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Hell Yeah!: Make Me Crave (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Tina Donahue (2)


Mia slouched against her desk and called herself a fool. She’d allowed her emotions to best her, the one thing she promised never to do after her disastrous affair with Kipp. If he’d been half the man Chance and Riley were…

They must have thought she was nuts. She’d come onto them without meaning to then blamed them for acting as any normal guy would in reciprocating her lust.

If they hadn’t, she would have died from shame. Because they had, she swung from elation to foreboding. Nothing good could come from this.

Hiding in her office wasn’t an option. Nor could she avoid facing them in the future or forget their desire. Riley’s gentleness had impressed and comforted. Nothing was sexier than a tender man. Chance’s passion was like none she’d known. She hugged herself and wished they were holding her. She’d fill herself with Chance’s tobacco-and-leather scent and Riley’s cedar fragrance. Their natural musk had heightened both colognes and intensified their innate virility.

Footfalls rang in the hall, hard, solid steps that revealed a man’s weight. More followed the first set. Both stopped at her office.

She pulled in her shoulders and waited for a knock or the knob to turn.

Muffled conversation flowed, the words punched out, possibly heated.

Had to be Riley and Chance. Maybe they’d decide this was a bad move, as she had, and would take off.

A light rap hit the door.

Mia couldn’t get her voice to work.

Before He Cheats blared from the ballroom. Carrie Underwood sang her heart out. Guests squealed, applauded, and laughed loud enough for the ruckus to reach here.

Another knock. Chance swore quietly. The door swung open.

Mia whipped off her glasses and pressed back in her chair.

Riley peered inside, his smile small and uncertain. His hesitation warmed her quicker than hundred-proof booze and a sweltering Texas day.

Chance craned his neck to look inside.

She wanted to jump him, Riley, too, and not come up for air until fully sated, possibly days or weeks from now.

Riley spoke first. “Mind if we come in?”

His rumbling voice and cute drawl put another crack in the barrier she’d built around herself. To deny them was more than she could bear given they looked as uncomfortable as she felt. Poor guys were probably worried about her sanity. Better to lie through her teeth to soothe their concerns then move on and behave like the professional she was supposed to be.

Mia gestured them inside.

Chance stopped Riley before he stepped on her smartphone.

After the last annoying call, she’d turned the thing off and thrown it at the door.

“Here you go.” Chance offered the device and a tentative smile. His hand brushed hers.

She fought an intolerable urge to curl her fingers around his or kiss his work-roughened palm. “Thanks.” She buried her shaky hands in her lap so he and Riley wouldn’t notice her unease. “Everything good out there?”

Someone’s prolonged and pleased bellow answered.

“Team’s taking care of things. You okay?” Chance edged closer.

So did Riley.

Their ornate belt buckles glinted in the fluorescent lights. Chance’s bore a cursive gold T for Thorpe. Riley had chosen a silver eagle for his. His bronze complexion made his hair seem lighter. His creamy brown eyes resembled chocolate, her fave food.

The impressive bulges between their legs made her dizzy. “Sure.”

Chance shook his head. “Sure what?”

“I’m great. You two?”

“Actually, I’m confused.” Riley gestured to her sofa. “Mind if we sit and talk?”

They couldn’t. She’d stacked BDSM romances on the sofa and chairs. The paperbacks were for research and pleasure she never experienced in real life. A few business and legal books made the other reading material seem less smutty. A wiser woman would have downloaded everything to an eReader. “Ah…”

“I have a better idea.” Chance put out his hand to stop Riley from clearing a place to sit. “How about we have a drink and dinner? Our treat. Right, Riley?”

“You bet.”

The ridges behind their flies had bulked up. Fully erect, they had to be nine inches or more, at least. She cleared her throat. “Now?” Surely, they weren’t proposing she go to either of their homes. Mia wouldn’t last a minute alone with them. “Where?”

“The resort restaurant. Won’t take us long to walk there.” Chance offered a coaxing grin.

His dimples turned her brain to mush.

Her phone buzzed. She switched it off and put the display facedown. If it wouldn’t have looked weird, she would have stomped the thing to pieces and burned its remains.

Chance and Riley exchanged a loaded glance.

Riley gestured to her phone. “Leave it here if you want. No distractions. Just hearty fare and an opportunity to relax.”

