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His Lady (Boston Doms Book 5) by Jane Henry, Maisy Archer (8)

Chapter 8

If Elena thought Blake was crazy overprotective and badass before he found out she might be bearing his offspring, his level of overprotectiveness now was damn near suffocating.

“Listen, Blake,” she said, with practiced patience, as he tucked her arms in her jacket and spun her around to zip it up. “Honestly, I really can get myself ready to face the biting fifty-degree spring day.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, as fifty degrees in Boston was damn near time to pull out the flip-flops and hoodies.

“Didn't say you couldn't,” he muttered in a husky growl as he finished pulling up the zipper and escorted her outside. “Just wanted you to let me do it.” Her tummy dipped as she took him in again. His blue eyes shone, the wrinkles around the edges making her heart stutter. He nabbed her elbow, tucking her close to the building-side of the street, as he intentionally flanked her right side where the cars whizzed toward the busy downtown Boston intersection. “Careful, baby,” he muttered, easing her over a crack on the sidewalk. She smiled to herself. It was cute.

It was also the first time they walked in public with each other, hand in hand, after her name had been plastered on the front page article of the Boston Star. Elena knew at this point Slay had been informed of what was going on between her and Blake, and she could only hope that Alice had somehow softened the blow. Slay was heading into The Club that night for a late night shift, and her stomach already churned knowing that she, Slay, and Blake needed to have a talk, and when they did, her older brother would very likely lose his mind. But right now she had bigger fish to fry.

The reason Blake was walking with her in broad daylight was because first, they were on their way to get some lunch, and second, this afternoon, she would receive the results of her pregnancy test and Blake hadn't wanted her to be alone when she got the news. Her phone sat like a hand grenade ready to blow as she waited for her coworker Nancy to give her the call.

Blake steered her past the big display of newspapers with The Club plastered on the front page, heading to a neighborhood Greek restaurant the locals loved.

“Okay, so I don't really get it,” she muttered, enjoying the warmth of her hand in his as they walked briskly along. “Salazar sets his crazyass cronies onto you guys because of… what? Revenge? Jealousy? What exactly is he hoping to accomplish with this shit? And why don't you just call him out and sue his ass?”

A muscle twitched in Blake's jaw as he guided her to take a right at the corner. “Don't say his name so loud,” Blake growled. “Jesus, Elena. The only reason I'm allowing you out like this in broad daylight is because I'm with you. You got that?”

“Jesus, Elena,” she mocked. “Hey, are you packing a weapon or something?”

Blake gave her a sidelong look. “You've got quite a potty-mouth there, little girl. And for your information,” he hissed, tugging her a little closer as a sketchy-looking couple walked past them, “I'm not packing a weapon, but the guy tagging us sure as fucking hell is.”

“Potty-mouth, he accuses, while cursing in the same breath,” she muttered.

He growled, actually legit growled, and for a moment she was glad she'd landed a temporary reprieve from his palm of steel, because he looked like he was about ready to tan her ass right there on the corner of Comm Ave and Main.

“Blake,” she said, stopping just a few feet shy of the entrance to the restaurant. “Take it easy, okay? There's no need to worry.”

His brows drew together as he released her hand and stopped walking, spinning her around toward him. He put both of his enormous palms on her shoulders. “No need to worry, baby? I've got the biggest drug lord in all of Boston trying to take down The Club I've poured blood, sweat, and tears into for longer than you've walked this earth. I've got my woman on my arm, about to find out if our lives are going to change forever. And I've got to face her brother, whom I love like he was my own flesh and blood, and tell him that I'm with his baby sister. And he knows what it means to be with me. He knows we don't spend our free time playing mini golf and drinking fru-fru coffee at the country club.” He ran a hand through his sexy-as-all-hell salt-and-pepper hair and blew out a breath. “But I'm not worried. I've got this. All of this. What I'm not is nonchalant about all this shit.”

She let her eyes roam over the muscles in his shoulders, which rippled under the edge of his sweatshirt before she stared into his eyes the color of dusk in winter, pools of dark blue that turned her legs to jelly. “It's okay, honey,” she said, resting her hand on his bristly cheek.

