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Holding On (Haven, Montana Book 3) by Jill Sanders (14)

Chapter 14

She woke to being licked on the face. Not by Trey, unless he had stinky doggie breath.

“Dopey!” She laughed and tried to push the dog away from her face.

“He likes you.” Trey chuckled and rolled her over until she lay across his bare chest. “So, do I.” He leaned up and kissed her.

Just then, her stomach growled. “There was promise of ice cream.” She leaned up and looked down at him.

He chuckled. “As I remember, there was also promise of kitchen sex.”

She laughed. “After the ice cream.”

“Deal.” He rolled them both until they stood. When he started walking out of the bedroom, completely naked, she escaped his hold and backtracked to gather her shirt and yoga pants.

“Shy?” he asked.

“I’ve lived with a brother. I know that they forget to knock. I don’t mind showing my business to you.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I do, however, mind if Trent or Tyler saw it all.”

He chuckled. “That’s why we have our own places. They wouldn’t dare…” He stopped himself when he remembered that, even though his brothers were married, and he always knocked, his brothers hadn’t adopted the same rule with him.

“See.” She nodded and held up his jeans for him. “Told ya.”

He groaned. “Okay, going to have to have the brother talk with them soon.”

He slid the jeans on and, for good measure, slipped a few more condoms into the pocket before following her out into the kitchen.

She already had the ice cream out and was searching his cupboards for bowls.

“They’re in the dishwasher.” He walked over and took two bowls out.

“You only have two of them?”

“Sure. One’s usually clean.” He shrugged. “I was going to buy more… when my house was done.” She shook her head and laughed.

She sat on the kitchen counter eating ice cream while he leaned on the counter next to her, watching her eat ice cream and occasionally taking a bite of his own.

“I thought you liked chocolate chip?” she said when he’d all but let his melt in the bowl.

“I do.” He frowned down at the melted mess. Then he smiled up at her. “I like watching you eat ice cream better than eating it myself.”

“Oh?” She took the spoon and put it into her mouth slowly and licked it. He slid between her legs, his eyes glued to her mouth.

“You’re killing me.” He groaned as his fingers dug into her thighs.

She set her spoon down, pushed her bowl away, and wrapped her arms and legs around him to pull him closer. “There was also mention of countertop sex…” She bit his bottom lip and sucked on it.

He hoisted her up, yanked her yoga pants down past her ankles quickly, then pulled out a condom.

She quickly undid his jeans and took the condom from him. The she slid it on him slowly, enjoying the feel of him in her hand.

“God,” he groaned before stepping back between her spread legs.

His hands gripped her butt cheeks, hoisting her up, until she felt herself give as he slid into her fully.

Rolling her head back, she closed her eyes and held on as she felt something new inside her begin to build.

Two hours later, she drove herself home, her body still pulsing from Trey’s touch. Even though he’d begged her to stay the night, she knew she couldn’t, shouldn’t. Not this soon.

At home, she tossed and turned in the large empty bed, wishing she had stayed. What would it be like, waking up next to a man in the morning?

Not that she hadn’t had plenty of sex before Trey. But none of it had… mattered, really.

When her alarm went off, she felt oddly energized, knowing she’d see Trey soon.

It wasn’t Friday yet, but still she swung by Belle’s Bakery for donuts and coffee. She chatted with the owner for a while as she waited for a fresh batch of donuts and her coffee order, then headed into the office.

“What this?” Trey smiled as he walked in the front door, followed closely by Tyler.

“I needed a pick-me-up this morning and couldn’t resist the donuts,” she answered.

Trey shocked her by walking around her desk and planting a kiss on her, right in front of his brother.

“Don’t worry, if he didn’t know when he picked me up this morning, seeing the donuts would have guaranteed it,” he whispered.

“Didn’t need the donuts. The stupid look on Trey’s face said it all.” Tyler took two donuts and his coffee with him to his office as he chuckled.

“See, told you,” Trey said, taking a donut and leaning against her desk. “So, did you get your test score back?”

She’d completely forgotten about her test. “I can log in now.” She turned and logged into her computer. Trey hung around, sipping his coffee and nibbling on his second donut.

“Ninety-eight.” She groaned.

“That’s great,” he said excitedly. “Isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She turned towards him. “It would have been a hundred if

He leaned in and kissed her. “Shut up and have a donut. You passed, you should be proud.” He smiled down at her.

