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Inescapable Desire: A Savannah Novel #2 (The Savannah Series) by Danielle Jamie (3)

Chapter Three

I don’t know about you, but I am famished! Dinner smells mouth wateringly good.” Kayden says as he carries me into the kitchen.

We definitely worked up an appetite; my stomach is growling, answering his question for me.

“I could have walked you know!” I say matter-of-factly as he sets my feet onto the kitchen floor.

A devilish grin creeps across his lips, “Where’s the fun in that? I will take every chance I get to grasp that sweet ass in my hands.”

He’s insatiable! I love hearing him say he can’t get enough of me and that he finds any reason to cop a feel. His hands feel like heaven on my body.

Walking around me, Kayden yells, “Dayum,” as he smacks my butt playfully. 

Hey, now!” I shriek jumping and spinning around to face him; he’s wearing the cockiest grin. Rolling my eyes, I brush past him sashaying as I make my way to the oven. “I made lasagna, I hope you like it. It’s my great grandmother’s secret recipe.” I say taking the dish out of the oven.

I have to bite back a smile when I glance over my shoulder and catch Kayden staring at my ass. Yoga pants are a weakness for men; I especially know this to be true for Kayden, too.

Kayden gets to work pouring us each a glass of wine while I make our plates. My hand is still throbbing, and it’s a constant reminder that I still have to tell Kayden about Logan showing up here unannounced.

I figure there’s no time like the present to tell him, and also inform him of my decision to move here permanently. First things first, I need a few glasses of wine to help ease my nerves.

I’m in desperate need of some liquid courage!

How was your photo shoot and interview?” Kayden asks in between bites.

It went really well. Reagan flew in just for the shoot and so did Hailey and Rebecca. We did my shoot here at the beach house and down by the water. I cannot wait to see how they turn out.” The shoot was fun, but I’m dreading the interview. Tipping my glass back, I gulp down my entire glass of wine.

I grasped the neck of the wine bottle, instantly wincing. I accidentally tried to pick it up with my injured right hand, which was still throbbing from hitting Logan. 

Kayden’s attention quickly shifts from his plate to my hand.

His face swiftly changes from relaxed to concerned, “What happened to your hand?” He asks, taking my sore hand into his.

I was hoping to get through dinner without you noticing.” I say sheepishly, pulling my hand away from his, suddenly feeling embarrassed. I have been dreading telling Kayden that Logan came here and that I allowed him to get under my skin.

Kayden raises an eyebrow, “Why would you not want me to know you hurt your hand? What if I had hurt you earlier? I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t talk to me Savannah.” The hurt in his voice shreds me.

Taking my hand back into his, he begins looking it over, studying the small bruising on my knuckles.

Taking in a deep breath, I let it out as pain shoots through my knuckles when Kayden gently strokes them with the pad of his thumb.

I slide my eyes from our hands to Kayden’s face, giving him a weak smile, “I’m sorry; I wanted to tell you, just not right away. I was so excited to see you...and I knew once I told you how I hurt my hand, our night would be ruined.” I drop my eyes back down to my plate; I can’t bear to maintain eye contact with him.

We’ve only been together a week, and I’m already avoiding discussing things with him. I feel so stupid.

Logan picked the worst day to try and win me back.

Sliding his fingers under my chin, Kayden tilts my head up forcing me to look at him, the warm smile on his lips helps put my nerves at bay, “Savannah, I’ve seen enough injured hands in my lifetime to know that ya hurt your hand by punchin’ somethin’...or someone.”

Kayden’s chair squeaks as he slides it away from the table, within seconds he is kneeling down beside me, cupping my face in his hands. “Please tell me what happened, baby. If someone tried to hurt you, I swear to God Savannah, I will snap their fuckin’ neck!”

I get lost momentarily in Kayden’s mesmerizing green eyes. Nervously I bite on the inside of my cheek deciding to just get it out there, “Logan showed up on my doorstep earlier. He was here a few hours ago pleading with me to take him back.”

I can tell Kayden didn’t expect Logan’s name to come out of my mouth. His mouth falls open and shock flashes through his eyes.

Logan was here? What the fuck did he want?” Standing abruptly, Kayden takes a step back cursing under his breath, “I swear to God, if that asshole laid a finger on you, he’s fuckin’ dead.”