“Elena,” he said, as one hand lifted off her shoulder and curved around her neck. “No, it's not okay,” he whispered, leaning in to her as he brought her forehead to his lips and kissed her softly. “But it will be. No matter what, I give you my word. I've got this.” She closed her eyes against the rising swell of emotion in her chest. God, this man.

Hungry, honey?” he asked.

She nodded as his eyes flitted behind her. “Then let's get some grub.” He took her by the hand again, but as they approached the restaurant, her phone buzzed. A bolt of fear raced up her chest, and she froze, unable to follow him even as he tugged on her hand. The number on the screen was from the hospital.

“It's them,” she whispered, suddenly stricken. “What do I do?”

His eyes crinkled around the edges, his voice low and soothing when he spoke. “Answer it, baby.” She swallowed, forcing her voice to work when it seemed suddenly she was almost unable to. She swallowed a second time before she answered. “H'lo?” she croaked.

“Elena?” It was Nancy. Blake's eyes held hers as she nodded to him.

“Yes?” she responded, her voice sounding unnaturally high.

“I'm sorry, honey,” Nancy continued, and Elena felt her heart sink as Blake's hopeful eyes met hers. “The test is negative. You're not pregnant, Elena.”

Elena exhaled, her throat feeling tight while at the same time, guilt overtaking her as she realized that she was both disappointed and relieved. She shook her head at Blake, tears pricking her eyes as his face fell, barely processing Nancy's voice on the other end. “See you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, thanks, Nancy. Okay, see you then.”

A click, she shut off her phone, and shoved it back in her pocket.

No baby. No squealing little, curly-haired cherub that had his daddy's eyes. No little girl to dress in frilly dresses and wide-brimmed hats and baby-sized Mary Janes.

“No baby?” Blake asked. She shook her head, her heart constricting as he reached to brush a tear off her cheek. Was she crying? She hadn't even realized she was.

“I'm sorry,” she whispered, as he pulled her fiercely toward his chest, tucking her against him.

“No,” he whispered. “There's nothing to be sorry about, honey,” he said. “This just means no for now. Now, we do this right. I get you a ring. I get you a house. I face that big bear of a brother of yours.” He paused, chucking a finger under her chin. “And I put you over my knee and give you that spanking you've got coming to you.”

She laughed in spite of herself, and realized what a weight was lifted at the sound of his words. God, yes, he was right. He was so right. This wasn't the end. This was only the beginning.

* * *

They walked in silence back from the restaurant, Elena toting a little white paper bag filled with baklava, the flaky Greek pastry layered with honey, butter, and walnuts Blake had insisted she buy for later.

“After we talk to Slay, you're coming back to my place,” Blake explained in his low, husky voice, and as they waited at the corner for the walk light to flash, he leaned down, kissing her temple before he whispered, “It's time, baby.”

Time for what? Her heartbeat thundered in her chest as she wondered what he had planned at his place. She thrilled at the chance to finally see where he lived, and knew in her heart that being taken back to his home, his sanctuary, the place where he and Josie had resided for decades, marked a decided change in their relationship. She swallowed.

What exactly did the most well-known dominant in Boston keep in his house? What awaited her? But before she could wonder at what the evening held, her mind reeled back to the present. They were only a block away from The Club, where Alex waited for them. She felt like she was a teenager, arriving home on the backseat of a tattooed, leather-clad boy’s motorcycle after curfew, prepared to meet Daddy's disapproval. Blake had grown quiet as they arrived at the entrance to The Club. Fortunately, the protesters at The Club had momentarily called it quits after her tirade the day before, and they entered via the front door without an issue.

Donnie nodded to them as they entered, his eyes sympathetic.

“Hey,” Elena greeted, and Blake gave him a chin lift.

“Master Blake, Slay's waiting for you,” Donnie said, his lips twisting in a grimace. “I told him you'd be back, and he said he'd be waiting in your office.”

“Thanks, Donnie,” Blake said, stoically escorting her past the bar and toward his office at the back. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Don't worry about this, baby. This is gonna be just fine. Slay loves you, and I know how to handle him. Frankly, although I respect him as my friend, I don't give a shit what he thinks about us.”

