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Hell Yeah!: Make Me Crave (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue (4)


Chance settled behind Mia on the saddle, his thighs molded to hers, his cock nestled against the furrow between her buttocks. Closeness he required. Deep joy and shocking lust swept through him. If it were possible, he might die from happiness. “You okay?”

She breathed as hard as he did and sagged against him. “Oh yeah.”

Best words ever. “Don’t worry, I got you.” When he’d helped her onto the gelding, she’d dug her nails into his wrist and had drawn blood.

Gently, he slipped his hand beneath her tee.

She whimpered.

Words failed him. The faintest sound would have caught in his throat already tight from more desire than he could handle. Her silky skin couldn’t have been smoother or hotter, her nipples puckered, the tips erect.

If guests and the help hadn’t been in the building, Chance would have mounted Mia here and not let her loose for who knew how long.

Riley made a noise somewhere between arousal and frustration. “You guys ready?”

“God yeah.” Her breath skipped across Chance’s arm. Her scent surrounded him.

He wheeled his gelding around.

She clawed his hand. “Not so fast.”

They’d barely moved. At this rate, they’d get to their destination by next week. He settled his mouth on her ear. “Do you trust me?”

“I’m trying to, but this horse is too damn big. It’s pissed. Listen to it.”

Its breathing was barely audible. Any softer and the poor thing would collapse and die. “His name’s Jet. He’s kid broke. Stroke his mane. He likes that.”

She shuddered.

Chance dragged her fist over Jet. The gelding sighed. “See? That means he’s happy. Keep doing what you are and everything will be fine. If you need to grip something, choose me, not him. Never him. Okay?”

She clutched Chance’s forearm enough to hurt.

He’d planned for every eventuality except her fear. Only one way to counter it. He suckled her neck.

A pleased noise poured from her. She softened.

Chance played with her nipple and prodded Jet to an unhurried walk.

Mia tensed. Afraid she’d lose what composure she had, he slid his hand beneath her shorts and touched her curls. They were unbelievably springy and soft. He tried to swallow but couldn’t.

She pushed closer and murmured something he didn’t catch.

Long as she wasn’t screaming or digging her high heels into Jet’s ribs, everything was good.

Sweat ran down Chance’s face, not entirely from his tension and the unbearable heat. Her ass rubbed his needy shaft and teased it relentlessly. If they didn’t get to where they were going soon, he might pass out.

He stroked, suckled, and aroused, tending her better than the heroes in the romances he’d read.

Finally, she settled. He increased Jet’s speed to a trot.

Mia straightened.

“Easy.” He plucked her nipples lightly. “We’re not going fast.”

“Where are we headed?” She twisted to look at him and Riley. “What about the guests’ outdoor events?”

“We’re not going anywhere near them. Right, Riley?”

He stared at Mia’s bouncing boobs.

In a weak moment, Chance pulled up her tee. He covered her before Riley leaned over any farther, craned his neck more, and fell off his saddle. “The guests aren’t anywhere around, are they?”

“Nope.” He frowned at her top. “We made sure of it. Can’t we go faster than this?”

Chance pecked Mia’s cheek. “How about it?” With his arm firmly around her waist, he prompted Jet to a canter and hoped for the best.

She clung to him for dear life, but otherwise behaved.

Trees, bushes, and wild flowers trailed by, the fragrant vegetation as untamed as his passion. He filled himself with her scent, desperate to have everything—her beneath him, on top, in front. This ride never seemed to fucking end.

“Finally.” Riley made an impatient sound and reined in his horse at a clearing he and Chance had chosen earlier, the area decidedly secluded.

Back on her feet, Mia swayed.

“Careful.” Chance slung his arm around her shoulders.

Riley tended the animals and pulled the cooler from his mount. “A little help?”

“Soon as you spread the blanket in the shade over there so Mia can sit.”

“I’m good.” She tested her legs. Her ankles bent outward.

“Here.” He braced her until Riley had finished and then Chance helped her down. “Did the ride bother you that much?”

“No. My heels. They’re not made to walk on rocks and whatever else is on the ground.”

Twigs, grass, possibly smashed beer cans. The girl in the last romance he’d read had no trouble bolting through a wildlife preserve on platform heels to escape assassins. Damn authors needed to be more accurate. “Do you want to take them off?”