Stammering with my words, I jump up from my chair, wrap my arms around Kayden’s waist and hold him tightly against me.

His entire body is tense and boiling over with anger, “He didn’t do anything to me Kayden; it’s the other way around. I’m surprised the cops aren’t here to arrest me for assault.”

Kayden’s interest is immediately piqued, “You punched Logan?!” He asks with curiosity and amusement in his voice.

I let out a nervous laugh as I rest my cheek against Kayden’s chest, the sound of his heart beating against my ear helps calm me.

Looking out the kitchen window, I watch the waves roll onto the shore, and the sail boats pass by in the distance. I take a deep breath and begin explaining to Kayden what happened today.

“Logan started talking shit about you, saying you would cheat on me, just like he did. I couldn’t stand hearing him say that. I had repeatedly asked him to leave, but he refused to go. I told him he was wasting his breath, nothing he said would change the fact that he cheated on me and that I’ve moved on.”

I feel Kayden’s body grow rigid; I glance up at him and watch as anger washes over his face.

That piece of shit better not find my name in his mouth again, unless he wants to be eatin’ my fuckin’ fist. If he contacts you again, I will hunt him down and beat the livin’ shit outta him!” He shouts making me flinch. My eyes focus on the ticking in his jaw as he tries to push back the anger boiling over inside of him.

It kills me to see such pain and anger in his beautiful eyes.

This is not how I imagined we’d be spending our first night back together. Logan is like a little frickin’ cockroach you can’t get rid of; he just brings pain and misery whenever he’s around me.

Feeling the need to reassure Kayden that I’m all right I flash him a small smile, “I doubt he’ll ever contact me again, not after what happened today. I still can’t believe I punched him; I’m pretty sure I broke his nose.” Biting back my smile, I continue, “The look on Logan’s face when I hit him…it was priceless. It finally got him to shut up.” Shaking my head my words come out laced with anger as I think back to the things Logan said. “Bad mouthing you and acting as if he knows anything about us, that was my breaking point.”

A deep chuckle resonates in Kayden’s chest, laughing he says, “Wow, I can’t believe you punched him. You look so sweet and innocent, but deep down you’re a lil’ bad ass.”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a small chuckle, “Ha! That I am, so remember: don’t ever piss me off Knox. Oh and I have a new neighbor; we got to meet while all the crazy Logan shit was going down. He was standing on the deck talking to a bloody Logan when I came back out with a washcloth for Logan’s nose. Wasn’t my finest moment, he’s probably wishing he’d rented a different house!”

Kayden gently strokes my hair as his eyes roam over my face, “He was probably thinking I better not mess with this chick or I’ll end up with a busted nose next.” Kayden says letting out a hearty laugh.

He’s loving this. He’s such a guy.

Smacking Kayden’s chest, I yell at him, “Ohh stop! He was actually really sweet though, he helped me get rid of Logan. I don’t think Logan would’ve left without the cops dragging his ass off of my property if Jacob hadn’t shown up.”

Leaning back against the kitchen counter, keeping his arms draped over my shoulders, Kayden asks, “What in the hell made him all of a sudden have the impulse to fly down here? You’ve been broken up for months?” I could hear the worry in his voice. “Was it because of our kiss the other night outside of Vertigo?”

Closing my eyes, I take in a small breath and slowly blow it out, opening them I lock my eyes with Kayden’s, “That’s part of the reason, but please don’t feel guilty Kayden. I don’t regret a single moment from that night.” Smiling at him, I take his hand and lead him into the living room. “Let’s sit in here. It’s way more comfortable than standing around in there.” I say tilting my head towards the kitchen. “I also want you sitting down when I tell you the main reason Logan came here.”

Kayden gives me a questionable look as he plop down on the sectional, pulling me onto his lap. “If I need to sit down to hear this, than I am going to do so with your fine ass sitting on me.”  He murmurs into my ear, brushing my hair away from my neck, and gently kissing my collarbone.

Tucking my legs behind me, I get comfortable as Kayden gingerly runs his fingers along my spine as he waits for me to continue.

He looks nervous. It’s so adorable. I just hope he understands my reasoning for leaving L.A., and doesn’t think I’m rushing things with him. This move is for me; he’s just the icing on the cake.

