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Grizzly Survival: A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance (Arcadian Bears Book 5) by Becca Jameson (3)

Chapter Three

The burgers were delicious. The fries were…cooked. And Gavin was nervous as hell as he helped Dale load the dishwasher. The sexual energy in the room was palpable, and Gavin had never wanted a man as badly as he wanted this one in his life.

It had been months since his last hookup. Reese. They’d been together for several weeks—one of Gavin’s longest relationships—before Reese decided he couldn’t tolerate living in hiding and broke things off. Not a shocker.

Gavin was staring out one of the enormous windows that he was certain provided an amazing view of the mountains during the day. He couldn’t see anything now that the sun was down and with the lights on inside the house.

As if he’d communicated that thought out loud, the lights suddenly flicked off, illuminating the night outside to provide more stars than Gavin had ever seen, a full moon, and the outline of mountains in the distance.

Before he had a chance to turn around, Dale was behind him. He set his hands on Gavin’s waist and wiggled his fingers under his T-shirt, spreading them up his stomach until Gavin’s breath hitched. Before he knew it, Dale whipped the shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He threaded his fingers with Gavin’s and lifted his arms high on the window to press them into the cold glass.

Gavin’s heart beat rapidly as Dale pushed his cock against Gavin’s lower back. Without a word, Dale transferred both of Gavin’s hands into one of his and stroked his other palm down Gavin’s body, aiming directly for his cock without hesitation.

Gavin moaned when Dale’s large hand enveloped him through his jeans. His cock had been hard for hours—no, over a day—but now it threatened to erupt. The last thing he wanted was to come so fast that he didn’t get a chance to enjoy himself fully.

“So hard for me…” Dale whispered the words in Gavin’s ear, nibbling around the lobe until goosebumps rose everywhere. His long hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but it fell forward to land across Gavin’s shoulders in the most erotic fashion, tickling his skin. Dale popped the button on Gavin’s jeans and lowered the zipper next, causing Gavin’s length to spring free.

If Dale hadn’t been holding Gavin up by the wrists, he might have slumped to the floor. He was so turned on his legs were boneless. When Dale wrapped his hand around Gavin’s length, Gavin’s knees wobbled. He set his forehead on the window, glad for the cool surface. But it did nothing to stop the growing erection.

He’d never reacted so forcefully to any man, and no man had ever restrained him like this either. He’d known in his mind that a bit of kink fueled him, but thinking such thoughts and acting on them were two different things.

His eyes fluttered shut as he concentrated on the feel of Dale’s fingers around him. When Dales’ lips landed on his ear, and he began to whisper, Gavin purred. “That’s it, baby. Damn you’re sexy. It’s been a while, huh?”

Gavin didn’t answer.

“I’ve got you.” Dale stuck a knee between Gavin’s legs to hold him up. “That’s a boy. Let it go. You’ll be so much more relaxed after you come for me.”

Gavin groaned. Yeah, he’d definitely fantasized about scenes like this. Knew he would like to be held down. Topped. Though he’d had sex with a number of men in the last six years, no one had ever handled him quite like the experienced Dale Gerben. The men Gavin met were usually closer to his age and aiming for a fuck. As long as he and his partners both got off, that was all that ever mattered. Until now.

Dale’s grip tightened as he rubbed his finger through the slit at the tip of Gavin’s cock and spread the precome down his length. “Come for me, baby.”

It had only been a few strokes, but that was all Gavin needed. His release came in powerful jets, the streams of his come hitting the window. Gavin assumed the noise in the room came from his throat, but his ears were ringing too hard to be sure.

As Dale eased his grip, he kissed Gavin’s neck. “Damn that was hot. How long ago was your last hookup, baby?”

Gavin licked his lips. “A few months.”

Dale still held him pinned to the window, but he brushed his hair off his forehead with his free hand.

Suddenly, panic raced up Gavin’s spine. Dale had just made him come, hard, and Gavin had done nothing for the man in return. He started to twist, his back straightening as he stiffened.

“Hey, now. Slow down. What’s the rush?”

“You… Uh… I need to reciprocate.”

Dale chuckled softly, his lips nibbling a path up Gavin’s neck again. “Relax. It’s not a race. No one’s keeping score here. We’ll get to me, kid.” He released Gavin’s wrists, turned him around, and propped him against the window. “You okay? Can you keep yourself upright for a moment?”

Gavin nodded, flattening his hands on the windowpane to steady himself. He was breathing heavily, and a glance down showed his still-erect cock bobbing out from the top of his jeans. He watched Dale pad to the kitchen, and then the man returned moments later with a paper towel. He kneeled next to Gavin and wiped the come off the window.

Gavin’s face flushed red hot.

When Dale glanced up, he grinned. “Damn you’re green. Why don’t you head to my bedroom?” He pointed toward the hallway. “Second room on the left. Take off your clothes when you get there.”

Gavin nodded at the command and pushed off the window. He’d gladly leave the room if it meant he didn’t have to watch Dale wiping his come off the glass.