At his words, Elena suddenly felt a rising sense of injustice. “You know what?” she said, as they walked to his office, the sounds of those around them fading as the dark door loomed. “I agree with you. God, the overbearing ogre will have to accept that I'm a grown-up, and I make grown-up decisions. I'm with you. An hour ago, I'd have accepted the fact that I was carrying your baby. I'm fully prepared to pack a toothbrush and spend the night at your place, because I'm with you. Alex can fucking deal.”

Blake groaned. “Here we go,” he muttered under his breath.

She frowned, looking at him. “What?”

He grinned, his eyes crinkling around the edges. “You're stunning when you're pissed, you know that?”

She smiled back. “Aw, you say the sweetest things,” she said sarcastically.

They stood hand-in-hand, right outside the office door. “Okay, babe,” he said. “For God's sake, Elena, follow my lead, got it?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said, nodding. “Open the door already.”

But Blake didn't. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Don't yeah, yeah, yeah, me, young lady.” His breath tickled her cheek, his large, warm hand resting on her lower back. She swallowed as her nipples tightened, her pussy clenching with need as he continued. “Your ‘get out of spanking free’ card has expired. Pass directly to jail. Do not collect $200 dollars. I'm taking you back to my place tonight, and we'll deal with the past few days the way I prefer. Right now? You really don't want to push me. You get me?”

His voice was controlled, even, as she swallowed and nodded. “I get you,” she whispered. “Now open the door already.”

“Oh for fuck's sake,” he muttered, rolling his eyes, as he twisted the doorknob and opened the office door.

Alex stood, leaning against the edge of Blake's desk, his massive arms crossed on his chest, his jaw clenched. His brown eyes positively bore through hers as Blake ushered her in. For once she wished Blake wasn’t so chivalrous that he held the door open for her every time, because now was the one time she really wanted him to go in first. Her eyes flitted to the screens on Blake's wall, as she realized that they were still on. They were always on, and damn it if Alex hadn't seen their little exchange right before they went in.


Blake closed the door, removing his jacket, and nodding to Alex.

“Slater,” he said in greeting, hanging his jacket up on a peg on the back of the door, then reaching for Elena's. He helped her out of it and hung it up next to his.

Alex merely glared.

Blake took Elena's hand and walked to his desk, gesturing for her to take a seat. She sat, watching the two men she loved more than anyone else in the world glare at each other.

Finally, Alex unclasped his arms, only to plant his hands on his hips and turn on Blake. “You gonna tell me what the fuck is going on, and why I woke up today to find my sister's picture plastered all over the fucking internet?”

Elena felt her anger rising as the full heat of Alex's fury was directed right at Blake. “Alex,” she began, lifting a finger, but Alex stopped her with his palm raised.

“Do not talk to me right now, Elena,” he growled. “I'll deal with you after I deal with him.”

She got to her feet, ignoring the warning look Blake shot her. “No, you will not,” she began, but Blake cut her short.

“Elena, stop,” he instructed. She met his eyes and saw the command there. Was she his submissive? Hell yeah. Elena sat. She wanted to let him take the lead here, even though her temper was rising.

Alex faced Blake. “You dom her now?” he said, his voice rising in anger. “You think it's okay to tell her what to do?”

Blake stood across from Alex, and something shifted in his gaze. Whereas before he looked calm, it now looked as if he'd made up his mind. He continued, ignoring Alex's fury. “Yes,” Blake said. “I do. Because I'm a dominant, and you of all people should know what that means. It means I lead her. It means I take care of her. I make sure she's safe, and she takes care of herself, and that no harm comes to her.”

Alex's eyes flashed as his hands flew off his hips and he took a step toward Blake.

“Don't you fucking tell me what a dominant does,” he said, pointing an irate finger at Blake. “I know what a dominant does, and that's exactly why you'll stay the hell away from my sister, because you're old enough to be her fucking father.

Elena sprang to her feet. Forget Blake's warning to let him deal. Fuck letting them sort out their “bro code” transgressions. She was not going to sit idly by and let Alex rake her man over the coals.

“Lay off, Alex!” she hissed, taking a step toward them, and that was when all hell broke loose.