She took a deep breath, then nodded. “Agreed, and I am.” She relaxed slightly. Still, the ninety-eight gnawed at her. She had an extensive line of one hundreds in her past. The only lower grade she’d received had been in the month after her parents’ death.

“Good.” He grabbed another donut and his coffee cup. “Now, get to work.” He winked at her and disappeared down the hallway.

The day seemed to fly by. Maybe it was all the sugar pulsing through her blood, but lunchtime arrived faster than normal. The three of them drove over to the Moose and sat in the back booth, where Kristen and baby Timothy Jack joined them.

Dylan had to agree that the kid was the spitting image of his dad. A true McGowan through and through, right down to the little dimple to the side of his mouth.

“I think he’s going to have his uncle’s blue eyes,” Trey said in a baby voice as he looked down at the sleeping child.

“Nope, they’re already turning darker,” Tyler said, raising his chin slightly.

“Boys.” Kristen sighed. “They’ll find any reason to fight.”

It was strange, but Dylan felt like she fit right in with the family. They were so welcoming, so open to her. She’d never experienced anything quite like it before, even with her own family.

As they drove back to the office, Trey glanced at her. “So, I figured I’d come over tonight. I have a few things I want to ask you.”

Her eyebrows shot up, but since his brother was driving, she nodded and tried to hide the smile.

If the morning went by quickly, the afternoon seemed to drag on. The full stomach didn’t help, or the lack of sleep. She found her head dropping several times and had to go back to the break room and make a pot of coffee.

“Is that coffee?” Tyler poked his head into the room.

“Yes.” She held out a mug.

“God.” He sighed. “Timmy kept us up last night.” He took the mug from her and held it out as she poured a cup for him and then one for herself.

“Baby’s do that.” She smiled.

“Yeah.” He rolled his shoulders, a move she’d seen Trey do before.

“Heard you aced your test.” He leaned against the countertop.

“Aced?” She shook her head. “Ninety-eight.”

He smiled. “That’s a better score than any of us ever got on a test.” He held up his mug for her to clink hers with. She did so and sipped.

“Congrats. So, um…” His eyes moved around the room. “Things won’t get weird between you and Trey, working together?”

She almost coughed up the sip of coffee she’d just swallowed.

“No,” she said quickly, almost too quickly.

“Good,” he said slowly. “I don’t think we can stand to lose you around here. Trey?” He shrugged. “He’s just dead weight.”

“I heard that,” Trey yelled from the hallway.

“Which is why I said it,” Tyler called back. He leaned closer to her. “I knew he was eavesdropping.” He winked at her. “But, seriously, in the past three months, you’ve proven yourself invaluable.” He toasted her with his coffee cup again before leaving the room.

Trey walked in, a frown on his face as he grabbed an empty mug and poured a cup for himself.

“Damn brothers always sticking their noses in my business.”

She rested her hand on his arm. “I bet that feels wonderful.” She leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his cheek as she heard the phone ring up front.

Trey followed her out front, and she answered the call. It took a moment for it to register, but after the second loud noise, she quickly hung up the phone.

“What?” He frowned.

“Prank call.” She tried to remain calm, but Trey moved around the desk quickly and took her shoulders.

She’d gotten them a few times now, the loud banging noises with whispers in the background.

“Same as before?” he asked, taking her hands in his.

“Yes. On my cell and here.” She glanced down at the phone. “Like you said, I’m sure it’s just kids.” She shrugged.

He picked up the phone, punched a few numbers, then listened.

“Unregistered number.” He set the receiver back down. “I’m sure it’s just kids. What do they say?”

She shrugged, not sure how he’d respond. “You’re next.”

He tensed, and his eyes changed. She’d seen him angry before, but this was different.

“What kind of sounds?” he asked.

“Loud banging.”

“Like a gun?”

“No, more like a lid of a trash can being dropped.” She’d worked it out for herself. After the first call, she’d ruled out a gunshot. Whoever was calling, there was no doubt they wanted to scare her. At this point, all they were doing was wasting her time.

“It’s okay, really.” She smiled and placed her hand on his arm. “They’re just prank calls.”

“After someone pushed you into a closet and caused you to get stitches,” he added.

Her eyes narrowed. “The calls started before that,” she mentioned, then wished she hadn’t.