Gavin turned his head around to find Dale grinning. Dale closed the distance and lowered to his knees at Gavin’s back. He grabbed his jeans and tugged them a few inches down.

Right… The tattoo.

Dale’s finger traced the words across his lower back. “Life is a story… I should have guessed you’d have a Yann Martel quote on you somewhere.”

Gavin’s breath hitched. “You’re familiar with Life of Pi?” He had trouble concentrating with Dale’s fingers trailing so close to his ass while his other hand gripped his hip.

“I’m not just some ignorant construction worker,” he teased. “I read books. It suits you.” Dale stood, tapped Gavin’s ass, and pointed toward the hallway. “Go.”

His hands were still shaking as he wandered down the hall. The first door he came too was open and made him chuckle—the unfinished bathroom.

Across from that room was another open door that made Gavin’s eyes widen. It was filled with computer equipment. Printers. Monitors. Too much equipment for one guy, especially a man who worked construction. All that hardware was far more than Dale would need to keep his books straight.

Gavin didn’t want to snoop, however. It was none of his business that Dale was into technology. Who cared? Besides, Gavin was much more interested in how Dale used those thick fingers on Gavin than on any keyboard.

When he reached the master bedroom, he glanced around for a moment, taking in the king-sized, dark wood, mission-style bed, and the navy comforter. Matching bedside tables flanked the bed, and a matching dresser sat on the opposite wall. The lights weren’t on, but the moon cast a soft glow across the space. He was glad for the distraction of concentrating on the task of removing his boots and then his jeans and underwear. He stood naked in the room when Dale arrived.

Gavin lowered himself onto the edge of the bed as he watched Dale move. The man was huge. Fucking huge. He removed his shirt and tossed it on the dresser as he approached. His chest was wide and firm, indicating he worked out regularly. Either that or all male grizzly shifters were that large.

Gavin was inclined to believe the latter was partially true. He’d only been in town three days, but every man he’d encountered was over six feet. Dale was at least six five. The sprinkle of dark hair across his chest led down to a V that drew Gavin’s attention to the front of Dale’s jeans. The massive bulge made Gavin swallow.

Dale had been barefoot all evening, a fact Gavin had tried to ignore because there wasn’t one inch of skin on Dale’s body that wasn’t smoking hot.

By the time Dale was directly in front of Gavin, putting his hands on Gavin’s shoulders, he felt significantly smaller. Dale’s eyes were smoldering as he let his gaze roam down Gavin’s body. Gavin wasn’t nearly as built as Dale, but he did pride himself on being fit. He was firm. He didn’t have more than a dusting of hair on his chest, but he never thought of himself as looking like a young kid anymore.

Still holding Gavin’s shoulders, Dale dipped his face down to take one of Gavin’s nipples in his mouth. He gave a sharp tug, sucking the tip into his mouth and then flicking his tongue over the offended flesh.

Gavin sighed. He’d never been this turned on, nor had he been with anyone so sure of himself that he took his time to drive the edge of arousal back into full swing. Hell, he and his partners usually fumbled through the process in minutes, sucking each other off and then going their separate ways. This slow build was way out of Gavin’s repertoire.

When Dale lifted his face, his expression was serious. “You okay?”

“God, yes.” Gavin squirmed against the edge of the bed.

“How many men have you been with?”

“Not many.”

“Five? Ten? Twenty?”

Gavin shook his head. “Maybe ten.”

“Mostly quickies then, right?”

How could this stranger read him so well? “Yes.”

Dale smoothed his hands down Gavin’s chest, grabbed his waist, and hauled him farther onto the bed. He climbed over him, straddling him, his hands resting at the sides of Gavin’s face. He spoke as he held himself aloft with one hand while lowering the other to undo his jeans. “I’m larger than a human man.”

Gavin licked his lips. “I can see that.”

“And I don’t bottom.”

Gavin swallowed. What was Dale saying? That he intended to take Gavin in the ass right now? Not that the idea wasn’t tempting. It sent the good kind of chills down Gavin’s spine. But he believed Dale when he said he was large and assumed that would extend to his cock. No one had claimed Gavin’s ass yet.

Dale rose onto his knees and lowered his jeans a few inches until his cock popped free.

Gavin sucked in a breath and bit his bottom lip hard as he watched Dale stroke his dick from base to tip before releasing himself. The man wasn’t just large. He was fucking enormous. His cock was also gorgeous. Thick and long and velvety smooth. Gavin reached with one hand to cup Dale’s balls, and then he stroked one finger up the vein along the bottom of Dale’s length. He released his lip. “Let me taste you.”

He knew he was being bold, but he didn’t want to miss a single opportunity tonight. If this was the only chance he had to be with this Native god-like being, he wasn’t about to squander it away without tasting the goods.

Dale leaned forward again, resting his weight on one hand while directing his cock toward Gavin’s lips with the other. “Lick the tip.”

Gavin did as he was told, moaning around the salty flavor.

“That’s a boy. Now swirl your tongue around it. Get it wet.”

