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Hold On (The Hold Series Book 4) by Arell Rivers (8)




WHEN I TURN the key in the ignition, the Maserati roars to life. My body is totally sated from this week’s fuckfest. Meghann left for Paris last night, and it’s time for me to resurface into reality. Starting with a team meeting at Platinum Records to go over the video for “Prowling.”

My phone rings over the car’s Bluetooth. Crap, I forgot to call her. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, Cole. I haven’t heard from you in over a week.”

My fingers tighten around the steering wheel. Shit. “Sorry about that. I’ve been tied up.” Visions of Meghann play in my mind, and I almost cut off another car as I switch lanes at the last moment.

“Who’s honking?”

“I’m in my car. Traffic in LA is nuts.” No need to tell her it was my fault.

“Well, drive carefully. What have you been up to?”

Her tone indicates she has some idea. Licking my lips, I reply, “I’ve been keeping my nose to the grindstone.” Not to mention my lips, my fingers…

“Cole Stewart Manchester, don’t be coy with me. One of my students showed me an article about you and that swimsuit model. Said she was in your video and that you two disappeared together for a couple of days after you finished shooting.”

Damn nosey paparazzi. At least they didn’t get all the details right. “Mom, you know how these tabloids make stuff up. Anything for a story.” I pause, hoping she doesn’t press me. Silence. I concentrate on the road and wait for her to say something. When I can’t take it any longer, I rush in to fill the empty beats. “It’s true, Meghann Styles played my co-star in the music video for ‘Prowling.’ It was an amazing experience, Mom. We were in a mansion overlooking the ocean.”

She sighs. “I am excited for you, Cole. I can’t wait to see the video. All my friends are excited, too.” She pauses. “So, where are you headed?”

Relieved to change the topic, I respond, “I’m on my way to a meeting at Platinum Records with Russell and Greta the Gruesome. We’re going to preview the video and go over the plans for the last leg of my tour.”

“Hmmm. Must you continue to call her Gruesome?”

“Yeah, I must. She’s a ballbuster. The only reason everyone puts up with her is because she’s a great publicist…oh, and she knows everyone in this town.”

“Well, don’t let her hear you call her that.”

I wait for an opening and switch lanes again. “Don’t worry. I don’t have a death wish.”

She laughs. We’re back on track. “How’s Dan doing, sweetheart?”

“He’s great. Actually, he met someone. Her name is Suzanne and they’re in Hawaii right now. She’s great—you’ll like her.”

“Oh, I’m so glad for him. He’s such a nice boy.”

I crank up the air conditioning before replying, “Mom, he’s my age. Twenty-eight is not a boy anymore.”

“You’ll always be my baby boy. You and your brother. And your roommate. Now, when are you going to settle down like Dan?” Her tone implies she’s teasing, but there’s always a hint of truth in jest.

I knew this was coming. “Dan and Suzanne have barely started dating, so I’m not sure we can assume he’s settling down just yet,” I say. “And you know that I’m on the road all the time.”

“You need a steady influence in your life. I’m not saying you need to settle down this minute, but wouldn’t it be nice to share your exciting touring life with someone?”

“I’m not sure I would call touring ‘exciting,’ Mom. I love what I do, but sleeping on the tour bus and being in a different city every day is grueling. I can’t think of any woman who’d want to live that way.”

She sighs. “Are you at least eating properly on the road? You know I worry about you.”

A green road sign indicates that my exit is two miles ahead. Nonetheless, it will probably take me a good ten minutes to get there in the heavy traffic. “I try my best. And I’m getting exercise in too, so don’t worry. How’s Dad?”

“Oh, he’s doing great. The local paper just published an article and dubbed him the ‘celebrity dad pharmacist.’ He loved it. I’ll send it to you.”

I chuckle. “That’s great. I’d love to read it. And how’s school going for you?” An opening forms in the next lane and I immediately grab it.

“It’s good. My students keep me on my toes, and our cheerleading squad is doing great in competitions.”

I tap on the steering wheel to the beat of “Prowling” while navigating the traffic and looking for my chance to switch lanes again. “Let me know when the team gets into the finals. I’ll try to be there.”

