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His Secret Baby: A BDSM Revenge Wedding Romance by Ashlee Price (136)



Chapter One

I awoke to a soft, shuffling sound. It was then that I realized my hands had been bound and I was lying naked on my side. My mouth had been taped over, muffled.

But then the whole world moved and I realized I wasn’t in a room but in a moving vehicle. I could feel my heart begin to beat faster as panic rushed into my head. I tried to scream but I felt like I had no mouth to voice my sentiments and despair.

And so I struggled. I tried to free myself but I was bound with my hands behind my back. My feet were bound, my hands and arms were bound, and there was nothing to cover my shame but the comfort of darkness.


I heard a voice. At first I thought it was a trick in my mind, as if I was hearing my own voice echo in my head but then I heard another muffled cry and then another. Soon enough I realized that I was not alone.

‘Help!’ I tried to cry out but the only sound that escaped me was a muffled, senseless oomph.

I need to get out. I need to find a way out of this situation and quick. But in order to do so I needed to remember how I got there in the first place.

So I shut my eyes - well, I can only think I did because with the blindfold so tightly wrapped around my head I couldn’t even tell if they were closed or if they were open and blinded by the cloth and attempted to recall the last place I was before waking up a prisoner.

I recall being in my room which should have been this morning but it felt like it was ages ago. I was getting ready to take my college entrance exam. I just graduated high school and this would be my first time in college and I was planning on heading over there with my friend Tammy when things just derailed.

I remember waiting for a bus but then it started to rain. The downpour was quite heavy and I was wearing jeans and a tank top so I was starting to get really cold and frustrated. That was when a car came by and asked if I needed a ride.

There was absolutely no way I was going to get in a car with a stranger. Even if I had to walk to school in the middle of the rain I’d do it than to get in a vehicle with someone I never met before. I learned my lesson back in high school. I went with a boy once and I lost my virginity for that.

Boys were always looking at me with hungry eyes. I consider myself a BBW since I wasn’t a skinny stick that most men figured as “sexy”. I had a few extra pounds but all that meat and curves went to all the right places. I knew I could draw man’s attention with my butt and my tits but never would I even risk it with a stranger.

Yet this time I saw something different in the driver’s face. When he rolled down his windows to talk to me I realized there was something odd with his eyes. They seemed... distant, like he was looking beyond me despite our gazes meeting each other.

He was a tall, lean man with skin so pale they could be milky white. He was even more pale than I was I wondered if he was some sort of albino. This was compounded even more by the strange color in his eyes. They looked as if he had cried for days and weeks non-stop, just stark-white balls with dead-black pupils. There was absolutely no color to his eyes. It was if his pupils were black holes that sucked the color from his whole body.

The only part with color was his jet-black shoulder-length hair that stood out even more against the paleness of his face. He had his hair slick and brushed up. Recalling how he looked now I could say he resembled some kind of corpse. A handsome corpse, sure, but lifeless nonetheless.

He beckoned me to come closer, to talk, and despite my guts telling me I should stay away I opened the passenger door and entered. I didn’t feel threatened and I didn’t feel scared.

The man leaned closer and gave me a light tap on the chin before he caressed my cheek. It was odd but not awkward. He brushed away the dangling, wet strands of hair from my face as he smiled and motioned for me to put on my seat belt.

I did and he started to drive away. I never told him where I was heading but he seemed to know exactly where I needed to be. It was if he read my mind before I could speak the words out of my lips.

“What is your name, pretty flower?” he finally asked when we were just about five minutes away from the college. His accent seemed a little off, like a strange mix of British and Russian or Hungarian. I didn’t want to offend him by asking where he was from so I simply stuck to answering his question.

“I’m Rose,” I replied in a soft whisper.

“Ah, but of course you are,” he said. “Are you off to enroll for the next semester?”

I nodded back and smiled.

“How old are you, pretty thing? You seem so young to be in college.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that notion. “I’m older than I look. I turned eighteen four days ago.”

“My, my, a grown woman indeed.” He then leaned and gave me a soft peck on the cheek.

Woah. That came out of nowhere. Now I guess I figured out why they said a girl should never get in a car with a stranger. Yet I didn’t feel so freaked out. Instead, I felt curious... obliged even, to look back straight into his gaze and return the favor.

Except I gave him a kiss on the lips instead of the cheek.

“Naughty little thing,” he whispered under a breath and it brought a wicked grin to my face.

He kissed back and I felt sudden warmth envelop my entire body. I reached out and grabbed his face with both hands and cupped him closer as we began to kiss even deeper.

Why was I suddenly kissing a stranger?

The question burned in the back of my head but as his lips tore into mine ever so longer I felt that thought slowly fade into darkness.

Then his lips traversed from mine to my ears and I cooed softly in response. I could already feel a strange knot begin to bulge in my guts as my legs began to tremble. I could feel warmth overtake me and I started to feel moist between my legs.

His lips graced over my lobes and down my neck where he suckled on my skin like I was his last meal. Then he gave my neck a soft nibble and I moaned out in pleasure. I shut my eyes and begged for him to continue.

That was when he sank his teeth into my neck. I felt a sharp pang of pain as fangs bore into my veins and I could feel the life of my blood pulsing away from me. I tried to open my eyes and scream but I could only moan out in ecstasy. Soon, even the pain was gone and I had drifted off to sleep.

That was the last thing I remembered. Now here I was, naked and bound. A stupid girl who willingly got into a car with a stranger.

All of a sudden the vehicle stopped. The girls I was with all hushed at once and we held our breath as we heard someone step down from the vehicle. Footsteps could be heard.


A loud metal sound rang through my ears and that’s when I figured we were in the back of a pick-up truck.

I could hear feet shuffling. People were getting on the truck. Without warning I felt hands grab me by the waist and I was hoisted over someone’s shoulder.

I didn’t even bother to struggle. I knew that there was no point in resisting. I could only hope that when my abductor took off my blindfold he would also unbind me, giving me a chance to make a run for it.

A door slammed and I was set down. Whoever carried me forced me to stand and lean my back against a wall. I did I was told and silently waited.

A door slammed again and for a few moments there was nothing but silence. I waited, hearing nothing but my own breath and the scared, muffled cries of the girls standing beside me.

“So, here you are.” Greeted a deep, male voice.

“My new stock.”