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Just Friends: A Summer Fling With A Billionaire Heir by Cynthia Dane (20)





Chapter 20



Rachel knew exactly what would happen the moment they stepped across her threshold.

No, she didn’t worry about Zack judging her living space, from how tiny it was, to the cheap furniture and dishware, and finally the strange smell that wafted up from the kitchen sink, rain or shine. No, what Rachel knew would happen was the kiss coming for her as if them making out after meeting his parents was the most natural course of action.

“Whoa, whoa.” Rachel gently shoved him off her before her door had the chance to close. “Hold on, tiger. We need to go over some ground rules.”

Zack kicked off his shoes after watching Rachel start the ritual. At least she could say her carpet stayed relatively clean. “What now? Did I misread this whole thing again?”

Rachel definitely wasn’t misreading it. One glance down told her about the bulge forming in his pants. Ignore the temptation, girl. Rachel dumped her purse on a dining chair before turning toward him with a hopeful huff in her throat.

“No going all the way,” she said with absolute authority. “If your dick comes within five inches of the No-Go Zone, we’re done. Got it?”

“Wow.” Zack rubbed the back of his head. If he thought he was slyly looking toward her queen-sized hand-me-down bed in the corner of the studio apartment, then he could rethink that thought. It was as clear as the ever hardening bulge in his pants. “Okay. I guess that makes sense. So you’re still keeping a part of your vow?”

“For now.” Rachel leaned against her square dining table, straight from IKEA during one of their big sales a year ago. Where was this guy when I was trying to put it together? The only reason she finished it was because Parvati took enough pity on her to come by at ten at night to help. “I told you that I wanted to take things slow, right?”

“I somewhat recall that.”

“I haven’t gone back on that. Oral sex is fine, but…”

“Please, for the love of God,” Zack planted his hands firmly on her shoulders. “You’ve gotta let me finger you.”

Rachel was taken aback. “You actually wanna do that?”

“What kind of guys have you been sleeping with who don’t wanna do that? They never heard of foreplay?”

No, not really. Most of the guys she had been with thought foreplay was dry humping and sucking her nipples. For hours, if she let some of them go that crazy. I know I have nice breasts, but come on. It gets ridiculous at some point.

Zack stood back with a contemplative look on his face. He’s coming across like he’s Sherlock Holmes deducing my sexual history! Where was the houndstooth and the pipe between his teeth? “When was the last time a man properly went down on you?”


“If you tell me never, I’m gonna choose that you’re lying, because I refuse to believe that not a single man has ever wanted to give you some of the best pleasure you could give him.

“To be fair, I’m not that into it…” She was telling the truth. Rachel would take the awkward fingering and intense dry humping over a man’s oral foray any day.

“What? I can’t believe that. Maybe you’ve never had good oral sex.”

“Let’s take it one thing at a time, Zack.”

“Right, right. My bad.” He shook his hands out and placed them on his hips. That only brought more attention to the hard-on growing in his jeans. “So no homeruns today. I can work with that.”

“You can?”

“Of course! I mean, it’s sexually infuriating, but I’m a big boy who can deal.”

Rachel nodded, hopeful.

“Only on one condition, though.”

She stopped nodding. What now?

“You’ve gotta throw me a bone, Rachel.” They both looked at the tentpole sprouting in their campsite. “To my bone, as it were.”

It took her a moment to read the look in his eyes. There it was, the image of them sprawled out on her bed, her legs wide open as he thrust between them as if he would never have the chance to fuck a woman ever again. Oh my God. Don’t do this to yourself, Rachel.

“No coming on me,” Rachel said. “I’m not on birth control.”

“I don’t think it would…”

“Not the point. Your swimmers don’t come near me down there, and definitely not anywhere near my face.”

“What about in your face? Didn’t have a problem the other day.”

“I’m not…” she cleared her throat. “Opposed.”

“Thank God.” While her shriek echoed in her tiny apartment, Zack swept her up in his arms and strode toward her bed. “Can we please get down to business now? I know I’m not the only one who wants to!”

He threw her down on her bed. Before she had the chance to open her eyes, push herself up, or even give him a what-for verbal lashing from hormonal hell, Zack pushed her down and covered her mouth in one of those cataclysmic kisses that often ruined a woman’s life.

