents until two months ago. She hadn’t even gone away to school like her siblings and friends. She was super close to her mom and told her nearly everything. Except one thing.


Did she dare blurt out the thought on the tip of her tongue to a man she’d never met? It seemed like the perfect opportunity. If she was truly destined to be with him for life, she would have to tell him sooner or later. If it broke the ice and gave him a tiny piece of her soul, maybe it would be worth it.


More stomach dropping. “I’m a virgin.”


No. Not silence. Breathing. Short, sharp breaths. Panting. Like he’d been running for an hour.

She shouldn’t have told him. She wished she could take it back, most especially because she wanted to see his face. This silence was deafening and made her squirm and regret her hasty decision. A knot formed in her throat, and she couldn’t swallow over it. Sweat beaded on her forehead and not from heat. Embarrassment and humiliation.

Was he still on the line? No way in hell was she going to be the one to say the next word.

“Adriana… Baby… My God. I’m so…”


“Humbled.” He cleared his throat. His voice was cracking. “You took me by surprise.”

“You asked me to tell you something no one else knows.” Did she sound defensive? She still felt uncomfortable with her reveal. She could kick herself.

“I did. And… I wish I was there in the room with you.”

“I’m in your room. I’ve been sleeping in your bed for two months.”

He groaned. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

What? She turned from the window, leaned against the wall, and eased down until she was sitting on the floor, her knees at her chin, her hair falling around her in a curtain. She had the urge to hide even though no one could see her.


“I…” She cleared her throat. “I can’t read you. I don’t know what you’re thinking.” That was the truth. And it was driving her crazy. “I don’t know what your tone means. I’m sorry I said anything. I feel stupid now.”

“Oh, baby, don’t. I’m sorry I’m not right in front of you. I’m glad you told me. It means the world to me. I’m so turned on right now I can’t form coherent sentences. Please forgive me. I know I’m botching this.”

He was botching this? She begged to differ. A tear fell down her face, maybe from emotional overload and lack of sleep. But also from embarrassment. “You must think I’m a freak.”

“Not at all. Baby, that’s so…” Did he choke on his words a bit, too? They were still cracking. “Dammit.” The sudden harsh expletive made her flinch.

She held her breath. Could she have made a bigger mess of this?

“Okay.” He sounded calmer. “So.” One word sentences. “I’m.” What the hell? “Look.” His words were growing in strength, but they made no sense. He was totally flustered.

Slowly she switched from horrified beyond belief to something far calmer. She could almost breathe.

He blew out a long breath. She could picture him pacing. He was winded when he next spoke. “Wow. I didn’t expect to feel this powerfully about you.”

Okay. That was a good thing. Right?

“I thought I could hold you at arm’s length while I waited for this trial. I mean we haven’t even met. How hard could it be? I told myself a thousand times during the night it would be all right. As long as we didn’t meet, you would just be some elusive woman I would meet when this was over. A phantom. A mystery.”

She slowly smiled as she listened to him ramble. He wasn’t nearly as demanding now that she’d shaken his world up a bit. Suddenly her ridiculous declaration didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Not if it brought Nolan to his knees. Flustered Nolan was a lot more palatable. Human. Well, shifter.

Her heart rate increased. The chill she’d felt for twelve hours loosened its hold. She felt a stirring deep inside that was new to her. Foreign. He did this with his endearing rambling. He might have also started the process with his commands if she were perfectly honest. But this side of him squeezed her heart.

He was truly honored and humbled.

And he was still speaking, though she realized she might have missed some of his words in her reflection. “Today. Like now,” he stated firmly.

She jerked her attention back to his words. Damn. She’d missed something important. “I’m sorry. What?”

He chuckled. “I know it’s crazy, but I’ll figure something out.”

“Figure what out? Nolan, I think you lost me.”

“I’m going to send someone to get you.”

“What? And take me where? I told you I was going to spend the day looking for an apartment. I wasn’t kidding. That’s still the plan—”

“Adriana.” He stopped her mid-sentence with one word.


“I want you to come here.”

“To the hotel?”

“That’s what I’m saying. I’ll send someone to pick you up, someone I can trust. Someone who can keep you safe.”