Looking at my knuckles Kayden flashes me a cocky grin, “I still can’t get over you punching him. You’ve just went up ten notches on the hot factor.” He jokes as he presses his lips to my knuckles.

Yes, I have a mean right hook.” I remark laughing, holding my fist in the air. “I just hope he doesn’t run to the press, using me punching him as yet another way to make the cover of another sleazy gossip magazine.”

Kayden wraps his arm around me, pulling me tightly against his chest, before slowly trailing his fingers along the side of my body. The smell of his cologne mixed with the feeling of his fingers running along my thigh is a sweet concoction, instantly sending butterflies fluttering franticly inside my stomach.

Shaking his head in disbelief Kayden says, “I still cannot believe you dated that guy, and for four years...I don’t blame him though. You are the sexiest and funniest chick I have ever met. He’s the biggest fuckin’ idiot I know to not cherish having you, but his loss…is my gain.” Leaning down he presses a quick but delicious kiss on my very eager lips, moaning against them, causing my skin to prickle with excitement.

Slowly Kayden slides the pad of his thumb along my bottom lip, the intensity in his eyes as his words sink in rock me to my core. I can’t help but think what if Logan had never cheated on me; I wouldn’t be here right now with Kayden.

God works in mysterious ways.

Dropping my eyes to my lap, I let out a shaky breath, “Yes, when Logan cheated on me, I thought I would never be able to open myself up to a guy again.” Lifting my gaze, I take in Kayden’s handsome face as I slide my hand over his cheek, “When I met you two months ago, I felt drawn to you, but was in love with Logan, or so I thought. But after the breakup, and reconnecting with you, even if it was only through texting, helped me laugh and smile again.”

Kayden flashes me an impish grin, “Yeah, I was never so nervous in my entire fuckin’ life than the day I sent you flowers. I felt bad that your engagement was called off, because you were hurtin’, but at the same time I was happy because I knew I had a chance, finally.” The dark, predatory look consuming Kayden’s sea green eyes warms me to my core; he slides his fingers along my arms blanketing my body in goose bumps. “Savannah, I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you.” His words come out thick, husky and laced with sex.

I can see and feel how much he wants me, from the words he speaks, to the way he looks at me when he doesn’t think I’m looking, and the way he touches my body…it’s as if his fingers starve to be on my skin. I have never felt more desirable or beautiful than when I’m with Kayden.

I was so nervous when I got to Houston because I knew I’d see you at the Envy party, and I secretly was hoping to run into you that Friday night at Vertigo. The moment you sat down next to me at the club I threw caution to the wind, and I for one am glad I did, because, in the end, we found each other.”

I’m still trying to get used to the fact that Kayden Knox is now my boyfriend. It’s crazy. He’s been the most eligible bachelor for years, showing no desire to settle down, and then after a weekend together, he was telling me that he wanted to see where our relationship could go.

I feel like I’m living in a dream.

If I am dreaming, I never want to wake up.

Climbing off of Kayden’s lap, I run into the kitchen and grab myself another glass of wine and Kayden a Corona. My knuckles are sore, so I fill a sandwich bag with ice for my hand.

Handing Kayden his beer, I climb back onto his lap, “Thanks, darlin’,” he drawls, taking a long pull from his beer.

I watch as his Adams apple bobs up and down. Setting his beer on the coffee table beside my glass of wine, Kayden leans back on the couch, tucks a hand behind his head and wraps the other around my waist.

Resting the bag of ice on my knuckles, I look up at Kayden who’s staring at my injured hand. “Believe me it doesn’t hurt as bad as it looks, plus I imagine Logan is hurting more right now than I am. I bet he’ll have two black eyes for a while. Speaking of Logan, the reason he showed up here today is because he ran into Brooklyn at Starbucks this morning.”

Kayden gives me a puzzled look, “Why’s Brooklyn back in L.A.? I thought she was staying here with you for the week?”

Clearing my throat, I bite on my bottom lip as a nervous smile dances across my lips. “Umm, well she went back to L.A. to film a commercial she landed…and to turn in the keys to our house. We’re moving, and she kinda let it slip to Logan.”

Kayden narrowed his eye at me; a look of utter confusion taking over his face. “Okay? So why would Brooklyn telling Logan y’all are moving make him jump on a plane, and fly to Houston?”

