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Inescapable Desire: A Savannah Novel #2 (The Savannah Series) by Danielle Jamie (17)

Chapter Seventeen

It was hard saying goodbye to Reagan at the airport Wednesday afternoon. I wish we would have had more than just one day together, but he has to fly out to his parents for the holidays. Brooklyn stayed until Friday, and then flew back to Los Angeles to stay with her parents for Christmas. She’ll be coming back to Houston after New Year’s.

Kayden and I are planning on going to the New Year’s Eve party Braxton and Mya are throwing at their house in Houston. I can’t wait to ring in the New Year with him.

Jax flew back to Australia for the holidays, so Kayden hired a temporary driver and body guard to fill in for him until after the New Year. The new driver will start on December 26th when we fly back into Houston.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so Kayden and I are flying on his private jet to my parent’s house in Memphis. My parents are arriving there tomorrow, so Kayden and I will have the house to ourselves tonight. They have a concert tonight in Baltimore, after which they will be riding on their tour bus all night to be in Memphis by tomorrow evening.

My parent’s house is a good sized ranch on thirty acres of farm land. Both of my grandparents have houses on the property, just down the road; the houses are on a long dead end dirt road, making it extremely private. I loved it in the summer when I was younger, I could just run up or down the road and go visit them anytime I wanted.

There’s a huge pond behind our house, we just have to walk down a small trail through the woods to get to it. My friends and I use to sneak back there and have little parties by the water; we hung a big rope from one of the trees and used it to swing into the water. I had a lot of memorable moments happen there.

Almost all of my relatives still live in Memphis or just outside of here. I can’t wait to introduce Kayden to everyone at our Christmas dinner. My parents always have a huge get together on Christmas Day with my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. My grandmothers and my mom make a feast big enough to feed an army. 

It’s almost five o’clock by the time we pull into my parent’s driveway with our rental car. I am bursting with excitement to show Kayden around. I lived here every summer when I was younger. I would stay with my nanny and my parents would come and visit in between shows, usually once a week at least. I loved it when I got older because I was allowed to bring Brooklyn with me for the summer.

As soon as I step out of the car, I am taken aback by the aroma of the fresh crisp air. When you look out, there is nothing but miles of green fields on one side of our house, and then on the other side, thick woodland. This was my parent’s first house; they built it right after getting married and moved in when my mother was three months pregnant with me.

It’s an adorable pale blue ranch style one-story house with a white painted porch. It goes along the entire length of the front of the house. White shutters and flower boxes adorn the front of each window. A solid red door with a big Christmas Wreath hangs in the center. There are floor to ceiling skinny rectangle shaped windows on each side of the door. The entire front of the deck is rows after rows of rosebushes. Sitting on the porch are white rocking chairs.

I use to love sitting out here at night playing my guitar, and watching the stars.

Helping Kayden retrieve our bags from the trunk, we head into the house. It’s totally empty, not a soul to be found. We have a housekeeper who lives in the small cottage house out back. She cares for the house, and her husband cares for the farm.

There’s a bottle of wine on the kitchen counter along with a note. Picking it up, I flash Kayden a smile and point towards the hallway, letting him know our room is all the way on the end. While he brings our bags down to the room, I read the note and set the wine in the wine fridge under the island.

To Savannah & Kayden,

I hope you two enjoy your first night here,

If you need anything don’t hesitate to call

Or knock on my door.

The number is on the Fridge.

Mrs. Rennings

“Who’s the note from?” Kayden asks walking up behind me and resting his chin on my shoulder.

Setting the card back on the counter, I spin around to face Kayden, taking in the house while doing so. It’s crazy how nothing has changed, even though it’s been a year since I’ve been here. “It’s from the lady who takes care of the house. She left the bottle of wine for us as a welcome gift. She said her number’s on the fridge if we need anything.”

Taking my hand, we walk through the house. Kayden takes everything in; stopping to look at every picture on the walls, end tables, and the fireplace mantel. It feels surreal having him here. The house, even though only one level, is quite big, it has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, an office and a large screened in porch overlooking the horse stables.

You were so cute when you were little.”

So, what are you saying? I’m ugly now?” I say poking Kayden in the side.

No, you smartass…you know you’re the most gorgeous woman on the planet baby.” He says before brushing a few strands of my hair away from my face.

Picking up another photo, it’s a picture of Logan and me standing on the porch outside two Fourth of July’s ago. I quickly snap it out of his hands. “Sorry, I thought my mother would have had all of these removed before we came.” I walk around the house collecting all the photos of Logan and me, taking them into the kitchen and dumping them into the trash.

