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Inevitable (Destiny Series Book 2) by Lea Hart (17)


Friday, August 4th


Claire opened her eyes and felt an enormous weight pressing against her chest. Looking down, she saw that her shoulder was wrapped in bandages, and Andi sat in a chair, holding her hand. “Hey,” she whispered.

Sitting up instantly, her best friend moved closer and gave her a smile. “Welcome back, lazybones.” She lifted her watch and checked the time. “You’ve about slept the day away. I guess getting shot up while trying to buy sexy undies makes a person tired.”

Croaking out a small laugh, she moved her hair off her face with her free hand. “Guess so. I don’t even have anything to show for my efforts.”

Andi lifted the cup next to the bed and put the straw up to Claire’s mouth. “Take a sip because I bet you’re about dried out. The anesthesia does that and you had quite a bit.”

Dutifully, Claire followed directions and drank down the cool liquid. Plain old water had never tasted so good. “So, how many bullets did they dig out?”

“Just one. Turns out those doors at Victoria’s Secret are more substantial than we would’ve guessed. Brady can fill you in on all the particulars when he gets back.”

Lifting her head gingerly, she looked around the room. “Has he been here?”

Snorting, Andi patted her hand. “He just left about twenty minutes ago when I insisted he run home and get cleaned up. He fought me pretty good, but let’s face it—he’s no match for me when I get stubborn about something.”

Claire pointed her finger at her friend and winked. “Ain’t that the truth. Might want to let Kane know what he’s in for before he’s too far gone.”

“No way,” Andi replied. The man is a retired SEAL. If he can’t handle me, then he doesn’t deserve me. I’m a small, sweet woman with nothing but kindness in my heart.”

“Except when you get your mind wrapped around something and can’t let go. Then you’re a barracuda with complete disregard for consequences.”

Andi patted her hand and lifted the cup again. “Have a little more water.”

Claire took a couple more sips and smiled. “Guess he’ll find out eventually.”

“Guess he will,” Andi replied with a smile.

Claire noticed her friend’s smile falter. “What?”

“When they brought you in last night and I saw what kind of shape you were in, it scared me to pieces. Medically, I knew that you had a good chance of recovering, but I hated to see you hurt.”

“Can’t say that I enjoyed the experience, but I’m okay.” Waving her hand back and forth, she spoke. “It’s going to take a lot more than a crazy man to take me out. I have a real good one who’s interested in me and we just got started. No way that a little ol’ bullet is going to take that away from me. I’ve waited a very long time to have the kind of relations Brady and I are having and I don’t want that cut short.”

“Well, I suppose hot and sexy hanky-panky is as good a reason as any to want to stick around and see what happens next.”

“He told me that he loved me last night when things were starting to get crazy and I didn’t say it back. I felt like that was something that I wanted to say in person.”

“Do you?”

“Love him?”

Andi huffed out a breath. “Yes, Claire. Do. You. Love. Brady?”

“I might,” she replied as her throat got dry. The well of emotions that erupted with the confession was surprising. Saying it aloud to her friend made it seem real and that wasn’t anything she was ready to handle on the day after she got shot. Tears slipped down her face and she felt Andi take her hand. Just like she always had when things got tough.

“I say let the emotions marinate for a while. Let your body and mind recover from the trauma you’ve experienced, and when you’re stronger, you can take those lovely feeling out and share them with the man who has brought you happiness.”

“Good idea,” Claire replied quietly. She was probably still high on some pain medication and whatever else they were giving her, and she needed to be clear-headed and strong when she confessed her love to Brady.


Best let it pass before she let her feelings out to roam free.




Brady looked out the window of Claire’s hospital room and saw that the sun had almost set. He checked his watch and noticed it had been close to twenty-four hours since they walked into the damn mall, and in that short amount of time his life had completely changed.

Running his hand over his arm, he shook his head. That wasn’t completely accurate…the change had been coming. Last night’s events just solidified his feelings. Made them sharp and clear. Meeting her had allowed him to let out the metaphorical breath he’d been holding since his mama passed. In a way, he’d been waiting to see if God was going to bless him with someone who would stay by his side, or curse him and take that person away. Last night had answered it for him and he knew God was a benevolent force.

It had been rocky there for more than a minute when he thought that Claire had been taken from him, but it had all worked out. Which was good news because he would never survive losing her. Or really want to.

When he’d found out she’d pulled through surgery, he knew he’d been given the person he was going to keep, someone he could love forever.

Claire was the one he’d been waiting for.

She was his and he was hers. At least, that’s how it worked out in his mind.  So exactly how did he express all that in a way she could understand, in a way that wouldn’t freak her the hell out?

He picked up her hand, pressed his mouth to her soft skin, and knew it was something he was going have to figure out. There was an inevitability to their union and all he had to do was convince her of that.

Looking down at her face, he grinned. “Get ready, darlin’, because I’m not going to hold anything back from here on out.”

When her eyes flickered open and she smiled, he felt everything in his world click right into place. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she croaked back. “How long was I out for?”

“About two hours. After they took you down for the MRI, you were exhausted.” He saw her eyes flick over to the window. “What?”

“You should go home and get some sleep. It’s probably late.”

“Nope. I’m staying here until I get to take you home.”

“I’d try and talk you out of it, but my brain feels real fuzzy and I don’t think I’d get enough thoughts together to make any sense.”

“Go back to sleep, and when you wake up, I’ll be here.” He felt her squeeze his hand and then watched a small smile light up her face. 

“I like the sound of that,” she said quietly as her eyes closed.

“Good thing, because my face is the only one you’re ever going to wake up to.” He leaned back in the recliner and rested his head. He was going to make sure that Claire came home with him after she was released, and he was going to do everything he could to make sure she wanted to stay.