“Not if that makes you cry.”

Riley laughed.

“I’m including you in my comment.” Mia gave him a scolding look. “I saw how you pouted when Chance was doing me on the horse.”

A vivid blush shot to Riley’s hairline.

Mia smiled. “Thanks for wanting me. Both of you.”

They crowded her. Chance spoke first. “We do.”

“Not so fast.” She gestured them back to their feet. “There’s something I want to do first.”

Riley patted his front pocket. “No need to talk about protection. I brought rubbers. So did Chance. We have extra in the cooler. We’ll warm them up good before we slide into you.”

Her face flushed redder than Riley’s had. “With your clothes still on?”

They yanked off their boots and duds. Garments flew. Naked and panting, they faced Mia.

Chance was ready to burst. He hunkered down to crawl all over her.

She pushed against his chest. “Stand up. I want to look at you. Riley, too.”

Riley groaned. “You’re not supposed to be calling the shots. We’re the Doms, you’re the sub, remember?”

“Yeah.” Chance planted his hands on his hips. “I specifically recall your promise to let us run things and that you’d go with the flow.”

“In a sec. Please?”

Hell, he didn’t want to do things her way when he had this day mapped out perfectly. Eagerness ate at him to try the stuff he’d copied from the books and came up with on his own. Like now. He flexed his stiff cock until the thing pointed north, at his other head, all by its lonesome.

Riley’s tool did the same.

Mia gaped. “Wow, that’s something. You guys are freaking awesome.”

Chance puffed up. “Thanks. How about you get undressed?”

“In a sec.”

“You expect us to wait again?” He didn’t like to whine, but she wasn’t giving him much choice. “Good Lord, why?”

“This.” She cradled Riley’s rod.

He gasped.

She buried her face in Chance’s hairy groin and cupped his balls.

His knees buckled. “Holy mother fuck that feels good.”

“I haven’t done anything yet.” Her hot breath spilled over his rigid shaft. She tongued the tip.

Heat shot to places Chance didn’t know he owned then burst and sent new warmth to other areas. He clutched Mia’s head to keep her close and to steady himself. The world spun. His ears rang.

She took him in her mouth.

A shout caught in his throat. No woman should own lips this soft and a tongue that wet. Wasn’t fair to a man who had no defense against such power. She’d barely started and he was in danger of coming, coming, coming.

He clenched his teeth, not caring if he broke any or ground his molars to dust. A guy had to hold off a respectable five minutes or more during moments like this. Chance sure as hell had to last as long as Riley.

Poor fool grunted and groaned worse than a porn star. God only knew what Mia did to him. Chance couldn’t lift his lids to check out her moves.

She moaned indelicately and proceeded to take his length in, inch by torturous inch, until her nose touched his curls. She’d gone where few women had, sheltering his full rod.

If he could have breathed enough to form words, he would have thanked her.

She fondled his balls.

He wanted to cry. No way would he last another second like this. His skin stung, scalp tingled, heart walloped uncontrollably.

Riley heaved air.

“Did you come?” Chance prayed Riley had so he could.

“Hell no. You?”

“No fucking chance that’s gonna— God.”

Mia worked his cock between her lips as her pussy would.

He shivered. Sweat rolled down his face and chest.

Her nails lightly scraped his nuts. She flicked her tongue on his crown’s most sensitive spot.

The world stilled. Lights burst behind his lids and went dark again.

A shout rang out. Could have been his or Riley’s, Chance wasn’t sure. His climax slammed into him with twister speed and force. Nerve endings fired fiercely. The surroundings whirled faster than he could follow.

His cum spurted into Mia’s mouth.

“Oh shit, no. Sorry. I gotta step back.”

She dug her nails into his ass and probably drew blood again.

He felt no pain. She wanted him close. Gratitude and pleasure rolled over him in mild waves.

Mia drank his seed, licked away every drop, and loosened her grip. “You okay?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” He swallowed and pulled in another breath. “Never been better. Give me a sec and I’ll be raring to go again.” He dropped to the blanket and fell over. “Just a sec, I swear.”

“It’s okay.” She rubbed his thigh. “Rest if you have to.”

