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Heart of Eden by Fyffe, Caroline (47)


Belle’s hand nestled warmly in Blake’s. They walked toward the hotel in the crisp fall air, ready for a hearty lunch. What will Eden be like when it snows? She could hardly wait to find out. Her mind—free of the battle of what she should do with her life—felt happy, relaxed, and in love.

She’d never felt this way with Lesley. Never once in all the times they’d stepped out. She trusted Blake with her life . . . and more, with those of her sisters. How wonderful to have such faith in a person. Thank God I didn’t let Mavis talk us out of making the journey to Colorado. At the thought, she actually shuddered, making Blake glance down.

“You all right?”

The concern in his eyes over her small tremble made her smile. “I am now.”

His brow crinkled. Seemed that was happening a lot these days. He wasn’t used to a woman who teased. Ann had been sincere, calm, and loving, according to what Blake had shared. Belle found herself so giddy she wondered how Blake—or her sisters—could stand her. She hoped that feeling never went away.

Her smile faded. But it took Father’s death to bring this happiness. That was the only aspect that pricked her heart. Without him, she’d never have found Blake, and her future would be so different. Life is so strange. She sighed. There’s no explaining it.

They stopped at the mercantile, where a bright display in the window caught Blake’s eye. Facing it, he stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her neck.

“Blake!” Chills cascaded deep inside. “Stop this. What will people think?”

“That we’re looking at the display, sweetheart.” He pulled her more tightly against him, making her breath come fast. “Isn’t that the most interesting set of cookware you’ve ever seen?”

She elbowed him, but that only made him laugh.

“Relax, there’s no one around.” He nuzzled below the other ear, making her light-headed. “Mmm, you sure smell good. What is that?”


“Really? That’s good. I’ll never have to buy you perfume.”

“Yes, you will, Blake Harding. You’re not getting off that easy.”

He laughed and turned her around. “I’m glad you’re so spunky. With you, life will never be boring.”

They were on their way again.

“I should hope not.”

Santiago and his father rode past. She smiled when they dipped their chins.

“What do you think about Santiago?”

“What about Santiago?”

“Surely you kid. He has eyes for Katie. I noticed it the first time they met.”

Blake swiveled, glancing back at the riders. “I don’t know. They’re both young. I’m sure it’s not what you think.” He pulled her to his side and glanced down at her. “But if it is?”

That was a good question. She liked Santiago, but she couldn’t picture Katie married to someone who owned a cantina. Then again, she’d never have pictured Katie owning a lumber mill either. Or herself a tannery. Life was a surprise.

Maybe it’s best to let life happen as it will.

Crossing the street, they entered the hotel and stepped into the café.

“There they are.” Belle gestured to Henry and Elizabeth sitting in a booth. “Looking like two little lovebirds, if I do say so myself. I wonder why he’s being so secretive about his feelings. She’s a beautiful woman, and you’ve seen how he’s taken to Johnny. Why, I think he loves that boy as much as she does.”

They made their way among the tables. Lavinia came through the kitchen door, a coffeepot in her hand. Her face lit up when she saw them.

“He’ll tell us when he’s ready,” Blake whispered. They arrived at the table. “Did you save room for us, or are these for someone else?” He gestured to the two empty seats.

Elizabeth, her cheeks flush as a summer rose, looked like she had a wonderful secret. She was all smiles, as was Henry.

“Absolutely—for you,” Henry stated, a grin chiseled to his face. “Slide in and get comfortable.”

When they were seated, Karen came and took their order. As they waited, Belle couldn’t keep her curiosity to herself any longer. Since Blake had proposed, there’d been a lingering question in her mind. One that was a bit troubling. She stole a fleeting glance at Blake, hoping the topic wouldn’t upset him.

“Henry, I have a thought that keeps pestering me. How will the estate be handled when Blake and I get married? Do our shares go together as a couple, giving us a sixty percent stake? As much as I love Blake, I’d not want to do that to my sisters. I like that we’re equal.”

With a hearty nod, Henry wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I’ve been wondering when someone might get around to asking. Nope, everything stays the same. John didn’t want to give any one of his children power over the rest. That’s why he made the girls one entity at fifty percent and Blake the other. Everything stays the same. He was pretty certain one of his girls would fall in love with Blake, he just didn’t know which one it would be.”

Belle gasped, and Blake laughed and shook his head.

“You’ve known all along?” she asked. “You’ve been watching and hoping?”

Henry nodded. “And waiting! John talked about the possibility all the time, especially in the end. He was sure it would happen.” He glanced over at Elizabeth with the most mystifying expression in his eyes. “I’m sure the two of you made him awfully happy the night of the party.”

How wonderful. Our union will grant our father’s last wish.

Now everything felt completely right. The sting of tears pricked Belle’s eyes before she felt the warmth on her cheeks. “Really, Henry! What a blessing. I’m so happy . . .”

“You could cry?” Blake finished for her. He gently rubbed away her tears. “No more crying for you, sweetheart. You’ll only shed happy tears from this day forward. You’ve earned them, and I’m dedicating my life to making sure that happens.”