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, but hopefully we’ll make it there again. This year’s squad is pretty young, but they’re very dedicated. Frankly, I think a majority of them joined the team in the hopes that you’ll show up to a practice.”

“Oh, I learned my lesson about surprising your cheerleaders a while ago.” We both laugh, remembering the one time I had shown up unannounced. A girl literally fainted.

Another green sign indicates my exit is now one mile away. “Mom, I’m getting close to Platinum’s office and the traffic is building up. Give my love to Dad, and let Jayson know I’ll call him soon.”

“Will do, sweetheart. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom.” I disconnect the call and concentrate on navigating the remaining congested LA roads to Platinum’s office.

After parking in the lot adjacent to the label’s office, I put my sunglasses on and adjust my baseball cap—not a great disguise, but it’ll do. Instead of going in the back way, I walk out to the front of the building. I have just enough time to calm my nerves with a quick cigarette before having to face Gruesome. I flick open the pack, grab a butt and fish out my lighter.

Two hot women dressed for work walk past me toward the revolving doors. My ears perk up when one of them says, “I heard that Cole Manchester is coming in today.”

The other responds, “I know, right. I want to be at my desk so I can see him walk in. He’s so hot.”

I tuck my head down to remain inconspicuous while a smile tugs at my lips.

“I want to get into that conference room. I’ll offer him coffee, tea or me.” The two laugh and enter the building.

Well, that’s something to look forward to—better than Gruesome. Someone bumps my shoulder. For a split second, I’m worried my thoughts have somehow summoned Gruesome, but it’s my manager. “Hi Russell.” He’s in his early fifties, taller than me by about two inches and dressed in a casual outfit of a button-down shirt and jeans. He might not look it, but he’s one of the most powerful men in the industry.

“Hey, Cole. How’d you enjoy working with Meghann?”

My smile gets much broader. “She was fantastic. Thanks again for lining her up for my first video.”

“I haven’t seen the full video yet, but what I’ve seen is pretty hot.”

I take a drag. “She’s beautiful. I’m not surprised.”

“Any truth to the rumors about you two?” I smirk but don’t say anything. “C’mon, Cole. Throw an old married man a bone, will ya?”

“Let’s just say Funnel Cake was a mighty tasty treat.”

“Funnel Cake?”

“One of my favorites growing up on the Jersey Shore. You know, fried dough sprinkled with powdered sugar. Mouth-watering and delicious, but at the end of the day, it’s not a diet you can keep up for very long.”

“Not much depth, huh?”

“Russell, she’s on her twelfth trip to Paris. When I asked her if she’s visited the Louvre, Notre Dame or any other landmark there, she told me that she’s not interested in sightseeing. She only does her modeling, goes shopping and clubbing. I like her, but there’s no getting around it.”

He shakes his head.

“I’ve been dying to get overseas to see all the places that I’ve only read about. Hell, I make sure to catch the sights in the cities I’m visiting on my tour across the States.”

“Well, are you ready to see the video you and Miss Funnel Cake made? Not to mention do a dance with Greta?” I can’t help but shudder, which was no doubt his intention. I take one last inhale, put the butt out in a nearby ashtray and follow him into Platinum Records.

Once we’re all assembled in the conference room decorated with the platinum albums of the label’s clientsone day, my album will be up there, tooJon asks for the lights to be dimmed and the opening stains of “Prowling” start to play. A short time later, someone turns the lights back up.

My adrenaline is pumping. “Wow. That video’s smokin’.” It was surreal seeing myself up on the screen fooling around with Meghann, but I’m pumped. The video is seductive and sexy—a perfect accompaniment to the song. My cheeks hurt from the force of my smile.

Jon says, “The label is extremely pleased with how the video turned out. You’re a natural on screen, Cole, and Meghann is perfect in it. This video is going to keep the song at Number One for a long time.”

All business, Russell asks Gruesome, “What are your plans from a publicity standpoint?”

Greta is wispy, well-manicured, and blonde—and yet somehow the most fearsome person in the room. “The video is hot,” she replies. “I’d like to release some of the behind-the-scenes footage we have to spark public interest prior to its official debut. For the premiere, I’m creating a big event with a red carpet and the works. Since Meghann is out of the country on a shoot, I lined up another sexy woman for Cole to take out on publicity dates from now until the premiere.”