“Dylan.” He turned her until she faced him. “There’s been some crazy stuff going on in the past year or so. Mark my words, if you’re getting calls, it won’t end there. We have to deal with this, now.”

She sighed and asked, “What do you suggest?”

“I’ll give Tony a call, see if he can stop by and take a statement. He might be able to do something we can’t to track the call.”

She nodded. “I’ll call Tony. You’ve got a meeting with a supplier starting…”—she glanced down at her watch—“five minutes ago.” She motioned for him to go.

“Tyler’s probably already on it.” He glanced down the hallway. “Call, I’ll be quick.” He leaned in a kissed her, then rushed down to join the call.

By the end of the day, she had instructions on how to handle the calls and had filed a police report.

When she drove home, she was exhausted and wanted a hot shower and her bed. But then she remembered Trey was coming over. Her bed would have to wait.

She showered, pulled on some comfortable clothes, and lit a fire. Even though the sun had been out all day, they were a few months away from warmer nights.

There was a knock on the back door, and she smiled as she opened it.

* * *

Trey could tell immediately that Dylan was tired. Feeling bad, he stepped in.

“You’re tired.” He frowned.

She chuckled. “For good reason. Someone kept me up most of last night.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him.

“For good reason.” He smiled. “This can wait.”

“Trey, you’re here, what’s up?” He followed her into the living room.

“I brought Chinese.” He held up the bag with the takeout.

“Good. Sit, eat, talk.” She motioned to the sofa.

He tried to keep the conversation light as they ate. Still, he felt a little nervous about what he had to ask her. It wasn’t everyday you made a decision this big that would change the course of your life.

When her box of rice noodles and beef and broccoli was half empty, she motioned with her chop sticks. “So, what’s up?”

He set his own food down and jumped in with both feet. “I want you to help me pick a couple classes to sign up for. I’m not good at that sort of thing… school.” He rolled his eyes. “And, with my workload, I’ll need something light to begin with.” He took a deep breath.

“Trey.” She stopped him from rambling. “Of course, I can. Let me go up and grab my laptop.” She smiled at him reassuringly before disappearing upstairs.

He was nibbling on his food when the back door flew open. Her brother stormed in the back door, muddy boots still on, and walked past him like he wasn’t there. Glancing back, he frowned at the still open back door.

“Any problem with shutting a door?” he asked as the man began rummaging around the kitchen.

Brent glanced over his shoulder quickly. “I’ll be out of here as soon as I find something to eat.”

“By then, it will be freezing in here.” Trey got up and shut the door himself, just as Dylan came down the stairs, laptop in hand.

“Brent!” She set her laptop down on the table and glared at her brother. “I just mopped the floor yesterday.”

Her brother shrugged. “You can do it again today.”

When Dylan started to pull the mop out, he stepped in.

“I think since you’re the one who made the mess”—Trey held out the mop—“Dylan can finish helping me while you clean up after yourself.”

Brent turned on him, his eyes narrowed. “You McGowans can boss me around while I’m on the clock, but in my house

“It’s not your house,” Dylan broke in in a low voice, handing the mop to her brother. “It’s mine, and you’ve just made a mess in it.”

Brent shrugged and started hastily moping up the mess.

“What was it you came in here for?” Dylan asked.

“Food.” He shoved the mop back at her.

“What happened to your own kitchen?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Nothing,” he replied, eyeing the Chinese on the coffee table.

Dylan stepped between it and her brother. “As you can see, we’re having a meeting. You’ll just have to run and get something yourself.”

Brent gave Dylan a strange look as she pushed him towards the back door. “And next time, have the decency to take off your muddy boots, or I’ll make you mop the entire floor.” She shoved her speechless brother out of the back door, then shut it and leaned against it.

“That felt good,” she said after a few moments, with a smile as she sat back down.

“Sticking up for yourself feels good.” He gathered her close and kissed the top of her head. When he felt her shoulders slump and her body shake with her tears, he held on tighter.

“Are you okay?” he asked when her tears lightened up.

“I cried all over your shoulder.” She sniffled but remained still.

“It’s okay.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head again. “I can deal with a little salt water.”

She chuckled and leaned back. If he’d thought Dylan McCaw was beautiful before, seeing her dark eyes pink from tears solidified it. He was a goner.

