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Happy Accident (Silver Cove Book 3) by Jill Sanders (7)

Chapter 6

The following evening, Kayla found herself back at the store. This time she was on her own. She’d been nervous at first, but after the first two sales, she relaxed into the pace.

She had run into more people from school than she’d thought she would. She knew almost everyone that walked through the front door.

She had been a little surprised when Craig Tyler had come out from the massage room down the hallway, shortly after she’d arrived at work.

He’d spotted her and walked over to her and had instantly started flirting with her. She had tried to brush him off, but he hadn’t left until other customers she knew walked in.

When there weren’t customers, she cleaned shelves, straightened items, put out a new product like Olivia had shown her, or sat behind the register and learned the system.

She’d been going to business school in New York and had a knack for numbers. She found where Crystal kept all her files on the computer and glanced through everything.

She knew the accounting system and at first glance was very impressed with what she saw. But, by the time she was locking up, she had a few printouts she wanted to go over with Crystal.

When she drove up to the house, she realized that tonight she had more energy than the past few nights.

They had made even more headway on her mother’s house that morning.

JT had told them that he would be out of town for the next two weeks since he had to head back to LA while they wrapped up the filming of his movie.

She knew that meant that the work would slow down but figured they could work through it together. Each day, her mother opened up to her a little more.

Still, she had yet to have a talk with her brother and for the most part, he went about removing the clutter in silence.

She parked along the dark street and leaned back for just a moment. She realized she was heavily relying on the kindness of Crystal. Her eyes moved to the big house and she wondered what she’d done to deserve it.

She walked up the sidewalk and frowned at the sticky note pasted to the front door.

“We’re next door. Come on over. – Row”

She looked across the street at the brightly lit house. Rowan’s house wasn’t as big as Holley Hall, but still, it was bigger than anything she’d ever lived in.

Rowan’s front porch was just as big as the other houses, but the house was a more modest two stories. It was painted a calm beige with crisp white trim and had bright blue doors with large stained glass.

She dumped her bag inside the doorway, then headed across the street to collect her son.

Glancing down at her watch, she frowned when she realized she was an hour later than last night.

Once she reached the large glass doors, she sighed at the sticky note.

“Come on in. CJ is sleeping. I’m in my study. Row.”

Taking the note down, she tucked it into her back pocket and reached for the door handle.

She noticed several things right away. One, Rowan was either very tidy or had a maid that cleaned. The second thing was that the home wasn’t what she’d expected.

There was a small entryway with classic stairs leading straight up to the second floor. The rich chestnut oak floors gleamed and the walls were all painted soft colors, making everything look bigger and more open.

Glancing to the right, she noticed a sitting area with a tan sofa that looked warm and comfortable. She could see her son curled up on the cushions, covered with a light throw blanket. The light from the television was flashing, yet the sound on the set was muted.

She thought, just for a moment, of grabbing up her son and sneaking out, but then shook that thought off.

Rowan had watched her son two nights in a row. She owed him kindness. Besides, she didn’t want to freak him out when he noticed Connor was gone.

Turning away, she glanced to the left and noticed a smaller sitting room. The furniture here was more formal, yet everything looked just as comfortable. The walls were lined with tall bookshelves and, just like his aunt’s library, almost every shelf was full of books.

Walking past the stairs, she made her way towards the back of the house.

In the very back, sat the kitchen which looked freshly remodeled. Dark blue cabinets made a large U shape with white granite countertops.

Turning to a smaller room tucked between the library and kitchen, she glanced in and smiled when she saw Rowan sitting behind a large oak desk, a pair of dark glasses sitting on his nose as he scanned a computer screen.

“Knock, knock,” she said as she leaned against the doorframe.

She could tell this was where he spent most of his time. The room screamed of his masculinity. The back wall was all windows and on either side stood large dark bookshelves that wrapped around to make a large L with his desk. There was a dark leather sofa sitting across from the desk, which was cluttered with papers and books.

Rowan glanced up at her, then quickly removed his glasses and set them down on the desk.

She almost sighed and silently wished he’d put them back on.

“Oh, there you are.” He smiled. “Just… getting some work done.” He stood up and rolled his shoulders.

Her eyebrows shot up. “More horse rides?”

He chuckled. “No, tonight it was helicopter rides.”

She smiled. “You’re spoiling him.”

He moved closer to her. “He’s spoiling me. What am I going to do now with my nights?” He let out a loud sigh. “I’m going to be bored.”

She couldn’t help the burst of laughter that escaped her lips. “Right.” She shook her head. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy having your nights back. I’m going to look for a babysitter as soon as I get paid.”

“Don’t.” He stopped in front of her. “Crystal and I can…”

She stopped him by shaking her head. “I can’t keep expecting the two of you to watch my son. Not after everything you’re doing for me already. Besides, it’s only for a few more weeks. Mom’s place is coming along quickly.”