Chance nodded. “Afterward, we could catch up on security issues. Brainstorm about improvements in the system. Whatever you’d like.” He offered his hand. “Your call. Either way, we promise to show you a good time.”

They wanted to play. She did, too, even though it went against her better judgment. They were also curious about the call she didn’t take and her weird behavior.

Dammit, they should have been in the ballroom, babysitting or intimidating the guests, not in here arousing her.

She took Chance’s hand and left her chair. Her legs wobbled. “Okay. But not too long.”

Riley slid his fingers over hers. “Only the time it takes to chow down.”

Plus have a few drinks, laughs, the good time Chance promised. After that? She didn’t want to consider anything beyond the next few hours, but had to. Time to stop running away. “Wait.” She pulled away from them and grabbed her smartphone. “There’s something I need to discuss with you guys. Come on.”

They caught up with her in the hall, their strides long, and flanked her as personal bodyguards would. She shouldn’t have liked their protectiveness, but she did.

“Hold on.” Chance stopped. “Riley and I have to talk to the team members for a sec. Wait for us?”

With him touching her arm and Riley stroking her fingers, she could barely breathe much less move. “Sure.”

They gave their men explicit instructions on what to do in their absence.

She liked their quiet authority

The Dom was doing okay, too. He’d chained his sub to a St. Andrew’s cross. Clamps decorated her nipples. She wore a wicked chastity belt that was strangely arousing.

Mia’s pussy creamed.

“Ready?” Chance’s breath grazed her cheek.

Riley settled his hand on her waist.

She suppressed a delighted shiver. “Yep.”

Riley bent down, his mouth near her ear. “Yep what?”

Thinking wasn’t possible with him and Chance so close and big. God, this state pulled out all stops in growing their men. “What Chance said. Let’s go.”

An intimate atmosphere greeted them in the restaurant. Candlelight gave the wood-and-stone interior an inviting and mysterious flavor. Tables were deliberately set far apart, allowing patrons to discuss whatever they wanted undisturbed.

Her courage took a nosedive. Her lust spiked.

Chance shook the maître d’s wrinkled hand. He was an old guy sporting a bristly handlebar mustache.

“Evening, Forrest.” Chance inclined his head. “That table near the window looks good.”

Forrest gave him and Riley a curious look. For her, he smiled sweetly. “Ms. Strand. This way.”

Succulent beef, pork, and spices perfumed the air, but couldn’t compete with Riley and Chance’s scents. Hoping to catch a whiff, she sniffed.

Riley smiled, Chance offered a warm glance, both approving her shameless behavior. At the table, they settled her between them.

She held her leather-encased menu, but didn’t read a word. Her smartphone seemed intrusive on the snowy tablecloth. She wanted to stab the stupid thing and tell Riley and Chance she’d changed her mind. There’d be no confession tonight.

The waiter delivered her wine and the guys’ beers, took their orders, and departed, leaving them alone.

Rather than swill their drinks or admire the decorative lights on the outside vegetation, Riley and Chance regarded her patiently.

She wanted to scream, but sagged instead. “How much do you guys know about smartphones?”

Chance’s eyebrows lifted. “You mean data plans? Apps? Which device is best?”

“The iPhone’s way overrated.” Riley rested his hands on his flat belly. “Personally, I favor an Android. What right does Apple have to tell me what I can or can’t do with my—”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” She held up her phone. “Can either of you find out who’s been calling me repeatedly, but not leaving messages?”

Chance spoke before Riley could. “What did the display say when the calls came in?”

“Private. The caller’s deliberately blocking his number.”

“His?” Riley’s eyebrows shot up. “Someone you know?”

Her stomach clenched. “My number’s unlisted and unpublished. I chose both options with my carrier, in addition to having a toll-free number, which not many individuals have. The phone’s listed in a company name, not mine. I’ve called my carrier to complain. They insist no one can contact me unless I give them the information. I haven’t. This is the third phone and carrier I’ve had in as many months. I keep switching plans, changing things, including company names, but still the calls are getting through.”

Chance frowned. “This has been going on for months?”

“No. Only a few weeks.”

“Yet you changed phones and providers even when nothing was happening?”