Bless them.

Yes, Rachel certainly wanted this. She wanted him in bed with her, kissing her, ripping off her shirt and diving into her cleavage like a famished sailor on shore leave. She wanted everything else that came with sex – especially sex with Zack – but she managed to still leverage some control in the situation. Fine. Control over my own desires! Way easier said than done.

“Do you like kissing me?”

Rachel had almost forgotten that they were even kissing, let alone making out like bandits in a pleasure house. One second Zack’s tongue was deep in her throat, and the next he was using it to ask her a question like that. “Yes,” she whispered. “Don’t you like kissing me?”

“Love it. Let’s do more of it.”

“Why did you ask me that? Feeling insecure?”

He pulled her down to the edge of her bed. “Never. Never insecure.”

“Then why ask?”

“Because I like it when the women I’m with express their enthusiasm. Crazy as it may sound, it’s hot and turns me on.”


Rachel wasn’t allowed to talk much that day. Not when Zack was always ready to interrupt her, be it with his words or his kisses silencing her. Am I really silent? Nope! Those were definitely groans and moans coming from her throat and mingling with his.

Zack finagled his shirt off his body and encouraged Rachel to scrawl her nails down his hard chest. Oh my God. This man’s body is unreal! He wasn’t ripped like a bodybuilder – which was good, because Rachel wasn’t into those types – but he was athletically fit, as if he spent every other day in the gym doing nothing but contouring his body into something that would stop every woman walking down the street should this asshole decide to go shirtless for a day. Doing stuff on a boat really gets you fit, huh? Who knew!

For the briefest moment, it made her more insecure about her own body. Rachel wasn’t fit. She may not have been as overweight as she was during her most depressed years, but she had a soft stomach that easily bloated to twice its size and arms flabby enough to suffocate her cat, should she ever get one. Aging had also not been super kind to her breasts. Not that a woman with natural D-cups got far in life before gravity took over. Even so, Rachel was two years shy of thirty and already counting down the days until her nipples reached her navel.

She had little moles all over the bottom of her back. Her ass and thighs were covered in cellulite. Even her legs hadn’t been shaved in a week and a half. Normally, Rachel didn’t sweat this stuff when she was in bed with guys. Most of them were eager enough for sex that they kept their thoughts to themselves. If they did say anything, I could easily kick them out.

She couldn’t easily kick Zack out.

He didn’t say anything, however. Not when he pulled down the cups of her bra or yanked her nicest pair of jeans off her legs. I didn’t wear matching underwear… do I even have matching underwear? Her black bra and hot pink panties were better than some of her other possible combinations, she guessed. At least she hadn’t worn the neon yellow sports bra with the lime green Fruit of the Looms.

The only sounds Zack made as he quickly undressed her were ones of stunning affirmation. A smile when he finally got to lick her nipple. A sweet chuckle when he was blinded by the hot pink of her underwear. And every time he uncovered a new patch of skin, he kissed it until it lit up in undying fire.

I’m this close to losing my senses and asking him to fuck me.

Instead, Zack shot her a passionate look when his tongue traveled up her slit.

“Ah!” Rachel’s thighs clamped around his face. “A little warning! I’m sensitive!”

“You’re making me very, very sensitive too.” He came back up, arms straight and toned on either side of her. The way his tanned chest loomed over her body was enough to make her rip off her panties and scream at him to take her now. “You have no idea what I want to do to you.”

“I’ve got a few ideas!”

“How about this one?” With a cheeky smile big enough to rule the world, Zack slipped his fingers down the front of her underwear and teased her sensitive skin. Rachel instantly melted beneath him. “If I don’t get to find out how you feel the other way, at least let me have this.”

“You really wanna know?”

“I’m an artist. I’m a tactile kind of guy. Me and the rest of my sex-starved mortal form definitely wants to know what your pussy feels like.”

Giggling, Rachel opened her legs wider, the cotton of her underwear pulling against her skin. “What’s stopping you?”

“Absolutely nothing right now.” One thick finger lightly tested her opening before plunging inside. Rachel’s back arched as a gasp slipped past her lips. “Holy shit.”

“Like what you feel?” She landed with another gasp, the lump of her ponytail digging into the back of her scalp.