He nodded. “Then let us watch CJ until then.” He reached up and touched her arm lightly. “After that, we can figure something out.”

She felt a lump in her throat and instead of answering, just nodded.

“Now, are you hungry?”

She shook her head. “I took a sandwich and ate at the shop.”

She moved aside so he could move past her.

“How was Connor?” she asked when he stopped directly in front of her.

“Perfect. How was your day?”

“Less than perfect.” She glanced towards the front room where her son was sleeping. “Where is Crystal?”

He shrugged. “She told me she had a date.”

Kayla thought about the last time she’d gone out on a date. New York, almost four years ago. It had been raining.

She shook her head clear when Rowan reached out and touched her arm.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly.

She sighed. “I was just remembering the last time I went out on a date.”

“Oh?” He smiled slightly.

She rolled her eyes, then looked towards the front room. “Let’s just put it this way, I gained more than just a free dinner.”

“CJ?” he asked and when she nodded, he crossed his arms over his chest. “How about a drink?” he said and before she could answer, he moved to the back of the house, leaving her to follow behind him.

She walked into the kitchen and noticed the small sitting area across from the bar top. There was a bright blue door leading to the back of the house and she wondered if his backyard was as grandiose as his aunt’s.

“Have a seat.” He nodded to the bar stools as he pulled out two glasses. “Do you like red or white?”


He moved over to a large wine rack that stood along the wall and started going through bottles.

“Cabernet?” he asked, waiting for her reply.

She twisted her mouth and shrugged. He pushed the bottle back into place and continued looking.

“Sweet?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

She nodded quickly. “Sounds good.”


Her eyebrows shot up as she nodded.

“French or…” He pulled out two bottles. “German?”

“Whatever you like.”

He smiled as he pulled out a bottle. “German. Most people think that the French hold the market, but Riesling has German roots. Actually, it originated in the Rhine region of Germany. I visited there one summer with my folks.” He talked as he opened the bottle and poured them each a glass, telling her all about his trip with his family and how he’d been too young to drink in the States, but overseas, he’d enjoyed some of the best wines and beverages. “Actually, that trip is the reason I like wine.” He leaned across from her and held up his glass. “Zum wohl!” he said just before clinking his glass lightly to hers.

She sipped the wine and enjoyed the sweetness on her tongue. “Do you speak German?”

He chuckled. “A few choice phrases and curse words.”

She smiled. “I took three years of French and about the only thing I can really remember is

Où sont les toilettes?’” she joked.

He chuckled. “Très bien. I have a few pieces of cake left over that Crystal gave me earlier tonight.”

She glanced towards the front room.

“I wore him out with the helicopter rides.”

She shrugged. “Why not. I could use a boost.” She sipped her wine again. “What kind of cake?”


She watched him move around the room and wondered if he knew how good he looked in the worn jeans and T-shirt.

She’d had enough energy earlier, but sitting in his kitchen, sipping the wine, she felt her body relax to the point that she could imagine herself falling asleep the second she hit the bed.

“Tired?” he asked when he set the cake in front of her.

She took a deep breath. “I’m getting used to the long days.”

“You didn’t work in Florida?” he asked as he took a bite of his cake.

She shook her head and took a bite too. The cake almost melted in her mouth.

“Where did your aunt learn to cook and bake like this?” she said, taking another bite.

“She worked under some of the best chefs at the resort while she raised Sarah. Then, when Serenity was old enough to homeschool, she opened Serenity’s to be closer to home.”

Kayla leaned on the counter and looked at him. “What about your parents?”

“My mother was a stay-at-home mother until I hit middle school. Then she volunteered at the school. My dad.” He shrugged. “I followed in his footsteps.”

“I remember that, but what did they think of your aunt?”

His smile was easy. “They love her and Serenity, no matter what.”

“Was it true that Sarah’s father was a Harrison? Carl Harrison’s son?”

He nodded as a slight frown formed on his lips. “My mother says that when Sarah’s father, Johnathan, died, he took Crystal’s heart with him.”

She sighed as he filled her wine glass again. “That’s so sad.”

He shrugged. “She’s never lonely. I mean, she dates.” He poured himself some more wine and finished his cake. “But she’s never been in a long-term relationship since then.”

She shrugged. “I’ve never been in a long-term relationship either.”

His eyebrows rose slowly. “Never?”

She shook her head and took another sip of wine. “You?”

His eyes turned sad and suddenly she remembered. Lori. Her heart sank as she set her glass back down.

“I…” She stood. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“No,” he said, breaking into her thoughts. “I’ve had a few quick relationships, but nothing that has lasted.

* * *

Rowan watched Kayla struggle. Reaching out, he took her hand until she sat back down.