Savannah, don’t worry. Seeing those pictures does not bother me. I know he’s part of your past, I accept that because I know I’m your future.” I breathe a sigh of relief. I was nervous as to how Kayden was feeling having seen the photos of Logan and me together.

Walking over to him I lay my head against his chest, and wrap my arms around him.

I will never get tired of hearing you talk like that. I cannot wait to spend these next three days, creating new memories here with you.”


We spent the next hour riding around the fields. It’s so peaceful here; we have no reporters following us around. No crazy ex’s or annoying socialites harassing us.

The sun is slowly moving across the sky, it will be setting soon. We ride the horses back up to the stables putting them back in their stalls. “That was so much fun.” I say, taking Kayden’s hand as we walk out of the stables.

It was…it almost feels like a home away from home. I can see why your parents kept this place. It’s so peaceful. I imagine they love coming here when they’re not touring to get away from their crazy L.A. lifestyle.”

Yeah my parents are country through and through. They love L.A., but Tennessee will always be our true home. I can’t wait for you to meet my grandparents tomorrow. Both my mom and dad’s parents live down the street. If we had kept driving, instead of turning into our driveway we would have gone straight to their houses.”

Well, if they are anywhere near as sweet as you are, then I cannot wait to meet them.”

Oh, believe me you are going to love my grandma Jane, my mom’s mother. She’s so funny, and she is going to love you. My mom has been talking you up to her these last few weeks. I think she’s already in love with you before she’s even met you.”

We had Chinese takeout delivered to the house for dinner, after we ate we laid in my bedroom watching The Hangover parts one and two. I think I fell even more in love with Kayden the day I discovered that he loves stupid comedies as much as I do.

We’re watching the end of the second Hangover movie, when Kayden starts kissing my neck. “I don’t think I can lie in this bed any longer and not be inside of you Savannah. Something about being in your childhood bedroom…makes me want to be extra naughty with you.”

Desire spikes through my system. “You had me at naughty!” Climbing onto my knees, I begin undressing Kayden. First pulling his t-shirt over his head, and tossing it onto the hard wood floor.

Leaning down, I rest my hands on his chiseled stomach then I trail kisses from his throat, down the center of his chest, and over his happy trail. Stopping when I reach the waist band of his Nike sweatpants; I tug on each side of his pants, Kayden lifts his hips to help me remove them. I quickly remove his pants and toss them onto the floor beside his t-shirt.

I continue exploring his body with my mouth, making my way down his happy trail, to his gorgeous Texas sized cock. I gently stroke it with my hand, while licking the tip with my tongue.

Kayden is moaning out in pleasure.

The excitement fluttering inside of me increases the more Kayden says my name in between moans. The sensation of his fingers massaging my scalp, and gently combing through my hair, is making my entire body ache for him.

I take all of him into my mouth, moving my lips up and down his extraordinary length. “Stop…Savannah…” Kayden says between moans; grasping my shoulders between his large, powerful hands. “I want to come inside of you.”

Sitting up Kayden pulls my tank top over my head, throwing it onto the floor beside his clothes. “Lay down, baby,” his voice demanding and captivating all at the same time.

So I do as I’m told and lay back on the bed; slowly lifting my hips, so that he can remove my pajama shorts and panties.

Kayden leans over me, our bodies so close, but feeling still too far away. I’m starving for his touch. “I have a surprise for you, an early Christmas present.” Sliding off of me, Kayden walks over to one of his bags.

I can’t help but admire his glorious ass as he walks across the room. Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a box wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. It’s about six inches by six inches and not very deep.

Sitting up and leaning against the mountain of pillows behind me I begin opening the gift. I toss the wrapping paper into a heap onto my night stand, and pull the box open. I instantly have an impish grin dance across my face as I peer into the box.

“So, what do you think?” Kayden asks sitting down on the bed beside me, running his hands along my calf, gently kissing my knee, as his hand travels along my thigh.

Fingering the leather handcuffs inside the box, I scoop them up, dangling them in front of me. “Hmm…I…don’t know?” I love how adorable he’s being right now. He’s hanging on every word I say, the anticipation is eating away at him. “I’m kidding, I love them!” Tossing the cuffs at Kayden’s chest I fall back onto the pillows.

I thought you would, my kinky little Savannah.” Laying the cuffs beside my head, Kayden starts kissing my thigh, working his way up to my hip bone, over to my belly button, dipping his tongue into it and making me giggle. Looking up at me with those hypnotic eyes of his and flashing me his panty dropping smile. “You’ve been a naughty girl this year Savannah.”

Role playing?

I like this.

Oh but Santa, I really…really tried to be a good girl.” Pushing my bottom lip out at Kayden, I give him my best sad pouty face. “Why…whatever shall I do so that I can still get my presents on Christmas morning?”