“I don’t. I’m good. I’m…”

Chance forgot what he intended to say and didn’t have the strength to do anything except close his eyes and sprawl.


Riley would have whooped in delight that Chance had come first, but he couldn’t gather enough breath to stay conscious much less make noise.

Mia muddled his thoughts. She stopped pumping his cock in her soft palm and drew his ball into her mouth.

Unimaginable pleasure crashed through him. He shot to his toes.

She followed. Her tongue swept over his hairy nut, stroking and warming him.

He yanked his hair, craving pain to keep him from blasting off too fast. The heroes in those damned romances lasted nearly an hour before they succumbed. If they could do it, so could he.

Steeled against pleasure, he focused on upcoming chores—repairs he needed to make on his mom’s house, bills he should pay, groceries he had to buy if he didn’t want to starve or eat nothing except fast food. Every boring activity he could think of to make him deflate.

Mia explored the separation between his butt cheeks. She circled his anus and touched the ring.

Delight exploded in his groin, sending too much warmth there. He gasped, choked on spit, and coughed.

She suckled his other nut.

He was too far gone to protest or beg her to hold off so he could survive this.

Her finger probed. The tip entered his tightest opening. She fondled his cock fast, slow, medium then back to quick.

His pulse hammered. Blood rushed in his ears and cut off most sounds except for her lusty moans.

She had nothing on his carnal needs.

Only a bullet in his brain would stop him from coming now. Time to go for broke. Riley clamped her head to keep her at the task.

She released his ball. “Let go.”

“Now?” He wanted to scream, but did as she’d said. “Why?”

“This.” She slipped his shaft between her lips clear to the root and buried her nose in his thick thatch.

Her heat enveloped him as nothing else had. His crown teased her tonsils. Thank God, she’d had the good sense to do this since he hadn’t. Her hand was nice, but her mouth…

He pumped his hips to help her out.

Mia fell into his rhythm easily, proving there had to be more mornings, afternoons, and evenings spent like this. He, she, and Chance could read romances together, come up with better stuff than the authors did, and try out new moves.

She massaged Riley’s nuts and trapped his crown between her lips. Her tongue swept the bumpy skin on back. His pleasure zone. She eased her finger a tad deeper into his anus.

His control shattered. Rapture hit him with the force of a two-by-four. His cum shot out.

Given her hold on his boys and ass, he couldn’t budge to spare her his offering. She didn’t seem to want that with him anymore than she had with Chance.

She panted and sighed noisily, gave him one last lick, and pressed her face to his belly. “Doing okay?”

“I will be.” On his knees, he fought for air, gathered her into his arms, and kissed her deeply.

Her tenderness matched his. Unbridled lust would come later. Right now, they needed to cuddle.

Mia stroked his back. He finished their kiss and buried his face in her hair. She’d perfumed it as he’d asked. That meant more to him than a thousand adoring words. Too bad he couldn’t do something about his lingering desire. His knees hurt and his head was too heavy to keep up. “Mind if I rest a bit?”

“Not at all. I’ll help you down.”

“Thanks, but no need. I’m good.” He hit the blanket as Chance had.

The world faded to black.




Mia sat on her heels, facing her guys. More beautiful men didn’t exist in this universe.

Even flaccid, Chance’s meaty rod impressed, the skin slightly darker than his complexion. Ropy veins ran down his shaft, the crown satiny smooth. Riley’s cock was a trace longer than Chance’s though not as thick.

Both magnificent.

She adored their lightly furred balls, pendulous now rather than plump with wanton urges. Their muscular thighs and calves were wonderfully hairy. She longed to touch their whiskered cheeks and run her hand through their tousled hair.

Maybe they wouldn’t notice if she did. They sure as hell seemed dead to the world.

She’d worked them well.

Carefully, Mia crawled between them.

Chance cuffed her wrist and kissed it. “Where are you going?”

“I’d say to hell if all my wishes come true today.”

He chuckled then grew sober. “Why are you still dressed? Riley and I neglected you, didn’t we? That wasn’t the damn plan.” He shook Riley’s shoulder. “Wake up.”

“Hell.” He rubbed his eyes. “Why?”

“Because you can sleep when you’re dead. We forgot to strip Mia.”

“Holy crap. That’s not good.”