“Kayla, Lori was a long time ago.”

“Yes, I know, it’s just…”

“Did you know that I’d broken up with her… that night. Before…”

Her slow nod stopped him.

“She returned home after she left your party. Before she snuck out.”

He felt like he’d been kicked in the chest.

“I’d heard that she had cheated on me.”

“She had,” Kayla, taking his hand.

His eyes moved up to hers. “I said some pretty awful things to her that night.”

“So did I.” She sighed and took another sip of her wine. When he just looked at her, she continued. “I wanted to go to your party. My mother said I could if Lori took me along.”

He moved closer, leaning against the counter as she talked.

“I’d heard that she was seeing someone.” She shook her head and he could tell she was lost in a memory. “I called her a slut.” He watched a tear roll down her cheek. Reaching over, he gently wiped it aside.

“I called her worse,” he said softly. “If we’d only known.”

Her blue eyes met his. “I should have stopped her from going.”

His hand dropped. “You knew she’d left?”

She nodded slowly. “We shared a room back then. JT had just moved out, but Mom turned his room into an office for Dad instead of letting one of us move into it. I heard her pack up her stuff. When I turned on the light, she told me to go back to sleep.” She reached for her glass and downed the rest of the wine. He pushed the glass aside, not wanting her to drink too much.

“What happened?”

Her eyes met his. “I confronted her about cheating on you. She yelled at me. I yelled back.” She closed her eyes. “She climbed out of the window with an overnight bag and I cried myself to sleep, telling myself that we were better off without her.”

He took her hand and pulled her up until his arms wrapped around her shoulders. “You couldn’t have known.”

“I should have told my parents,” she said against his chest as she held onto him.

“I shouldn’t have said the things that I did to her either. We were both young. I was stupid.”

“I was jealous,” she said against his shoulder.

“Of?” He nudged her back until he could look into her eyes.

“She was everything I wanted to be.” She blinked and he felt her hands run up his back slowly. His fingers tightened on her shoulders lightly. “She had you and she threw you away.”

When she reached up on her toes and moved towards him, he didn’t stop her. Instead, he held his breath as her lips brushed against his softly.

If he’d been hit by a bolt of lightning, he wouldn’t have felt as shocked as he did the moment her skin touched his. Power flew through his skin, causing every cell of his body to vibrate.

His fingers tightened even more on her skin as he pulled her closer. She seemed to melt against him. Her hands gripped his shirt, holding him in place as they discovered one another.

His mind flashed to the thought that there was a three-year-old boy sleeping a few feet away. The thought, like a cold spray of water, caused him to take a step back.

“That was…” He shook his head.

“Crazy.” She glanced down at her feet. Using his finger to push her chin up until their eyes met, he smiled.

“Unexpected,” he finished with a smile. “I’ll walk you back over and carry CJ for you.”

After he walked the pair back across the street and carried CJ up to his own bed, he felt like he needed to say something to Kayla. The silence between them was almost deafening. She shut the adjoining door after he’d laid the kid down on one of the beds.

Before he could say anything to her, she jumped in.

“I… didn’t mean to…” She shook her head. “I’m sorry.” She gave him a quick smile. “It was the wine. I hope you don’t think…”

He shut her up by pulling her close and covering her lips with his. His hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him.

Her kiss had been slow, soft, and sweet. His kiss had none of those things. Power, desire, and want streamed from his lips to hers, showing her exactly what her kiss had woken in him.

“There,” he said after taking a full step back from her so he wouldn’t touch her again. If he did, he knew there would be nothing that could stop him from dragging her across the room to the king-size bed waiting for them. “That should clear things up between us.” He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind.

Kayla shook her head slowly and he thought he heard a soft chuckle from her lips.

“No, if anything, that only muddles it up more.”

“Maybe that’s what we need. A little distraction.”

She sighed. “I don’t have time…”

His chuckle stopped her. “Everyone has time for this.”

She shook her head as her hand came up to her forehead. “Not me.”

“Then we’ll make the time.” He itched to hold onto her. “Or, we’ll figure it out.”

Her eyes moved to his. “You… You aren’t hanging out with Connor to…”

He stopped her by placing his hand on her arm. “Kayla, I like the kid. With or without this.” He motioned between them. “My time with him has nothing to do with us.”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Fair enough.”

“What day do you have off?” he asked, knowing he might be pushing her too far, too fast.

“Monday night.” Her eyes moved to the door behind him.

“I’ll see if Crystal can watch CJ.”

“Rowan, I don’t… I haven’t dated… for a while.”

He smiled. “Good, that makes two of us.” Before she had a chance to change her mind or tell him no, he leaned in and placed a slow kiss on her lips then walked out of the room while her eyes were still closed with passion.




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