Mia was careful. So sue her. She made a face. “I thought it prudent. The resort isn’t a kid-friendly Holiday Inn. I don’t want any trouble.”

“From who?” Riley folded his arms on the table. “A teabagger? Anti-sex activist? Has someone been giving you grief? Who?”

Mia didn’t want to say.

Chance drummed his fingers. “You should have mentioned this before now. How do you expect us to protect the resort and you if you keep problems to yourself?”

“That’s why we’re here.” Riley pulled his mug closer. “You’re supposed to be straight with us.”

Chance nodded. “No secrets, evasions, or dancing around the—”

“Okay, okay, I get it.” She tossed her phone on the table and crossed her arms. “This isn’t about the resort. It concerns me personally and an ex-boyfriend.”

Rather than look surprised, they’d seemed to expect what she’d blurted.

Chance sipped his beer. “From Manhattan? That’s why you left and came here? You’re hiding out?”

She didn’t have a choice. “I got tired of Wall Street and wanted to start a resort in a sane part of the world.”

“Like Texas?” Confusion swept Riley’s features. “This state’s nuttier than hell. People leave here to keep from going batshit crazy. If you want Chance and me to help you, we need the unvarnished truth. What happened with this guy?”

Too ashamed to confide, she shrugged.

They drank their beers and kept their peace. Military silent and strong.

Mia envied and pined for them. Frustrated with her unruly emotions, she finished half her wine and used her hand to wipe off her mouth. To hell with propriety and professionalism. She was a train wreck waiting to happen. “He got possessive, okay? I’m not talking normal concern regarding my whereabouts or when I’d be home for dinner, but weird stuff. He wanted things his way. Most of the time his preferences jibed with mine so it was no big deal. When they didn’t…” She wanted to hurl. “I got scared. He doesn’t like to lose at anything. Telling him no isn’t going to happen. I was afraid he’d eventually hurt or kill me.”


Chance ached to hug Mia. Prove she had nothing to worry about with him around. He didn’t budge. Touching her now would be the worst thing. Her nerves were too raw. No wonder she’d acted strange in the hall, wanting him and Riley then backing off as though they’d slugged her. She sure as hell didn’t trust men any longer. That had to change.

First though, they had to get through the next minutes. He motioned the waiter over. “More wine for the lady.”

She didn’t object.

Once her glass was full, Chance lifted her phone. “Mind if I take a look?”

“It’s yours.” She drank her Bordeaux hurriedly and stifled a burp. Her delicate nostrils flared. “I never want to see it again.”

Any man who came between a woman and her smartphone or pleasure needed his balls sliced off.

She gave Chance her security code. “Please find out if he’s the one who’s been calling me.”

“I’ll check your log.”

“Already did that. And my bill. Nothing’s on either.” She tapped the phone. “Dig deeper. The info has to be in there.”

That might be true, not that Chance would be able to find it. Even though he could ace any Ranger mission and security here was a snap, hacking into a computer was a whole other animal. He’d only read about that stuff in books or enjoyed it in TV shows and films. “What’s this guy’s name?”

“Kipp Loring.”

Riley choked on his beer.

Chance kicked him under the table for being judgmental. In Manhattan, his and Riley’s names would mark them as hicks, dumber than dirt, and worthless to boot. Chance googled Kipp. Numerous entries popped up along with a professional photo. His slicked back hair, stylish suit, and predatory stare were a dead ringer for Christian Bale in American Psycho. Worst movie ever. Chance had expected a typical slasher film or maybe one based on a true story, not the crap the studio provided.

According to the most recent information, Kipp was a major Wall Street trader. A smug and despised one-percenter. Why a fine woman like Mia would hook up with him mystified Chance. When it came to guys, she deserved the best. “You did the same work as him?”

“Yep and far better.”

No surprise there. She was a whiz with or without her cute glasses. However, her smarts must have gone over like a concrete balloon with Kipp. “He got jealous of your success?”

“More like he got even. Stole many of my best ideas.”

Riley made an indignant noise. “Did you call him on it? Is that when he got physical?”

“Whoa.” She sipped his beer and returned the mug. “Things never got that far. I was very careful around him and hated myself for it.”

“Hey, this isn’t your fault.” Chance turned off her phone. He’d seen enough of Kipp Loring to last a lifetime. “If a guy can’t be a man on his own, it’s no one’s fault except his.”