While Gruesome’s talking, my ponytailed, bespectacled account rep Rose places some photos in the middle of the table. They’re the candids she snapped during the shoot. Some of them are hot, especially the ones of us on the beach. I pass a couple of those photos to Russell, whose eyebrows rise. He taps on one and mouths, “funnel cake,” earning a wink from me.

Russell approves of the plan, “Smart, Greta. These photos will certainly make people want to see the video.”

Greta nods and continues, “Cole, you’re in town for another week before heading back out on tour. Do you have any obligations?”

“Other than house hunting, I’m pretty much open.”

She nods. “Good. We’ll put these photos out on social media, and then you’ll go out on a publicity date tomorrow. Your date will also accompany you to the video premiere before you leave on tour again, which will be the reason given that you two don’t work out.”

Although no one’s really asked for my agreement, I respond, “Sounds good to me.”

For the first time, Rose contributes to the meeting. “Speaking of your tour, we have arranged for you to catch some more of the local sights, just like on the last leg of your trip.”


Tapping on her earring in a cute gesture, she says, “Like before, we’ll make sure to keep your trips under the radar, so you can enjoy them in peace.”

I do enjoy my side trips, and appreciate everything Rose does to set them up. She’s sent me to some interesting places that I never would have found on my own. Like the Motown Historical Museum in Michigan and the Lunch Box Museum in Georgia. I smile my gratitude at Rose. She casts her eyes down at her papers.

Before I can say anything else, Gruesome scowls at Rose and interjects, “Try to remember to maintain decorum in public. But don’t go all choir boy on us, Cole, or I’ll be out of a job.” Everyone in the room laughs at what must be considered a joke, although the chuckles sound forced. At least on my part. And what’s up with Gruesome’s obvious ploy to keep Rose quiet during the meeting?

Jon throws out, “The timing for this video couldn’t be better. We’re submitting it for the Grammys.”

I close my eyes. Shit. The Grammys. Echoes of the past slam through my body. I find myself remembering how I told my family I was going to win a Grammy someday. Is it really going to happen?

Russell’s voice brings me out of my reverie. “That wasn’t by accident, you know.”

“Oh, yes, we do know. Let’s see what happens when the nominees are announced,” Jon replies.

Russell nods at me. I grin back at him.

“And there’s my dimple,” Gruesome says, acting like she owns it, and me. Ugh. But not even she can derail my good mood.

“Remember to smile like that on your next set of publicity dates,” she adds, giving me the once-over. “And Rose, set up another appointment for him to get his highlights touched up.”

It’s no use arguing the point. I lost this fight a long time ago. Since no one is volunteering my latest date’s name, I ask, “And who am I going to have the pleasure of escorting?”

Gruesome beams. “This is a great coup. Everyone wants a piece of her, but I got her. I set you up with Mimi Barker. Rose will give you all the details.”

I look from Jon to Russell, both of whom are staring fixedly at the table. Neither of them has the balls to meet my gaze. After I went house hunting with Dan and Suzanne the other day, I did a search on Mimi Barker. By all accounts, she’d make a puddle look deep.

As if sensing my hostility, Jon jumps in and says, “Greta, what a clever choice. Mimi has legions of followers who hang on her every, uhm, photo. Linking Cole’s name with hers will garner a lot of media attention. She’ll be perfect for the red carpet of the video premiere.”

“I really had to be creative, since Meghann is out of the country.”

No one seems to want to hear my opinion. But I’m going to give it anyway. “Isn’t there someone else that I can go out with? Anyone?”

Gruesome responds, “Cole, she’s a media magnet. Your Q Score will go up immeasurably just by having your name linked to hers.”

Under my breath, I mumble, “My Q is fine where it is.” Russell gives my arm a pat. Rose puts her hand over her mouth, as if to stifle a laugh. She won’t meet my eyes, so she doesn’t see the beseeching look I’m leveling at her. I may have to admit defeat, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with this development.