I’m so nervous right now, I can hardly speak. It feels like I’m on a roller coaster, inching towards the top, getting ready to take the deep plunge. I nervously reached for my glass of wine, drinking the entire glass.

If ya have to get drunk to tell me...then I don’t think I wanna know!” Kayden jokes, his eyes growing larger. I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

I know I am over thinking things...again.

I don’t know why I am so nervous to tell him. By dragging this out, I’m making it sound like I have to tell him something horrible. When, in fact, it’s something amazing.

Our relationship is so new; I don’t know if my moving here will be too much, too soon. The last thing I want to do is freak Kayden out, but this is more for me. I need a fresh start.

I draw in a long breath. “It’s not bad news...I hope not anyway! I think it’s really great news actually.”

All right, so what is this amazing news? You’re killin’ me here!” Kayden says with a small nervous chuckle.

Brooklyn went back to L.A. to pack up our house. We’re moving here.” I said squeaking slightly, and pointing towards the floor.

Kayden turns three shades of white instantly. Just freaking fantastic…I made the wrong decision.

It’s way too soon; we are both walking a fine line here. We’ve only been together a week, and I’m already making a huge life changing decision, in part, because of him and our new relationship.

Too soon?” I ask trying to read his expressions.

Blinking a few times, Kayden cocks his head to the side as he rakes his fingers through his hair, “What? you...and Brooklyn? You’re moving to Galveston? What about your job at Envy?”

I still have my job. I have to fly to L.A. once a week to meet with Eloise. I’ll do my work on my computer and Skype daily with her if needed. Brooklyn has to fly to Vancouver to work, so it doesn’t really matter to her if she is in L.A. or Galveston. If you think it’s too soon, just tell me Kayden. I’m a big girl; I can handle it if you think things are moving too fast between us.”

Kayden takes my face in his heads, “No, I’m thrilled, shocked...but thrilled, Savannah. That was the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth. I had a million different things running through my mind, and that was definitely not one of them.” Kayden laughs.

I let out the breath I’ve been holding, “Oh, thank God. I think moving here is the best thing for me. Just being here for a week away from L.A., and all of its craziness has been exactly what I needed. I can go to the store without being hounded by paparazzi. I don’t have to worry about running into Logan whenever I go shopping or out to eat. Him showing up here today, begging me to give him another chance and asking me to stay in Los Angeles, it was just another reason why I can’t be in L.A. I can’t deal with him constantly showing up at my door begging for me to take him back. I just need a fresh start.” Leaning forward I flutter kisses along Kayden’s stubble, “But being closer to you is just an added bonus.” I whisper against his ear. Leaning back, I can’t help but feel giddy inside at the look of pleasure on Kayden’s face.

Raising an eyebrow, he runs his fingers along my thigh, working his way under my cami to my bare breasts. “So, this means I can have you pretty much whenever I want then?”

My mouth falls open as I pretend to be offended, “Geesh, what am I, a piece of meat” I ask sarcastically. Running my fingers through his hair, a sultry smile spreads across my lips, “Yes Kayden, think of me as your personal sex slave...ready to please you anyway your heart desires.”

Kayden let out a deep growl that vibrated through his chest and into me. “My every desire, hmmm? My personal sex slave…I like the sound of that. Believe me, baby, I will hold you to that promise.” He husks cupping my breast in his hand, instantly blanketing my body with goose bumps.

Lifting my shirt, he gently sucks on my breast. His mouth on my skin does crazy things to my body.

I moan and nibble on my bottom lip with as he massages my ass with his other hand. Trying to regain my focus I finally say, “ mean it? You are okay with me moving here?”

His length grew hard under me, fueling my desire for him again. Pulling my top back down, Kayden works his mouth to my neck murmuring, “Yes, I’m definitely okay with this.”

I begin to giggle uncontrollably as he sucks and nibbles at my ticklish spot on my neck. Wiggling away from his lips, I shriek, “Hey there Casanova! Can we focus here for just a few more seconds?” I laugh.

Pulling away, Kayden holds his hands up in the air, “Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but only for a few seconds. That’s all I can give you because I’m about to fuckin’ explode.”

I let out a small sigh, “All right, ya horn dog, I’ll make this quick.” I burst out laughing at Kayden’s expression. He growls at me seductively as he squeezes my ass. He’s an animal, I swear!

