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Honey (Full Throttle Series) by Hazel Parker (38)

Chapter 5


As expected, Kelly’s tests went perfectly. She was young and healthy, and all of the tests confirmed that. The date of the implantation stayed firm. This was really going to happen.

Kelly was nervous. It was a big procedure to have by herself. Well, she was not fully alone: She had Monica and Grant. But they were not family, and she did not want to bring in her friends to this situation. She did not want to risk anyone saying too much.

She had been emailing with them up to the day of the procedure. They seemed like a nice couple. And they were rich enough that they could take care of both her and this baby. Kelly was excited for them. While she knew that she had gotten involved in this for the money, she was glad that she could give this gift to them. Their family would be because of her. Not many women could start out their lives saying such a thing.

The morning of the procedure, Kelly arrived at the doctor’s office. Monica and Grant were already waiting.

“Hi sweetie.” Monica gave her a big hug. Kelly was a bit surprised, but embraced the other woman in return.

“Hi Monica. Hi Grant.”

“Hi Kelly.” Grant refrained from hugging her. Kelly did not think that was a bad thing. She could not stop thinking about how awkward she had been at their initial consult.

“So you’re all ready?” Monica asked. Kelly nodded.

“As I’ll ever be. Hopefully this goes well, and we get you guys a baby.”

“That’s exactly what we’re hoping for,” Monica cooed.

Kelly left them then. She followed a nurse back to the room, where she changed into one of the flimsy paper gowns. As she lay back on the table, she fought her nerves. She reminded herself that she was doing this for the right reasons, and that everything would be just fine. Her mother would never know.

“It’s good to see you again, Kelly,” Dr. Landis entered the room. Kelly gave him a nervous smile.

“Hi Dr. Landis.”

“Are you all ready?” He sat down on a stool next to the table.

“I think so,” Kelly answered firmly.

“Well that’s good.” Dr. Landis handed her a clipboard. “Now I just want you to sign these forms, and we’ll get started with the implementation procedure.”

Kelly took the clipboard. She signed her name across the lines that were marked with “X”. She noticed that her hand shook slightly. Maybe she was more nervous than she realized.

“All right. Now that we’ve taken care of that,” Dr. Landis glanced through the forms, “I’m going to give you a mild sedative to get us started. It’s a state called twilight sleep and it’s very routine.”

“Ok.” Kelly took a deep breath.

“Nervous?” Dr. Landis raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“I…guess I am,” Kelly admitted.

“It is totally understandable.” Dr. Landis tucked her paperwork beneath his arm. “But really, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. This will be over and done with before you know what happened.”

His confidence made her relax a bit. Kelly was able to lay back, and focus on calming herself for the moment.

A nurse came in then. Kelly offered her right arm for the nurse to insert the needle. Almost immediately, she began to feel sleepy. Her eyes wanted to close, and she did not fight them. She was out cold.

The next thing Kelly knew, she heard voices above her. Immediately, she tried to get her bearings. Her head felt hazy from the procedure. Kelly groaned slightly, forcing her eyes open.

The first sight that she took in was not at all what she was expecting. Grant and Monica were leaning over her. Grant’s jaw was set in a mass of tight muscles. Monica’s lips were pressed into a tight line. Their eyes were locked on one another. Kelly could practically feel the tension between them. What had she just interrupted?


Two sets of eyes snapped down. They looked down at her, appearing startled.

“Well hello there,” Monica purred. She reached out, pressing one hand to Kelly’s cheek. It felt so odd: the other woman soothing her. Monica was not that much older than her.

“Hey,” Kelly raised one hand. She rubbed her eyes wearily. “Um, how did things go?”

“Everything went just fine.” Grant’s hand moved down to pat hers. Kelly opened her eyes, looking up at him. For some reason, Grant’s comfort felt that much better. Monica’s was just…awkward.

“Really?” Kelly smiled. “So am I pregnant?”