The meeting breaks up shortly after the Mimi bomb was dropped. When I turn on my cell, a voice mail from my realtor is waiting. I’m about to call her back when Rose walks over to me.

Handing me a piece of paper, she says, “Here’s the itinerary and suggested outfits for your dates with Mimi. She’s very excited to meet you. I’ll email you with your hair appointment.”

Oh joy. “Thanks.” I skim the contents. “Looks like it’s going to be a long week.” My eyes flicker to her face. “You don’t have to look so happy about it.”

She offers me a big smile, one that steals my breath away. Where did that come from? “I’m sure the dates won’t be that bad. Let me know if you have any questions.” Her ponytail swings when she turns to gather the behind-the-scenes photos and her other papers, leaving me and my zapped emotions in the dust.

“Suck it up, buttercup. You know the game,” Russell says, clapping me on the back.

“Yeah, yeah. I know.”

In a transparent effort to derail any complaints, he asks, “How’s the house hunting going?”

“It’s going all right. I’ve seen a number of houses, but nothing has caught my eye yet. A voice mail from my realtor came in during our meeting. Thanks for recommending her.”

“Good luck with your search. With all my house purchases, I knew from the instant I walked through the front door. Trust your instincts.”

“Good advice. I’ll definitely keep you posted.”

“You better. I need to know where to send my invoices.” We both laugh and he claps me on the back. We exit Platinum’s office directly into the parking garage.

I get on the road and access my messages via Bluetooth. “Hi Cole, this is CJ Greene. I’m calling about a new listing that just crossed my desk. I’d like you to see this one right away. Give me a call when you’re free.”

Sounds intriguing. I press “dial” on my steering wheel and she picks up on the third ring. “CJ Greene. How can I help you find your dream home?”

“Hey CJ, it’s Cole. Got your message.”

“Oh, great. The new listing sounds like it could be perfect for you. When are you available to check it out?”

“I’m free now, if you are.”

“Actually, my last appointment had to cancel. Where are you?”

“I just left a meeting at Platinum Records.”

“Perfect. Why don’t we meet at the house? It’s in Beverly Hills.”

She gives me the address and I pull over and program it into my GPS. I arrive at the outside gate within forty-five minutes, and park alongside her car.

“Hi, CJ,” I say as I climb out. “Hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

“No worries, Cole. So, this is the property,” she says, giving a wave that encompasses the landscaped yard in front of me. After she punches in the code for the gate, I return to my car and follow her in. Nice driveway up to the house. I like the contemporary style. It’s big but not overwhelming.

At the front door, I ask, “How many bedrooms does it have?”

“Four. Five and a half baths, plus a pool and hot tub.”

CJ opens the door and we enter into a foyer with high ceilings and a stone floor. “What kind of floor is this?”


I like it.

We tour the living room, dining room and a half bath before entering the kitchen. It’s big and open. I like the house’s vibe.

Showing me the family room and home office, CJ leads me out French doors to a patio. I look around. “Nice pool. This area is so private. I love the outdoor kitchen and bar area.”

“You certainly can host nice-sized parties out here, without worrying about the neighbors.” Remembering Phoenix, I truly appreciate the privacy.

We head back in the house and up the stairs. On one side there are three large bedrooms, each with its own bath. Leading me to the other wing, CJ opens the double doors and says, “This is the master bedroom suite, which occupies this entire wing. It has a walk-in closet and attached bath, much bigger than the other three bedrooms. And a view of the pool.”

Looking out the window, I see the patio and swimming pool right below. “I really like this one, CJ.” Although I notice a few little things I’d like to change, for the most part this house hits all my requirements—and then some. “I just need to figure out where I’d put a recording studio.”

“I was thinking you could convert the second family room.”

I think about her suggestion. “That could work.” That room is tucked behind the kitchen and is a nice size. I’d have to soundproof it. “Does the furniture come with the house?” Since I hardly have any of my own, I could at least start out with the furniture that’s already here.

“Everything’s negotiable.”

Leaving her, I wander through the halls and down the stairs again, getting a feel for each room along the way. I like the flow. I’m going to trust my instincts, like Russell said and Suzanne stressed.

Turning to CJ, I state, “I’d like to put in an offer.”




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