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Honor Love: Saints Protection & Investigations by Maryann Jordan (21)

Chapter 21

Entering Angel’s apartment, Monty noticed the overhead lights were off and the only illumination came from several lit, scented candles placed around the room. The door to the bedroom was open and he saw candlelight there as well.

Angel walked into the room clad in only a short silk robe, the swirling colors of the silk catching the light. With her hair was flowing down her back, his fingers twitched to run through the shiny strands.

She walked straight toward him, her hands at the belt’s tie on her robe. Smiling, she ran her tongue over her lips as she approached.

He stood his ground, watching as she continued until she was right at his body, the robe hanging loose, showing her deep cleavage. That’s my girl…knows what she wants and goes after it with everything she’s got! He gazed into her blue eyes, her gaze never wavering. And thank fuck she wants me!

His hands went to the lapels of her robe, pushing them until the top gapped open and more cleavage peeked through. Placing his hands on the soft material at her shoulders, it took little movement to have the silk land in a pile at her feet. Dragging his eyes down, he perused her full breasts, her tapered waist, and full hips. Her legs, long and toned…Damn, I want them wrapped around me when I’m buried deep inside. With a quick lift, he carried her into the bedroom, laying her on her back, her breasts bouncing with the motion. His dick, already pressing into his jeans, was straining, leaving him to wonder if his zipper was creating a permanent mark.

Leaning up on her elbows, she watched him as he divested himself of his clothes as quickly as he could. When he was down to his tented boxers, she lowered her gaze to travel slowly over his body. His dark brown hair was clipped neatly, as was his trim beard. She followed his body with her eyes, from his muscular chest to his defined abs. He had a smattering of chest hair that tapered down to the waistline of his boxers. “You’re absolutely gorgeous. You know that, don’t you?” she said, marveling at the muscles flexing with each movement.

Lifting his eyebrow, he took her in. “Seems like you’ve got that backward,” he countered, his gaze traveling down her luscious body. He lowered his hands to his boxers and kicked them down his legs and onto the floor. Finally out of its constraints, his cock stood at attention as he ran his fist up and down its length. He knelt on the floor pulling her feet toward him before placing a kiss on each instep.

Angel raised up on her elbows and watched as his bearded face kissed her feet. Trying to jerk her legs back, she could not contain the giggle that erupted. “I’m ticklish,” she gasped, but then his mouth began to move higher and her mirth ended as her pussy clenched in anticipation.

Kissing up her legs, he then slung them over his shoulders as he moved his lips to the prize. With the flat of his tongue he licked her moist folds, memorizing the taste of her. I want this. Every night. Forever. Plunging his tongue in, he grinned as she jumped, jerking her hips off the bed. “Easy Cupcake, we got all night,” he said. Using his mouth in tandem with his fingers, he nipped, licked, sucked, and worked her into a frenzy.

He latched onto her clit while sliding a finger deep inside, crooking it as it hit the spot that he had been aiming for. The one that he knew would throw her over the edge. With one last suck, he was not disappointed as she screamed his name and he felt her hot pussy clench his finger as he continued to move his tongue around her clit prolonging the orgasm until she fell boneless back onto the bed.

Gasping for air, she moaned, “Oh God, Monty. You’re going to kill me.” A giggle erupted as he kissed his way up her body. “I can see it now,” she laughed. “The rescue workers come in after the snowstorm when the bakery doesn’t open and they find our naked bodies, stretched out here on the bed.” She grinned, leaning up to look at him and continued. “There it will be, on our death certificates. Death by sex.”

“Is that such a bad way to go?” he joked, as he made his way to her breasts, latching onto one dusty nipple.

“Ummm,” was her only response.

He continued to move between breasts, his mouth on one while his fingers gently pinched the other. Remembering the first time he saw her in the restaurant wearing the green dress showcasing her breasts to perfection, he had wanted to know what they looked like naked. The soft, natural mounds were even more impeccable than he imagined. His hand skimmed down her body, memorizing her curves as he moved over her waist and landed on her hips.

“Babe, are you on the pill?”

“Hmmm?” she murmured, her fingers trailing over his abdomen.

“Are you on the pill?”

Her fingers stopped their movement and her eyes sought his. “Yeah, I am. Do you want to—”

“Fuck yeah,” he said, leaning down to capture her lips. Hotly moving over them, he felt the scorching heat of her body pressed close to his. Lifting his head, he held her gaze. “I’m clean. We get tested—”

“I believe you,” she breathed against his lips. “I am too.”