She smiled weakly. “I like that. Mind if I tell Avery so she can use it in her next story?”

Riley chuckled. “Seriously?” He slapped Chance’s back. “You’re a poet now instead of the clumsy dude I know. Congratulations. Wait till Isaac hears this. He’ll die laughing.”

“Stop it.” She smacked Riley’s arm then stroked the part she’d hit. “Chance is more graceful than I’ll ever be.”

He didn’t like how that sounded. “What?”

She patted his hand. “Graceful in a good way. Nothing wimpy, I swear. You and Riley move like wild beasts during a hunt. Ever see a panther in motion? Totally masculine and hot.”

He’d have to check out Animal Planet. “If you say so.”

“I do. You guys are friends. Don’t mess with each other over me.”

Chance hadn’t planned to. His goal had been for him and Riley to pleasure her to distraction. No way would he voice that until she was ready to hear it. Nor would he ask if they’d changed topics from her problems with Kipp to the hallway kiss. Although he preferred discussing their passion to her trouble concerning an ex-boyfriend, her safety was the most important thing. “You said Kipp got possessive and did weird stuff. Like what?”

Her face paled. “He put GPS tracking devices in my things.”

“Your car?”

“I didn’t have one. We shared an apartment, a short walk from our offices. If we had a VIP to schmooze or an event to attend, we used the corporate limo service.”

Chance didn’t understand. “What did he put the trackers in?”

Shame swept her face. “My briefcase, handbags, wallets, practically everything I owned and used on a regular basis.”

Riley coughed softly. “Are you serious?”

“Trust me I wish I was kidding. Pimps are already using the technology to track their prostitutes. It was on Chicago Med. The poor kid who landed in the hospital with a heroin problem had a chip beneath his skin, near his ribcage. If Kipp could have found a way to do that to me, he would have.”

The creep sounded seriously demented. “How’d you find out about the trackers?”

“Whoever put one in my briefcase hadn’t closed the seam well. The suede peeled back. I wasn’t sure if the device was something from the manufacturer that should be there, so I took it to an electronics store. The salesclerk identified it. I checked my purses next. Each one had a similar device. So did my other stuff. I’m no hacker, but I was able to get into Kipp’s computer while he was away from our place. He’d been following me from the moment I moved in with him. There were detailed notes on where I’d told him I was or would be cross-referenced with where I’d actually been. A few times, I changed plans and didn’t relay that information. He highlighted those instances in yellow, tagged them as lies, and made notes about how he’d restrict my movements in the future so I couldn’t deceive him. After seeing what he was doing, I got out as quickly as I could. I was afraid to just leave. I didn’t know what he’d do if I confronted him or took off. So I planned my escape as well as possible.”

Their avocado fries and barbeque shrimp appetizers arrived.

The waiter smiled at Mia. “More wine?”

“Thanks, but no.”

He bowed slightly and departed.

Chance didn’t want to ruin Mia’s appetite by dwelling on Kipp. However, what she’d said gave him no choice. “Did you leave him a note when you took off? How’d you manage to get away without him knowing?”

She rolled her shoulders. Something cracked. She winced. “I was careful. My note said we weren’t working out and not to try and find me. I was through with him. I didn’t take my personal things. As far as I know my clothes, shoes, and other stuff are still there, unless he sold everything or dumped it. I transferred my funds to a corporate account I created. During my remaining months there, I set up numerous other accounts and shifted my money between them, creating a convoluted trail he’d never be able to follow.”

Riley took another shrimp. “What about the resort? It’s not in your name?”

“God no. I contacted an attorney and hid my involvement with it as well as I could. You’d have to dig deep to find out who the true owner is. This concern is private, not public. Everything I did was legal, but the particulars are hidden.”

She’d gone farther than Chance would have thought to do if he’d been in the same situation. “It’s not like you haven’t been careful. What makes you think he’s calling?”

“Who else could it be?” Panic flared in her eyes. “The phone buzzes, stops, and then the buzzing starts again instantly. That’s not a wrong number or a persistent salesperson. It’s someone who’s obsessed and won’t give up.”

“What about your relatives?” Chance dipped his avocado fry in the picante sauce. “Couldn’t he have found out your mobile number from them?”

