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Just One Drop (The Grey Wolves #3) by Quinn Loftis (3)

"Two drops of this in his drink and the big, bad wolf crumbles."
It was then that Dragos realized what was in the vial. "Menispermum," he whispered.

"Otherwise known as Moonseed," Thad concurred. "Well done. You must know, then, that the juice that comes from it is fatal."

Dragos nodded.

"So your task is to get this into his drink. I have simplified this by inviting the Alphas to dine with me privately. They will each have their own place setting with their names. You will be one of the wolf caterers that night and you will make sure Vasile gets the special drink. Then you can watch in satisfaction as the great Alpha withers away slowly. You see, unlike Kamalah, Moonseed kills slowly, makes the victim suffer."

Dragos smiled at the idea of bringing one so great to his knees.
"When is this dinner?"
"In three days' time. Be here at 5.30 p.m."

Thad dismissed the wolf. He then sent a text on his phone: "Have orders for you."


A few minutes later his contact from the Romanian pack entered the room.

"I have a plan set for Vasile's death. Your job will be to lead Jen off on a wild goose chase to find the antidote for Moonseed. While you are out searching, somehow Jen will fall into one of those pesky cracks in the mountain."

"The antidote for Moonseed is Wolfsbane." The contact's brow furrowed. "It grows all over. How will I lure her so far away?"

"I will make sure to have all the Wolfsbane closest to the estate destroyed, thereby forcing you to wander out to find more. The reality is, I don't really want the Wolfsbane, but I will need some of the plant to fool them when we administer the so-called antidote. You see, when in their liquid form they are nearly impossible to tell apart. In fact, the only person I know that can tell them apart are gypsy healers. But, conveniently, there isn't a gypsy healer around," Thad explained with a satisfied smirk.

He watched as his contact thought about the plan, then nodded. "Okay. When?"

"Vasile will be poisoned in three days. Jen strikes me as the hero type. You will be able to convince her to go with you, no problem."

The contact said nothing more and left.

Thad smiled. His plan was coming together quite nicely. It was pure dumb luck that Dragos had come to him seeking revenge. Now the blame for the poison would fall on his shoulders. Thad would be left in the clear and even be able to act like he was helping. In three days' time he would watch the Romanian Alpha brought to his knees and, ultimately, his demise.



Vasile and Alina sat in a small gathering room with the other Alphas and their mates, the exception being Dillon, who was spending time with Jacque. Vasile had been the one to call the meeting, feeling like it would be best to meet the consequences of his Beta's actions head on.

"Did you find out exactly what provoked your Beta?" Victor, Alpha of the Bulgaria pack asked.

"The wolf training Jen was touching her inappropriately. Apparently Decebel saw the wolf touching her before Jen could handle it on her own." Vasile waited to see if any would contradict him. No one spoke so he continued. "As you know, Decebel is Beta of my pack. Jen is an unmated female, making it is his job to protect her since she has no mate to do so."

"I agree that he should protect her," Dragomir spoke up. "The question is, did he go too far?"

"I don't think her unmated status should decide the amount of defense she is allowed," Alina addressed Dragomir. "If any mated female had been grabbed so hard that bruises and claw marks became visible, her mate would kill the offender. There would be no fight to submission as Decebel did. The wolf who would touch a mate in that way would be signing his death warrant. Are our unmated females worth so much less?"

"No. No, Alina. I didn't mean that at all," Dragomir backtracked, clearly uncomfortable with the picture Alina painted.
"If they are not worth less then Decebel was lenient. Do you agree?"
Vasile tried to hide the smile that threatened to spread across his face as he watched his mate bring the Alphas to heel.

"I have to agree with you, Alina," Victor stepped in. "I don't think any disciplinary action is necessary. It's been dealt with. Decebel put the pup in his place, and I'm sure the young wolf has learned his lesson about what happens when one touches a female inappropriately."

Vasile stood, pulling Alina up along with him. "I appreciate you all discussing the matter. If we are done..." He left the sentence hanging.

"Vasile, you are still planning on joining us for the dinner for the Alphas, yes?" Thad asked as Vasile and Alina headed for the door.

"Yes, thank you. We will be in attendance."



"So how are you liking pack life, Jacque?" Tanya asked as she, Jacque, Dillon, and Fane sat together in one of the many small sitting rooms in the mansion.

Fane had his hand across the back of the couch he and Jacque were sitting on. He worked his hand underneath her hair and his fingers traced the markings on her skin – he knew them by memory. Jacque tried not to shiver at her mate's touch.

"Could you please behave?" Jacque asked, using their bond.

"I'm only rubbing your neck, love. It's not like I'm touching -"

"Fane, don't you dare," Jacque threatened before he could finish his sentence. It didn't help that he pictured what he'd been about to say. Jacque just knew her face was beet red.

"Are you taking notes when you're around Jen?"

Fane sent her another picture and Jacque about jumped up and left the room at that.

"If you could only see the beautiful shade of red your skin is glowing with right now. You look quite luscious."

"I've really been enjoying it. I'm learning a lot about pack history, which I find really interesting," Jacque answered, more tersely than she intended. Fane was going to pay for his fool's play.

Jacque spent the next hour talking with her dad and Tanya, all the while trying hard to ignore her mate's words and images, ones that would've made even Jen blush.

"I want you to know that this means war," Jacque promised as they were saying their goodbyes.

Fane chuckled as he placed his hand on the small of her back. "Do you want to go check on Jen?" he asked her.
"That's probably a good idea. Do you think Decebel is allowing her to have visitors?"
Fane laughed. "Are you saying he's going to be a little overprotective now?"

"No." Jacque looked at him from the corner of her eye. "I'm saying he's going to be completely unreasonable and we'll be lucky if he doesn't make her wear sack cloths when she's out in public."

"Was I that bad?"

"Uh, Fane, you didn't let me leave your sight except to take care of personal stuff for over a month. So, yes. Yes you were that bad and then some." Jacque bumped him with her shoulder.

"It appears we weren't the only ones concerned about her," Fane said as they joined Sally, Crina, and Marianna at Jen's door.

"We've been knocking for about five minutes. Either Decebel has her tied up and won't answer the door, or she isn't here," Sally told them.

"You think they're still in the meeting room?" Jacque asked.
"Worth a try," Crina piped in.
"Ten bucks says they made up and are smooching," Jacque announced.

"I'll take your bet and raise you five. I say they made up but smooching has come and gone on the agenda." Crina winked at them.

"You're wicked bad." Jacque grinned. "Jen would love it."



Decebel awoke when he felt Jennifer moving. At some point she'd taken a pillow and laid her head in his lap. He had stroked her hair until he himself had finally fallen asleep. He couldn't remember a time he had slept so well – even sitting upright on a love seat.

Jennifer had his wolf practically purring. He was so content at having her so close, so relaxed in his presence. He glanced down and could tell she was beginning to wake. He ran the back of his fingers across her check and her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him and smiled. At that moment she could have asked him for anything and he would have toppled empires to make it happen.

"Hey," he murmured.

"Hey yourself."

She stretched her arms up and arched her back like a cat waking from a long nap in the sun. Decebel made sure to keep his eyes plastered to her face and off her beautiful form. When she looked at him again, he brushed the hair away from her face and leaned down to capture her lips with his. When he moved back, she was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"More," she ordered.

Decebel chuckled as she wrapped her hand around the nape of his neck and pulled him back to her. He placed his hands on her hips and was fixing to drag her onto his lap when the door behind them flew open.


"I win!" Jacque hollered.

"No you don't," Crina countered. "Look at his hands. They were absolutely not just smooching. There was some definite hand action."

"Oh, I wouldn't say definite," Marianna piped in. "More like the possibility of hand action.''
Sally turned. "My respect for you is growing in leaps and bounds."
Marianna grinned and winked.
Jen's head snapped up to look over Decebel's shoulder.
"What the hell are y'all yapping about?" she growled, clearly not happy about the interruption.
"They had a bet," Sally offered.
"A bet? A bet on what?"
"Your virtue," she answered dryly.

Jen's mouth dropped open. "I've already been felt up once today and look what that got me. You really think I'm up to more?"

Decebel growled. He pulled her closer so he could whisper in her ear. "Not a good subject to bring up, baby."
Jen kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry, B."
Jacque looked at Sally, who was as dumbfounded as her.
"She has a gentle side?" Jacque muttered.
"Did she just use the word 'sorry' and 'B' in the same sentence?" Sally countered.
"I guess every creature has their weakness. Hers is similar to mine." Jacque smiled. “Hot, sexy, furry men."
Crina and Marianna laughed.

"I like mine with whipped cream," Jen said conspiratorially to the two she-wolves. Then she looked at Jacque. "What do you like yours with, Red?"

Fane spoke up quickly. "Don't answer that, Luna."

Decebel busted out with a loud laugh at the firmness in Fane's voice, and the girls all fell in line behind him. Fane didn't even crack a smile.

"So what brings the motley crew to see us?" Jen asked once the laughing was under control.
"We went to your room to check on you, but you weren't there," Sally told her.
"All of you?"
"You're pack." Marianna answered as if that was all that needed to be said.


Decebel's phone rang and Jen climbed up so he could reach his pocket. Since they were all super unnosy, they made sure to be as quiet as possible while he answered the call.

"They didn't?" Decebel asked.
The room was silent as he listened.
"Okay. Yeah, I got it. Thanks, Vasile." He closed his phone and looked up to find six sets of eyes glued to him.
"So is there a plan for this evening?" he asked casually.
Jen rolled her eyes. "Spill it, wolf."

Decebel grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward. She fell against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the freedom to touch her.

"That was Vasile," he said finally.
"Yeah, we sort of got that when you thanked him and used his name." Jen's eyes narrowed. "Try again."
"Testy tonight, aren't we?" Decebel teased.
"I think I liked it better when you were broody," Jen muttered, which only made him chuckle and squeeze her closer.

"Vasile informed me that the Alphas have decided to not subject me to any punishment for my actions against the mongrel who touched you." Decebel's words became rougher as he spoke.

"It would have made no sense for them to punish you," Fane told him.

"Why do you say that?" Jacque asked her mate.

Fane took her hand and tugged him to her, tucking her under his arm. "Any mated female who had been touched that way would have watched as her mate tore the offender limb from limb."

Jacque shivered at the menace in his voice.

Jen cocked her head at Decebel. "Aw, would the little furry wolf make a chew toy of the pervert for me?" she teased, squeezing Decebel's cheeks like she would a baby's.

Decebel gently removed her hands and took her face in both of his. "I will kill the next male who touches you. I'm done playing nice," he said, snapping his teeth together as his canines descended.

"Sally, get a hose." Jen grinned wickedly. "Because that was so freaking hot and I'm on fire."

Decebel rolled his eyes, but softened it with a smile.

“Ohhh nooo," Sally groaned. "I thought it was bad before the nympho had an outlet. Now she has her very own boy toy."

Decebel growled. "I'm not a boy toy," he said, clearly offended.
"Don't mind her, B. She's just sexually frustrated," Jen placated.
Decebel shocked the room into silence when he looked at Sally and dryly quipped, "Join the club."
Jen's face turned eight shades of red.
Jacque recovered first. "Bloody hell, I didn't know Jen had that color in her skin repertoire."

Crina and Marianna snickered while Jen tried to recover herself. She hid her flaming hot face in Decebel's neck. He rubbed her back soothingly and murmured to her in Romanian.

Note to self, Jen thought. Find out what he's saying… Correction, throttle wolf for joking about his needs in front of my friends, then find out what he's saying.


"So what are we going to do tonight?" Fane asked.
Jen sat up, having finally composed herself. "Isn't there some sort of something going on tonight?"
"Yes, but my father thinks it best that we lie low. Just until things simmer down."
"Well, my vote is that we hit up the mess hall first and foremost," Jen announced.
Sally rolled her eyes. "Here we go with the military lingo."
"Where does she get that?" Jacque asked, shaking her head.

"I can't decide if she was in special forces in a past life or if she was dropped on her head as a child." Sally shrugged.

"I definitely wasn't dropped on my head, Sally dear. My head is perfectly rounded, free of any discombobulation," Jen said haughtily.

Marianna, who usually stood quietly and observed, chuckled. "Only an American would describe the shape of her head as if it were some sort of special art form to be prized."

Jen stood up from the couch, straightening her clothes and tugging at her ponytail. She smiled brightly at Marianna. "Seriously, she-wolf. Are you looking at the same head I see in the mirror?" she asked as she made a circular motion around her head. "This is God's way of showing that he is indeed capable of creating perfection."

Jacque and Sally snorted as Fane and Decebel chuckled.
Jen looked down at Decebel as she heard him mutter, "Niciodata nu inceteaza sa el (she will never cease to amaze)."
"Have something to tell me, B?" Jen asked sweetly.

"Just that I have never beheld a head possessing such utter flawlessness, baby," he told her, dramatically bowing at the waist.

Jen narrowed her eyes. "Definitely liked you better as an ominous, brooding, fur ball."

His response was a wicked grin and a wink.



Chapter 20


"Ugh, if I eat another bite I'm going to be sick," Jacque groaned as she looked at the feast they'd all heartily dug into.