“I like what I feel, see, and taste.”

“You’re not tasting anything right now.”

His finger wiggled inside of her. Rachel’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. She had completely underestimated Zack’s sexual prowess. He found the edge of her G-spot in five seconds.


“That’s right. That’s what I like to hear.” Zack lowered his head to her breasts, tongue teasing her nipple. “Tell me again that I’m not tasting anything.”

“Oh my God!” It was almost too much. The mouth on her nipple, the finger deep, deep inside of her…

Two fingers vying for attention! The monster!

Rachel almost forgot who she was with, let alone where they were as Zack upped the speed and intensity with every passing second. This is what I’m talking about… this alone is better than the past two guys I’ve been with put together! What was funny was that Rachel didn’t usually compare her male lovers like this. Some were better at this. Some were better at that. A guy with a big dick may be more pain than pleasure. A guy with a smaller dick knew how to rock her world with it. Maybe this one was absolute trash at oral while another was a godly king.

So far, Zack was the king of fingering her G-spot and making her gush all over his hand.

“Sorry!” That was the first word out of her mouth once the sensation died.

“For what?” With one nipple as hard as it could get, Zack moved on to the other one.

He didn’t care? That last guy Rachel had been with lost his shit when he found out how wet she got! What did he want from me?

No. She needed to stop thinking about him. About the guy from college. About all the guys in between. It actually wasn’t that high of an amount, but she needed to stay away from those thoughts. They were toxic. Being with Zack was supposed to be life-changing.

Or so she told the back of her mind. She wouldn’t put that pressure on him. They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend. They were two friends having casual, sexy fun.

Then again, a week ago, they had only been friends…

Too late to start thinking about that shit. Rachel was coming. Fast.

Her back arched until her only choice was to grab Zack’s head and entangle her legs around his waist. He wasn’t going to get away from her. Not until the job was done!

“Holy mother of…” he muttered into her cleavage. That’s right. You’re not getting out of there either! “I can’t feel my fingers.”

He wouldn’t be able to feel his face when Rachel was done kissing it after she finished coming!

Zack took the hint. With her mouth still plastered on his and her tongue divebombing down his throat, he yanked his pants off until all he had was that giant erection trying to break free of his black boxer shorts. Let me at it. I’ll make short work of that…

Zack had other plans. He shoved Rachel back down, clamping his hands around her wrists and pinning them above her head. “Do you trust me?” he growled.

She nodded. It didn’t occur to her that she might regret it. Other men made her quickly regret saying that she trusted them.

“Good. Trust me. I’m not going to cross your boundary, okay?”

Rachel had stopped nodding, but the word of affirmation falling from her lips egged Zack on anyway.

He pulled his cock out of his boxers, its weight bringing it down to her bare stomach. Oh my God… it feels even heftier than the other day. When Rachel had it in her hand and mouth, she had marveled over how big it grew, let alone right before it…

But she had been in control of that moment. This was Zack’s moment. He had her pinned and his cock out. The only thing separating him from her was a wet piece of cloth wrapped around her pelvis. He’s not gonna… no, no, I have to trust him…

“Relax, Rachel.” His soothing voice was laced in sexual frustration. All he wants to do is fuck me. Can’t say I blame him, but… that’s some serious restraint going on. “I need a bone thrown to me.”



Rachel nodded. “Do it.”

He kissed her, hand wandering down her chest and grabbing both of her breasts before going back to his cock.

“I could…”

“Nope. Maybe later.”


Relax.” He continued to stroke his shaft while speaking to her with that grunt in his throat. “You need to relax, because I wanna make you come again.”

In that case…

Rachel whimpered when the weight of his cock landed between her legs. Her whole body – all right, mostly her pussy – begged her to beg him to fuck her. She was crazy enough in lust to not even give a fuck about a condom when a man this hot and talented offered to bring her pleasure. Don’t do it. You’ve got to prove to yourself that you can deal with this. Besides, a part of her was curious to see how Zack was going to fuck her without penetration.

It was a good thing she wore cotton underwear. Lace would have torn apart the moment he began to hump her.

“Oh, God,” he said, eyes closed and attention still absorbed into everything Rachel did and offered. “That is a seriously warm pussy.”