Rolling over on top of her he grabbed her hands in his, pulling them over her head, exposing her beautiful body to his perusal. Moving his straining cock to her entrance, he looked down at her expectant face.

“Tell me what you want,” he ordered, teasing her pussy with the head of his cock. Moving it slowly through her wet folds, he closed his eyes briefly, forcing himself to go slow. His cock strained to move inside, as though it had a will of its own. Slow down, boy. You’ll get there. Sucking in a deep breath, he opened his eyes, carefully watching her flushed face as she held his gaze.

“I want you. Now,” she answered, her breasts heaving with each pant as her hips bucked upward.

Dipping his lips to hers, he whispered, “My pleasure,” before plunging his dick into her hot, tight pussy and his tongue into her warm mouth.

Moving both in rhythm, he started slowly, his cock stretching her as it hit every nerve along the way. In and out, creating the friction that drove her to distraction. He moved his tongue along her neck, sucking on the tender area at the base where her pulse throbbed.

Her hands wrapped around his back as her legs entwined around his waist, opening herself up more. Digging her heels into his ass, she heard him groan as she met him thrust for thrust. She felt the power of his muscles underneath her fingertips as they moved over the ridges of his arms and back as they flexed with each stroke.

“More. Harder,” she moaned as the friction built to a crescendo. She squeezed her eyes shut as the world around her fell away, feeling only the rocking of her body as he powered into her. He changed the angle of his hips, grinding them against her clit. Feeling the world tilting as tremors began in her core and exploded outward, she suddenly felt his dick swell even larger inside.

Monty watched as her perfect teeth bit into her kiss-swollen bottom lip, her head thrown back against the mattress as he felt his balls tighten. Her breasts moved with each thrust and her breath came out in pants.

Much to her surprise, he rolled, flipping her on top. “Ride me, baby,” he ordered, and she immediately complied. Moving to her knees, she placed her hands on his chest as she met his every thrust. She tried to control the pace but quickly found herself slowing as the sensations overwhelmed her. He took over the pace, using his hands on her hips to lift her up and down in rhythm to his movements.

“Open your eyes. I need to see you when you come,” he ordered. Her eyes popped open in obedience, their blue orbs focusing on his. Her plump lips were smiling as he felt her pussy walls clenching on his dick. Reaching down, he tweaked her clit and watched with satisfaction as she screamed his name again, feeling her milk his cock.

She watched as his normally serious expression changed as his orgasm rocked through him. With his head thrown back, she watched as the veins stood out on his neck as he powered through his orgasm. Looking back down, he held her gaze…neither speaking…neither needing to. Words were not necessary. Love flowed between them. Between their bodies. Between their gazes.

He felt the difference. He wanted her again as soon as one orgasm passed. He wanted to make the next one better. Sex with Angel was soul rocking. Sex had always seemed perfunctory. Always an action. Not an emotion. But now, emotions were not only involved—they were as necessary as breathing.

He dropped his head back to the mattress as he tried to catch his breath, as she dropped onto his chest. Rolling to the side, he pulled her along with him. Their sweat-slicked bodies cooled slowly as their heartbeats continued to pound.

Pushing her silky hair from her face, he watched her as her breathing slowed. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and focused lazily back at him, a lazy smile crossing her face.

“Hey, you,” she said, stroking his face, her fingers tracing his beard.

“Hey back,” he added, tucking her in tightly as he pulled the covers up over them, not wanting her to become chilled.

They lay for a while watching the snow fall, the flakes glistening in the illumination of the street lights outside. Peace descended…Calm. As though the cares of the world could not touch them as they rested in their cocoon.

Monty pulled her tightly, wrapping his arms around her body, his hand resting on her breast. Throwing a leg over her as well, she was as protected as he knew how to make her.

She twisted her head and whispered, “Are you any good at snowball fights?”

Not sure he heard her correctly, he raised up slightly and said, “What was that?”

“Snowball fights. I asked if you were any good. ’Cause no matter how expert you are at giving orgasms, I was trained by my brother in snowball warfare, so you should expect to be beaten tomorrow.”

Chuckling, he pulled her in tighter. “You’re on, Cupcake. You’re on.”


Splat! The icy wetness hit the back of Monty’s capped head and slid down his neck. Jesus, her aim is accurate! He was thankful Angel insisted he wear a scarf or he had no doubt the melting snowball would be working its way down his back.