A low growl escapes Kayden’s lips as his mouth releases my breast he’s been sucking on. “I think a good spanking for starters, and then maybe handcuffing you to this bed, and punishing your sweet as sin body…with…my…cock.” He says in between the trail of kisses he’s fluttering along my neck and jaw.

Ohh Santa, I’ve been so naughty, please…Sir….punish me.” Taking his hand I bring his finger to my lips; gently biting down on the tip of his pointer finger.

I shriek with excitement as Kayden grips my hips and flips me onto my stomach. Taking my hands he straps on the leather cuffs, and loops it through the bars of my headboard.

Smacking my butt sending a cracking sound echoing throughout the bedroom, I scream out, “Ooohh!” as the tingling sensation from his hand connecting with my flesh makes heat resonate over my cheek.

You like that Savannah?” Kayden whispers into my ear, sucking my lobe into his mouth, and biting down on it. His hands are exploring every inch of my body, my core tightening with the anticipation of what’s to come. “I think there’s still more punishment to endure before you can be removed from the naughty list.”

Running his fingers along my spine I’m instantly enveloped in goose bumps. His fingers are like electric rods on my skin; I raise my butt up to him, caressing it against his hardened cock. “Patience, baby.” I feel his lips on my back licking and sucking a path down my back to my butt.

Ohh God, I feel like I’m about to combust…I need you Kayden.”

Thoroughly spanking my ass he squeezes my cheeks between the palms of his hands making me whimper, my need for climax is overwhelming. The pleasurable sting of my backside along with the exultation of being strapped to the bed has my orgasm knocking on my walls.

The moment Kayden enters me; my body will drift into a state of euphoria, as it’s rocked with a mind blowing orgasm. “You want this?” He asks running the head of his cock between my sex, massaging my clit as he kneads my ass in his hands.

Yes…I need you…only you!” I shout with my face buried in the pillow.

Slowly picking up the pace Kayden continues to stimulate my clit with the head of his dick. “Tell me you’re mine, Savannah; that this sweet pussy of yours belongs to me, and only me.”

Gasping for air, I try to speak, the sensation of his hands on me, and his cock rubbing on my clit is pushing me to the edge. “I’m yours Kayden, every…single…inch of me is yours!” I shout, not even a second before the throbbing in my core erupts and I’m overtaken with ecstasy as it courses through my body.

Every single inch of my body is tingling shoving my face into the pillow I scream as Kayden slowly pushes a finger into my ass, and at the same time he slides his length into me, pounding feverishly, continuing to stimulate my clit with his other hand.

Before I can catch my breath, another orgasm rips through me. My head is spinning as this orgasm is impossibly more powerful than the last, delirium vibrates throughout me. My mind, body, and soul lost in euphoria. Kayden pulls his finger of out my ass and slaps my butt hard, the stinging sensation instantly making my womb tighten, and my climax becomes even more intense. He continues slapping it in between thrusts. I can’t hold in my wails of pleasure.

That’s it baby; tell me how good it feels.” Massaging the tender flesh of my butt where he just slapped mixed with the intoxicating pleasure of having him inside of me; another orgasm begins to build.

It…feels…sooo good. Ohh God, I am going to come again…I think you’re going to kill me with this one!” Rotating his hips as he pulls his cock almost all the way out, before slamming back into me, his super-size cock hitting my spot.

I swear he rearranges my g-spot pushing it into my stomach with his long hard thrusts; the sensation of the head of his dick repeatedly banging against it threatens to send me over the edge.

Grinding my clit against his hand as he thrusts into me, I’m so close, “Kayden I am almost there…”

He slides his finger into my ass again; he begins sliding it in and out massaging the inner wall, I can feel it rubbing against his cock deep inside my pussy. Being filled all over is all it takes to push me over the edge, this time my climax is so strong, I see lights floating in front of my eyes. My head is spinning so fast, I can’t hold it up. I slam my head against the pillow and I bite down on my lip and grip the bars of my bed.

Holy mother of…fuck meeeeeeeee!” I yell, my throat burning from the screams of pleasure that’s been pouring out of my mouth over the last ...ohh Godd…I don’t know.

Kayden begins pumping his seed into me, as his orgasm tears through him. I clench the walls of my pussy around his cock as he pumps it in and out of me. Now it’s his turn to scream out in pleasure.

Fuck...Savannaha that feels.....sooo good!” Crashing down onto me, Kayden rests his face against my back. His day old stubble prickling my sensitive skin, while his dick is buried deep inside of me, draining himself of every...last...drop.

We laid there for what felt like an eternity, trying to recover from some of the best sex of our entire lives, before finally giving in to sleep.






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