Tugging her towards the sofa, he sat down and pulled her into his lap. “You’re tired and pissed.” He brushed the tears away with his fingers gently. “Why haven’t you stood up to him before?”

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “I have, it’s just never gone in my favor before.” She looked up at him. “But you were here and, I don’t know, I felt empowered.”

He sighed. “You may not see it, but as far as the two of you go, you’re in charge.”

She tilted her head as her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, even though he doesn’t show it in the normal brotherly way, he respects you. He may even look up to you.”

She laughed. “Right,” she said sarcastically.

“Take it from someone who has two older brothers. What we just witnessed was his way of giving you respect. Think about it—he mopped the floor and left your kitchen without taking anything.” He shrugged. “That’s as close to respect as you can get.”

She was silent for a while, then climbed from his lap to take up her laptop. “Thanks.” She smiled and wiped her face. “Now it’s my turn to help you.” She sat at the table and motioned for him to sit beside her.

Less than an hour later, he was signed up for two classes, with a promise from her that she’d help him if he needed.

Dylan’s eyes were drooping, so he kissed her goodnight and drove home. He was thankful that the inner ear infection had pretty much run its course. He still had some occasional ringing, but his balance had returned.

When he parked in his usual spot, a faint glow in the distance caught his eye. Stepping out of the truck, he pulled out his phone and called Tyler.

His brother answered on the first ring. “Hey.” Trey could hear the baby crying in the background.

“Looks like we have a squatter on the far west side of the hill. I see a fire going midway up the hill.”

“Damn it. Call Trent. We’ll get the ATVs and go check it out.”

“I’ll meet you at the barn.” He hung up and called his brother.

Trent answered on the third ring. “What’s so damn important?”

Trey chuckled. “Sounds like I’m interrupting something.”

“What do you want?” His brother punctuated each word.

“Squatters on the property. Meet us at the barn, we’re going out.” He chuckled when his brother flung some choice words in his direction before hanging up.

“Yup,” he said as he climbed back in his truck, “definitely interrupted something.”

It took them almost forty minutes to find the campsite. By then, whoever had started it was long gone. The fire had been left to burn out, so Trent dumped some water on it to put it the rest of the way out.

“Looks like there’s tire tracks over here,” Tyler said from behind them. “They lead back up the hill.”

“Think we scared them off?” he asked.

“For now.” Tyler glanced at his watch. “We’ll take the long way back and check out the gate at the service road, just to make sure.”

Another hour later, Trey walked into his house, muddy and cold. Someone had broken the lock on the service gate, which they’d had to replace with another. They talked about installing a wild game camera but figured whoever it was had been spooked off by the sound of the ATVs. Still, if Trey knew his brothers, the cameras would be going up that weekend anyway.

He showered and climbed into bed with Dopey just after one in the morning and fell fast asleep.

The fire alarm didn’t wake him, it was Dopey scratching at his face, hard, that jolted him from his sleep. He sucked in a deep breath of dark smoke and coughed. Realizing what was happening, he yanked the sheet from the bed and covered his head with it, scooping up his dog with his other hand.

The hallway was already blocked and full of smoke. He could see the flames consuming the pictures he’d hung up in the hallway.

Turning back into his room, he rushed into the bathroom and glanced around. Only then did he realize he’d left his cell phone on the nightstand. He turned back but decided he couldn’t chance returning to the pitch-dark room. The smoke was too think. Yanking open the small window, he tossed Dopey out first then shimmied his way out the window. He cursed when rocks dug into his bare feet.

“Trey!” He heard several people shouting his name.

“Over here,” he called out as Dopey circled him, barking frantically.

“My god!” Tyler rushed over and wrapped his arms around him. “I thought…” His brother held on as Trent rushed over.

“You’re naked.” Trent laughed and hugged him.

Trey glanced down and cursed under his breath as Tyler removed his jacket and handed it to him.

“Son of a bitch!” He glanced at the place, fully engulfed now. “What the hell happened?” He ran his free hand through his hair, the one that wasn’t holding the jacket over his crotch.

They walked to the front of the place, going slowly since he was barefooted. His feet were torn up from all the rocks and branches.

They reached the front as his mother’s car jerked to a stop. She rushed out and raced towards him. Tears were streaming down her face as she embraced him.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again.” She kissed his check before slapping it lightly.

“Yes, ma’am.” He pulled her into another hug and held on.




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