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Happy Accident (Silver Cove Book 3) by Jill Sanders (15)

Chapter 14

There was so much Kayla was feeling at the moment. Her body was on fire, her mind was whirling with desire, and yet she had a tingle in the back of her mind that she wished for a shower.

He’d pushed her up against his front door and kissed her until she was breathless.

“Rowan,” she said between kisses.

“Hmm?” He pulled her closer to him.

“I’d kill for a shower,” she said against his skin.

He paused his kisses then returned to her lips as his hands wrapped around her and he hoisted her into his arms.

She almost squealed, but instead, sighed with the romance of having a man carry her up a flight of stairs. She watched the landing and long hallway at the top of the stairs fly by as he made his way towards his bedroom at the back of the house. He nudged the double doors open with his foot and walked quickly through a very impressive bedroom. He headed directly towards his bathroom.

He flipped the light on with his elbow and she had to blink a few times to let her eyes adjust to the new light. The shower was to the left and was surrounded by frosted glass.

“You shower in that?” she asked, feeling her nerves kick in.

He chuckled. “Yup.” He sat her down on her feet and tugged his shirt quickly over his head.

Seeing those muscles of his again caused her body to respond quickly.

“But…” She shook her head and glanced again towards the shower. “It’s… everyone outside of your house can see.”

He chuckled. “There’s a lattice a foot off the wall that’s covered in vines. No one can see in. But we get the benefit of all the light during the day. Besides, the frosted glass makes it harder to see in here.” He reached for her shirt, his eyebrows going up slowly as if he was asking permission.

She smiled and helped him pull off her shirt, and he tossed it into the pile with his shirt.

“I’ve wanted this, you.” He pulled her close instead of reaching for her jeans. His mouth once more came over hers.

“I can’t tell you how long I’ve dreamed of being here, with you,” she said against his mouth.

She reached for his jeans and he leaned back and met her eyes as she unsnapped them and slid them down his hips, taking his boxers with them.

He toed off his shoes and kicked them to the side. When he stood before her, completely naked, she smiled and enjoyed the view.

“Now it’s my turn.” He took a step closer, but she held up her hand.

“Watch me.” She moved her hands over her body, slowly nudging her jeans down her hips. His eyes heated and she felt her skin burn.

She kicked her shoes and jeans towards his and walked to him in nothing but her matching silk bra and panties.

“Tonight, I’m the luckiest man alive,” he said just before his lips touched hers again. He walked backward, his hands removing the last barriers as he opened the glass shower door.

When the icy water hit them, they didn’t even part. Instead, they held onto one another until the water turned warm. Or maybe it was their bodies that heated it further. Either way, the water rained down on them from matching showerheads as they explored each other. When his fingers dipped into her, she moved up to her tippy toes and held onto his shoulders as he took her to places she’d only dreamed.

Her fingers wrapped around his cock and mimicked the motions he was using on her.

She was so close to the edge. She needed him and told him what he was doing to her.

He nudged her to the only tile wall, which held a wide shelf with bottles on it and a low bench across the entire wall. He ran his hand down her leg and moved it so her foot rested on the bench. Then he slid on a condom he’d grabbed from his jeans and placed his hand on her lower back.

“This is how most accidents happen in shower,” he joked as he moved closer to her. “Hold onto me,” he said, just before he kissed her again.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as his legs moved between hers. Her hips jerked closer to him as he entered her slowly.

Her toes curled and she threw her head back enjoying the feeling of being filled completely.

“My God,” she whispered as he started to move against her. She wrapped her bent leg around his hips as his hands moved to her lower butt and lifted her completely. Her back was pushed against the tile wall as he moved inside her.

Their lips met as the water washed over them, trying to cool the skin that was heated from inside.

She’d never felt something so powerful before. The feeling of his body pushed against hers, dominating her, filling her.

She could feel every vibration, every pore in her body respond to his demands. She knew she was building and tried to hold back to wait for him.

“Let go,” he said into her hair. “I want to watch you go.”

She opened her eyes and locked onto his blue eyes. She saw the desire and passion behind them and felt her body convulse around his.

Every ounce of her being flew from her and shot directly into him. She’d lost control. Completely.

She felt her body being lifted once more as the water was turned off. He wrapped a soft towel around them and carried her back into the bedroom.

She opened her eyes when she was laid on the soft bed. She wanted to look around, but the room was too dark. He’d shut off the bedroom light, and her eyes had yet to adjust to the darkness.

She smiled when a dim light was flipped on. “Is that too bright?” he asked from beside the bed.

“No, it’s perfect.” She reached for him.

Instead of coming down next to her, he took another towel and wiped her hair and face off.


She sighed and nodded. “I could get spoiled like this.”

“Good, I like spoiling you.” He moved back down to her. “Especially since you spoil me.” He kissed her lips softly. “Hmm, no other lips could come close. No other touch.” He ran a hand from her collarbone to her hip, causing her to arch under his touch. When his hand covered her mound and a finger dipped in, she moved her legs wider for his touch. “No other pussy is as soft, as sweet,” he said against her neck.

Then he was gone and she had to blink to find him. She felt him shift down as he covered her with his mouth. His tongue darted inside her, causing her shoulders to jerk off the bed as her fingers fisted in his hair.

