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Jetsetters: A Funny and Feel-Good Romantic Comedy by S J Crabb (13)


Luke is leaning over the balcony looking like the sex god that he is. I try to appear cool and chic and lean against the railing in a similar pose. He smiles and looks at me appreciatively.

“You look lovely, Becca.”

Willing myself not to burst into loud giggly laughter and do a strange sort of happy clappy dance in front of him, I just smile mysteriously like a woman of the world.

“Oh, this old thing. I forgot I had it with me, really.”

I am dressed in a clingy pale blue dress that I have been told suits my womanly curves. My make-up matches and I’m hoping the scent of my Jo Malone is drawing him in. He reaches behind him and offers me a steaming mug of something that smells like hot chocolate.

“Here you go. This should warm you up inside.”

Taking the mug gratefully, I take a sip. I feel the kick of the alcohol and slightly worry about my alcohol levels. However, this drink is the tastiest thing that has ever passed my lips- almost as tasty as the man who gave it to me.

I smile and raise my mug to his.

“Cheers, this is just what the doctor ordered.”

He laughs softly.

“Yes, I’ve whipped up this recipe many times on my cold and lonely nights at sea.”

Ooh, now I’m even more interested.

“So, what do you do then?”

He looks out towards the bay and says in a low voice.

“I’m a submariner. I work on a submarine for most of the year.”

I look at him in surprise.

“Well, that’s unexpected. How long have you done that for?”

“Three years. I joined as a weapon engineer officer and have been all over the world. Not that I’ve seen any of it mind you.”

He laughs as I say,

“A bit like me really. I fly in the sky and you fly beneath the sea.”

He laughs.

“How long have you been a stewardess?”

“Ten years this month.”

He looks impressed.

“That’s a lot of air miles.”

Grinning, I take another sip of the intoxicating drink.

“It’s been good. I’ve met many friends and enjoyed some amazing trips all around the world. It’s come at a cost though.”

I feel his scrutiny and instantly regret my big mouth opening, as he says, “Why?”

Mentally, I kick myself as I try to cover up my mistake.

“Oh, you know, always away and never any time to make a life for myself. Most of my friends are married off and I have nothing in common with them anymore.”

He looks thoughtful.

“I can relate to that. There aren’t many marriages on a submarine. Sometimes we are away for months and that would be hard for any relationship.”

An awkward silence descends on us and we both look out to sea as if the answer to everything lies in the bay.

After a few minutes, Luke says softly.

“Listen, Becca, say no if you want, I completely understand but would you like to come and sit over here to watch the sunrise? It may be more comfortable than leaning on the railings and we could sit on the comfy seats instead.”

I take a deep breath before I answer. I don’t want to shout, yes and leap across the balcony like spider woman, so I try to look thoughtful and just smile.

“Oh, that’s fine. What shall I do, come and knock on your door?”

He smiles and my heart melts.

“I’ll meet you at the door.”

Trying not to run, I take my mug and walk inside. Quickly, I check my appearance and remove any smudges under my eyes. I smooth my dress down and take a good few deep breaths. Fantasy evening about to come true. Prayers and wishes been answered and Father Christmas is obviously real.

I meet Luke at his door which is opposite mine. He smiles and opens the door wider.

“Welcome to my Love Palace, neighbour.”

Feeling a little self-conscious, I follow him into the honeymoon suite.

Love Palace is right - wow and double wow!

I stare around at what must be considered romance in Mexico.

The walls are painted red and there are cherubs absolutely everywhere. There is even a large mural of naked women and cherubs reclining near a fountain. Mirrors line the ceiling and in the middle, is a massive heart shaped bed with red satin sheets. The bed is littered with rose petals and I swear I saw it move. Great white pillars stand in the middle of the room like a scene from the roman empire and soft shag pile rugs are like heaven to my feet. I look around in total awe and Luke laughs.

“Impressive, isn’t it?”

I look around in astonishment and laugh softly.

“This room is like a brothel. Not that I know what one look like of course.”

