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Hiring Their Manny Omega MM Non Shifter Alpha Omega Mpreg: A Mapleville Romance (Mapleville Omegas Book 6) by Lorelei M. Hart, Ophelia Hart (14)

Chapter Fourteen



When work called, I made the ringtone as annoying as possible. It had helped me get up in the middle of the night when Tobias was a baby, but I’d forgotten to change it. When I heard, Ring, ring, ring, ring! louder and louder, my adrenaline kicked in, and I got up and slipped on some jeans with the phone between my face and my shoulder, listening to the details.

I’d been watching the wildfire on the news, but now it threatened a senior’s complex full of residents. We had to get all of them out and fast, which meant I needed to pilot the helicopter and help out with the rescue. I’d been expecting a call anytime but hoped against it. Cory, Benjamin, and I had come to some sort of agreement, and I needed to seal it with more than just words. But that would have to wait.

“You’re not on duty,” Ben groggily muttered, turning over in bed to face me, while I slipped on a Fire & Rescue T-shirt.

“I know, but the fire is getting close to that huge senior residence complex. We have to evacuate them. Nothing I can do but get to the station asap.”

“Oh man. I hope everyone gets out okay.” His tone overrode his faint smile. I heard the fear in his voice.

“We’ll get them out.”

He rolled onto his back and groaned. As he did, the sheet pulled back and revealed his hip and most of the rest of him. “You look damned fine in that T-shirt, Levi. As much as I love you naked, that shirt makes me hard. See?”

He lifted the sheet to show me just how much it affected him, but I knew my husband better. He was trying to play off his worry and fear even before I’d left the house.

I went to the bed and crawled over to him, knowing I needed to take a few seconds to soothe my husband. “Hey, I’ll be fine. Just typical stuff your tough firefighter does, right? In no time, I’ll be home. No worries, okay? And I’ll take care of this when I get back.” I reached between his legs and stroked his dick a few times.

“Yeah, of course, no worries. Besides, I’ve got Tobias and a ton of work, plus staring and pining after Cory, so I probably will be too busy to even notice you’re gone,” he choked on his last word, and a tear trickled down his face. I wondered what was happening. He wasn’t usually this emotional about me going in to work, dangerous or not.

“Come here.” I bundled him up in my arms and whispered all the things I’d want to hear if he were leaving in the middle of the night, hoping they would help. Everything would be fine. I would be back in no time. I wouldn’t get hurt, and I would be careful. I loved him.

We let go, and I kissed his forehead. He started to get up, but I questioned my mate who usually loved his sleep more than me.

“I might as well get up. It’s close to five, and I’m not going to sleep well after you’re gone. I’m up before sunrise. Who knew that was a thing?”

“Not me,” I said, laughing.

“I’m going to make coffee. Don’t leave without telling me.”

After washing my face and brushing my teeth quickly, I grabbed the duffel bag I kept in the bottom of the closet containing my necessities in case I had to stay somewhere a few days. Ben always stocked it with my favorite snacks and usually some love notes. I remembered one time when I was away for almost two weeks in Colorado. Those notes from my husband kept me grounded and hopeful.

I bounced down the stairs and instantly smelled coffee, Benjamin, and Cory. Even in a crowd of people, I could probably pick them out blindfolded by scent alone. I put the duffel at the bottom of the staircase, grabbed my boots, and went into the kitchen. They were both leaning against the kitchen counters nursing their own cups and, if I wasn’t mistaken, not looking pleased about being up so early.

My sleepy men. All I wanted to do was bring them both back up to my bed and tuck them in together.

“Why are you up, Cory? Is Tobias awake?”

He shook his head and held up his cup of coffee. Apparently, he hadn’t had enough to stir up words yet.

“I think your ringtone woke up the whole house.”

To that, Cory gave a thumbs-up and took a long sip of his coffee with his eyes closed and his head tilted back.

“I’m sorry. Remind me to change that when I get back.”

Ben pointed to an extra cup on the counter, and I kissed his temple for making me a cup, too. The day would’ve been hard enough without caffeine.

I mimicked their stance, leaning against the counter. For a few minutes we all inhaled the dark brew, not speaking.

“How long will you be gone?” Cory asked, finally awake enough.

“Not sure. At least today and tomorrow.” I shrugged. There was just no telling with these kinds of situations.” I couldn’t help myself. I needed to know why he was asking. “You gonna worry about me, Cory?”

He looked up; the sincerity shone in his features and in the depths of his green eyes. “It’s too early to be coy, so I’m going to say yes. Of course I will worry about you, and we’ll miss you, won’t we, Ben? It won’t be the same until you get home.”

Ben nodded, his blush rosier than the sunrise.

From upstairs, I heard Tobias, and Cory sprinted up to see if he was okay.

“Did you hear that?” I said.

Benjamin pulled me closer to lean his head on my chest. “I heard it, and I felt it. It was like the first time you kissed me. Butterflies and all the tingling.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “Where is it tingling?”

“Everywhere. Trust me.”

Cory came back downstairs, and we turned to see him holding Tobias, who rubbed his eyes. “This man heard his daddy was leaving and apparently needed to say goodbye.”

Cory handed the baby to me, and Tobias snuggled right into my neck and put his little chubby arms around it. It was the first time he’d really hugged me, and tears formed in the corner of my eyes.

I reassured him the best way I knew how, rubbing his back and telling him that Daddy would be back soon. I must have kissed the tiny boy fifty times before handing him back to Cory.

“It’s time to go.”

I sat at the kitchen table, and we all stayed silent while I slipped my boots on.

“I’ll be back soon.” I kissed Ben and then he grabbed my shirt and kissed me harder—deeper. I moved to kiss Tobias one more time and then halted. Cory knew we cared about him, and he was in our family. No reason to leave him out. I kissed him on the forehead and whispered in his ear not to worry and that I would be back soon, just like I had done with Ben earlier in the bedroom. I stood back and took in the picture of them.

“Look at all my men, up early. Y’all are going to need a nap later. I’ll call when I can. Bye.”

I grabbed the bag and my jacket and headed out with a grin on my face. This time I wouldn’t just be coming home to Ben, who I loved, but I’d be coming home to my family.