" I have to agree, Thelma." Jen leaned back in her chair, rubbing her belly. "I'm as full as a tick stuck to the flesh of a bull mastiff on a hot summer day."

Jacque shook her head. "I swear, Louise, you really know how to ruin a good carb-induced buzz."

"I aim to please, wolf-princess."

Crina stood and stretched as she looked around the room. "What do you guys say to a swim? There's bound to be a pool in this breeding facility."

"Good one, C. 'Breeding facility,' like it." Jen grinned.

Jacque sat up and looked at Fane, "What do ya say, wolf-man. Up for a swim?"

Fane nodded but didn't answer out loud. "You in a bathing suit – like I could ever turn that down."

Jen watched the play between Jacque and Fane and knew they were using their bond. Something in her heart tugged. She wanted that intimacy, longed for it with Decebel. She turned to look at him and found him watching Fane and Jacque as well. He must have felt her eyes on him because he turned and met her gaze. Something unspoken flowed between them. Almost as if she could hear him say not to worry, their time would come. Her response was, “are you so sure?” at which he growled, this time out loud. Jen shook her head, amazed at how in tune they were with each other, and yet there seemed to be a vast chasm between them.

"I could go for a swim," Marianna spoke up.
"Yeah, I'm in." Jen stood up, stretching her stagnate form.
As they made their way out into the hall, Fane and Decebel both perked up.
"What do you hear?" Jacque asked just as Costin came around the corner, nearly plowing into Marianna.

"Oh. Sorry, Marianna," he told her as he caught himself. He looked nervous and he wouldn’t meet Fane's or Decebel's gazes.

Decebel stepped forward. "What's all the noise about?"
Costin shook his head as he looked at the floor. "Why do I always have to be the one to find things out," he muttered.
"Costin," Decebel warned.

Finally Costin looked up. He didn't address his Beta, instead he spoke to Fane. "I think we should get your father and a few other males."

Fane nodded. Costin took off at a run while Fane turned to Jen.

"Distract him."

Jen looked confused for a second, but quickly caught on as soon as Decebel moved in the direction of Costin, the direction of the noise.

Jen didn't know what to do to distract a six foot four inch male wolf that was ten times stronger than her. She wracked her brain as Decebel continued to move forward – he did so slowly, as if he were afraid of what he'd find. Fane was standing in front of him, trying to coax him to stay.

Then inspiration hit. He's male, Jen thought. She grinned.

"Hey, fur ball!" Jen hollered. There was a wicked gleam in her eye as she grabbed the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head, leaving her in a sports bra.

"This is so not good," Sally muttered to Jacque.

Jacque shook her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I swear we're going to have to duct tape her mouth and put her in a straight jacket."

Jen mock-sighed. "The sacrifices we make for our men."
Decebel turned at the sound of Jen's voice and she winked.
"Don't you want to hang around?"
Then she flashed him.




Costin was banging on Skender's door when Vasile stepped out of his room.
"What's going on?" Vasile asked.
Costin met his Alpha's eyes briefly. "We need all our males. Now."
Alina heard the wolf's worried voice and followed Vasile out. "What happened?"
"Decebel is going to go on a killing spree if he sees what I just saw without us to stop him."
"What have you seen?" Vasile took a step forward.
Costin quickly explained about Jen, Crina, and Marianna dancing while the males of the other packs videoed them.

"Alpha, it was not an innocent little dance. But our females didn't know they were being watched so they definitely weren't tempering their moods, if you know what I mean."

Alina was shaking her head in frustration. "So even though Decebel ordered them to delete the video, someone did not?"

"Correct. They are showing it in one of the movie rooms at this moment. It's packed with males. I think their thoughts are 'strength in numbers.' They figure Decebel cannot retaliate with so many of them present."

"They do not know he is an Alpha in his own right." Alina's voice was low.

"No, Luna. Decebel purposely allows others to underestimate him." Vasile's eyes snapped up as Skender, Boain, Dorin, Anton, and a couple other males ran up the stairs.

"You are aware of the situation?" Skender asked.

"Costin has just informed me. Since there hasn't been widespread panic, do I correctly surmise that Decebel hasn’t yet made it there?"

Skender and the males with him couldn't stop the chuckles. "He has been momentarily... distracted."
"Do I even want to know what with?" Vasile asked dryly.
"No, Alpha. You most definitely do not want to know," Skender replied.

"Fine," he snapped. "Let's go. Alina, please come and retrieve the females. And call Cynthia. We're probably going to have to tranq him."

It'd been a long time since Vasile had subdued one of his males in such a way, but Decebel was powerful, and he had found his mate and couldn’t bind her to him. That was a deadly combination even without adding unmated males to the mix. Vasile had underestimated Decebel's feelings towards Jen. That wouldn't happen again, if they all survived this.

The wolves followed their Alpha as he made his way down the stairs with a single, determined thought: he had to stop his Beta from destroying an entire pack…or two.




Jen's bra came up just as Skender and a slew of Romanian pack males rounded the now infamous corner. Fane cursed and turned away.

Skender and the other males' eyes hit the floor faster than humanly possible as they continued to run, but Jen heard Skender loud and clear as he passed by.

"Keep up the good work, dormant."

Decebel was so stunned that he hadn't moved. His eyes were glowing and he looked angrier than Jen had ever seen him. Okay, she thought. At least it's working.

"Um... Kinda getting cold here, Dec." Jen squirmed.

Decebel moved faster than her eyes could track. He grabbed her around the waist and hauled her into an empty room. He gently, but quickly set her down. Then he turned and stepped out.

Before he pulled the door closed, he growled, "Cover yourself, woman, and pray that I have regained control when I return for you." Then he slammed the door so hard it nearly came off the hinges.

"That went well," Jen grumbled as she pulled her sports bra back down. She stilled as the door opened, thinking that maybe Decebel had decided to punish her now – but Jacque, Sally, Crina, and Marianna walked in. Jacque tossed Jen the shirt she had discarded.

Marianna walked up to Jen and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I just wanted to touch the one who would purposely provoke the wrath of an Alpha," she told her, then stepped back with a shake of her head.

"He's Beta," Jen corrected as she pulled her shirt on.

"No," Crina disagreed. "He's an Alpha, he just chooses not to take that title. He definitely has all the power of one. Some wonder if he would be as powerful as Vasile if he decided that was his path."

Jen let out a deep breath. "Well, Fane said to distract him. What else would you suggest to stop an Alpha with deadly retribution on his mind?"

"We're not saying your method wasn't effective. We're just saying you are one brave she-wolf." Crina's voice actually held awe in it.

"So, do we know exactly what hell-like situation made it necessary for me to bring out the big guns? Pun naturally intended." Jen laughed.

Jacque snorted. "Only you, Jen. Only you."




After Decebel pulled the door shut, he closed his eyes and took a slow breath. I have got to get it under control¸ he told himself as he tried to pull his wolf back. His mate was going to get every male in her vicinity killed. How many of his pack mates had just witnessed her little stunt? He squeezed his eyes tightly, only to see the bruises and claw marks that marred her skin. His wolf snarled. Okay, that was not something he needed to think about. Finally, he opened his eyes and turned to Jacque.

"She is not to leave this room."

Without another word he began moving in the direction of the noise he'd heard earlier. Fane was trying to keep up and reason with him at the same time.

"Beta, don’t you think we should maybe heed Costin's advice and wait for our Alpha?"

Decebel didn't respond. The closer he got the clearer the noise became. Fane's head snapped up when he heard Jen's voice.


"We may be fine, and smokin' hot,

But gentle she-wolves we are not."


Decebel stopped dead in his tracks. The images of Jennifer and that dance flashed through his mind. Fane watched Decebel's canines descend – his claws grew, his eyes glowed feral. Fane moved quickly to get in front of his Beta, which was probably the dumbest thing he could have done.


Fane tried being forceful. "Decebel, stop."

Decebel batted him aside as if he were no more than an annoying fly. Fane wasn't using all his power – he didn't want to provoke the already enraged wolf. When Decebel reached the room where all the noise was coming from, Vasile was already there with the others.

Fane looked in horror as a room full of males whistled and hollered as his female pack mates danced oh so very suggestively on a huge cinema-sized screen.

Vasile turned to Fane. "Stop that from playing."

Fane didn't wait to see what would happen. He walked into the room, shoving other males out of his way in order to look for the source of the video feed.

Decebel growled so loudly the room silenced. Every head turned to watch as the Romanian Beta took on his full Alpha power, drawing it from his pack mates.

"DECEBEL!" Vasile roared. He might as well have been yelling at a wall.

Decebel lunged.

"Grab him," Vasile commanded his pack. Eight males descended on Decebel as he surged forward. The males grunted against his brute strength. It was taking all of Vasile's power to keep Decebel from phasing. If he phased, the only way Vasile would be able to stop him would be to phase as well and take him on in his wolf form. He didn't even want to consider the consequences.

They all struggled as Decebel pushed, slashed, and even bit to get free of their grasp. Vasile eyed Cynthia running through the hall towards them, Alina and the others behind her. The Americans' defiance was rubbing off on his mate, he thought dryly.

"Hold him still," Cynthia snarled as she lifted a very large syringe and grabbed Decebel's arm.

She sunk the needle into his arm. He didn't even flinch, if he even noticed. The plunger depressed, pushing the powerful sedative into his system.

Decebel continued to struggle – he was on the verge of getting free when he collapsed.



Jen watched as Decebel, struggled against his pack. She couldn't suppress a scream as she watched him, powerful, massive Decebel crumble. Jen took off and pushed several males out of her way.


Jen gently placed his head in her lap, placing two fingers against his neck. She let out a strangled breath – his pulse was strong.

"We have to move him now," Cynthia said firmly. "That won't last long."

"Jen," Vasile's voice was calm, gentle, "you have to let us take him."

Jen looked up at the man who had become her Alpha. "Where are you taking him?" Jen's voice was smaller than she had ever heard it.

"We are going to have to detain him until I can talk to the Alphas about your unique situation," Vasile quickly explained.

"Lock him up?" Jen's eyebrows nearly rose to her hair line. "Can I see him?"

Vasile shook his head. "Not until I talk to the Alphas. Jen, Decebel cannot control his wolf where you are concerned, and these unmated males will not relent as long as you appear available. I have to do this to protect him from himself, but also from them."

Jen finally relented. She leaned down and kissed his lips before letting Decebel go.

She watched as nine people carried the man she loved away to be locked up like some criminal. Jen's eyes narrowed as her lips thinned into a tight, straight line.

"Jacque," Sally nudged her friend, and nodded in Jen's direction, "look at that face."
"Shit," Jacque muttered as she watched the evil wheels turning in Jen's brain.
"I would say it's hit every fan in this monstrosity they call a house," Sally replied automatically.
They watched as Jen walked over to Crina and Marianna.
"What's she up to?" Jacque murmured.



"I need y'all to do me a favor," Jen told the two she-wolves briskly.
"What do you need, pack mate?" Crina asked.
"I want to know the names of those who planned this."
"You have a plan?" Sally asked as she and Jacque joined the group.
"You bet your furless ass I do." Jen's eyes nearly glowed.
Marianna looked at Jen apprehensively. "Should we be afraid?"
"As long as you're standing on this side of the Jennifer Adams treaty line, you're safe.”
"Duly noted."
"Can y'all find out?" Jen asked again.

Marianna nodded. "I think I can. There's been a male eyeballing me. I think a little reciprocation might go a long way."

Jen's smile grew. It was beginning to become a very unnerving look.



Chapter 21


Decebel felt groggy as he awoke. Shaking his head, he ran his hands across his face.

In a mad rush, memories flooded him and he jumped up with a snarl. But there was no one to respond, only four stone walls. Decebel walked over to the one with a door. He grabbed the handle and pulled. It was locked. He turned, taking in his surroundings. The room wasn't large but it was nicely furnished. A large, plush four poster bed with a deep green comforter and elegant gold drapes around the frame stood against the far wall. Across from the bed were two wing-backed chairs in the same green as the comforter. Above the chairs was a large mirror framed in antique gold with a wolf head carving at the top. There were no windows in the room.

Decebel growled. A gilded cage, he thought.

The mirror drew his eyes again.

"Why would a prisoner need a mirror?" he wondered out loud. The closer he got, the more he allowed himself to use his wolf eyesight. Finally, his face inches from the glass, he realized it was double paned glass. Someone was watching him.

Decebel snarled and hit the glass so hard that a small crack formed where his fist connected.
"Beta, calm down."
Decebel looked up as he heard his Alpha's voice. The speakers in the ceiling became obvious.
"Why am I locked in a room, Alpha?" Decebel growled.
"You aren't controlling your wolf."
"Control my wolf when those mongrels lust after my mate?" Decebel snarled, interrupting Vasile.
"You have no visible proof she is your mate. Let me handle this, Decebel."
"How is locking me up, keeping me from protecting her, handling it?" Decebel sneered.
Suddenly the door was thrown open and Vasile walked in. Decebel felt his Alpha's power pushing him to submit.