“Sit down, Elena,” Blake growled.

But the second he did, Alex's fist shot out as he bellowed at Blake, “Don't you fucking dom her!” His fist connected squarely with Blake's jaw, and Elena heard the snap from the force of the blow as Blake groaned, knocked back.

“Alex!” she shouted. “Leave him alone!” She reached her hands out but Alex was rearing back to deck Blake again. His forearm knocked into Elena as she charged at him, pushing her backward while she uttered an “oof, falling thankfully into a seated position in the chair. Blake had recovered from the blow, somehow managed to block Alex's second swing, and shoved him backward so that Alex fell to sitting beside Elena.

“Enough!” Blake roared. “You almost decked your sister, asshole, and even though I deserve what I got, she fucking doesn't. Sit, Alex, or I'll defend myself and you don't want that anymore than I do!”

The two of them stared at each other, chests heaving.

“God, it’s like some kinda sick pissing match, and I can’t tear my eyes away,” Elena muttered, which earned her a glare from both Alex and Blake. She pursed her lips and quirked a brow. “So? You gentleman gonna continue, or are we done here?”

“Brat,” Slay and Blake said in unison, which made Elena snort, but only earned her further glares.

Finally, Blake lifted a hand, gesturing for everyone to calm down. “Listen,” Blake began. “Honest to God, man, when I first started getting to know Elena I didn’t know she was your sister.”

“Bullshit,” Alex muttered to himself, but Blake’s blue eyes grew stormy as he fixed a stern gaze on Alex that actually made him squirm.

“Enough,” Blake bit out. “God, man, listen.”

Elena swallowed. It was one helluva dom who could make Alexander Slater do what he said, and Alex’s willingness to listen underscored just how very much Alex respected Blake.

“You listening?” Blake asked in a low voice, while his blue eyes continued to keep Alex riveted to his seat.

A muscle twitched in Alex’s jaw, but he nodded.

“Good,” Blake said. “Elena and I met online, and it was like some kinda miracle. Honestly, if we’d only known each other face-to-face, I don’t think we’d ever gotten past sparring with each other in the bar and pissing each other off. But… well, we did. Elena used to read Josie’s blog, and when I finally wrote a blog post letting Josie’s readers know she had passed, Elena offered her condolences.” Blake shrugged. “How was I supposed to know that the girl with the screen name LanieLove was the same girl who pissed me off at my very own club?”

Alex’s eyes met Elena’s, and Elena could only nod.

Blake continued. “So, we got to know each other. We wrote to each other. Texted. Chatted. I really liked her, and the feeling was mutual. The next thing you know, one day we were right here in this office, Elena was mouthing off to me as usual, and we realized that the people we were texting were the very same people we were facing.” Blake shrugged. “What can I say? I liked her. I was in too deep. I’m not sure how things would’ve gone if I’d known from the beginning that you were LanieLove’s brother.” Blake’s voice dropped. “You know I love you like a brother, Slater. I don’t need to tell you that. Honest to God, I had no idea that I was…” he paused, meeting Elena’s eyes, before he finished, “falling in love with your sister.”

The only sound in the room was the soft humming of the light bulb fixture above them, as the room was soundproofed and the monitors had been muted. Elena felt her heart constrict in her chest as she met Blake’s eyes.

Falling in love.

She smiled weakly at him, nodding, as she faced Alex.

“He’s right,” she said softly, her anger now gone. “Every word he says is the truth. I swear it, Alex. I had no idea the man I was… falling in love with was your friend. No idea. And then when I did find out…” she paused, her voice dropping, “it was too late.” She swallowed, before she looked back at Blake. She lifted her head high as she met his eyes. “I was already in love.”

Alex ran a hand over his face, closing his eyes. Elena’s heart went out to him. She knew how worried she made him, how badly he wanted what was good and right for her.

“Alex,” she said, reaching her hand out to his. “I… this wasn’t what I’d planned,” she said softly. “But it is what I want. Please hear me in this.”

“I hear you,” Alex said, shaking his head. “And I don’t really get it, and it’ll take some time to get used to, but I just want what’s best for you, Elena.” He looked to Blake. “Matteo and Blake are the only guys I know I’d trust my life with,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t trust him. But have you two thought this through? What the age difference means for you if you… get married, and have kids and shit like that?”