“No way. There’s only Mom and Dad. I call them once a week from payphones in Austin. Far as I know, those calls can’t be traced unless he’s bugged their phone, which he hasn’t because I warned them about him. They think I took a transfer overseas so I wouldn’t have to see him again. It’s best that way.”

Chance struggled to hide his outrage. Not only had Kipp stolen her security but he’d kept Mia from her family. “Since I don’t have the hacking skills to pull stuff from your phone, I’ll contact a Ranger buddy and see if he can do anything. Maybe those calls left a trace we’re not aware of.”

Riley swallowed his beer. “In the meantime, get a burner phone. Use it once then ditch it. Better still, let someone here take your calls. Make whoever wants to get in touch with the owner of this place go through the front desk.”

“No way.” Mia clutched the table. “I don’t want the staff to trip up and accidentally let Kipp know I am here.”

“We’re getting ahead of ourselves.” Chance piled appetizers on her plate. “By the way, these are great.” He tapped his fork against the shrimp. “Ever try one?”


“You’re missing a real treat.” He gave her his best smile.

Hers trembled, but she did nibble on the fare. Her lids slipped down. She moaned. “God. I think I just died and went to heaven.”

“Take mine.” He delivered them. “We can always order more.”

She gobbled them faster than he would have.

Pleased, he handed her his brew. “How do folks find out about this place? Do you advertise?”

She wiped beer foam off her lips. “Never. Everything’s word of mouth.”

Riley gave her the remaining fries. “Do you vet the guests before they’re allowed to play here?”

“You’re seriously asking that of someone as paranoid as I am?” She laughed self-consciously.

The surprisingly deep and throaty sound made Chance’s balls hum. “I take it that means you do check them out.”

“Along with their nearest and dearest. Not that I think the guests will ever be a problem. For people like Kipp, Texas is on the other side of the moon. Not a place he’d ever visit. Nor would it enter his thoughts.”

Chance guessed she’d been the same during her Wall Street days. This state had probably seemed like a whole other world to her and not one she wanted to visit. He’d never condone a man harming a woman emotionally or physically, but he couldn’t deny his delight that she’d fled here. “Mind if Riley and I take a look at your guest list since this place opened? Wouldn’t hurt to double check.”

“The data’s on my computer. I can email it to you. Anything else?”

“That should be it for now.”

“Not entirely.” Riley cupped Mia’s chin and turned her face to his. “Like I said in your office, we need to talk.”


Mia’s confession had put Riley at ease concerning her mood swings. At least most of them. If he’d had a maniac lover tracking him, he’d be skittish around the opposite sex, too. Whether he’d let what happened in the past rule his future was another matter entirely.

He stroked her jaw.

Her color rose.

Not wanting to take advantage at a vulnerable time, he released her. “About the kiss…” He wanted answers on it and preferred she fill in the blanks.

Chance pinched his nose disapprovingly.

So this wasn’t the smoothest way to ease into intimate matters. If Riley waited for her or Chance to mention what happened, they’d all be too old to play.

She dumped the remaining picante sauce on the fries and dug in. “What about it?”

Hell, she was going to make him squirm and beg for an answer. Wasn’t anything left except a direct approach. “Did you enjoy it?”

Perspiration beaded on her temples. Could have been from excitement, lust, or the spicy sauce. “Don’t you know?”

Chance barked a laugh.

Several diners looked over.

Riley blushed worse than he had at his first school dance. A humiliating evening that hadn’t killed him. This wouldn’t either. “I can’t read your mind, darlin’. Now your mouth, hands, and body…?” He deliberately took in each area, long and slow.

Her nipples peaked. Moisture slid from her temple to her jawline.

He liked his effect on her. “You were on fire in my arms.”

“Mine, too.” Chance leaned toward her. “There’s no denying it.”

Mia cleared her throat daintily. “Who says I’ve tried? Yes, I enjoyed our kiss.” She looked at him and Chance. “I’d count both as one of the top moments in my life. You want your beer?”

Riley handed his over first.

Her creamy throat bobbed with her swallows. She lowered the mug. “Won’t happen again, though.”

