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Happily Harem After by Amy Sumida (35)

Chapter Twelve



“This was your idea, Sylvie,” Lance pointed out. “How would you like to begin?”

“I'd like to begin with all of you undressing me,” I said.

The men looked at each other in shock.

“Come here, my beastly princes.” I held my arms out to them. “I want each of you to remove one piece of my clothing. Fair is fair.”

Lance knelt before me and removed my shoes, staring up at me intensely the whole time. He was so large that even kneeling, his head was just barely below mine. When he stood, he trailed his hands up over my hips and reached for the ties of my dress.

“Uh-uh.” I pushed him away. “Only one. Audric, you're next.”

Audric smirked at Lance and came forward. Lance began to growl. I stepped back and held up my hands.


They froze.

“Look at me,” I said. “I love you, Lancelot.”

“I love you too, Sylvaine.”

I turned to Audric. “And I love you, Audric.”

“I love you too, sweetheart,” he declared.

“And I love you, Blaise.” I looked to the last brother.

“I love you more than the thought of being human again, Sylvie,” Blaise said softly. “It doesn't even matter to me anymore, as long as I have you.”

Something shimmered, a tickling feeling in the air, and we all looked at each other in wonder.

“Did you guys feel that?” Blaise asked us.

We all nodded.

“It's working,” I whispered. “One down, two to go.” I looked at Audric and Lancelot. “You two need to get past your possessiveness and simply feel what we have together. There's no reason to be jealous when you shall have exactly what your brothers have. No one will go wanting here.”

Lance nodded; first to me and then to Audric.

Audric came forward and slowly undid the ties of my dress. He lifted it over my head and left me standing before them in my shift. I looked to Blaise and held my hand out to him. He smiled widely and took it. Before he did anything else, he kissed me gently, chastely, holding my face between his dangerous hands.

“All of it was worth going through to have you, Sylvaine.” Blaise breathed in deep, then eased back.

Blaise kept his gaze on mine as he gathered the hem of my slip in his hands and pulled it over my head. Appreciative sighs came from the men as Blaise stepped away from me. I smiled and walked over to Lance on my bare feet. He watched me warily, his stare darting from my body to my eyes, as I began to undo his waistcoat.

I ran my hands teasingly over him as I removed his clothing, pressing into him as I lifted his shirt over his head, and then rubbing down his front when I knelt to undo his belt. Lance was shaking and groaning when I finally had him naked. When I stood, I brushed his turgid flesh with my cheek, and he flinched as if he were in pain.

“Sylvaine,” Lance growled.

“Wait your turn, Lance,” I chided as I headed to Audric.

Audric's eyes were round, his cavalier attitude gone as he feasted on the sight of me naked. He didn't say a word as I undressed him, just continued to watch me with those predatory eyes. His hands hovered above me a few times, but he didn't touch me. He let me undress him and move on to Blaise.

Blaise wore a bright smile as I helped him out of his clothes. He was obviously aroused, but this had become about more than mere pleasure for him. He was ready to make a connection between us, something sacred and pure. That certainty made him confident and relaxed. He was the only man not trembling with need.

I climbed onto the bed and laid back on the pillows, then, very slowly, I spread my legs. The men began to growl, their eyes roaming my body as if I were prey. I stroked a hand down my breasts and then over my belly. Three sets of eyes followed my movements anxiously. I let my fingers trail into the curls above my womanhood.

“Blaise, come here.”

The other two snarled angrily.

“Stop it!” I snapped and they went still. “He has already learned to love me beyond pleasure. The two of you may be older, but you're not wiser, not in this. So, you'll watch for now, and hopefully learn something.”

Blaise crawled onto the bed between my legs, his proud member already glistening with desire. I looked from it to his face, and then I spread my thighs wider and urged him closer.

“Taste me,” I whispered to him.

Blaise groaned and set his mouth to me. I cried out in ecstasy as his eager tongue lapped at me, his lips working me furiously. Lance and Audric came to opposites sides of the foot of the bed, gripping the bedposts as they watched their brother be rewarded for learning to love beyond jealousy. Lancelot's claws dug into the wood post as he growled, but Audric frowned as his shoulders started to relax. A soft smile began to spread over his lips.

“Join us, Audric.” I held out my hand to him and he rushed over to me.

Audric kissed me above as Blaise kissed me below, and between them, I felt luxuriously loved. I didn't care one whit that they were covered in fur or that their hands were tipped in claws. These were the men I loved, and love saw beyond the physical. That didn't mean that it couldn't enjoy physical sensation, though.

I moaned into Audric's kiss as another shimmer flowed over us. Audric gasped and Blaise groaned, sending vibrations across my flesh that propelled me screaming over the edge of desire. The men held me tight as the proof of their love trembled in the air around us. Just one more beast to go.

“Lance,” I moaned. “I'm right here. I love you. All you have to do is accept that I love your brothers too.”

Lance snarled, his hands clenching in frustration, and the bedpost broke. He roared as he flung it away from him. I let him rage, ignoring him as I looked back to my other lovers. Blaise moved up from his position and slid to the side. He carefully took my breast in hand and began sucking on it with obvious delight.

“Is she sweet, brother?” Audric asked Blaise.

“Sweeter than summer fruit,” Blaise muttered around a mouthful of breast.

“I must know for myself,” Audric declared as he dove between my legs.

I held Blaise's head tightly to me as Audric spread my legs wider. He gripped me beneath the knees and lifted me to get a better angle.

“Sweeter than summer fruit,” Audric murmured in agreement.

“I cannot!” Lance raged on, throwing furniture around the room and smashing vases.

Lance tossed a chair through the window with another enraged roar, and shouts filtered back in to us.

“There it is!”

“The monster!”

“Break down the door!”

We all froze and stared at each other in shock. Lance hurried to the window and looked down into the courtyard in front of the castle.

“There are men down there,” he said to us with bafflement. “They seem to be angry and are armed with weapons.”

“I see it!” Another man shouted. “The monster that killed Fabien!”

“Oh, no,” I whispered and rushed out of bed.

“Fabien?” Blaise asked.

“The man who was attacking me,” I said as I hurried into my clothes. “They must have found his remains.”

“They cannot think to take us,” Audric scoffed.

“There are at least fifty of them down there, Brother,” Lance said grimly.

“Surely not,” Audric went to the window and his eyes widened. “Dear God.”

“Keep praying,” I said as I hurried to the door, “we may need all the help we can get.”