"I understand that you are only my Beta out of choice, not lack of strength. You chose this, Beta. You will submit to me, you will not disrespect me." Vasile's voice was deadly. "I love you like a brother, Decebel. I understand your need to protect her, but you have got to trust me. You don't have to like it, but you will obey my commands."

Decebel was shaking with rage. He was torn for the first time in his life. His wolf's only thought was to get to their mate, protect, claim, bond. But Decebel the man could use logic. He finally sunk to his knees and bared his neck. Vasile let out the breath he'd been holding and walked over to him.

"I'm not trying to defeat you, Decebel, I'm trying to protect you. You are strong, my equal, but I doubt either of us could take on four Alphas and their packs. Which is what will happen if you attack their males for ogling your pack mate."

"MATE," Decebel snarled.

"To us, yes, she is yours," Vasile said calmly. "Not to them. She doesn't carry your scent in her blood, she doesn't bear your marks or your bite, there is no mental bond. All of those things are strikes against you two."

"Perform the Bonding Ceremony, Vasile. Allow me to complete the Blood Rites. Then everyone will see that Jennifer belongs to me."

Vasile shook his head. "Allow me to speak with the other Alphas. There have been three true mates found today – maybe they will be willing to allow you and Jen some time to explore this without any other males in the picture."

"Why is it their business?" Decebel snarled. "What say do they have in my or her fate?"

"Normally, they wouldn't. But we came to a gathering where wolves are specifically looking for their true mate. The Alphas are looking out for the best interests of their males. If you keep Jen from the other males and she isn't your mate, then you might be dooming one of their males to a dark existence." Decebel started to interrupt but Vasile stopped him. "They don't see her as your mate, therefore they won't let you keep her to yourself. It's as simple as that. You claiming that there is some feeling between you and her is not enough for them."

Decebel's shoulders slumped in defeat as reality sunk in. He understood now why his Alpha had him locked up. Regardless of what the other Alphas thought, regardless of the lack of mating signs between him and Jennifer, he and his wolf had claimed her. No mated Canis lupis male would stand for another touching, ogling, pursuing, or flirting with his mate. He couldn't be trusted around the others. At the same time, the idea of Jennifer out there without him, as his mate would say – that is so not good.

"What of Jennifer?" he asked Vasile.

"She's with Alina and the other females. We will protect her, Decebel."

"I don't want another touching her. Can't you keep her from participating in these stupid activities?" Decebel spat the word as if it were the most repugnant thing.

"I'll see what I can do," Vasile relented. "I need you to get control."

Decebel nodded once. He didn't look up as Vasile left.

After several deep breaths, Decebel finally stood. He began to pace just as his wolf paced inside of him, thinking, plotting. The wolf was cunning and would not be caged, would not be kept from his mate.



Jen lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She was restless, angry – No, she thought, I'm pissed. Angry doesn't begin to cover what I'm feeling.

She turned from side to side, repositioned her pillow a hundred times, and tried counting every animal that'd come out of the Ark. Nothing helped. She couldn't sleep, not when she knew Decebel was locked up. Vasile wouldn't tell her where. Smart wolf , she thought. Surely he wasn't in some dungeon or crude prison. Vasile would never allow one of his to be treated that way. But still, wolves were meant to be free, to run and roam. Decebel wouldn't handle being caged well.

Growling out loud, Jen reached for her iPhone. She plugged the headphones in and put them in her ears. Without scanning through her music, she just hit shuffle and waited. She grinned when Jason Derulo's "Fight for You" came on. Her grin widened when she thought about the plan she was putting into motion.

Oh, yeah. She'd fight for Decebel. Heaven help those who found themselves on the wrong side of the battle field.



The next morning, Jen watched as Marianna moved through the room over to where the Serbian pack was eating breakfast. She kept strict track of Marianna's progress as the she-wolf started up a conversation with the interested male.

Jen had asked why a wolf would show interest if the mating signs didn't appear. Her jaw nearly hit the floor when Marianna and Crina explained that in the past few years, when true mates had been found, it sometimes took several days for the signs to show up. When Jen started to go postal about it, Crina quickly added that it had never taken longer than four days. Decebel and Jen had been around each other for months.

Jen had then asked why no one had bothered to divulge that little morsel. Crina said that Alina had told them the Alphas didn't want the males being overly forward to any one female, just from attraction, for days with a hope that the signs would appear.

Jen's response: "Maybe it would be better to just neuter the males and nip all the posturing and peeing in the bud."

Costin had been within earshot and growled, then paled when Jen had looked at him and made scissoring motion with her fingers. As she did, she sang to the tune of Wheels On the Bus: "Scissors on the wolf go snip, snip, snip."


But now, Marianna was talking with the wolf who'd eyeballed her yesterday. He was handsome enough, tall and strong, like all Canis lupis.

"Hey," he said with a sly smile.
"Hi," Marianna answered with her own sweet smile. "What's your name?"
"Jovin. Yours?"
"Marianna." She batted her eyes. "So, you want to go somewhere?"
Jovin's face lit up. "Sure."

As he stood up and bid farewell to his pack mates, Marianna turned to the TFF and gave them a thumbs up. Now to get him to give up the goods. She rolled her eyes. I'm talking like the Americans now, she groaned.

She quickly schooled her face as Jovin took her hand and led her from the room.



"So, oh great evil one, what's your plan?" Sally asked Jen dryly.
Jen rubbed her hands together and grinned. "Well, it starts with strip poker,"
"Ahh, good grief. It always starts with strip poker."
"You remember what happened the last time she played strip poker?" Jacque added.
"This sounds good," Crina piped, folding herself down on the floor in Jen's room.
"Oh, come on. That was one time. I mean, seriously, lose one little game of strip poker..."

"Jen, it's always 'I only did that one time' with you." Sally sighed.

"See, that's good. Means I learn quickly." Jen shrugged.
"Unbelievable." Jacque threw her hands into the air. "She finds a way to justify anything."
"Do you want to hear my brilliant plan or would you just like to list all of my transgressions?"

"No." Sally held up her hands now. "We go digging in that bag-o-worms and we just might find something worse than the brilliant plan you're fixing to enlighten us with."

Jen glared at Sally. "If you're finished..."
"By all means."
Crina looked over at Jacque. "Are they always like this?"

"Believe it or not, this is good. They've considered counseling, but I think they're trying to work out their differences on their own."

"Okay, you hussies, listen up." Jen stood with her hands on her hips, steel was in her eyes. "As I was saying, it starts with strip poker. We need something that's going to keep them distracted for a while. That way, Jacque and Sally will have plenty of time to go through said wolves' rooms.

"Whoa, whoa. You lost me at Jacque and wolves' rooms." Jacque backed away.

"Well, if you think Fane will be okay with you playing strip poker with a bunch of unmated wolves, then by all means..."

"Okay, good point," Jacque conceded. "But what are we supposed to be looking for in their rooms?"

"Clothes," Jen stated. "All of them. I don't want them to have a stitch of clothing to put on. Linens, too. Sheets, towels, comforters. Gone, all of it."

"Won't they be able to just phase to their wolf forms? They won't need clothes." Crina put in.

"That's where things get complicated."

"More complicated than confiscating a bunch of men's clothing and somehow carrying it away without being seen?" Jacque asked sarcastically.

"Complicated because I'm going to have to talk to Cynthia. I'm figuring if they've got drugs to subdue werewolves, then maybe they have drugs that will prevent them from phasing."

Jacque grinned. "You wicked, wicked woman."

"I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I don't want them to think they can mess with what's mine and get away with it. So, although it may seem slight, they are gonna be humiliated."

Crina, who had been listening intently, raised her hand. Jen looked at her. "Whatchya got, she-wolf?"
"How do you know you'll win at strip poker?"
"Jen never loses," Sally said matter of factly.
Jen shrugged. "What she's trying to say is, I never lose."

"Okay," Jacque said slowly. "So, strip poker and a mass exodus of all forms of coverings." She cocked her head to the side. "What are we going to do with said clothes, towels, etcetera, etcetera?"

"How do you girls feel about a bonfire?" Jen winked. "Fire is my specialty, after all."

Sally groaned again. "Strip poker and fire. Does she ever learn?"


Jen started to pace. They were going to need help. There was no way Sally and Jacque could get all of the things from those rooms on their own. Think, Jen. Geez, you're supposed to be the schemer in this posse. She racked her brain. She needed someone who could move through the mansion freely. Someone they wouldn’t pay any mind to. There was no way they would let any of the females walk unbidden through the halls. No females, but a male could go where he pleased. Bahh, it's like we're back in the eighteenth century or something.

"We need a dude," Jen announced, then her head snapped around to Jacque. "Are you letting your fur ball hear all this?"

Jacque shook her head, even though she knew as soon as Fane found out he was going to be eight shades of pissed.

"Good, don't. You know he would lock us all up until this whole thing was done." Jen tapped her chin. "Who would be the easiest sell? Costin or Sorin?" she thought out loud.

There was a knock on the door. Jen walked over and pulled it open to see Costin's sweet smile. Costin it is.

"I was just checking to make sure you ladies were okay." He grinned. If Jen hadn't already been smitten with a certain out of control wolf she could see having the hots for Costin.

"Costin, the fates have chosen you," Jen said dramatically, reaching her arm out to indicate him to enter.
Jacque rolled her eyes.
"What is she doing?" Sally muttered.
"Getting all our asses hung out to dry," Jacque responded.
"Good to know."


Costin stepped in warily. "The fates have chosen me, huh? Should I even ask?"

"Well, you'll probably be deemed guilty by association anyway. Might as well dive in head first." Jen smiled sweetly at him. "Besides, I always say if you're going to do it, do it big."

He looked at the other girls in the room.
"Yes, she is for real," Jacque offered dryly.
"What do you need?" Then he huffed, "Just for the record, I will swear that you black mailed me into this."
Jen grinned. "I knew you were more than just a pretty face."
Costin snorted, raising a single eyebrow at her.

"We need you to help Sally and Jacque steal clothes, bedding, towels. Pretty much anything they could attempt to cover their glorious nakedness with." Jen was pacing the room as she spoke still trying to figure out the logistics of her plan. When Costin gave her a confused look, she added, “Oh, from the wolves who planned that little movie adventure.”

"Okay... First. I just want to say not only do I think this is a bad idea, but I think this is a seriously bad idea."
"Seriously bad," Jen repeated. "Okay, noted."
"Alright, say I go along with this and help. How exactly are we supposed to get all of those items out of their rooms?"

Jen stopped her pacing and blew out a loud breath. "This is what I've got. All of the rooms have windows in them, right?"

Costin nodded.

"Okay, so what if Jacque and Sally were to throw the items out the window to you? Then you could take them and make a pile out in the main yard."

"Okay, then what?"

"Then we light a match and watch 'em burn, baby." Jen's eyes narrowed and the smile that slid across her face made chills run down Costin's back.

The room was quiet for several minutes.
"So when are we supposed to do this and where are these wolves going to be?" Costin finally asked.
"Oh, yeah. You missed that part," Jen grumbled, then perked up. "Well, it starts with strip poker,"
"Here she goes," Jacque muttered.

Costin's eyes widened. "Oh no, Jen. Huh uh, no freaking way. Decebel will rip my head off if he thinks I let you play strip poker with a bunch of males. There is no way that's happening. You can just forget your plan and wait for De -"

Costin was abruptly cut off when Jen stepped so close to him their chests touched. He tried to back up, but she grabbed the front of his shirt and held him in place.

"You listen up and listen good, fluffy," Jen snarled. "This is how my day has gone. I spent the morning dodging grubby paws, literally, only to have a grubby paw land on my boob and squeeze the hell out of it. I watch the wolf that is probably my mate fight said grubby paw dude and get all bloodied up. Then I got to lift my shirt in a room full of wolves to show off the oh so beautiful additions to my already glorious chest. Are you with me so far?"

Costin was smart and didn't so much as breathe.

"To top it all off, these walking flea motels videoed me and my girls without our knowledge when we were being less than ladylike – our bad. Then, after being told by Decebel to trash it and let it go, they put it on the freaking big screen and had a party – not our bad. I had to flash the whole damn pack to try to keep Decebel from killing the idiots, which means he saw the bruising and whatnot, and it will likely get me locked in a room until he decides he can handle other males being around me again. They got Dec locked up because he went all postal on them, which means I don’t get to be with him. I'm a girl. I can't challenge those idiots, they would wipe the floor with my ass. But I can get even. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Costin. You would do well to remember that." She let go of his shirt and stepped back, but held his stare. "I'm tired, I'm pissed, I want to see my wolf, and my chest hurts. You don't get to tell me that I can't retaliate against those who have wronged me. Are we on the same page yet?"


Costin rubbed his face and let out a deep breath. He looked back at Jen and a big grin spread across his face. "I'm so glad you're the Beta's mate.

Jen cocked her head to the side. "Why do you say that?"

"Because somebody needs to keep his head from getting any larger than it already is and I have a feeling you're just the wolf to do it. That, and you will keep him busy," Costin waggled his eyebrows suggestively, "and out of the rest of our hairs."

"Huh, he does have ego-mania," Jen agreed. "Back to the issue at hand, are you in or out?"