Elena smiled at him. “Yeah,” she said, with a wry laugh. “We’ve thought of that more than you’d know.” She met Blake’s eyes, and his were smiling at her. She turned back to Slay. “I know this isn’t what you would’ve chosen for me. But honestly, Alex, you beat up every single boyfriend I ever had in high school, and by the time I hit college I didn’t even tell you when I went on a date.”

Alex’s brows drew together. “I thought you just took a break from dating while you focused on nursing. You mean to tell me you kept shit from me?”

Elena snorted. “Uh yeah, Alex,” she said. “A girl has to sow her wild oats without having her big brother breathing down her neck and threatening to kick the ass of anyone who so much as even tried to get a little tongue action.”

Alex growled and Blake cracked his knuckles, but she went on. “The fucking double standards make me just about go cross-eyed. I mean, who ever heard of a tattoo artist who wouldn’t even let his own sister get inked? Huh? Of course I had to hide shit from you!”

Alex frowned, and Blake growled, “You got a tat?”

She grinned, and wished she was chewing gum just so she could snap it. “Yup,” she said smugly. “Three, to be precise.” And won’t you love playing hide and seek to see where they are? she thought as she looked at Blake.

Blake shot her a look back that said Behave. She merely grinned.

Unfuckingbelievable,” Slay groaned.

Elena just shook her head. “Listen,” she said, sobering. “Sometimes you can’t predict the future. You don’t know who you’re gonna meet, or how things will turn out. You don’t know… who you’ll fall in love with.”

Slay nodded, as Elena looked back at Blake. His eyes had grown softer, and she suspected he was remembering the years he’d spent with Josie. He’d likely never envisioned the day she’d be gone, let alone looking to start all over again. “Sometimes you just don’t know how things are really meant to be until they happen,” she said, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“Ain’t that the truth,” Blake said, blowing out a breath.

Alex looked from Elena to Blake and back again, and finally, he nodded—one brief nod, but Elena knew what it meant. Alexander Slater was a Marine, a dominant, a man who knew what he wanted and would fight to the death to defend the honor, safety, and integrity of those he loved. When he accepted the veracity of a situation, he gave his word. Elena felt a lump rise in her throat as she sat between the two men who loved her.

Alex’s eyes went back to Blake. “You gonna keep her outta the fray while we sort this shit at The Club?”

“Hell yeah,” Blake said. “She’s not coming back here until the air is totally cleared. Got a man tagging her at all times, and I’ll be keeping a close watch. You have my word.”

“But—” Elena began, but Blake cut her short with a hand raised in her direction, and a stern glare that made her close her mouth.

“No. I’m putting my foot down about this, and that’s final.”

She knew it wasn’t for show and that he meant every word, but still, she couldn’t help glance at Alex, who nodded thoughtfully. “Damn right,” he said. “You do what he says. He’s the one who owns this place, and now that you’re with him, there’s nothing here for you anyway.”

He crossed his arms. She looked from one to the other, both implacable and stern, and she knew she wasn’t gonna win this round.

“Fine,” she mumbled.

They both grinned, and as they did, her heart soared. They had her back, and it would all work out.

* * *

You taste like honey and butter,” Blake said, his low voice in her ear causing her nipples to harden. She was straddling his lap on the leather couch in his living room, having just polished off the last bite of baklava, and they were celebrating the evening alone.

“You taste like masculinity and sex,” she countered, running her fingers around the back of his neck and drawing his mouth closer to hers, as he growled in her throat and tightened his grip on her ass. “I fucking love it.”

“You swear like a goddamned truck driver,” he bit out, leaning his mouth closer to her ear and taking her lobe into his mouth with his teeth.

“No shit,” she responded, pulling back and meeting his eyes. “What are you gonna do about it, old man?”