He quickly turned and dropped to one knee while scooping another handful of snow. Packing it into a ball, he then twirled while running, throwing it with equal accuracy right at Angels back as she tried to get away in the deep snow. He watched as it hit directly between her shoulder blades. Score!

Screaming, she laughed as she threw another snowball. This time, her aim was off and it landed on the side of the building. Monty jogged over as fast as he could which, with fifteen inches of snow on the ground, was not very fast. Coming upon her, he reached out only to have her attempt to turn to run away. Unable to lift her booted feet in the deep snow, she tripped, falling on her back.

He heard her laughter as he stumbled closer and did not hold back his mirth. The more she attempted to stand, the more her feet slid out from under her, creating another spasm of giggles. Towering over her, he watched as she moved her arms and legs.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Making snow angels.” She looked up seeing the confused expression on his face. “You never made snow angels?”

“Afraid not,” he replied, taking the offered hand reaching up to him. As he pulled her out, he looked down at the pattern she created in the snow. Snow Angel.

“Now it’s your turn,” she proclaimed. Seeing him about to protest, she walked up to him, a sultry expression on her face. Placing her hands on his chest, she leaned up to kiss him, then surprised him with a shove backward while kicking the back of his knee. Laughing when he landed in the snow, she leaned over him and said, “Your turn. Wave your arms and legs.”

He lay for a moment, stunned at the turn of events, but could not take his eyes off the woman now towering over him. Her blonde hair was tucked into a purple knit hat with a matching scarf wrapped around her neck. Her cardinal red parka came to her knees and, paired with polka-dotted snow boots, she once again looked like an explosion in a paint factory. And fuckin’ gorgeous.

With the sun glistening on the pure white snow, he did not think the day could possibly get any brighter. And then she smiled. The world lit and his breath was stolen as he looked at her flushed cheeks and pink lips.

“Come on,” she implored. “Your angel will be right next to mine.”

Grinning back, he waved his arms and legs the way she had earlier. Lifting his hand, he allowed her to pull him out as well. They took several steps back and he saw their impressions in the snow. Two angels. Wings touching.

The world was silent, no cars on the street and no pedestrians attempting to come out. The sun was brilliant in the blue sky, but the cold kept everyone at bay. Monty could not remember the last time he had played in the snow. Probably not since he and Felicity had been children. Sucking in a deep breath of cold air, he reveled in the freshness of the day and was thrilled Angel had insisted they came out to play.

Taking her hand, he trudged around the side of her building, assisting her over the drifts. Stepping inside, he grabbed the snow shovel propped up next to the alley entrance door. “I’m going to work on the sidewalk in front of your shop,” he said.

“You don’t have to do that,” she protested. “It’s my sidewalk.”

Tapping her red nose with his gloved finger, he looked down, saying, “You think there’s any way I’m going to let you shovel the sidewalk when I’m here?”

“Isn’t that kind of chauvinistic?” she retorted, her hip cocked as her toe tapped on the floor.

“Yep,” he replied, and with a wink was out the door.

Grumbling, she tried to toe off her wet boots but slid down on the wet floor in the process. Finally getting her boots off, she hung up her coat and tossed her hat, scarf, and gloves onto a small table near the door. Walking through the kitchen into the shop, she peeked out the front glass window and saw that Monty had almost finished with the sidewalk in front of her bakery. She had to admit that he shoveled much quicker than she could and smiled as she made her way back into the kitchen.

Within five minutes he joined her, propping the snow shovel in the corner. She walked over, two hot cups of cocoa in her hands. Setting them on the counter, she took his coat and hung it on the hanger next to hers.

“Be careful,” she warned. “I slipped on the wet floor and landed on my ass.”

His eyes jumped to hers and then, as he took off his gloves, he tossed them to the side and grabbed her shoulders twisting her away from him.

“What?” she asked, trying to peer over her shoulder to see where he was looking. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he replied. “I just wanted to make sure that perfect ass was unharmed in your fall.”

Laughing, she twisted around, pressing her body in close to his, allowing his hands to slide down to her hips. She felt his fingers slide over the globes and give a little squeeze.

“Yep, still perfect,” he murmured in appreciation.

“Come on, you,” she said, his words warming her. “Let’s take the cocoa upstairs. And then I’ll let you check out my perfect ass.”




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