Costin's eyes softened. "I'm in. Someone has to make sure you girls come out of this alive. Aahh, this is such a bad idea." He groaned.

Jen grinned. "So glad to see that you are seeing things our way. We would've hated to have to tie you up and stuff you in a closet somewhere."

Costin's head snapped around to the other girls.

"Once again," Sally said dryly, "yes, she's for real."



Chapter 22


Cynthia was sitting at her desk, continuing to search the archives for any documentation on the mating of dormant and full blooded Canis lupis. Her door suddenly opened.

"Doc, we need your help," Jen announced as she and Sally walked in.

Cynthia sat back in her chair and smiled. "How can I be of service, girls?"

"First I need your word that you will keep an open mind and let me finish before you freak out." Jen held Cynthia's stare, waiting for the doctor to agree before she continued.

"Alright, I'll go along. I promise to keep an open mind and not freak out until the appropriate time."

"Great." Jen took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk and Sally took the other. "I'm declaring war on the males who were stupid enough to provoke my mate."

"Your mate?" Cynthia interrupted.
"Ah ah, doc. You promised to keep a lid on it 'til I finished." Jen cocked an eyebrow at her.
Cynthia held her hands up in surrender.

"As I was saying, I'm declaring war. I don't want to hurt anyone but I do want to send a message that the females in this pack won't take crap from anyone, nor will we put up with them pissing our males off." Jen paused waiting to see if Cynthia was going to saying anything. She didn't. "So I've cooked up a plan, that although harmless, will be quite humiliating."

She went on to explain the details of her plan. All the while, Cynthia's eyes kept getting wider and wider.

"Now, one issue I was trying to figure out was how to make sure everyone gets to see the Chippendales. I think I've come up with the answer. Crina and I will be the ones to invite them to come play cards with us. We'll tell them that we need to play in the gym after everyone has left because we can't have their scent in our rooms or our males will freak. Then, after Jacque, Sally, and Costin do their part, they can take fliers – made by yours truly – and go door to door handing them out." Jen smiled, obviously pleased with herself.

Sally looked at her, brow creased. "What exactly is the flier going to say?"

"To come to the multi-pack after hours party in the gym. How you like them apples?" Jen held up her hand for Sally to high five.

Sally gave her a reluctant slap to the hand. "But when they get to the gym instead of a party they're going to get an eyeful of -"

Jen interrupted, "Bare ass were-wolves." Then she laughed.

"You are really beginning to scare me," Sally said wearily.

When Jen looked at Cynthia expectantly, she leaned forward and placed her elbows on her desk. Taking a deep breath, she asked, "And what exactly do you need me to do in this crazy, albeit somewhat ingenious, evil plan?"

"We were hoping that maybe you knew of a way to keep the wolves from phasing," Jen explained. "It would be kind of pointless if they could phase into their wolf forms."

"Wow. No pressure, huh?" Cynthia's smile was slight, but she wasn't kicking them out of her office…yet. "I don't know of any drug developed for this purpose. An Alpha can prevent their wolves from changing, but I take it you don't want any of the Alphas aware of this plan of yours?"

"You would be correct."

Cynthia tapped her chin as she thought about all the things she knew in regards to medicine and wolves. Suddenly, Sally jumped up.

"Holy crap."
"Uh, Sally dear, would you like to share your obvious epiphany?" Jen asked.
"Nepeta," Sally whispered.

"Nepeta," she repeated. "Don't ask me how I know this because I have no freaking clue. I'm just sitting here thinking about how crazy you are -"

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," Jen muttered.
"- and then, BAM! It's just there in my brain. Nepeta. It keeps wolves from phasing."
Cynthia was sitting with her mouth wide open, staring at Sally.

Sally looked up at the doctor. She threw her hands in the air. "I'm telling you I don't know what the hell it's all about, but there it is."

Jen got up and went around to the doctor's computer, pushing against Cynthia in order to get access to the mouse and keyboard. "Move your stunned butt over and let me do some research, doc."

Cynthia absently rolled her chair out of Jen's way while she went to tapping on the keyboard.
"What are you doing?"
"Looking up Neptun," Jen answered.
"Nepeta," Sally corrected. "N-e-p-e-t-a."
She looked up. "You even know how to spell it?"
Sally nodded and swallowed hard.

Suddenly Jen laughed. "Oh, this is rich. The more common name for our little phase-freeze is cat nip." Sally actually let out a few chuckles while Jen slapped the desk. "I don't know if it gets much better than that."

Cynthia was finally knocked out of her momentary shock when Jen jolted her with the slap to the desk. She looked over to Sally and smiled.

"Uh, doc. You're kind of freaking me out," Sally admitted reluctantly.
"I think you're a healer," Cynthia told her with awe. "A gypsy healer."
Jen looked from Cynthia to Sally and back again. "Come again?"

"Every century or so, a gypsy healer appears to a pack of Canis lupis. There's no rhyme or reason to it. But it's a huge honor and pushes the power scales majorly into that pack's corner," she explained.

"What do you mean 'appears'?" Sally asked.

"Just that whoever she is – and the healer is always female – wherever she is, fate brings her to the pack she is to serve. You were destined to be Jacque's friend because Jacque was the key to leading you to this pack. Just as Jen was destined to be Jacque's friend, because she too was to be a part of the Romanian pack."

"How is that even possible?" Sally asked dubiously.

"There's no explaining the Fates, Sally," Cynthia told her honestly. "Everyone has a destiny and no matter how many times they wander, they will always find their way back to the path that will fulfill their purpose."

"So how do you know I'm a gypsy healer?" Sally sat back down in the chair she had bolted from.

"We'll have to make sure you are, but gypsy healers are blessed supernaturally with the knowledge of herbs, medicine, healing arts, things you couldn't possibly know without years of studying."

"How do you know all this?" Jen asked.

"I didn't just study human medicine when I went to medical school. I learned as much as I could about how to care for Canis lupis as well. Although, I would never be able to learn all that the healers know. I studied the history of gypsy healers within the packs a few decades ago. There hasn't been a gypsy healer, at least documented, in nearly two centuries." Cynthia shook her head in disbelief and smiled. "Wow. If we confirm this, Vasile is going to be thrilled."

"Okay, so congratulations are in order," Jen announced. "Sally, congratulations. Now we gotta move along and come back to this revelation at a later date and time."

"By all means, Jen, I just find out I'm some sort of rare commodity, but please let us plan the demise of some perverted Canis lupis." Sally rolled her eyes at her snarky best friend.

"Outstanding." Jen nodded. "So, catnip. As I was saying, that rocks mega boulders, but where can we get some? It says here that it's commonly found in Europe. And we just happen to be in Europe. Coincidence?"

"Yes," Sally interrupted.
"I think not," Jen continued, undaunted. "Cynthia, I have a mission for you should you choose to accept it."
"Oh, brother," Jacque muttered.
"Let me guess. You want me to hunt down some catnip and figure out how to make the concoction?"
"Preferably something liquid so we can spike their drinks," Jen said absently.

Cynthia sat in silence, contemplating the ramifications of being party to Jen's little scheme. She wasn't going to lie and say she was above such pettiness, because honestly, she wanted to get those little punks for thinking they mess with their females. Vasile was most assuredly going to be pissed, but then again she was already in the proverbial dog house so what the hell.

"Okay, I'm in." She clapped her hands eagerly, feeling younger than she had in a long time.

Jen winked. "I love it when a plan begins to come together, especially one that involves strip poker, bonfires, and naked werewolves. Really, what more could a woman want?"

Sally groaned as she slumped back in her chair. "This is going to be a disaster, I can feel it."
Jen's head snapped around to Cynthia. "Can gypsy girl over there tell the future?"
"No, they aren't clairvoyant."

"In that case, no, Sally. What you are feeling is the exuberant joy that comes from being a participant in one of the life-changing Jen experiences."

"Oh, is that what that is? I thought it was gas," Sally said wryly.

Ignoring Sally's remark, Jen addressed Cynthia once again. "So you've got operation phase-freeze. It's," Jen looked at her watch, "nine o'clock now. We're going to need to test it before the op commences, so we need it to be ready by tomorrow night."

"When are you planning to have this little party?" Cynthia asked.

"Day after tomorrow. Fane mentioned to Jacque that the Alphas and their mates are having a private dinner then. With them distracted, I think it will be the most opportune time to get our revenge."

"Okay," Cynthia said, standing. "I'm going to head out and see if I can't sniff out some catnip outside the estate grounds. You girls try to stay under the radar."

"Will do, doc-a-roo." Jen gave her a thumbs up and left the office.

Sally looked back at Cynthia, who smiled. "Don't worry, Sally. I'll do some research on the gypsy healers, and you and I will figure this out."

Sally returned the smile. "Thanks, doc. I appreciate it."



Chapter 23


"So the Beta has been taken out of the picture," Damion told his four pack mates. "That means the blonde won't be as protected."

"You really think she could be your mate?" Vilim asked.

He narrowed his eyes. "I don’t know. I know that if she is, I'm going to rip your hands off for touching her the way you did during the training.

"Like you wouldn't have taken the opportunity," Vilim accused. "It's not like they were easy to avoid. She's rather well endowed, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Just keep your hands to yourself from now on," Damion growled
"Yes, Beta," he conceded reluctantly.
"Thad didn't say he was going to punish us for the video?" Sava asked.

Damion shook his head. "He said he didn't feel like we did anything but show our interest in the Romanian females. None of those females in the video are mated. That makes them up for grabs."




Marianna knocked on Jen's door and waited, looking around nervously. She'd gotten the information Jen asked for, although she had to make it appear that the girls weren't mad, but actually flattered by the attention from the video showing.

The door opened and Sally smiled at her. "How'd it go?" she asked.

Marianna walked in to find Jen, Jacque, Crina, and Costin all on the floor with paper spread out, holding markers. The only word she saw just at a glance was party.

She held up a piece of paper she had been holding and smiled. "Got the names."

Jen jumped up. "I knew you could do it!"

Marianna grinned, glad to have been helpful in some way. She was surprised at how much the Americans had started to grow on her. She felt a sadness settle over her at that thought, but quickly shook it off as Jen read the names out loud.

"So, Costin. You’re a guy,"
"I'm glad you noticed." Costin grinned.
Jen rolled her eyes. "Do you know who these guys are? Other than Damion and Adrian, we met them already."
He growled. "They're all Serbian pack. Damion is the Beta. Vilim is the wolf who..." Costin paused uncomfortably.
"Got a handful," Jen added helpfully.
"You do have a way with words, Jen. I know what all of them look like."
"Perfect," Jen breathed out. "Now, to invite them out to play."
"That shouldn't be hard," Costin told her. "They're always together."
"We could talk to them at breakfast tomorrow," Crina offered.

"Good call, she-wolf," Jen praised, then looked down at the floor. "I think we've got enough fliers. Let's call it a night."

They all let out a collective breath.
"Oh, come on. Y'all act like I've just made you sign your souls over or something."
"Might as well have," Jacque muttered.

"I heard that, Jacque Pierce. Oh, and remember not to let your fur ball slip in and pick your brain, or our plan will go to sh -"

"I've got this, Jen," Jacque interrupted as she headed to the door.
Jen held up her hands and took a step back. "Alright, I know when to back off."
"Since when?" Sally's mouth quirked up at her.
Jen gave her the finger and started gathering up the scattered fliers. Everyone filed out one by one, muttering good nights.
Costin was pulling the door closed when he stopped and turned back to Jen.

"Hey, I wanted to let you know that I scoped the outside parameter of the mansion, and even found a wheelbarrow in one of the work buildings." He grinned. "I found kerosene as well. We're going to light up the night, little dormant."

Jen laughed, "Man, when you go in, you go all in, don't you?"
"I figure I'm probably going to die for helping you girls out, might as well go out with a bang."
"A wolf after my own heart," she teased. "Thanks, Costin. Really. Decebel is going to be mad."
"Understatement," Costin added quickly.

"Of the millennium," she agreed. "But whether he's my mate or not, I don't take crap from anyone. I defend myself and those I love when I can. He'll throw a major hissy fit and beat his chest, but eventually he will understand why I had to do this."

His face was serious, his voice thick with emotion. "He's blessed to have such a mate, and Alpha in every sense of the word."

Jen grinned and winked. "Bet your hot, furry ass I am."

Costin chuckled as he shut the door.




Jacque opened the door to her and Fane's room to find him lying across their bed, reading.
"You've been quiet today," he said, referring to their bond.
Jacque hated the idea of lying to Fane, even if it was a lie of omission.

"Just been with Jen and the girls. You know she's mentally exhausting. I missed you." Jacque climbed onto the bed and stretched out next to him. Hoping to distract him, she coyly added, "In more than one way."

Fane chuckled. "You won't get off the hook that easy, Luna."

Jacque nuzzled his neck as he continued to look at his book. Her hands began rubbing his back, moving up to his neck, then running through his thick dark hair.

Fane let out a deep rumble in his chest.
"Jacquelyn," he warned.
"Yes, mate?" she asked innocently.

Fane shut the book with a snap and set it aside. He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one arm, effectively evading her roaming hands. Jacque frowned at him.