“Naughty little brat,” he growled, and she shrieked as his hands went to her top, yanking it up, nimbly unfastening her bra, before his hands found her nipples and squeezed. “You really don’t want to test me, Elena,” he said, sobering, his voice dropping as his eyes narrowed. He twisted his hands, and she braced herself. The sharp bite of pain faded to a tingle. “You’ll do as you’re told, little girl,” he said, his smoky voice like whisky on ice, brisk but biting. “I’m not shittin’ around with your safety. And there’s a limit to how far you can push me, Elena. I don’t expect meek and mousy from you. No, baby, that isn’t you, and I get that,” he said, his hands kneading her breasts now, as flames flickered in her nether regions, her pussy convulsing with need. Oh God.

Her mouth opened, panting, as he laced his fingers through her hair and tugged her head back, pulling her ear to his mouth. “I owe you a spanking, young lady. You endangered yourself when you disobeyed me. And because of what you did, you’ve raised suspicion by plastering your name all over the internet. I don’t give a shit who comes after me, but you’ll answer for putting yourself on their radar.”

She swallowed, her heart racing as her pussy throbbed with need, but at the same time her ass tingled at the memory of his leather on her naked skin, and his enormous hand branding her with punishing strikes. Through the haze of arousal, she looked into his eyes. “And what if I say no?” she said, not able to help herself from pushing, testing, craving his mettle and dominance. “What if I refuse to submit?”

His eyes darkened, his brows drawing together with a startling sternness that made her shiver deliciously. “Refuse to submit?” he asked. “I didn’t ask you to submit, little girl. I told you that you were getting a spanking.” He frowned, and before she knew what was happening, he stood, holding her, marching toward his bedroom. Her heartbeat kicked up, the heat rising to her cheeks as he marched past the living room to his bedroom. She hadn’t seen his bedroom yet, had barely even observed her surroundings, and everything passed by her in a blur now. She needed this. She needed him. And she knew the feeling was mutual.

His room was darkened, the shades drawn, but she could see a large, king-sized four-poster-bed as the focal point, as he marched toward the bed and laid her down on top. “You stay right there, little girl,” he ordered, one finger pointing at her. She nodded. Now was not the time to push him, she could tell just by the way he ordered her.

He walked over to a large chest that flanked the foot of the bed, and lifted the top. The air in the room shifted as Blake reached down and removed something from the chest. The tension between them crackled.

I didn’t ask you to submit. I told you that you were getting a spanking.

The creak of the chest made her jump, as he lowered the lid and removed a length of rope. She swallowed, hard, as his eyes met hers.

“Strip,” he ordered. “Now.”

I didn’t ask you to submit.

Her chin lifted in defiance as her eyes met his and her voice came out clearly and confidently. “Make me.”

His eyes narrowed. “I’m not playing games, Elena,” he warned. She didn’t move.

In two strides he was upon her, yanking her top up and over her head. “So that’s how it’s gonna be?” he growled, tossing the garment to the floor and making quick work of the bra that already hung loose about her. He grabbed her hips and yanked her toward him, unfastening the button on her jeans, and pulling them down her legs. He tossed her shoes to the side, and after he removed her jeans completely, his thumb hooked onto the edge of her panties, and off they came.

“When you’re with me, no panties,” he growled. “I check and find them again, we start the night over my knee. You understand me?”

She merely moaned as his thumb and forefinger pinched her nipple, garnering her attention. She nodded, and before she could speak, he’d flipped her over, his broad palm pushing her chest down on the bed, positioning her so that her back arched and her ass was on prominent display. Without further ado, he delivered a sharp, biting slap to her naked backside so hard, the sound resonated in the large room, and she squealed from the sting. “I hope you like my lap,” he said, with another sobering slap, “because it’s pretty clear to me you’ll be spending a hell of a lot of time on it.” She moaned as he gave her three more rapid-fire blows. Her skin was already aflame, and she could feel slick arousal between her thighs. Fuck yeah.

He moved to the head of the bed, as silky restraints encircled her wrists. “You keep your hands together, palm to palm, and you do not get out of your position,” he instructed. “You’re getting tied up, Elena, but I’m not wrapping you up the way I’d like, not now, because I want most of your body bared to me.” She felt both wrists bound and a slight tug as he expertly maneuvered the restraints. “No need to truss you up when I need access to that ass so I can paint it red. I need to get to that pussy so when I’m done teaching you a lesson you won’t forget, I can eat you out until you scream, then fuck you hard so the only thing you remember is the feel of me in you.”