Gavin obeyed again as he wrapped his hand around the base.

“That’s so hot. You have no idea how sexy you are.” Dale threaded his fingers in Gavin’s hair as he removed his cock with a pop and slithered down Gavin’s body. He nestled one leg between Gavin’s and rested the majority of his weight to one side. Before Gavin had any idea what his next move was, Dale’s lips were on his in a searing kiss that chased all thoughts from Gavin’s mind in an instant.

All he knew was Dale’s tongue as it traced the seam of his lips and then dipped inside to dance with Gavin’s. His hand held Gavin’s head right where he wanted him as he plundered. His thick amazing hair fell like a curtain around their faces. Gavin could do nothing but learn this man’s taste and absorb his strength. He’d never been kissed like this before. Most of his hookups didn’t include kissing. Reese had kissed him, but only chastely and not often.

Dale didn’t just kiss, he consumed. He tipped his head to one side and deepened the kiss, moaning into Gavin’s mouth in a way that caused Gavin’s cock to go totally erect once more. That was when he noticed his dick was pressed against Dale’s, and then Dale rubbed against him.

Gavin arched his back toward Dale, loving the contact and wanting more. He lifted his free hand and clutched Dale’s jeans, tugging them, wanting to see this man completely naked and feel every inch of him. He made no progress, however, since Dale was larger and heavier and clearly controlling.

In fact, the very idea that Gavin made no headway attempting to get more of Dale’s skin in and of itself made him hornier.

Finally, Dale broke the kiss and lifted off Gavin. His lips were wet and swollen and so damn enticing. His gaze was pinned to Gavin’s as he removed his jeans and reached into the bedside table to pull something out. And then he was back. Same position. Cock against cock, knee wedged between Gavin’s legs.

But this time he reached down and tugged Gavin’s outer leg higher, grabbing him under the knee and spreading him wide.

Gavin gripped the mess of sheets at his side, concern over what would happen next filling him with apprehension. He would do whatever Dale asked of him. There was no doubt about that. But he couldn’t deny he was worried.

Dale reached for whatever he’d dropped on the bed. “Eyes on mine.”

Gavin held his breath while he obeyed that command. He flinched when he heard the unmistakable sound of the cap of lube flipping open.

“Gavin, I need you to trust me. I’m not going to hurt you. Ever. Got it?”

“Yes.” His voice was weak and a bit too high pitched.

Dale dropped the lube and reached his hand between Gavin’s legs, shoving into the tight space between his own enormous thigh and Gavin’s. The next thing he knew, Dale was tapping the entrance to his ass.

Gavin’s eyes closed of their own accord.

“Look at me,” Dale repeated as he circled the tight hole. “Not going to fuck you here tonight. You’re too green. Just want to make you feel good. Has anyone been inside you before?”

Gavin shook his head, embarrassment at the admission flushing his face. He bit his lower lip again.

Dale moaned. “Damn that is hot. And if you keep biting your lip like that I might change my mind.”

Gavin released his lip, wondering what his lover meant. He would decide to go ahead and fuck him if he had to watch Gavin bite his lip? Was it a turn-on?

Resting on his elbow at the side of Gavin’s face, Dale set his hand on Gavin’s forehead and threaded his fingers into his hair once again, holding him down. “I’m gonna rock your world, baby.”

Gavin couldn’t speak. He blinked, believing every word.

Dale rubbed his dick against Gavin’s at the same time he pushed one finger inside his ass.

Gavin grabbed Dale’s forearm, more for something to grip than to stop him. It was tight and foreign, but it felt good too.

“That’s it. Just feel.” Damn if he didn’t twist that finger and stroke higher against an elusive spot inside that Gavin had only heard stories about. His eyes rolled back.

Dale chuckled lightly. “Fuck me. You’re amazing. I’m gonna come just watching your expressions.”

Gavin couldn’t respond. He was too far gone. Instead, he held on to Dale’s arm with a tight grip and let the pleasure wash through him while Dale humped their cocks against each other and fingered his rear. If he could have, he would have lifted his ass off the bed, bucking against Dale, but the man held him down with so much weight, there was no room to move. So he took it, fighting for oxygen while the need to come rushed back to the surface. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and didn’t bother to keep from instinctively biting his lip again as Dale dragged his finger back and forth over his prostate until there was no stopping the orgasm that rushed through his dick.

Apparently, Dale was right with him, because he came at the same time, both of their cocks pulsing rhythmically as they coated their stomachs with their combined come.

As soon as Gavin had the ability to blink his eyes open, Dale removed his finger from his ass. He kissed Gavin gently and grabbed the corner of the sheet to drag it over and wipe away their mess. And then he flopped onto his back and hauled Gavin against his side. “Fuck.” He sounded…frustrated?

However, when Gavin lifted his head to see Dale’s face in the dim light of the room, he found the man grinning. “That did not flush you out of my system, baby. You just whetted my appetite. I hope you don’t mind a repeat performance soon.”

Ah, so not frustrated then. Good. Because that was the best sex of Gavin’s life. Hands down.




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