"I will admit that I am new to relationships, and obviously new to being mated. However, I've seen enough American television to understand that women think they can distract a man with sex when they are trying to avoid something."

Jacque knew her face was turning red because she could feel the heat creeping up her neck.

"So, as I spent most of the day in a semi-state of shock from the direction your thoughts have been going, which is normally not something you are super comfortable with, I came to the conclusion that you must not want me to know something." Fane narrowed his eyes. He wasn't angry, but he was slightly annoyed. "Is my assessment of the situation accurate, Jacquelyn?"

Jacque groaned and rolled onto her back, throwing her arm across her eyes.
"Luna, what's going on?" Fane asked matter of factly.
She took a deep breath and let it out. "I can't tell you."
He growled."We are keeping secrets so soon?"
Jacque's head whipped over to look at him. He saw the gleam in her emerald eyes and knew he had succeeded in ticking her off.

"It's not really my secret to tell, Fane. I'm not trying to be sneaky." Okay, that wasn’t absolutely true. But still, she thought. "I promised not to tell you."

Fane held her stare, frustrated, but also understanding of the fact that she didn't want to break her promise. He admired that quality.

"Luna, I've let you -" He stopped and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I mean, I've been willing to have you spend the majority of your time with your friends, while we've been here. Mainly because I know that I get you at night." Jacque blushed. "I understand that Jen needs you. I understand that they are very important to you. But just as my family and friends no longer come first in my life, yours do not in your life either." He reached across the space between them, hating the distance. He ran his fingers across her cheek, down her neck, shoulder, and arm, landing on her hip. He pulled her to him. "I don't mean for that to sound mean, or bossy, but your safety comes first. Jen has a tendency to throw safety out the window, along with her sense of survival."

Jacque grinned at his words, but she knew that although he was teasing, he was also telling the truth.

"I love you. I hate keeping something from you, but I need you to trust me." Jacque winced inwardly at her words, knowing she was asking him to give the trust she did not deserve at the moment.

Fane brought his hand up to the nape of her neck and pulled her face to his. He pressed his lips firmly against hers and loved that she moaned and relaxed against him. He loved that he had that effect on her. He nearly growled when he felt her tongue sweep out, seeking entrance. He opened his mouth, deepening the kiss, and listened as her heart sped up – music to his ears.

He slowed the kiss down and finally pulled away. He grazed her thoroughly loved lips with his thumb and chuckled when she nipped it. His breath caught when he saw that her canines, which only made an appearance at certain times, had descended. His eyes began to glow in reciprocation.

Fane watched in fascination as Jacque flicked her tongue against one of the sharp canines and grinned wickedly at him.

He was ready for the conversation to be finished, at least for the night. "I will trust you, love. But if something happens to you because of this secret -"

"Shhh," Jacque cut him off as she nipped his bottom lip gently. Fane growled and pulled her impossibly closer.

"Are you hungry, mate, or just happy to see me?" he teased, in regards to her canines making an appearance.

"It's been a while since I've had your blood," she said in response to his jest.

Fane's face sobered. "You know you don't even have to ask."

"I know." She had dropped her eyes from his and was fidgeting with his shirt collar. "It's just...embarrassing."

Fane let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back.

Jacque looked at him, her eyes narrowed and mouth tight. "Why are you laughing at me?"

Fane's laugh finally wound down. He tugged at her ponytail to pull her hair free. He ran his fingers through it and continued to grin at her. "After the thoughts you were sending me today, you little vixen, I don't see how anything can embarrass you."

Jacque rolled her eyes. "Are you going to kiss me or tease me all night?'

Fane grazed his teeth along the flesh of her neck where his mark was, his own canines descending. "Who said anything about kissing, Luna?"




Decebel stood up after finishing several hundred crunches and pushups. He was restless; his wolf was getting very edgy. He paced around the room, flexing his hands as his claws kept descending and retracting. He had been in a state of partial phase all day and knew that at the moment, he was more dangerous than ever.

All he could do was hope to the fates that Jennifer was staying out of trouble and that Vasile was keeping a close eye on her. Because he knew that when he got out of confinement, and found her in any less safety than being locked in her room with the door guarded, he was going to lose the minuscule amount of control he was grasping onto with both hands.

He was still fuming over the wolf who had dared to touch what was his. Then his mate had pulled that little stunt in the hall for every one's enjoyment. He wasn't going to lie to himself, Jennifer had a beautiful body. He just hadn't planned on seeing it along with the rest of his pack. Maybe he needed to explain to her that the Blood Rites performed after the Bonding Ceremony was generally where the clothes came off – in private. He would make sure to emphasize the private.

Her little exploit had allowed him to see the evidence of the wolf's hand on his mate's body. The bruises where his fingers had pressed hard, and the angry cuts where his claws had penetrated her flesh. To top off the day from hell, Decebel had watched – in a haze of red – a room full of unmated males lust after his mate and two of his pack mates. He snarled at all the memories, realizing that at that moment he would have killed any and all of the wolves responsible.

There was only one thing that would calm him and his wolf – Jennifer.

"Alpha," Decebel spoke into the open room. "I need to speak with you, please." His voice was guttural, so close to phasing.

Less than a minute after he spoke, the door to his room opened.
"Decebel," Vasile said his name as an Alpha in pain for one of his own's suffering.
"I need her," Decebel said honestly.
"I can't bring her to you."

"Then at least give me a phone so I can talk to her." Decebel had never been one to beg, but he was on the verge of groveling just to hear her voice.

"They will hear if you talk to her." Vasile's brow furrowed. "But...they wouldn't be able to see a text."

Decebel felt a smile spread across his face – not really a happy one, more like a “I just got away with sneaking a cookie from the cookie jar” smile. Six months ago, he wouldn't even have considered texting, but since Fane and some of the other young wolves had started to, he had sort of been forced to, and learn the lingo on top of that.

Turned out, Decebel preferred texting to talking any day. Except with his mate. But it will have to do for now, he thought.

"I'll return in a moment. I will have to get Jen's number."

"Hurry," Decebel growled, but added, "please."

Decebel paced and paced as he waited for his lifeline to be brought to him. If he'd any doubts about Jennifer being his mate, they had been abolished while he felt his rage grow at being apart from her.

Eventually Vasile walked in, holding out his phone. Decebel forced himself to retract his claws so he would be able to text unencumbered.

He didn't acknowledge Vasile as he left.
Decebel found her name in his contacts list and pressed the text button. A blank screen came up with a key board below it.
Decebel txt: Jennifer
He waited, growling when she didn't respond immediately. His phone finally vibrated as her text appeared.
Jennifer txt: Fur ball
Decebel growled, but grinned at her smart mouth. His phone vibrated again before he could respond.
Jennifer txt: r u ok?
She cared. His heart was in his throat as he read the simple text.
Decebel txt: slightly grumpy
Jennifer txt: so ur ok then
Decebel laughed, feeling his wolf settle, if only a little. It was enough to keep him sane.
Decebel txt: how r u?
Jennifer txt: miss n u
Decebel txt: I miss u 2 baby
Jennifer txt : r we agreeing?
Decebel txt: never
Jennifer txt: r u mad at me?
Decebel txt: idk
Jennifer txt: :(
Decebel txt: ur mine
Jennifer txt: yes
Decebel txt: only mine 2 c
Jennifer txt: didn't know how 2 distract u
Decebel txt: mission accomp
Jennifer txt: lol
Decebel txt: keep ur clothes on
Jennifer txt: blunt much?
Decebel txt: keep ur clothes on
Jennifer txt: that can make things difficult
Decebel txt: Jennifer. Keep. Ur. Clothes. On.
Jennifer txt: fine, I'll keep some clothes on
Decebel txt: I need u
Jennifer txt: V said no
Decebel txt: u asked him
Jennifer txt: of course, ur mine
Decebel txt: grrr
Jennifer txt: a good grrr?
Decebel txt: definitely
Jennifer txt: excellent
Decebel txt: r u bn good
Jennifer txt: hmm more specific
Decebel txt: Jennifer
Jennifer txt: im always good at whatev I do
Decebel txt: not reassuring
Jennifer txt: do u disagree?
Decebel txt: can't
Jennifer txt: ?
Decebel txt: been on the other end of ur good
Jennifer txt: ur b n wicked bad
Decebel txt: ur fault, I was innocent b 4 met u
Jennifer txt: im sure u were squeaky clean
Decebel txt: I shld let u sleep
Jennifer txt: LET? really

Decebel knew the only way he was going to get her to go to sleep would be reverse psychology. As much as he wanted to sit and text her all night, she needed her rest.

Decebel txt: I need sleep baby
Jennifer txt: ur a quik learnr
Decebel txt: dream of me
Jennifer txt: I'll think about it
Decebel txt: mate, grrr
Jennifer txt: hmmm yummy
Decebel txt: Woman! Go 2 bed
Jennifer txt: alone?
Decebel txt: hell yes alone!
Jennifer txt: such a big bed, lonely n it
Decebel txt: Jennifer
Jennifer txt: I evr told u ur sexy when ur bossy?
Decebel txt: yes, u were drunk off ur cute ass
Jennifer txt: blushing
Decebel txt: u should b, go 2 bed
Jennifer txt: can't txt u if asleep :(
Decebel txt: ur kill n me
Jennifer txt: assure u that's not what I want 2 do 2 u
Decebel txt: blushing
Jennifer txt: LMAO!
Decebel txt: Go. To. Bed.
Jennifer txt: join me?
Decebel txt: phone will b by my heart
Jennifer txt: tears
Decebel txt: don't cry baby
Jennifer txt: why here? why now?
Decebel txt: don't know Jennifer
Jennifer txt: sucks
Decebel txt: I'm holding u
Jennifer txt: more tears
Decebel txt: wolf gettn restless
Jennifer txt: sorry, I'm ok
Decebel txt: hold me 2
Jennifer txt: all nite long
Decebel txt: nite baby xoxo
Jennifer txt: nite
Decebel txt: no lovin 4 me?
Jennifer txt: didn't want 2 get u all worked up
Decebel txt: thanks 4 ur concern
Jennifer txt: nite, deep intense kiss, hands in your hair, bodies pressed together
Decebel txt: GRRRRRRRRR
Jennifer txt: what? 2 much?
Decebel txt: i'll dream of u
Jennifer txt: I bet u will, lol, nite B
Decebel txt: nite baby


Decebel scrolled through their texts, smiling at her playfulness. It wasn't enough, but it would get him through the night.





Jennifer curled into a ball in the bed that she'd told Decebel was too big to be in by herself. All day she had kept herself busy. Now here, in the dark, she could feel the hole that was widening with every moment away from Decebel.

She had been thrilled when Vasile had told her she could text him. She smiled to herself, remembering his texts. Decebel had a sweet, romantic side. And bloody hell if it wasn't the sexiest thing ever. She closed her eyes and thought of him. His handsome face, dark hair, amber eyes.... She fell asleep to the memories of her mate's deep, soothing voice and strong body holding her.



Chapter 24



Cynthia yawned as she sat at the table with her pack, eating breakfast. She'd been out searching until two in the morning. She had phased when she went out looking for it, knowing her wolf could move much faster. Finally, over ten miles away from the estate, she found the Nepeta, a.k.a. catnip. She was still working on perfecting it in liquid form – the hardest part was that it needed to be potent enough, but also dissolved so the plant's little particles weren't visible. People tend to get suspicious when there's stuff floating in their drinks.

Cynthia caught Jen's eye across the table and nodded, a subtle motion for her to follow her out of the room.



Cynthia was waiting in the hall when the five girls came out, Costin at their heels. Yeah, this doesn't look suspicious, she thought.

"Whatchya got, doc?" Jen asked.

"I found the Nepeta ten miles out. I've been working on it all morning, and the only thing I'm not sure about is its potency while making it undetectable in the drink."

"You found something that will keep the guys from being able to phase?" Costin spoke low, so as not to be overheard.
Cynthia, Jen, and Sally all nodded but didn't elaborate.
He lifted his eyebrows. "Ooookay, how did you find out about it?"
Sally looked over at Cynthia who gave a nearly imperceptible shake of her head.
"We just did some digging and it sort of fell in our laps," Jen told him vaguely.
"Uh-huh, just fell in your laps." Costin eyed them suspiciously. "Well, if that's your story..."

"Finalized, illustrated, and edited." Jen gave him a sharp nod. "Alright. Moving along, people. Doc, we need test subjects for your mojo."

"That would be the most accurate way to determine if it's effective," Cynthia agreed.

Jen smiled sweetly at Costin.

Costin watched the gleam in Jen's eyes as she smiled at him. Realizing what she was thinking, he put his hands up. "No way, Jen. Come on, you can't ask me to do that. I can't protect you guys if I can't phase. No. I'm putting my foot down."

Jen didn't argue, realizing that no amount of flirting, groveling, pushing, or bribing was going to work on Costin. She watched each member of their group, all trying to think of a wolf to test this concoction on.