I can’t help it; you’re just too damn irresistible!” He whispers against my skin as he trails kisses along my jaw before lying back against the couch, letting me continue.

Damn it! It’s so hard trying to stay focused when he’s being so damn swoon worthy!

I need to say this, get it out there; I want complete honesty between us.

Moving, so I’m straddling his lap, I slowly slide my fingers through his hair, twirling his brown locks around my fingers. He closes his eyes momentarily, letting out a small moan. He loves it when I play with his hair, and it soothes me; so it’s a win, win.

I think me being here, closer to you, it’ll help our relationship. I have a lot of issues to work on because of Logan. I want to truly give this relationship everything I have. I don’t want us to self-destruct, and I know living so far apart, that’s exactly what would happen.” Kayden tries to protest, but I press my fingers over his lips, stopping him. I need to say this, “I would constantly be thinking you’re being unfaithful to me. There are so many beautiful women you could be with, and the idea that you only want me, it’s hard to believe because of everything I’ve been through. I want to trust you; it’s just going to take time.” Fisting his hair, I tilt Kayden’s head back, connecting my eyes with his.

I want to convey with my gaze just how badly I want him...only him. When our eyes meet it’s as if he’s peering into my soul, and feeling my words, not just hearing them.

Believe me baby, it doesn’t matter if you stay here or go back in Los Angeles, I would find a way to be with you every chance I got. I would fly my jet to L.A. every day if I had to, because baby, no woman has ever affected me the way you have. Before you, I admit I was an ass and used woman for sex. I didn’t care about their feelings, but when I’m in a committed relationship, I’m as faithful as they come. I’ll never betray you. You’re all I need.” 

The passion between us is explosive; igniting every nerve ending in my body, causing them to erupt into a blaze of fire. I can feel the desire radiating out of Kayden’s hypnotizing green eyes, as his words caress every inch of me.

I hate that I have these doubts and fears in the back of my mind, but in time, I know that we can build a relationship full of trust and love.

We’ve done enough talking for tonight, now it’s time to show him what I’m feeling with my body.

I lunge at his mouth; the intensity in our kiss causes me to melt into him. My entire body tingles with excitement as his tongue caresses mine.

I never imagined I would feel like this again…so completely consumed with lust and want for someone. It’s scary and enticing at the same time. I’m riding on the biggest high, and I never want to come down.

I think we can skip the rest of dinner, and go straight to dessert.” Kayden drawls, flipping me onto my back and sliding my pants off.

Crawling between my legs, he runs his fingers along the inside of my thigh making me shiver with anticipation; a moan escapes me as he slides his fingers between my folds. Finally, he dips two fingers deep inside my aching pussy, slowly sliding them in and out massaging my inner walls, working me to the edge of ecstasy.

Closing my eyes, I block out everything around me and focus on nothing but Kayden’s magical fingers on my body. “I need to taste you, baby.” I feel his warm mouth on my swollen clit; he’s sucking on it and flicking my nub with his tongue, as he thrusts his fingers into me at a quickening pace.

My head is spinning as euphoria is overtaking me.

“Kayden…ohhh…myyy…” My words come out breathy and laced with sex.

I arch my hips to meet his mouth, whimpering with pleasure as his tongue teases my clit. I fist his hair, silently begging him to suck and lick harder!

Damn baby, you’re dripping wet for’s so fucking hot. I love how hungry you are for me.” He says before pulling away and standing beside the couch.

Within seconds, he’s removed his pajama pants and is crawling in between my thighs, hovering over me, “Do you want me to fuck you right here Savannah?” he whispers in my ear, as he sucks and nibbled on my earlobe.

Digging at his shoulders, I wrap my legs around him, “God, I want you…”

Working his mouth over to mine, Kayden presses a scorching hot kiss to my lips. A low growl resonates in the back of his throat as he slips his tongue into my mouth.

Fisting my hair Kayden deepens our kiss, tangling his tongue with mine. He’s no longer just kissing me; he’s fucking my mouth with his tongue. The feeling of it caressing mine, mixed with the delicious taste of Kayden, is almost my undoing.

The velvety head of his dick, that’s moist with pre cum, pressed against my clit as he kisses me, is making my core instantly tighten. My cries of pleasure vibrate into Kayden’s mouth.