They set upon her, pulling, unzipping, tugging, and tossing. Her clothes landed on the long grass not the blanket. They left on her heels.

“That’s better.” Riley whistled long and low. “God, woman, you are gorgeous.”

“Hell, she’s far beyond that.” Chance gawked at her breasts. He cupped her boob and flicked her nipple.

It puckered, wanting more.

He made an approving sound. “I can’t believe we nearly forgot to unwrap you.”

“No shit.” Riley touched her damp pussy and lost his breath on a harsh sigh. “Especially after the stuff we read and the notes we made.” He stroked her slit.

Intense heat and riotous delight thrummed through her. “Wait. What?” She pulled his hand away.

He licked her juices off his fingers and claimed her other breast.

Chance fondled the one he held.

She scooted out of their range. “What are you talking about? What did you read and make notes on?”

They shot each other a glance, possibly guilty or embarrassed.

Chance made a pained sound. “If you must know, we read X-rated romances to get ideas on what we should do today. Don’t you dare laugh. Please.”

How could she? “I’m not. I wouldn’t. That’s the sweetest thing any man has done for me.” She hugged them. “Didn’t you know what to do without help?”

They laughed and smacked her ass playfully.

She liked messing with their heads. “Which ones did you read?”

Riley rattled off titles.

Mia bounced. “Tank, Rock, and Ginger’s story rules. Still, it doesn’t make sense they’d go to a theater when cable and streaming’s available.”

Riley nodded vigorously. “That’s exactly what I thought about them being in town. The sex was hot, though.”

“So was the stuff in Run Me Down and Make Me Yours.” Chance spoke to her. “You read that one?”

“No. What’s it about?”

“Oleander, Paxton, and Lance made love in a pickup during a stampede.”

Mia gestured to the horses. “That’s why they’re here? When’s the pickup arriving?”

“We don’t need one. That’s not our plan.” He glanced past her to Riley. “Where’s the rope?”

“In the cooler.” He crawled to it, his cock swinging, balls bouncing, ass flexing.

“Rope?” Mia sweated. Part anticipation, part wild need.

“That’s right.” Chance cupped her neck and brought her face down to his. “We’re gonna tie you up and do you as you’ve never been done before.”

He claimed her mouth.

She submitted to him, same as she’d done with Riley. Chance’s kiss explored, owned, and demanded. Mia gave everything she had and then some. They rolled across the blanket, necking and groping. No better than animals, civilization in the past. She grabbed his rod. He captured her boob and made noises that thrilled. Coarse, masculine sounds that betrayed his satisfaction.

Sated, they fell apart and gulped air.

Riley leaned over and filled her with his tongue. His kiss wasn’t as gentle this time, his primitive side showing. She relished both.

They smiled at each other.

Chance pecked her shoulder. “Let’s rope her up.”

“Real good and tight.” Riley winked at Chance and grew stern with her. “Wrists together. Now.”

“What if I don’t?”

“We’ll punish you as Xander and Verol did to Angeta in Make Me Wet. Trust me. You don’t want to go there.”

“It was sci-fi alien stuff.” Chance shrugged. “Still good, though.”

Riley tied her with the same expertise Mia figured a cowboy would use on steers.

She twisted her hands. The bonds were firm not tight. “What now?”

Chance slung her over her shoulder and padded to a tree.

Mia fondled his firm ass.

He chuckled, set her down, and secured her to a sturdy branch, arms above her head, naked except for her body hair. Completely vulnerable.

She went weak then got wired, her emotions clashing.

Riley strode to her left, Chance the right. They circled and stared.

Never had she been this exposed to a man, much less two. With anyone else, she would have feared they’d laugh or show disappointment.

Not these guys. Their color rose. Breathing hitched. Cocks blossomed, ready to go at her again.

She couldn’t guess who’d take her first.

Chance imprisoned her mouth with his. His tongue drove in sure and deep. He used her breasts with the right she’d given him.

Riley knelt between her legs and tongued her slit.

Her pulse beat triple time.

He suckled her nub.

Ecstasy shot in too many directions. Mia came alive in a way she hadn’t believed possible.

He slipped two fingers into her channel, effectively restricting her from movement.