Finally, Cynthia spoke up. "I'll do it. It's my creation, I should be the one to test it."
"Are you sure you want to do that, Cynthia?" Sally asked.
"Yes, definitely. I'll take Jacque, Sally, and Costin with me while you three go bait your prey."
Jen held out her fist to Cynthia's. Cynthia picked up on what Jen was after and balled her fist and bumped it to Jen's.
"Let's get this party started, ladies."
Costin cleared his throat and look pointedly at the evil schemer.

"Oh, for crying out loud. Let's get this party started, ladies and hot werewolf. Happy?" Jen asked.

"You think I'm hot?" Costin grinned and winked.
"You don't hold a candle to B, so don't get too excited."
"Ouch. I'm hurt, Jen." Costin smiled, placing his hand over his heart.
Jen shook her head and turned to Marianna and Crina, "You two ready?"
"Totally." Crina smiled.
Marianna gave a weak, "Yipee," her eyebrows raised as she made pom-pom motions with her hands.
"That's the spirit." Jen laughed. "Let's go find the rat pack."




Damion looked up from his table to see the blonde American and the two female Romanian wolves coming towards him. "This day is looking up boys."

The other four turned in their seats to watch as the girls walked confidently to their table.

They stopped a foot away and looked each of them over.

"I hear you boys are the ones who put that wicked cool video together." Jen smirked as she folded her arms across her chest – not by accident.

Damion's eyes wandered south of her neck before returning to her face.
"That was us." Damion winked. "We wanted to share all that beauty with everyone."
"Aw, that's sweet." Jen glanced back at Crina and Marianna. "Isn't that sweet, girls?"
"Very sweet." Crina raised an eyebrow at the wolves.
Marianna silently nodded with a sweet smile.
"Is there something we can do for you, ladies?" Adrian spoke up, drawing their attention.
"Actually, we came over to invite you guys to a friendly game of cards tomorrow night. There will be refreshments."

Damion leaned back in his seat and folded his arms. He unabashedly eyed Jen, starting at her feet, going all the way to the top of her blonde head.

"Who else will be there, beautiful?"
"You five studs and us." Jen indicated herself and the two girls with her.
He raised his eyebrows as a smile slid across his face. "And what kind of cards will be played?"

Jen leaned forward, resting her hand on the table so she could whisper closely, "The kind that rhymes with lip stroker." She winked and then stood as she watched Damion's brain deduce what she had just told him. "If you wanna play be in the gym tomorrow night at ten o'clock. It's our little secret, if you get my drift."

Damion watched as she walked away with a very appealing swing in her hips. He heard several of his pack mates give low whistles.

"So are we in?" Adrian asked his Beta.

"Like I would ever pass up playing strip poker with some fine women." Damion rolled his eyes. "Yes, we're in," he reiterated when Vilim and Josif looked at him blankly.

"Strip poker!" Vilim suddenly announced.
"Shut up, you idiot." Damion and Adrian waved him off.
"I didn't realize that was what she was talking about," Vilim continued.
"What else would rhyme with lip stroker?" Damion asked his pack mate, voice filled with exasperation.

"You four keep your traps shut," Damion warned. "I don't want any other males catching whiff of this. Those she-wolves are ours."




"That went well," Jen said enthusiastically. She felt her phone vibrate and pulled it from the back pocket of her snug jeans.

Decebel txt: morning beautiful

Jen knew the grin that stretched across her face probably looked ridiculous, but she didn't care. Decebel thought she was beautiful, and was thinking about her. The only thing that could make it sweeter was if he were to tell her himself.

Jen txt: morning yourself


"You think they'll show up?" Crina's voice brought Jen back to the present.

"Honey, their eyes were roaming all over us. They'll be there." She looked at her phone as she said, "Let's head to Cynthia's office and see how things are going."

Decebel had texted her again.

Decebel txt: what r u do n 2day?

Jen knew that Decebel didn't want her participating in any more of the activities that were planned, but Vasile couldn't justify her not being there. She had to answer this carefully – if she couldn't be honest she would just redirect his attention.

Jen txt: basket weaving

They reached Cynthia's office and opened the door without knocking. Costin, Jacque and Sally were already there, sitting and staring at the doctor.

"Sooo, how's it going, guys?" Jen asked carefully.
"We're waiting," Jacque whispered.
Jen looked at each of them and then at Crina and Marianna.
"Waiting for what?"
"To see if she phases," Sally answered her.
"Why are we whispering?" Crina asked.
"Don’t know. Just seems like we shouldn't be loud or make any sudden movements," Jacque replied absently.

Costin rolled his eyes and looked at Jen. "It's been fifteen minutes and so far she can't phase." He spoke in a regular volume.

"How much did you drink, doc?" Jen asked.

"I put about one third of a cup in eight ounces of liquid. So far I just feel stuck. Like my skin is just stuck. I don't really know how to describe it."

The other full blooded wolves in the room all cringed at Cynthia's description.
"So we just sit and wait?" Crina asked.
"Pretty much." Costin nodded.
"What time is the group activity we're supposed to be doing today?"
"Eleven," Jen answered, looking at her phone. It was nine now, and she had another text.
Decebel txt: why do I not like the sound of that

Jen grinned. Smart wolf.

Jen txt: basket weaving is perfectly safe
Decebel txt: so it's an all girl class?
"Sneaky wolf," Jen snickered.
Jen txt: define all
Decebel txt: entire, every one, total, whole
Jen txt: cute
Decebel txt: answer
Jen txt: I gotta use the girls room, b back
Jen txt: fyi, the girls room is all, entirely, totally, wholly girls :)
Decebel txt: Jennifer!


Jen ignored the last text. She didn't want to flat out lie to him. He would just worry and probably tear something up. She leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor. Closing her eyes, she prepared to wait with the others to see how long it took until Cynthia could phase. Her phone vibrated several more times. She didn't look at the texts, but she knew would they'd probably be in all caps.

Bad Jen, she thought to herself.




Jacque walked into the dining room and straight into Fane's arms.

"That's better," Fane murmured in her mind.

"I missed you, too.” She snuggled into his chest and let out a deep breath. Dealing with all the drama of Jen's scheme and Cynthia's magic potion was wearing her out. Although, they were all a little less stressed on discovering it took Cynthia over three hours to phase after drinking her catnip concoction. At least they knew that part of the plan would work.

"I hope you don't mind, but your father asked if we would eat with them and I said we would."
Jacque smiled at the worried look on Fane's handsome face. "That's fine, wolf-man."
As they walked out, Jen passed by.
"I'll meet you in your room later, Jen," Jacque said with a calm demeanor.
"Okay, have fun." Jen winked at them and smiled at Fane. "Hey, hottie. Taking care of my girl?"
Fane chuckled. "Always."
"I mean that in many ways," Jen tossed at them as they continued out. "Just in case you didn't catch that."


"Where are they going?" Sally asked she sat down next to Jen at the table.

"I'm assuming to eat with Dillon," Jen told her. "But I've been known to be wrong on rare occasions. There's the distinct possibility that this is one of those occasions."

Sally rolled her eyes. "It must be exhausting being you, Jennifer Adams."

"It's a big responsibility, no doubt," Jen said seriously. "I mean, the expectations would make a weaker woman falter."

"Oh, definitely.”
"I'm just saying, Sal, it ain't easy being green."
Sally snorted. "You're not green."
Jen waved her off. "It's all relative, chica."

Crina and Marianna ambled in, then Costin. Cynthia trailed in last. They were trying to break up their “together time,” so that it didn't look suspicious. It probably wasn't working since they all looked as guilty as Professor Plumb in the conservatory with the candle stick.

They ate quickly, all of them eager to finalize the plans for the next night. Jen was ready to have some alone time. She used the word alone loosely – she would quasi-be with Decebel. He'd been texting her all day, most of them the equivalent of growling her name. She hated to leave him hanging, but she'd had to do the stupid pool lessons.

Yes, she thought. You heard right. We had pool lessons, as in billiard tables. The last thing she needed was Decebel imagining her leaning over a pool table with a bunch of unmated males surrounding her…which was exactly what had happened. She would conveniently leave that little bit out tonight when she texted him.

Before Jen could leave the table, Vasile spoke up. "You all remember that tonight is another pack gathering?"
"Crap," Jen muttered and was followed by several others in their little posse muttering similar expletives.
Vasile lifted an eyebrow. "Plans?"

Jen's eyes widened and she was frozen in the stare of the Alpha. Her brain just stopped, the only thing she could hear was a little voice screaming, Busted.

"Oh, um," Sally started. "I think Jen was wanting to sit this one out, with all that's happened."

Jen looked at Sally and willed her to see the gratitude in her eyes.

"Well, I suppose I could say that you aren't feeling well," Vasile said thoughtfully. He looked back at Sally, "Am I correct in assuming that there are several other females who are wanting to sit this one out with Jen?"

Sally nodded. "Yes, Alpha. Sir."
Alina smiled at Sally's nervousness.
"Fine, then. But you are not to leave Jen's room. For anything." Vasile stared pointedly at each of girls.
"Yes, Alpha," they all said in unison.
As Jen stood to leave, she caught Costin's eye and mouthed, "Later."
He gave a slight nod.
Cynthia also nodded.

Disaster averted, Jen thought with a sigh.


Chapter 25


"Okay let's go over it one more time," Jen announced as she laid back on her bed. There was a collective groan throughout the room.

"Jen, it's nearly one in the morning," Costin complained.
"One more time, then I promise I'll let you go."
Jacque scoffed. "How kind of you, oh great one."
Jen turned her head and smiled at her. "I know, right?"
"Come on, Jen. I'm tired, cranky, and I have a hot werewolf waiting in my bed."
"Okay, at ten o'clock Crina, Marianna, and I will be..."
"In the gym," Crina supplied.
"I will make sure the spiked drinks will be on the side the guys are going to sit," Marianna explained.
"And Jacque and Sally will be..." Jen looked pointedly at the two girls.
"Making our way to the suckers' rooms," Jacque said dryly.
"Such enthusiasm, Jac. Thank you."
"Cynthia and I will be outside below the windows of the rooms waiting for the bonfire donations," Costin added.
"Great. Then..."

"Jacque will go to the gym and watch to see when the guys have thoroughly lost. Then we'll go door to door passing out the fliers," Sally continued.

"Right." Jen looked at Cynthia. "And you..."
"Will be waiting to hear from Jacque via text that the party has started, then torch the loot."
"Superb! I think we've got it, boys and girls."

"Finally," Jacque groaned as she stood up and stretched. "I'm out." She waved to Jen and headed out the door. Costin, Cynthia, Crina, and Marianna were all right behind her.

Sally stood at the foot of Jen's bed and looked down at her friend.
"You doing okay, Jen?"
Jen smiled up at Sally. "I'm better now that Decebel and I can communicate, even if it is just texts."
"And you're sure you want to go through with this?"
"I'm sure," Jen said simply.
Sally nodded once. "Okay then, Lucy. I'll see you in the morning."
"Sleep tight, Ethel."


Jennifer jumped up and went about getting ready for bed. All she wanted in that moment was to crawl under the covers and then spend time with a certain brooding werewolf.

Throwing on sweats and a long sleeved t-shirt, she hurried into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. As she patted her face dry with a towel, she paused to look in the mirror. Something was different, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. Her hair was as long and blonde as ever, her eyes crystal blue, skin fair and smooth, and yet there was still something. She shrugged her shoulders and tossed the towel on the counter.

As she climbed into the soft, big bed she snagged her phone from the bedside table. She propped herself up against the headboard with the many fluffy pillows that adorned the bed and hit the text message icon on her phone.

"Oh boy," she muttered as she saw text after text from Decebel. I knew it was going to be bad, she thought as her fingers began moving deftly across the small onscreen keyboard.

Jen txt: Hello?

Jen held her breath as she waited for his response. And waited, and waited. She frowned at her phone. "Okay, maybe he's asleep," she spoke into the darkness. A few more minutes went by with no response.

Feeling bereft and very empty, she snuggled down into the pillows and laid the phone beside her. She knew she should have answered his texts, but she also knew he was going to be upset and worried if he knew she was out among the other males. Could have handled that better.

Jen had just begun to drift off into a restless sleep when her phone chirped.

She looked at the screen through sleep-filled eyes. She nearly cried when she saw it was a text from Decebel. She didn't care if he yelled at her, she just needed to hear from him.

Decebel txt: Hey baby

Now she did cry. She was expecting him to rant and rave, but instead he sent her a simple “hey baby.” She could hear him in her mind, and see the half smile that would be on his lips. She sat back up and wiped her tears away before replying.

Jen txt: No yelling?
Decebel txt: r u ok?
Jen txt: physically yes
Decebel txt: did anyone touch u 2day?
Jen txt: no
Decebel txt: no yelling
Jen txt: I'm sorry 4 not responding
Decebel txt: I understand why
Decebel txt: doesn't mean I like it
Jen txt: I worried u
Decebel txt: yes
Jen txt: I shouldn't have
Decebel txt: I'm not mad Jennifer
Jen txt: thank you
Decebel txt: I miss u. I feel empty
Jen txt: me 2
Decebel txt: I will see u 2moro nite

Jen shot straight up at the words on her screen. He was getting out? Tomorrow night? "Not good," she muttered. Okay, she was going to have to get Costin to intercept and stall him somehow. She snorted. "Yeah, that'll go over real well."

