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Hinder (An Off Track Records Novel) by Kacey Shea (31)


Last night Leighton loved me as if he was attempting to brand his very soul on mine. Long, languid, and late into the night we came together. Tangled limbs, breathy moans, kisses sweet and passionate did nothing to extinguish the fire of our desire. After we showered, I gave in to utter exhaustion. Only this time when I wake in my hotel room, he’s still here.

“Morning,” he whispers, and just like that I fall in love with the rough sound of his morning voice.

“Were you watching me sleep?” I say with a big grin on my face.

He smiles back. “Yeah.”

I’m not ready to break the bubble of this perfect escape we’ve shared, but there’s a load in time we cannot miss. “What time is it?”

“Eight. We have an hour.”

I nod, both disappointed and excited to get back on the road.

He pushes off the bed and dresses in his clothes from last night. “Coffee?”

“Yes, please.”

He climbs on the bed and claims my lips with a soft kiss. “I’ll run downstairs and get the good stuff.” He winks and pushes to his feet, walking backward toward the door. “Don’t move.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I say, and swoon a little inside. He’s perfect. I’m so lucky.

I climb out of bed to use the restroom, brush my teeth, and pull on a pair of clean underwear. Dressing in a simple tank and cutoff shorts, I realize I never charged my phone. The battery is dead, so I plug it in and sit back down on the bed. Within seconds it powers on and a moment later begins to ring.

It’s Lexi. “Hey, Lexi.”

“Opal! I’ve been trying to get hold of you!” The alarm in her voice prickles my spine with fear. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“What’s going on?” I shove to my feet and pull my phone back from my ear as it pings with a list of missed calls and messages. “I just saw all your texts. Is everything okay?”

“You haven’t seen the news?”

My heart stutters and the pit of my belly fills with dread. I don’t know what it is, but she’s scaring me. “What news? Lexi?”

“I promised I would protect you from all of this. I thought we were being careful, but shit. It must’ve been leaked from the lawyers. I swear to God, I’m going to find out who did this and make them pay.”

“Lexi? What’s happening? I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“I forwarded you the article. Someone leaked the information. They know. Everyone in the goddamn country knows you’re my sister. I’m so sorry.”

“Oh.” My mouth goes dry and it’s the only response I can manage. I’ve seen how challenging it is to live in the spotlight after these weeks with the band, but my relationship with Lexi is worth it. It’s been exhausting to keep this hidden. I’m proud to be her sister.

But that’s not what nags at the back of my mind. Leighton was acting strange last night. He made love to me with a level of desperation I didn’t expect. Not that it wasn’t good. It was mind blowing, like it always is. But the way he touched me was almost as if he were memorizing my body. He was so passionate, and I assumed he was only showing me how much he loved me.

But now, after this . . .

He wouldn’t do this to me—to us—would he?

“Say something. I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to be thrust into my world. It was selfish really.”

The door swings open with so much force it slams against the wall and there’s Leighton. Alarm and guilt etch in the frown of his brow and I just know. It was him. He’s the only other person who knew.

“Let me call you right back.”

“You’re angry. Hurt.” She has no idea, but it’s not because of her. “I get that. I’m sorry, but I never meant—”

“We’ll work through this.” My gaze trains on Leighton, but the words aren’t meant for him. “Meet in the lobby? Half an hour?”

“Yes. Thank you. Yes. I’ll see you downstairs. I love you.”

“Love you.” The words choke in my throat and I end the call before I cause her any more worry.

Leighton doesn’t move. Hasn’t since the door eased shut behind him with a resounding click. “Opal?”

I trusted him. I told him.

“You leaked the story.”

“I’m sorry.” He lunges forward with several quick steps.

I hold up two hands to stop him from coming any closer. “Don’t.” I can’t think with his touch. I can’t trust myself around him. I can’t believe he did this! Yanking my clothes from the floor and into my duffle bag, the only thing I’m sure of right now is that I have to get out of here. I can’t be here. Not with him.

He stares and I feel the heat of his gaze, but I ignore him. My mind reels with the onslaught of pain, rejection, and anger. Did he even love me? He never said the words, but I understood why he couldn’t. Not with the way he was raised. Not with how he was kept from love. Or was that all an act, too?

“Opal?” He fucking stands there, hands in his back pockets and shoulders tense. He watches as if he’s scared of what I’ll do. He should be. “Where are you going?”

I lift my chin and level my gaze to meet his stare. “I’m going to have breakfast with my sister. Maybe you want to make a call? I’m not sure where we’re going but if you follow me out, I’m sure you can tip off the paparazzi.”

“I wouldn’t—” The agony in his eyes slays me, but I refuse to feel sorry for him. Not after what he’s done. “God, I fucked up. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t need an apology.” I push past him to get to the bathroom and the rest of my stuff.

“Please. Don’t go. Let me explain. I need to explain.”

I turn on him and the pit of my belly fuels with anger. “Why?”

“Because I can’t live without you.” He chokes out the words as if they hurt to say, but his vulnerability doesn’t change the facts.

My jaw locks and I straighten my spine. I glare and stare right through him. I should just leave, but I have to know. “No. Why did you do it?”

“I can’t . . . I made a mistake. But not the one you think. I should have told you. I should have told you everything. I know that now. I’m a coward. I am.” He runs his hand through his hair and over his back to knead at his shoulders. “You think I don’t know that? You think this doesn’t kill me?”

Hurt gaping and profound slices through me. I open my mouth to speak, but the words don’t feel like mine. “The only thing I know is that you did this, Leighton. You broke this. You. I can’t see around that right now.” I walk past him, and open the door.

“Don’t leave. Please.”

“Save your words. They mean nothing.” And just like that I’m gone.