I feel myself turn as red as the sheets as Luke laughs loudly.

“My thoughts exactly. Although, like you, I wouldn’t know.”

I raise my eyes and look at him pointedly and he grins.

Shaking my head, I take another look around the room as I wander through the Love Palace. I am stunned. This place is everything I would hate to find on my honeymoon. I look at the rose covered bed and shudder. Luke looks at me with interest and I smile.

“These petals would seriously annoy me. Not only would they stain the sheets but they would end up sticking to you. I expect you will be finding them for the next year in places you forgot you had.”

Luke laughs as I blush even further. I must stop talking - immediately!

He nods towards the bathroom.

“It doesn’t get any better in there.”

Grinning, I head towards the bathroom and do a double take as I open the door. Inside is a bath for two and a huge double shower. Like the bedroom it’s fashioned in marble and looks like a scene from the Borgias. Naked paintings and marble statues showcasing various erogenous zones provide the art in the room. The mirror on the ceiling is in the worst possible taste.

Trying to shake the image of myself and Luke in the bath together from my mind, I look at him and laugh.

“Well, this is interesting.”

Luke grins as I step into the empty bath and stretch out.

“Hm, I could actually get used to a bath this size.”

He smiles and then says firmly,

“Wait there.”

I watch him disappear and in no time, he is back with a bottle of champagne and some strawberries. He jumps into the bath and lies the opposite end and hands me a glass of champagne.

“Let’s have a bath party. Champagne and strawberries and a crash course in each other’s lives.”

Grinning, I take the glass and help myself to the strawberries.

Leaning back, I savour the sight of him at my feet and picture us like this forever.

He presses something on the wall and the blinds move at the window and suddenly we can see the bay outside.

He smiles.

“Perfect. We can see the sun rise from here.”

I scoot down to his end of the bath and sit beside him facing the view. He clinks my glass to his. “So, tell me everything about yourself, Becca.”

I smile but feel a little anxious. He will be so disappointed when he hears about my boring life. I take a deep breath.

“There’s not much to tell, really. I live with Malcolm my potted plant in a flat near the airport. I have a sister who is married with a family. I am now an Aunt to Dolly and Ralph and they live near my parents in Milton Keynes. Despite everyone’s best attempts, I am still single and have devoted my life to my work. What about you?”

I quickly take a gulp of champagne while I wait with bated breath for his potted history.

“I am thirty-three and live at sea with a bunch of smelly men and a few mad women. When I’m not travelling under the sea, I go home to my parents’ house who live in Wiltshire. I have a brother as you know, who was jilted at the altar and a sister who works as a nurse. Like you, I have resisted their attempts to marry me off to absolutely anyone they can think of. One day I hope to settle down and have a family of my own, but that just seems like something in my distant future. I am here because they wanted me to have a nice break before I head back to sea at the end of the month.”

Silence stretches between us as we digest each other’s words. I feel crushed. All of my hopes and dreams of a future with the gorgeous man beside me are sailing away under the ocean. How could anything ever work between us? If he wanted to that was. After all, we have just met, and he is probably just being friendly. Just my luck. The man of my dreams with the job of my nightmares.

As the sun rises over the horizon, I gaze at it in wonder. Luke pulls me from the bath and we venture out onto the balcony.

The view is breath-taking.

I say, softly. “Wow.”

Luke laughs.

“Yes, wow indeed. You don’t get to see many sunrises under the ocean.”

I turn and find him looking at me with a strange look in his eyes. Almost lost and wistful. My heart thumps as we share a look. Two strangers wanting the same things by all account. Both locked in a world with no escape, wanting to find that special someone. Maybe destiny had a hand in putting us both here and something could work out between us. The trouble is, we will both be strangers again in a few short days when the return flight arrives.

It may be best not to start something we can’t finish. We should just stay friends for both our sakes. I didn’t order a broken heart this week and I can see one heading my way if I allow myself to get carried away by the man in front of me.

Once again, my life sucks.