Kayden, I don’t care if the whole fuckin’ town see’s us through these freakin’ windows, I need your cock inside of me...right now.” I’m desperate for his touch, begging him to take me.

It turns me on even more when you beg.” His husky Southern drawl is like an aphrodisiac, enhancing the pleasure that’s coursing through my body.

He gives me exactly what I want, what I need.

Scratching at his ass, I rotate my hips, meeting Kayden thrust for thrust. My eagerness excites him even more. He grips my hips, angling himself so each time he pounds his cock into me I accept every inch of him. I’m relishing in the pleasure mixed with pain as he slams against my cervix.

My moans mixed with Kayden’s are echoing around the room filling my ears. When our eyes meet, I come undone; an impish smile creeps across Kayden’s lips as he watches my body bask in a mind blowing orgasm.

That’s it baby...let yourself go.” Kayden says in a low growl.

Oohh God!” I scream as my orgasm ripples through me. My body convulses as ecstasy resonates throughout it. “Mmmm” I hum with pleasure.

Cupping the back of his head, I pull Kayden’s mouth back down to mine, slipping my tongue into his mouth, craving his taste. The sensation of his cock deep inside of me, mixed with the tantalizing sensation consuming my body is beyond intense.

I’m loving every second of it.

Sliding out of me, his gorgeous cock, hard and bouncing before me under its weight. Kayden lies back on the couch. Climbing to my knees, I sit between his legs taking in the view before me.

I love how sexy he looks naked. I could stare at his Greek God like body all day and never grow tired of it.

“I swear I could have an orgasm just from looking at you. God definitely showed off when he created you.” I giggle as Kayden flashes me a panty dropping smile. I slide my eyes over his body, “That is the biggest dick I have ever laid eyes on, and the things it does to my body should be illegal in all fifty states.”

Kayden’s lips curl up into a crooked grin, taking his dick into his hand, he starts stroking it; the head turning a dark purple from his tight grip on his shaft.

It’s so hot watching him pleasure himself, and the ache between my thighs instantly returns.

I’m ready for round three. He has yet to finish, so I know he’s ready to take me again.

This?” He asks staring up at me, stroking his gorgeous cock. Before I can answer him, he’s pulling me on top of him.

I press the head of his dick against my entrance, and slowly ease down on top of it. He fills me completely. Rotating my hips, I slide up and down along his shaft, each time slamming back down onto it, forcing me to wail out in pleasure.

I’m engulfed with heavenliness as Kayden consumes my body. Gripping my hips he helps guide my body up and down his cock.

Just as I feel another orgasm building Kayden commands me to get on my hands and knees.

Sliding back inside of me, he lets out a deep husky moan. “God, baby, you have the hottest ass I have ever seen.”

He takes each cheek into the palms of his hands, squeezing them as he thrusts his cock repeatedly into me. I feel his lips burning into my skin as he kisses a fiery path along my spine.

“Ohh...oohh...Kayden…I’m almost there!” I shout as he twists his hips, pounding into me deeper. My head is spinning; I’m struggling to breathe as my climax is building higher and higher. I bring my hand to my clit and begin rubbing it, quickening my orgasm.

Fuuckkk, Savannah! That is so fuckin’ hot…I can’t hold back any longer.” He hisses gripping my hips tighter, as he slams into me.

At that moment we come together, Kayden chanting my name as he pumps into me.

I’m exhausted; my body is spent from the hours of ravishment Kayden has bestowed upon me. I collapse onto the couch, taking in deep breaths, trying to collect myself.

Wow, I think I was one second away from losing consciousness.” I say in between breaths.

Kayden presses his lips to my sensitive skin beneath my ear, keeping them there as he catches his breath. “Baby you’re not the only one.” He murmurs burying his face in the crook of my neck. “I think we made up for the four days apart…well, maybe one day.” He laughs into my neck, as he bites me playfully.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I slip on one of the Kayden’s University of Texas t-shirts, while he puts his pajama pants back on.

Heading back into the living room, we curl up on the couch together. Rolling over to face him, I rest my face against his warm chiseled chest. Kayden slowly pulls me up against him, so every inch of our bodies is touching. He covers us with a blanket folded on the back of the couch.

The windows are open, and I watch the sun moving further into the horizon. I slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep as Kayden tenderly runs his fingers up and down my back, and twirls my hair between his fingers.





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