“Mmm, I knew you’d taste like heaven,” he moaned against her skin. “I could get drunk right here.”

“Rowan,” she cried out. She tried to tug him up to her. She wanted him. All of him.

She could feel herself building again and wanted him to come with her this time.

When she reached for him, he was there, filling her once again. Her legs wrapped around his narrow hips, holding him to her as he moved above her. This time, they went over the ledge together.

There was nothing better than having Rowan’s weight pin her down to the soft bed. Their labored breathing was the only sound in the room.

“That was…” he said after a moment. “Okay, not going to lie here.” He leaned back and shifted so he could look down at her. “That was amazing.”

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him back down to her. “I agree completely.” She sighed as he shifted slightly and pulled her into his arms.

“This is where I’ve dreamed of having you. In my arms, as I fall asleep.” He sighed and her head rose and fell with the motion.

“I can’t help but wonder how Connor is doing right now,” she said truthfully.

He pulled out his cell phone and texted his aunt.

-How’s CJ?

It took less than a minute for her to respond.

-He’s perfect. We rescued a baby bird today that had fallen out of its nest. I think we wore him out. He’s fast asleep now.

Rowan glanced down at her as she read the text.

“Thank you.” She shifted until she looked down at him.

He set his phone down then wrapped his arm back around her. “Anytime. Is this your first night away from him?”

She nodded and closed her eyes as he ran his hand over her back slowly.

“Then, I guess it’s up to me to keep your mind from worrying about him.” His hand moved lower and she felt her heart skip, then speed up.

* * *

Rowan would have liked to say he enjoyed the feeling of waking up with Kayla in his arms, but the fact that he couldn’t feel his arms stopped him.

He shifted until his left arm was free from behind her shoulders and cringed at the feeling of pins and needles.

“Is it asleep?” Her voice sounded groggy.

He glanced over and nodded.

“Here.” She sat up and started rubbing it. He wanted to tell her to stop because it tripled the pain, but then his eyes focused on her breasts, inches from his face, and he forgot all about the pain.

“Was that your plan?” he asked when his arm returned to normal.

Her eyebrows rose slowly as she smiled. “Detouring pain is an ancient secret.”

He rolled quickly until she was trapped under him, her legs wrapped around his hips. “Hmm, I’ll keep that method in mind, for future use.” He kissed her, sinking everything he could into it.

Two hours later, after a long shower and taking their time to dress, they walked into his aunt’s place to pick up Connor for their planned day.

The kid was bouncing off the walls as he talked quickly about his time at the resort. He filled them in on saving the bird and swimming at the beach, finding shells and making a sand castle.

He sat and patiently listened to everything and made sure to ask questions. The fact that Connor chose to sit in his lap instead of in Kayla’s touched a soft spot in his heart.

“So,” Crystal had finally asked when Connor had run out of steam, “what’s the plan for today?”

“I’ve persuaded Adam to allow us to take out his boat.” He turned to Kayla. “You don’t get sea sick, do you?”

She shook her head. “My father used to take us out all the time.

“I can pack you a lunch. I have some leftover turkey and some….” His aunt mumbled as she moved around the kitchen quickly.

“I’m going to go up and change.” Kayla stood up and glanced back. “Connor, why don’t we go up and get ready for a boat ride.”

He watched the pair disappear and couldn’t stop the smile from coming.

“There it is,” Crystal said from across the room. She had stopped and was just watching him.

“What?” he asked.

She just smiled back at him and crossed her arms over her chest while she looked at him.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re talking about? Or do I have to guess?”

She smiled. “You haven’t had that spark in your eyes for years” she added finally.

“The I-just-got-laid spark?” he joked.

“Don’t be crude. It’s more than that with Kayla and you know it.”

His shoulders sunk as he realized his aunt was right. “Yes, it is.”

Crystal’s smile grew. “Don’t take too long telling her. But don’t scare her off by telling her too soon, either.” His aunt turned back to her task.

“Great advice, not confusing at all.” He stood up to help her pack their lunches.

When Kayla and Connor came back down, they had both changed into tan shorts and different shirts.

They loaded everything into his car and drove down to the docks. He’d been out on Adam’s boat shortly after he and Lilith had married. When he’d first met the Frenchman, he’d gotten the impression that the man didn’t like him.

But shortly after Lilith had been kidnapped and after Adam and she had gotten engaged, the man had seemed to change his mind about Rowan.

He’d worked on the relationship and tried to be open-minded about the man, for Lilith’s sake. She wasn’t family, but she was his sister just the same.

She’d moved into Silver Cove when she was a teenager, after she’d escaped Katrina. She’d been all alone and Crystal had taken her in and ever since, she’d been family.

The couple had gotten married a few months back. It had been a very small affair on the beach at the resort. He had to admit that, since then, the Frenchman had grown on him. They were actually starting to become close.

When he’d called him up and asked if he could take the boat out, Adam hadn’t hesitated a second before agreeing.

They had stopped by Adam’s grandmother’s place and gotten the dock code and boat keys.

He helped the pair onto the boat and once everything was settled, pulled the sailboat out of the small harbor.

Glancing over, he smiled at Kayla and Connor and knew that today was going to be the best day of his life. He really was the luckiest man on earth.