Jen txt: ur get n out ;)
Decebel txt: Vasile is talking with the other As, explaining our situation
Jen txt: that's good
Decebel txt: r u happy?
Jen txt: of course! I have no 1 to growl at me w/u gone :)
Decebel txt: It's late
Jen txt: is that ur way of telln me 2 sleep w/out b n bossy?
Decebel txt: it's my job to take care of u Jennifer
Jen txt: hey B, it's late and I'm tired, think I'll call it a nite
Decebel txt: lol, that's my girl
Jen txt: miss u, nite xoxo
Decebel txt: miss u more, nite baby xoxo


Jen set her phone on the bedside table and snuggled back into the covers. She was exhausted, but rest would elude her because now she had to figure out how she was going to keep Decebel from finding out about her plan. She knew that after it was said and done he would be angry, but her motto had always been “it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.”

Looked like that motto was finally going to bite her in the butt.


Decebel lay back on the bed in his temporary prison and thought about Jennifer's response to his release tomorrow. He'd expected a little more than “that's good” and since he didn't doubt her feelings for him, that only left one other explanation. She was up to something. He smiled to himself. His mate was going to keep him on his toes, no boring life for him. Oddly enough he looked forward to the havoc she was sure to wreak.

Decebel closed his eyes and chuckled to himself. Now, only to get out tomorrow and stop whatever plan she and her cohorts were implementing without killing some innocent – or not so innocent – males.




"How is Decebel doing?" Alina asked her mate as she curled up next to him in their bed, her head on his chest.

Vasile stroked her long dark hair gently. Even after centuries there was still nothing better than his mate in his arms, her scent surrounding him.

"He seems to be a little better since he can communicate with Jen."

Alina laughed. "I can't see Decebel texting like some enamored teenager."

Vasile smiled and chuckled with her. "I've no doubt she is his mate and like all of us males is utterly lost without her."

"So you admit that you would be lost without me," she teased.
"Mina, ma vad (see me)," he whispered.
Alina leaned back so she could look into his eyes, a privilege few had.

"Eu sint nimic fara tine (I am nothing without you). Fara tine nimic in viata aceasta ar insemna nimic (Without you, nothing in this life would mean anything)." Vasile pulled her up so that he could place both hands on either side of her face. Gently, he stroked her cheeks and loved the way her skin flushed under his gaze.

"Without you, Alina, colors would not be as bright, fragrances would not be as sweet, and food would be bitter ash in my mouth. For two centuries you have been by my side. Not behind me, but by my side, as my equal. During these two centuries I don’t know if I have ever truly expressed to you what you are to me, what you mean to me."

Vasile wiped the tears that had escaped from her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her softly, then pulled back just enough so that when he spoke his lips brushed hers. "If Jacque and Jen are even half the woman you are, Fane and Decebel will be blessed beyond all measure. So never, ever doubt that without you I would wander through this world in darkness and hopelessness. I would be a shell of a man, unable to lead, unable to care for my pack. I love you, Alina mine."

They sat quietly, forehead to forehead, lips barely touching. Breathing in each other's air, literally being life to the other. When they finally turned out the light, wrapped in each other's arms, Alina whispered into the darkness the words she had spoken during their long ago Bonding ceremony.

"Sufletul meu pentru dumneavoastra, inima mea pentru dumneavoastra, viata mea pentru dumneavoastra (My soul for yours, my heart for yours, my life for yours)."

"Always, Mina,” Vasile whispered into her mind.



Chapter 26


"Look alive, people." Jen clapped her hands as she walked into the small room she had requested, via text, they all meet her in.

"What's going on, Queen o' drama?" Sally asked.
"Decebel texted me last night. I'll spare you the sappy details, but -"
"That's a first," Jacque muttered.
Jen made a hand motion like a mouth closing and shushed Jacque.
"What I will share is that he said he's getting out tonight."
Mutterings rippled across the room: "Crap." "Great." "Perfect."

"I knew this would happen," Costin growled. "Do you know what he's going to do to me when he finds out I helped you, Jen?"

"I have a fairly good idea. But we aren't going to freak out like a bunch of amateurs."
"But we are amateurs, you -" Before Jacque could finish, Jen interrupted.
"Uh-uh, no need for name calling."
"Puulease, I know you've called me much worse." She rolled her eyes.

"Jacque dear, that's the past. This is the now, and right now we need to figure out how we are going to keep the big bad wolf from finding out about the three little pigs' scheme."

"Did you just refer to us as the three little pigs?" Sally asked incredulously.

"Oh, good grief. Fine. Three little, hot as hell, give Ms. Piggy a run for her money, pigs. Better?" Jen batted her eyes.

"You're in rare form, Jennifer Adams."

"Okay, so what I'm thinking," Jen continued, "is that Costin or Cynthia will have to be the ones to be on the lookout for Dec because y'all will be able to smell him before you ever see him."

Costin groaned. "I knew I should have just stayed in my room. Kept to myself. But nope, I just had to hang around the hot unmated females. I just had to be my usual charming self."

"No self esteem issues on that side of the room, huh?" Sally interrupted.
He looked up at her and grinned. "I have a weakness for beautiful women and they seem to have a weakness for me."
"Definitely no self esteem issues."

Jen continued on, ignoring their play. "I don't think we need to change any of our plans at this point. I think we just need to be extra vigilant."

"Did you just use the word vigilant?" Jacque laughed.
"Jacque!" Jen growled.
"Okay, okay. I'll shut up. I realize your evil plan is stressing you out."
"Honestly," Jen agreed. "Who knew it would be so exhausting being the villain?"
"Haven't you ever watched any Disney movies?" Sally asked as they all stood up to go to breakfast.
Jen looked at her questioningly.

"Seriously, Jen, do you think all those wicked witches look like they've been ridden hard and hung out to dry because it's easy being evil?"

Cynthia, Crina, and Marianna, who'd been sitting quietly through the meeting, lost their composure at that.
Jacque and Jen were grinning from ear to ear.
"I do believe we have managed to corrupt our sweet little Sally." Jacque high fived Jen.

"It's about time, too." Jen nudged Sally with her shoulder. "I was beginning to think that she was beyond help."

"You two are disturbed. Like, seriously in need of major pills and years of counseling disturbed."
Crina looked over at Cynthia. "Are all Americans like this?"
Cynthia winked. "No, I think it's a Southern thing."
Jen cackled. "It's like I always say, us Southern belles give 'em hell!"
"Yee-haw!" Jacque and Sally hollered as they made their way into the hall.
"Way to not draw attention to us, ladies," Costin muttered as they passed other pack members.

"Costin, sweetie, there is no way to not draw attention to all this."

All the girls laughed as Costin rolled his eyes.
"Let's go -" Jacque started.
"Get our grub on. Yeah yeah, we know, wolf princess."


Vasile waited for everyone to be seated before he addressed them about the day's plans.
"I wanted to give you all an update on the situation with Decebel."
Jen sat up straighter, waiting to see what Vasile would say.

"Alina and I will be dining with the other Alphas tonight, and I plan to broach the subject of Decebel and Jen. Hopefully, once I explain things, they will be willing to allow Jen and Decebel to spend some time together without requiring them to participate in any more events."

Jen let out the breath she'd been holding. "Is Decebel going to be allowed out tonight?"

Vasile's eyes softened as he looked at Decebel's mate. "I don't know yet, Jen. If the Alphas don't agree, then it will probably be best to keep Decebel separate from everyone until we return home."

Jen just nodded her head in understanding.

"As for the rest of the day, our females will be having fencing lessons. Some of the older unmated males come from a time period when guns were not the method of warfare."

"No offense, Alpha," Jen spoke up, "but telling us that the males we should be looking for as mates are old enough to be considered exhibits in ancient museums doesn't do much for the ol' libido."

Crina and Marianna snickered while Sally rolled her eyes and covered her face in exasperation.

Vasile smiled. "So, then you will be happy to know that your mate is at least half a century away from being inducted into said exhibit."

Jen glared. "Not cool, V. So not cool."

Vasile chuckled and winked at her.

"Let's eat and be off. Oh, and one more thing, Jen," Vasile addressed her, face wiped clean of the smile. "Please refrain from stabbing some poor, unsuspecting wolf."

Jen blinked innocently. "Does that mean I can stab a suspecting fur ball?"
Vasile growled.
"I'll take that as a negative. Roger that, Alpha sir."



Chapter 27


Thad answered the cell phone that vibrated in his pocket.

"What?" he snapped at his contact. "So you have found a location to take her? Did you get the urine to pour on her?” He listened. “I understand that you think it's disgusting, but it would be pointless to hide her if they could sniff her out. The urine will mask it. Do as I ask. You know the price you will pay if you do not." He hit the end button and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

He stepped from the suite into the adjoining area that had been set up as a dining room, and watched as two of his mated females prepared the table for the dinner that would take place in less than an hour. He had made sure every detail had been taken care of, down to the moment he would hand Vasile, the greatest Alpha in two centuries, the fatal drink.

Thad smiled to himself as he thought about how the week had played out. Vasile's Beta was locked up, and they were all so distracted by the situation with him and the American they didn't have any idea there was a traitor amongst them.

He walked over to the mini bar and poured a drink. He lifted it into the air as he whispered under his breath, "Here's to a night to remember." He slung the liquor back, savoring the burn it caused in his throat.

A knock at the door brought him out of his reverie. He motioned for one of the females to open it. Dragomir and his mate Agnes walked in.

"Dragmoir," Thad inclined his head to the Hungary pack Alpha, then approached his mate. "Agnes. Looking ravishing, as always." He took her hand and gently laid a kiss on it.

"Thank you, Thad." Agnes smiled genuinely. "We feel honored to be your guests and honored to be included in this monumental event. It's time we stop fighting amongst the packs and join forces to help our species survive."

"Spoken like a true Alpha female."

They continued with small talk as each Alpha and his mate arrived. Vasile and Alina were last, both walking with the confidence that comes with reigning for two centuries. Thad made himself smile and gush over Alina just as he had the other females. He reminded himself that this would be the last time he would have to watch the pair cloaked in their own power. That thought was enough to bring about a sincere smile as he invited them all to sit around the table.

He planned for them to eat and relax, to give Vasile and his mate one more good meal before they left this life. Then he would personally hand each couple a glass of his oldest and most expensive wine. The poison would begin flooding Vasile's system within half an hour of consumption, and all hell would break loose.




"I can't believe that wuss bellyached when I nicked him with the tip of my sword," Jen growled as she and the other TFFs climbed the stairs to convene in her room. They'd finished dinner a couple of hours ago and had been sitting around, shooting the breeze when Jacque glanced at her phone and noticed it was only forty five minutes until Jen, Crina, and Marianna were supposed to meet the males in the gym.

"Jen, you slit his wrist. That's a little more than a nick," Sally pointed out.
"It healed in under a minute. I could understand his moaning if I had cut his hand off, but seriously."
Crina and Marianna laughed at Jen as they all piled into her room.

Jen immediately turned and pointed at Jacque and Sally. "Okay, you two are to meet Costin and Cynthia in," she glanced at her phone, "twenty minutes in Cynthia's office." She turned to Crina and Marianna. "I think we should wear bathing suits under our clothes. That way, if the top layer does come off, we aren't showing off our undies."

"Okay, we'll go and change and meet you back here in fifteen minutes," Crina told her as she and Marianna left. Jen gave them a nod, heading for her closet.

"Okay, Jen. We're out," Jacque hollered as she and Sally headed for the door.

"Wait, hold up." Jen stuck her head out from around the closet door. "What did you tell wolf-man you were doing this evening?"

"That I was spending quality time with Sally. Which isn't really a lie."
Jen smiled, but it was sad. "I'm sorry you've had to keep this from him."
Jacque shrugged. "I take comfort in knowing Decebel is going to beat your ass when it's all said and done."
Sally laughed.
"Thanks for that, Jac," Jen grumbled.
"Just keeping it real." Jacque waved as she and Sally left.

Jen stood in her closet, contemplating just how angry the Beta was going to be. "Won't be pretty, that's for sure," she muttered as she continued to search for her clothes.


Twenty minutes later, Jen, Crina, and Marianna sat in the middle of the gym with a deck of cards, glasses they had stolen at dinnertime, and some vodka Costin had somewhat shadily acquired. They had laid pillows from their beds around in a circle to lounge on, and Jen had set up her iPhone to play club music. Crina managed to figure out how to turn on only half the lights so it wasn't so bright, but a soft glow fell over the floor.

"Okay, now we just need the -" Before Crina could finish her sentence, the gym door opened and in walked four wolves.
"Where's the fifth man?" Jen asked with a wink.
"Alpha had business for him to take care of, so you ladies will have to make do with the four of us," Damion answered.
"I'm sure we'll manage somehow," Crina flirted.
Jen indicated where they should sit and Marianna passed out the shots.

"Okay, let's start this night out right." Jen lifted her glass filled with just enough vodka to throw back. "Here's to a night to remember!"

Everyone raised their glasses and clinks filled the room as they tapped them together and drank.