“We certainly hope so.” Monica moved her hand from the girl’s cheek to take her hand. “But of course, we won’t know right away. The doctor advised that you take a home pregnancy test in about a week. Some of them are so advanced that they can pick up quickly.”

“I’ll do that.” Kelly felt slightly more nervous now. What if it was positive? The thought was thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

“Would you like some water?” Monica’s eyes were filled with sympathy.

“Sure, water would be okay.” She had not been able to eat or drink earlier due to the sedative. While she was not currently hungry, her throat felt exceptionally scratchy.

“Of course.” Monica moved to pick up a plastic pitcher and a cup from the table next to the bed. Kelly allowed herself to bask in the fact that Grant’s hand was still on hers. She should not have been enjoying it so much.

“Here you go.” Monica turned back to them. Immediately, Kelly felt Grant’s hand withdraw. Was that what the two of them had been fighting over? “Can you sit up a bit?”

“I think so.” Kelly eased herself into a sitting position. She felt Grant’s hand rest on her back. She reminded herself that he was helping her sit up, but she was enjoying it too much. “Thanks.”

She took the cup, her hand shaking a bit. Kelly sipped down the cold water.

“The doctor wants you to rest for about a half an hour.” Monica sat down on the bed beside Kelly. Kelly nodded.

“And then what?”

“After you’re feeling up to travel, we’ll take you home.” Monica assured her. “And then we’ll get you back into bed so that you can rest.”

“Monica is right.” Grant’s hand patted her back with his words. “You need to rest for the remainder of the day. And no studying.” Kelly laughed.

“I need to read a chapter in a history book, but I can do that in bed.”

“As long as you don’t get overly tired,” Monica fussed. “You’ll have to learn how to keep your grades up while taking it easy.”

“I’ll do that.” Kelly smiled. “I promise.”

It was not long before Dr. Landis returned. Kelly assured him that while she was still a bit sleepy—and starting to get hungry—that she felt fine. Dr. Landis told her that she could get dressed, gave her a handful of paperwork, and repeated the advice to rest of the remainder of the day.

“Are you missing any classes today?” Kelly was seated in the front seat of Grant’s Mercedes, and Monica was leaning between the seats to talk to her.

“Monica, please stop bothering the poor girl.” Grant got into the driver’s seat, starting the car.

“I’m just worried about her.” Monica’s hand rubbed her arm. Kelly smiled faintly.

“It’s okay, Grant, really. And no, Monica, today was my off day. And I only have a four o’clock tomorrow. So I’ll get a lot of rest.”

“Well, that’s what I like to hear,” Monica relented, finally settling back into the car’s back seat.

The ride to Kelly’s dorm wasn’t long. Monica and Grant wanted to walk her upstairs, but Kelly was insistent that she could do it herself.

“Now you have all of our contact information?” Monica asked. “Emails? Phone numbers?”

“I do, I promise.” Kelly nodded firmly. Frankly, she was ready to get away from Monica for a bit. She didn’t know if it was the remainder of the drugs, or just that Monica was suddenly maddening. She couldn’t handle this type of pressure right now. Hopefully, she’d feel better after a solid nap.

“I’ll take a pregnancy test, and I’ll call you as soon as I get the results.” That seemed to please Monica. She reached out, hugging the young girl.

“Thank you. Thank you so much!”

“Of course.” Kelly stepped back. Her eyes met Grant’s. He gave her a strong smile.

“Call us if you feel sick, or if you have any odd symptoms.”

“I promise.” Kelly smiled at him. Reaching back, she pulled open the main door. “Thank you…for the ride and everything.”

“We’re in your debt,” Monica told her as she climbed into the Mercedes’s front seat. Grant gave her a wave as he walked back to the driver’s seat.

“Bye, Kelly.”

“Bye, Grant.” She stepped inside, letting the door close behind her. For a moment, she allowed herself to think of just how attractive Grant was, and how lucky that Monica was. It was only a moment—and then Kelly headed for the stairs and her dorm room.