“Is that good or bad?”


Rachel held back laughter, unleashing her energy through how she gripped his rigid arms – and humping him back. His cock slipped up and down her underwear, his wet, precum-laden tip touching her abdomen with every hard thrust. Rachel hadn’t broken her vow. She more than likely would never get pregnant from this. But they were definitely, definitely having sex.

She was tempted to bring him down for a kiss that would ride through their thrusts. But it was more enthralling to watch this man give himself completely over to the pleasure he had wanted to share with her since the moment they met.

And he was right. She was going to come again from the friction – and the sight of what he did – alone.

“That’s right,” he said, speeding up until her flimsy headboard slammed against her wall. “Come for me.”

Her nails dug into his biceps and her silent scream of pleasure echoed between the four walls of her studio apartment.

“Ah, fuck!” Liquid heat touched her abdomen. Zack stopped thrusting to grab his cock and jerk the last of his climax out.

I did tell him nowhere on the pelvis or on the face. Her abdomen and the tips of her breasts were both fair game, she supposed.

Not to mention it was pretty damn hot.

“Lord!” Zack collapsed next to her, fighting for more breath than Rachel. “That was the most sinful thing I have ever done. I’ve gotta repent.”

“You do that.” Rachel wiped the sweat off her brow. On accident, she pushed some of that sweat right up into her hair. “Because I ain’t feeling no shame at all.”

“You shouldn’t. Because you’re amazing.”

I’m amazing?” Rachel guffawed. “I’m not the one who managed to hold back all this cum for however long that was.”

“Let me tell you, it was a real struggle. Didn’t think I was going to make it.” He glanced over at her. “That’s a good look on you, by the way.”

“I’m sure it is.” Rachel tried not to think about how it felt now that the sex obsession was dying down. She was afraid to turn over. The last thing she wanted to do was spend the money in the laundry room downstairs to clean Zack’s semen off her bedspread. Bad enough she was going to have to fix it later! “Not as good as how this pink looks on your cock, though.”

“Honestly, I was pretty impressed by that too.” Zack turned onto his side first, his body enveloping Rachel’s with little regard for what was all over her chest. Talk about no shame! “Still think we should go confess to a priest. If only so I can brag to somebody.”

Rachel sank deeper into her bed the more she laughed. Endorphins. A hot man pressed up against her. The sunlight streaming through her window. They all made her so deliriously happy that she didn’t know what to do with herself. “I’ve gotta get cleaned up.”

“Let’s go make out in your shower.”

“You wanna shower with me?”

“Uh, yeah? Duh.” Zack was also the first out of bed, his boxers sliding down his legs and kicking off his feet. His hot ass walked across the apartment in search of Rachel’s bathroom. “Last one there has to lather the other one up first!”

Even though Rachel was the last one in there, Zack volunteered to lather her up first. He paid careful attention to the mess he made – and then spent extra attention on the place between her legs still hungry for more.

With his tongue, no less. Turned out Zack like making eye contact as much as she did.




“Whoa.” Zack did not expect to see an older woman sitting aboard Retirement Fund later that evening. His plan, after leaving Rachel’s place only an hour before, was to drop by and surprise Uncle Roy with some Chinese takeout for dinner. Zack had the sack of lo mein and orange chicken slung over his shoulder, the other hand gripping the ladder. He almost dropped the bag of takeout when he reached the top of the ladder and saw the woman sitting casually on deck. “Uh, hi. Sorry. Didn’t know my uncle had company over.”

The woman, with her wavy gray hair and the crow’s feet of a wise old crone, uncrossed her legs and flashed Zack a non-threatening smile. “You must be Zack. Your uncle has told me a lot about you.”

Well, well, well. Looked like Zack wasn’t the only one getting some around there. While Uncle Roy was no stranger to women on his boat, his crazier, lustier days were well behind him. Wasn’t this the man who often said his mistress was the ocean and real love was for land lovers? Still, didn’t mean a seventy-year-old man couldn’t enjoy the company of a pretty woman.

“Yeah. I’m Zack.” He pulled himself over the edge and shook the woman’s wrinkled hand. She was visibly the same age as Uncle Roy, but as spry in the way she moved her lean limbs as if she didn’t have a creaking bone in her body. “Afraid we haven’t met before.”