That didn’t make sense. “Why not? I would hope by now you know Chance and I aren’t like Kipp. Not even close. A woman doesn’t want us, fine. She’s free to go. We don’t take prisoners…except when we play.”

Mia’s cheeks rosed up. “You’re into BDSM?”

Anything that made life interesting and sexy was okay with Riley as long as no one got hurt. “Only if the lady consents.”

“What about you?”

At her question, Chance straightened. “Same as Riley. I go with the flow. No expectations. No demands. Unless it’s in bed and that’s what the lady wants.”

The waiter lugged a huge tray to their table. He delivered her blackened salmon, Riley’s steak, and Chance’s Texas-style prime rib.

“More drinks for everyone?”

They nodded and ate in silence.

Once the server had delivered their booze and departed, Mia lowered her fork. “Have you two been in a threesome before?”


They’d answered as one.

Riley figured she deserved a longer explanation. “We’ve never been attracted to the same woman until you came along.”

She smiled but lost it fast. “What makes me different? Because I’m your boss?”

“Not even close. More like the way you smell, your funny accent, your—”

“My what?”

“It’s cute, really.” Chance pointed his steak knife at Riley. “Isn’t it?”

“Didn’t I say that?” Hell, why was everyone cornering him? “Let me start over. You’re beautiful, sexy, and smart. Strangely enough, intelligence is the most important quality to me. Have you ever been with a girl who looked good, but couldn’t string two words together and have them make sense?”

Mia laughed. “Not in this life. Is it that bad?”

“The worst.” Chance tried her salmon and gave a thumbs-up. “It’s like trying to discuss quantum physics with a steer. Why any woman would want to be dumb or play like she was is beyond me.”

Mia stabbed his cut prime rib and Riley’s steak, chewed both pieces simultaneously, and nodded. “Whoever cooked this deserves a raise. It’s epic. Stupid women get on my nerves. When they act silly it hurts every female. Same goes for men and their idiotic machismo. Why do they think it’s necessary or remotely attractive to behave like know-it-alls or privileged jerks? That doesn’t turn me on.”

Riley edged nearer. “That’s not my style.”

“Mine either.” Chance leaned in on her other side.

Her breathing picked up. She wore the same glassy expression women did when Riley pleased them in bed.

Mia eased away and turned leery. “This is how Kipp and I got started.”

Talk about throwing dung on a precious moment. “You guys ate at a BDSM resort?”

She snickered.

“Did I say something funny?”

“No.” She waved her hands. “This is serious. I swore I’d never get involved in another workplace affair. If it tanks, you two would have to quit. I can’t. This is my home.”

To Riley, that seemed like a risk worth taking. “I don’t mind giving it a shot. Fact is I’d be damned disappointed if we didn’t try. Say one date to start. See how it goes.”

Chance brightened. “Sounds like a plan. Shake on it?”

What sane man wouldn’t? “You bet.”

She slapped their clasped hands. “Don’t I get a say?”

Riley suppressed a smile. “Wouldn’t be a party without you, darlin’.”

Pleasure radiated from her before she squelched it. “About that. You can’t use any endearments around the others. I don’t want people gossiping.”

They would anyway. Nothing on God’s good earth would stop them even if they were five counties short of the truth. “It’ll be our secret, all right?” He offered her his hand.

So did Chance.

She kept hers in her lap. “Where?”

For a smart woman, she used too few words. “Where what?”

“Is this going to happen? Our first get-together, thing, rendezvous—”


“Can we call it that with three people involved?” She gave him and Chance a questioning look.

Riley shrugged. “How about we call it fun? Will that work?”

Chance cut his meat. “Fine with me.”

“Good, but I was talking to Mia.” Riley speared his steak and offered her the bite.

She cuffed his wrist, stroked his thumb, and licked the fork clean.

Even his teeth registered delight. More foreplay like this and she’d have him coming in his jeans.

She released him. “Okay.”

Again with her short answers. “Okay what?”

“One date. Where? When? What will we be doing?” She reddened. “Besides the obvious?”

Riley liked how she thought. “How about you let me and Chance figure out the details?” Knowing Chance, he’d plan the night as carefully as a military operation. “Once we finalize things, we’ll let you know. I swear, it’ll be great. Better than anything you’ve known.”

Mia nodded cautiously but her complexion flushed.

There was no turning back now.