Oh God, was it possible to come without actually being touched? The man knew what the hell he was about, and she fucking loved it.

She could not move her wrists, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. She liked the loss of control, knowing that she was the focus of his undivided attention. She pulled her wrists, but as she tugged, the restraints only tightened—not uncomfortably, but strong enough that she knew she wouldn’t be able to escape unless he allowed her. He leaned over her, checking the knots, and gave a quick nod she caught from her peripheral vision. “Good girl,” he growled. “Just like that, baby. Now before we move onto anything better, you’re getting a spanking, young lady.”

The sound of his corrective tone, his firm voice, and the fact that she well knew he meant what he said, caused her to shift on the bed. This wasn’t for play. She was getting a spanking she deserved. And yeah, the whole room was charged with the exchange of power, her desire mounting, and she’d be willing to bet he was hard as hell as he pushed away from the bed and stood behind her.

But she knew they needed this… both of them.

What else lay hidden in the recesses of his chest, she wondered, as he walked back to the foot of the bed. Would he spank her with a paddle? Cane her? Strap her with leather? She’d had his belt once, and the memory of it had brought her hand between her legs so often she’d lost count. She closed her eyes, willing herself to submit to this. He hadn’t asked for her submission, but hell she wanted to give it to him.

The clink of his belt buckle made the breath rush out of her. Her breasts tingled, her pussy throbbed, and her ass clenched at the sound of him pulling it through the loops. A moment later, and the sound of him snapping it behind her made her jump. “Keep your chest down,” he said. “Your back arched.”

She nodded, then yelped as a stripe landed across both cheeks. The lash of his belt sounded in the small room, like a thunderclap in the silence. She felt the warmth of his hand on her back before another blow fell. The bite of leather on her naked skin burned, her ass aching from the bite, but it wasn’t too much, wasn’t awful. It was exactly what she needed and craved. As he reared back to strike again, she pushed her ass out to him, silently asking for more.

“When I stripe this ass I want it to be because you need it,” he said, “and because I want to, not because you’ve disobeyed me.” The first prickle of her conscience tugged on her, as he continued, peppering his words with sharp cuts of the belt. “I’m not fucking around with this, Elena.” Another searing blow. “I want you safe. I want you protected. And fuck me, I don’t wanna lose you.” The pain in his voice twisted her heart, as she lay on the bed, accepting the punishing blows as due recourse for her actions. “You might think you can handle yourself, and I have no doubt that you can. But I’m here now. You’re mine now.” Blow after blow fell, and she could feel the rising welts across her backside and thighs as he strapped her soundly. She’d feel this for days. Fuck, she wanted to.

“And I take care of what’s mine.” She lost count of the lashes, his words drawing the tears out of her, cutting through her proud veneer and straight to her heart. The belt fell to the floor with a soft jingle, and then his hand was on her flaming, aching skin that felt stretched tight from the stripes of his belt. She gasped at the feel of his whiskery mouth on her lower back, a trail of kisses over the heated pain on her backside. “Will you obey me, baby?” he murmured, kissing the swell of her ass, down to her upper thighs. “Or will I have to put you over my knee?”

“Yes,” she moaned. Yes, she’d obey him and yes, he’d have to put her over his knee.

He turned her around so that she lay flat on her back, her bound wrists over her head, giving him total access to her full, naked breasts and pussy that fairly throbbed with need. He knelt over her, unfastening the buttons on his shirt while he took her in. “I mean it, Elena. You’ll do as you’re told. We’re new, and I’m easing you into this, but I’m not gonna put up with you endangering yourself. I won’t ever strip you of who you are, but I’ll also never allow you to half-ass your safety. You get me?”

She nodded. She got him, all right, so fully that she couldn’t speak.

His hands grasped the edge of his t-shirt, then he raked it up and over his head, revealing his honed abs, the large expanse of his chest, and massive breadth of his shoulders, before he dropped to his knees in front of her and spread her legs.

Oh God.

He took first one leg and then the other, draping them over his shoulders. His eyes met hers. “What’ll happen if you’re a naughty little girl?” he whispered.