“I’m Lorelei. Ah, don’t mind me.” She dropped his hand. “I need to get going anyway. I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

Before Zack could protest, Roy emerged from the depths of his yacht, eyes widening at the sight of Zack and Lorelei conversing on his ship.

“What are you doing here, son?”

He held up the bag of Chinese food. “Stopped by with dinner. Didn’t know you had guests. Sorry.”

“I was telling him that I had to get going.” Lorelei turned toward Roy. “Thank you for the lovely afternoon, Roy. Look forward to coming by again later.”

Roy insisted on helping her down to the dock. He treated her more gingerly than he did his own ship, as if the older woman were going to break her hip or get tangled up in her ankle-length skirt at any moment. When she was securely on the dock, he gave her a long hug and a kiss on the cheek. Zack stared after her as she bypassed security with a nod of the head and disappeared around the corner.

“Who was that?”


“You sly dog.” Zack couldn’t help but grin at his uncle. “You caught the love bug the moment you came back to land, I see.”

His uncle shot him a harsh look before sitting down at a small folding table and gesturing to the Chinese food his nephew carried. “It’s not like that. She’s not my girlfriend.”

“You looked keen to court her.” Zack sat down across from him and pulled out the cartons of food and plastic silverware. He had forgotten to get drinks. Luckily, his uncle kept beer and soda tucked away in the fridge downstairs. As soon as one of them got thirsty enough, they’d go down for a can or five. “Or so my mother would say.”

Roy shivered at the mention of Eloise. “Not all of us are hormone-riddled young men looking for the next skirt to sniff.”

Only interested in sniffing one skirt right now. Rachel in a skirt. Now there would be a sight to behold. Throw in a plunging neckline and her hair down… Let’s not get hard again in front of my uncle, okay, body? Zack had enough earlier, and he didn’t say that often. Between what they got up to in Rachel’s bed and in her shower… he couldn’t believe he could have that much sexual fun with a woman and not have his cock inside of her.

“Speaking of,” he said with a cheery air, “things are going well with Rachel. We’re taking things slow right now, but she’s the best woman I’ve met since…” He stopped himself short. His uncle didn’t need to hear Sadie’s name to know who he was talking about. “Anyway, I’ve got a good feeling about her.”

Roy chomped on his noodles while barely paying any attention to his nephew. “Was that the girl who cheated on you?”

Zack lost his smile. “You have such a way with words.”

“Stating the facts as I know them.”

“So who was that woman?” Zack was desperate to change the subject. “Don’t see you entertaining like that very often.”

“I wouldn’t call it entertaining. Like I said, we’re not dating.”

“Just a friend, huh? I know all about that.”

“Not sure I’d call her a friend, either. It’s complicated.”

“How complicated?” Zack wanted to make a Facebook joke, but that was difficult when his uncle barely knew how to use the internet

Roy looked around with paranoid eyes. He always looks paranoid, though. No, this was different. This was legitimate paranoia, as if Roy truly were afraid that someone was listening in on them. Security was too good for paps to get a good shot, though, let alone audio. It was one of Zack’s favorite reasons to bring his dates down to his yacht. Step One: Impress them with the boat. Step Two: Fuck ‘em in peace. He’d daresay it was more private than taking them back to his apartment.

“Did your father ever tell you about… ah, never mind.”

“No. Go on.”

Roy sighed. It was one of those rare moments where he truly looked his age. Please don’t look your age. That means I have to acknowledge how old you are. Zack didn’t want to know a world where his uncle no longer lived. He was already reaching that age where more than one member of the family expressed legitimate concern about him sailing around the world alone. “About your grandfather’s extramarital activities.”

Zack almost choked on his chicken. The first thing to enter his head was his father saying something about a supposed half-sister existing somewhere in the world. “That wasn’t…”

“That was Lorelei Weathersby, daughter of Carmen Weathersby, my father’s wartime affair.” Roy leaned forward, his hair scraping against wet soy sauce. “I’ve spent twenty years looking for her. Because I’m not gonna die before making sure my father’s bastard-daughter’s family gets what they’re owed, even if I have to give her my own share.”

Both Zack’s mouth and his plastic fork dropped to the table.