“But I thought you weren’t supposed to have any contact with your family or friends.”

“Technically you aren’t family or friend. No one will know. I need to see you face to face.”

“Okay.” She glanced around the room. The last thing she’d expected was to meet him today. She was suddenly extremely nervous. How weird would it be to meet him? And in his hotel room. Was she ready for that? Was he asking her to come there so he could sleep with her? Would he bind her to him today?

So many questions raced through her mind, but she didn’t voice them.

She thought she heard him snap his fingers. “I know the perfect person. Hopefully, he’s not working today. Can you be ready in ten minutes?”

“Ten minutes?” Her voice squeaked. She pushed herself hastily to standing and rushed over to the mirror above his dresser. She hadn’t done much of anything to herself this morning. She’d showered, but she hadn’t expected to meet her life partner when she’d failed to fix her hair or put on much makeup. Ten minutes?

He was silent for a beat or two while she switched to full-on panic mode.

“Okay,” he continued, as if he’d been away from the phone. For all she knew, maybe he was. “His name is Reid. He’s going to pick you up.”

“Reid? Who’s Reid?”

“One of my best friends, who also happens to be a bodyguard. I just texted him. As luck would have it, he finished a job two days ago. He’s available, and he’s going to help us.”

“A bodyguard?”

“Don’t worry. That’s just who he is. Or what he does. Whatever. Nothing will happen to you in his care.”

How had this day taken such a sharp right turn so fast? “Nolan, I’m not ready.”

“Ready for what? To meet me?”

“Yes. I mean no.” She shook her head, trying to find brain cells and gather them into coherency. “I mean I’m in jeans and a T-shirt. My hair’s a mess. I’m not wearing makeup. This is not how I want to meet you.” Her gaze darted around the room as if she could possibly find something to make this all better in seconds. There was no way in hell.

“Adriana, I don’t care what you look like. I’ve seen hundreds of pics of you. You’re gorgeous. You don’t need makeup and fancy hair. Just come.”

“I was cute last night. Why didn’t you come inside last night?”

He chuckled. “Stop worrying. You’re perfect. Hang up and go answer the front door. Reid will be there any minute.”

She inhaled long and slow and then jumped into first gear. “’K. Bye.” She ended the call, raced from the room, and slammed into Joselyn in the hallway.

Joselyn grabbed her by the elbows to steady them both. “What’s wrong? What’s the rush?”

Oleta stepped into the hall from the front room. She was wiping her hands on a kitchen towel.

“Nolan is sending someone to pick me up. Like now. Like right now.” She raced into the hall bathroom and stared at the mirror. “Oh, God. I look awful.”

Both women stepped in behind her, smiling. She could see them in the mirror.

Oleta took the phone from her hand. “You’re fine. Perfect. Nolan isn’t a fussy guy. He wouldn’t even notice if you got all dressed up and primped for two hours. You’d look the same to him.”

The doorbell rang.

Her eyes widened. She was going to hyperventilate. For like the third time in twelve hours.

Oleta patted her arm. “Why didn’t you tell me it was Reid? I didn’t realize he was in town.”

Apparently, Reid was a close enough friend of Nolan’s that his mother knew him well. Male voices came from the front room. Stanton must have let him in.

Adriana grabbed the side of the sink with both hands and closed her eyes, forcing herself to take deep breaths.

Huge mistake. The biggest mistake of her life. She froze, head down, oxygen no longer her main concern.

Oh. My. God. No. No no no no no. This could not be happening.

She was going to faint.

“You’re going to be fine.” Joselyn’s voice was filled with mirth. “He’s just your mate.”

Adriana jerked her gaze up to meet Joselyn’s in the mirror. What did she mean by that?

Joselyn frowned. “You okay? No reason to panic. Sounds like Nolan has it all worked out. Whoever Reid is, I’m sure he’s reliable and safe or Nolan wouldn’t have sent him.”

Reid was anything but reliable or safe. Adriana knew that from the bathroom without seeing him.

He might have been Nolan’s best friend and a bodyguard who could protect anyone from anything. But that’s not all he was.

He was also her mate.




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