“You’ll spank me,” she breathed.

He nodded, his eyes meeting hers across the expanse of her naked body as his tongue traced around the edge of her inner thigh, just grazing the edge of her pussy. “With my belt?” he said, the warmth of his breath making her tremble with need.

She swallowed. “With your belt.”

Another teasing swirl of his tongue on her inner thigh. “Fuck, little girl, I can taste your juices all the way over here, and I haven’t even gotten to where I need to go.” He groaned, his eyes closing, and she heard him unzip his jeans, fisting his cock as his mouth latched onto her thigh and sucked. Her hips bucked, her head tossed to the side, and her hands itched to anchor onto his hair, but the restraints prevented her. The tighter she pulled, the harder her pussy throbbed with need.

“I’ll put you over my lap,” he said, coming closer to where she yearned to feel him, the tip of his tongue torturous but delicious. “I’ll spank you hard and long, and any time you need me to. You’ll learn to obey. You’ll learn to take care of yourself.” His tongue slid along her folds. Her pelvis jerked from the sensation, the delightful torment making her yearn for more. He circled her clit before sucking, and her head fell back as she lifted her pelvis closer to him, needing more. His breath fanned her leg, as he breathed, “You’ll learn to let me love on you in all the ways you need me to.” He licked his way lazily up her slit before circling her clit. One swirl, then another, drawing her into his mouth before releasing and teasing her yet again. “You’ll learn to beg.”

“Please,” she gasped, and he shook his head from side to side, eating at her pussy hungrily, the prickles of his beard scraping along the tender skin between her legs, the bristly sensation enhancing the assault of his tongue on her clit.

He lifted his mouth and growled, “You come before I say, and I’ll whip your ass before I jerk myself off while you watch. Then I’ll spend the rest of the night bringing you right to the cusp before I stop. You want that?”

“Nooo,” she moaned. “Please.”

“Beg me,” he growled, his hands squeezing her punished ass so that she squealed from the pain of it. “Fucking beg me. I own this pussy now, and I want you begging.”

“Please, Blake, God, plllleease, sir. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll be such a good girl. I need this. Please!”

She moaned, and begged and pleaded, as he sucked and teased, pumping two fingers in her core and finger fucking her while he took her clit in his mouth. She was so close she could hardly hold on much longer, and she knew it, but the idea of being punished again made her somehow able to refrain, to hold herself back, willing herself not to give into the release until he gave her permission.

“Blake,” she pleaded. “Let me come!”

He lifted his mouth off her pussy just long enough to look at her, as both hands reached for her nipples and squeezed. The pulse of pleasure-pain shot to her pussy as he grinned at her. “Come for me, baby. Give it to me. Take it.” His tongue was on her again, and then she toppled over the edge. Waves of ecstasy pulsed through her, her body writhing beneath the perfect torture of his mouth. A scream sounded in the quiet. She had no control over anything, her sex pulsing as he mastered her, her body thrashing, her wrists still bound and helpless, as he rent pleasure from every inch of her. She thought it would never stop, one wave of ecstasy riding on another. Before she was quite done, he was standing, pushing his jeans down, spreading her legs, impaling her with one savage thrust of his cock.

Fuck, he was in so deep she gasped, each stab of his cock rendering her immobile with pleasure. He drove into her with determination, a savage claiming that somehow healed her, making her feel at once both wanted and beautiful. Mastered. Owned. He roared his release as she came a second time, screaming into the dark recesses of the night while he held her close, until they finally settled, both of them, the only sound, her heart beating with his. His hands fumbled at her wrists as he skillfully unfastened the knots, her hands falling open and immediately encircling his neck. He lifted her and fell back upon the pillows, both entangled in a mass of limbs.

“You gonna do as you’re told?” he rumbled into her hair, his hand encircling her neck and pulling her possessively against his chest. She nodded, unable to do anything but acquiesce.

“I’ll do my best,” she said, a compromise that seemed to only amuse him.

“You do your best to do what you’re told, and I’ll do my best to make sure you do, and we’ll be all right, yeah?”

She laughed, her voice sounded deep and sultry to her own ears. “Hell yeah.”




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