Chance latched onto her nipple and licked. The areola and tip grew taut enough to sting. A pleasant feeling compared to the heaviness between her legs, a dull ache she couldn’t slake. Her sex grew heavy, too engorged.

She needed relief and pushed into Riley.

He licked her slick folds rather than her clit, her preferred choice. Today, he and Chance called the shots. Not her.

She wanted to slug both men for taking command then screw them raw because they had and she loved it.

Chance lavished attention on her other nipple.

She reeled.

He suckled her neck.

Warmth and delight battled with her need to come.

Riley held her clit between his teeth, restraining her further. He licked her nub once.

Stunning pleasure tore through her and faded quicker than she would have liked. She didn’t dare press closer and risk Riley neglecting what she needed most.

He tongued her nub faster, harder, and then slowed down.

Chance’s tongue filled her mouth, denying her words and air. Perspiration coated her, but didn’t cool. She’d never been as hot or needy for release.

Riley worked his fingers within her channel. Chance kissed her more tenderly than he ever had and she responded in kind. His and Riley’s differing styles kept her off balance. Her climax whispered close then scampered away repeatedly.

No romance heroine had to jump as many hurdles to go over the rainbow. Wasn’t right. Hell, it might give Mia a stroke.

Chance’s passion flared. He practically devoured her. She kissed him with naked desire.

Riley pumped his fingers in her pussy and sucked her clit forcibly and fast, his determination ruthless.

Her orgasm hit harder than a tsunami. Euphoria surged. She peaked, floated, and crash landed, too limp to breathe. Her inner muscles contracted wildly around Riley’s fingers.

He pulled them out.

Her head fell forward.

Someone untied her.

Chance… He carried her as he would a bride and lowered her to the blanket. “Gonna live?”

She struggled to speak. Her gasps made it difficult. “More.”

He pulled a condom from his jeans pocket, sheathed himself, and entered her. Her mouth fell open. Filled didn’t begin to describe having his shaft inside her channel.

They kissed deep, wet, and long. She clung to him. He did the same with her. There were no awkward moves as there should be with new lovers, their arms and legs bumping or getting in the way.

He pumped hard and fast. His hair swung.

Mia squeezed her sheath around his cock to add to their friction.

His eyes turned wild, his complexion deepened. He didn’t slow down.

She didn’t want him to. They could set a leisurely pace later.

Chance stroked her clit.

She bucked.

His balls smacked her ass.

They rocked and rolled and came together. He bellowed.

She gripped his shoulders. Powerful emotions coursed through her—shameful need, dazzling delight, unrivaled contentment.

As one, they descended from the greatest heights their passion had generated.

She stroked his bristly cheek and filled herself with his tobacco-and-leather scent.

He regarded her affectionately. She didn’t hope for love. Couldn’t. Friendship was more than she’d imagined finding here.

“Thank you.” He kissed her gently. “Again? Later?”

“You better.”

Laughing softly, he rolled off.

Riley had already sheathed himself.

Mia wanted to give him her best, too. No matter how many months or years he and Chance might be around her, she’d never be able to choose between them. “On your back.”


She pushed to her knees. “Let me do you. You can be a Dom later.” She’d make sure of that with him and Chance. “Please?”

Riley’s smile crinkled his eyes. “Yes, ma’am.”

Mia straddled him and lowered her sheath over his rigid cock. He flexed it on her way down.

She giggled. “Show-off.”

“That’s right.”

They kissed lazily and impassioned, both ways wicked good, his musk-and-cedar fragrance sparking her desire. She broke the magic first. “Ready for this?”

“Will I need a seat belt?”

“Wouldn’t do you any good. Say your prayers, soldier.”

Laughing, he gripped her hips.

She rode him rough and played with her breasts to give him a good show.

His eyes rolled back, showing the whites.

Mia couldn’t tell whether he was yanking her chain or not. Didn’t matter. He and Chance were more fun than she believed the world could offer.

She tightened her pussy around Riley’s cock as she’d done with Chance’s.

Riley stroked her clit, sending her back to heaven.

As the world rolled by, they bounced and fucked.

His jubilant shout was as loud as Chance’s earlier bellow.

Her climax proved as powerful, though different. Wringing her dry, leaving her breathless.

No woman had lived until she’d ridden two soldiers, one after the other.