Jen watched the four wolves to see if there was any indication that they'd realized their drinks were laced. She grinned when they held their glasses out for another. Crina poured the shots as Jen began shuffling the deck.

"Okay, so you boys know how to play poker?"

"We looked up the specifics on the internet," Adrian informed her.

Jen looked at Crina and Marianna out of the corner of her eye. "Excellent," is what came from her lips, but she was thinking, Like taking candy from a baby.

She dealt out the cards. "We're going to keep it simple and play five card draw. Now, just like in a regular game, you can chose to fold, you can bluff, and you can call. Since we aren't playing for money, the easiest way to determine how the clothes come off are based on the bets. For example, if you bet a dollar that would equal a sock. If you were to bet five dollars that would be a shirt, so on and so forth. Make sense?"

"So the higher the bet the more intimate the apparel that is removed?" Damion asked.
"Exactly." Jen smiled.
"You've really put some thought into this, haven't you?" Josif asked.

"We Westerners take our poker very seriously, regardless of the method of pay." She set down the cards left in the deck and picked up her own. Everyone followed suit and looked at their hands.

"Okay. So, starting with the player to my left – Crina, place your bets." Jen looked at her expectantly.

Earlier, Jen had told them to only stay in the game when the bet was under five bucks, and fold any other time. She didn't like to brag, but she knew poker. She'd have these guys in their skivvies in no time. She would make the big bets to bait them, and regardless of the fact that they were wolves, they were men and she was just a little ol' girl. They wouldn't want to fold – it would make them appear unconfident and weak.

Jen had grinned at Crina and Marianna and made them laugh when she broke Kenny Rogers' “The Gambler.” Marianna had asked, "Do you Americans have a song for everything?"

Her response had been, "You should see our reality TV."


Crina placed her bet.

And so it begins, Jen thought.



"Okay, let's go." Costin rubbed his hands together nervously.
"You okay Costin?" Sally asked. "You seem a little jumpy."
Costin looked at her and grinned. "Ask me after I survive this with my manhood intact."
Sally blushed and quickly followed Jacque.


They made it to the bottom of the staircase on the east side of the mansion. The Serbian pack's rooms were nearby.

"Okay.” Costin pointed. "I'll come up with you and make sure the rooms are empty. Then Cynthia and I will go wait beneath the windows for you to start chucking out the goods."

Jacque nodded.
Sally cringed. "I think I'm going to be sick."
Jacque grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hold it together, Sal. We got this, okay?"
"We got this," Sally repeated, sounding anything but confident.


Costin tried the doorknob of the first room that he knew to be Damion and Adrian's. It opened smoothly into a dark interior. He grinned. "Good to go, ladies." He motioned them inside. "I'll check the other two and be on my way. You two hurry, alright?"

Sally and Jacque nodded as they began moving into the dark room.

Jacque made a beeline for the closet while Sally started stripping the beds.

"I really think we should be wearing gloves for this." Sally cringed as she pulled the sheets off and rolled them into a tight ball.

"Hey, leave one of those sheets unrolled. We can put all the clothes in a pile on the sheet and throw it out all together," Jacque hollered from the closet.

"Good call."

Jacque came out of the closet, arms full of clothes."Let's do this."

Sally laughed. She went to the window and pushed it open. Then she nudged the screen out and it fell three stories below, where Cynthia and Costin stood.

Costin waved and motioned for her to start throwing stuff down. Sally grinned and gave a thumbs up. She grabbed the first set of bedding and tossed it out. She looked down and saw Cynthia gather it up and put it in a wheelbarrow.

From there on out they worked like a well-oiled machine. Jacque ran around grabbing anything that could possibly cover a body part, Sally threw it out the window, and Costin and Cynthia stowed it in the wheelbarrow.

Five minutes later, they moved onto the next room.

Sally started pulling the sheets off the beds again as Jacque busted out a whispered version of “Heartless.” Sally joined in as they worked.

On the third and final room, Sally leaned out the window as she dropped the final article of clothing. "How's the bonfire looking?" she whispered as loud as she could.

Costin grinned. "It's going to be epic!"
She giggled as Jacque pulled her back in. "Come on, Sal. We don't have time for flirting."
Sally's mouth dropped. "I so was not flirting."

"Just keep telling yourself that, sweetie. Maybe when Jen becomes a nun it will be true." She laughed as she tugged Sally out of the room and down the stairs. They hurried in the direction of the gym.

"I wonder how far they've gotten in the game?" Sally asked.

"It shouldn't take long. Jen said they were playing five card draw. That's a pretty quick game of poker." Jacque quickened her pace as she thought about how Jen might be sitting there, trying to keep naked werewolves occupied.

They made it to the gym and snuck up to the door windows. Jacque peeked up quietly and nearly died laughing.
"What? What's going on?" Sally yanked on Jacque's sleeve.
Shaking with silent giggles, she pointed to the window.

Sally quietly looked through the window's edge and quickly covered her mouth at what she saw. Marianna and Crina sat – looking rather put out – in their bathing suits. Across from them, four disgruntled males sat with nothing but socks on. They had taken the pillows and laid them across their laps. Jen didn't look much happier as she pulled her shirt over her head. Although, she still had her pants on.

Jacque jerked her phone out and texted Costin to get his butt here and help go door to door to announce the party. Sally and Jacque took off at a run and nearly collided with said wolf.

"Whoa! So we're good?" He held the fliers in his hands and handed each girl a stack.
Jacque nodded. "Let's hurry. Have you seen any sign of Decebel?"
Costin shook his head. "No, so we had better move our butts."

They all took off at a run, headed for the stairs. They made it to the second floor and immediately started knocking on doors. As they opened they smiled and pushed fliers into the hands of the occupants.

When they got to the end of the second floor and were on their way to the third, Jacque sent Jen a text, letting her know that the animals were on the move. Male and female wolves were already heading towards the gym. Then she quickly wrote Cynthia a text that said, “baby, light my fire,” and snickered as she hit send.

Jacque and Sally had gone ahead of Costin, trying to get out as many fliers as possible before the inevitable happened.

Costin finally caught up with them and took the rest of the fliers. "You two go on and get out of here. I have a bad feeling."

Jacque looked alarmed. "What's wrong?"
He pushed them. "Just go. And hurry."
The girls didn't question him again, but joined the throngs of Canis lupis walking down the stairs.


Costin handed out the last flier and took off. He'd made it to the final staircase when a hand suddenly grabbed his collar.
"Why is there a fire on the front lawn?"
"Oh. Hey, Beta." Costin laughed nervously. "They let you out. Was it for good behavior, or -"
Decebel took a step towards him and growled, "Answer the question, Costin."

"The fire – okay, well. You see, what happened – what it is... Shit." He groaned and decided he'd be better off just giving it up. "Jen's burning the clothes, linens, and so on of the unmated Serbia males," Costin finally spit out.

Decebel stared at him like he had grown a second head.
"Where is my mate now?" Decebel's voice was calm, too calm.
"Um, getting the rest of their clothes."
"From where?"

"From, uh, the, um, males." Costin was trying to stall as long as he could, hoping Jen would already be out of the room.

"How is she getting the clothes from them, Costin." Decebel's eyes were glowing and his canines descended.
"It's kind of a funny story, actually. See, Jen, Sally, Crina, Marianna, and Jacque -"
"HOW!" Decebel growled.

"They're playing strip poker." Costin took several steps back as his Beta fought for control of his wolf. "If it makes you feel better, Jen is winning. I think." In hindsight, he decided that maybe that last part wasn't really helpful.

Decebel reached out and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pushed him forward. "Take me to her."



Jen heard her phone let out a little beep. She laid her current hand of cards face down on the floor in front of her, and started to stretch, lifting her arms above her head.

"Boys, I need a break for just a sec. How about another shot?"

The wolves across from her had their eyes glued to her frame as she arched and stretched. They all nodded in unison but didn't speak. Jen smirked at Crina, who simply chuckled as she poured another round of shots.

While Jen continued to stretch, she leaned towards Marianna. She got close to her ear and whispered, "The cavalry is on the way."

Marianna gave a slight nod of her head and smiled at the males as they tipped their shots back.

Jen glanced down at her half-clad body. Man, that was close, she thought.

As the gym door clanged open and her ears were met with ominous silence, she knew she had spoken too soon.



Decebel and Costin arrived at the gym door and Decebel had a sense of deja vu.

"If my mate is on the other side of that door..." He muttered the unfinished threat.

Several wolves had gathered and were looking in through the window. There was a murmur across the crowd of, "Are they naked?" along with giggles and laughter.

The Beta snarled and the crowd parted like the red sea. Decebel slowly stepped forward, and when he got to the window, he had to dig his claws into the palms of his hands to keep from phasing at what he saw. All the wolves around him fell to their knees as his power poured over them.

He turned back to the crowd. "Everyone return to their rooms. Now." His calm tone did not hide the rage inside him. Without a word, the wolves rose and left quickly.

Decebel looked down at Costin, who was still on his knees.

"Stand," he told him gruffly. "You knew she was going to do this? You knew how I would feel about it and you let her do it anyway?" His eyes were glowing and he was fighting with each breath to keep his wolf from striking out at the pup before him.

"I take full responsibility," Costin told him firmly.

"I will deal with you when I'm done with her." Decebel dismissed him.

He roughly pulled the gym door open and walked in. The scent of fear hit his nose as the four naked males turned and met his glowing eyes.


"Aww-kward," Jennifer sang as she watched Decebel storm in. She stood up, leaving the circle of naked males and half-naked females.

Decebel looked at Jennifer long enough to see that she was wearing tiny pieces of fabric that barely covered her essentials. Then he had to look away. He shook and fought for control, but nearly lost it when he noticed that his female pack mates weren't wearing much more. By the time his eyes landed on the males again, he was sure there was a puddle of blood on the floor from his claws digging into his hands.

Decebel was seeing red at this point.

"Phase to your wolves!" he snarled at them.

He waited and when nothing happened, he took large menacing steps forward. "You dare defy me as you sit naked in a room with my mate?"

Damion growled but lowered his eyes. "We can't phase. We've tried."
Decebel's eyes shot up to Jennifer's.
She shrugged innocently, biting her bottom lip. "Oops."
Now standing, Marianna and Crina backed slowly away as Decebel moved toward Jen.
"What did you do?" he asked her.
She glanced over at the Serbian males, then back at Decebel. "Do we have to do this here, in front of them?"
"Costin," Decebel called.
"Yes, Beta?"

"Please make sure these males get back to their rooms safely. As soon as Crina and Marianna are clothed, take them to their rooms as well."

Crina and Marianna had their clothes on before he finished speaking.

Decebel turned back Damion. "If you lay a hand on my pack mate, I will rip you limb from limb. I hope that this experience has taught you not to mess with our females."

Jen smirked but quickly wiped it clean when Decebel glared at her.

"You have my word we won't retaliate," Damion growled out.

Decebel nodded once and motioned to Costin to take the group out. He let out a slow breath. When Jen started to speak, he held up a hand to stop her.

"Get dressed, please." His voice was tight, his eyes narrowed.
Jen grabbed her shirt and slid it over her head, then slipped her shoes on.
"Let's go," he told her. Gently, but firmly, he took her hand.


Chapter 28


Decebel opened the door to Jennifer's room and motioned for her to enter. He hadn't spoken since the gym. He didn't trust himself. Not to mention, his wolf was making him bite his tongue because, although he was angry, he wouldn't allow Decebel to hurt Jennifer with his words.

Once inside, she walked over to the bed and slumped down. Her shoulders rolled over in defeat. He hated seeing her that way, but couldn't rid himself of the image of her barely dressed in front of those naked males.

"Why?" he asked her, his voice raspy as he tried to keep his wolf in check.
Jennifer looked up at him, no tears in her eyes, just simple resolve.
"They needed to learn not to mess with me and mine."
Decebel growled. "It's my job to protect you and defend your virtue."

"The hell it is!" She growled back. "It my virtue, Decebel. The key word is MY! I'm not going to sit back like some little obedient mate when someone takes a shot at me. Or you, for that matter."

Decebel snarled.

Jennifer stood up and walked towards him, but he turned away. He was too angry for her touch. His back did not deter her.

"I'm sorry that I kept this from you," she told him as she wrapped her arms around from behind. "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I worried you. If it's any consolation, this will probably be the last time I take my clothes off in public."

Decebel's chest rumbled. "Probably?" he growled.

She smiled as she rubbed her face against his back. "Well, I'm not putting my dream of being a Vegas show girl on the back burner just yet."



Jen waited while Decebel's wolf slowly calmed down as she held him close. Finally, he turned to face her. He placed his hands on either side of her face, pushing stray strands of blonde hair out of the way. He ran his thumb gently along her bottom lip and Jen felt her breath catch.

"I've needed you, and missed you," Decebel whispered.

Jen didn't speak. She couldn't as he held her mesmerized by his glowing amber eyes. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply. Her eyes fell shut as his chest rumbled as he growled.

Then his lips were on hers. Gentle at first, but then he slipped his tongue through her lips and Jen gasped at the contact. Decebel started backing her up until Jen felt the bed against the back of her legs. He laid her back onto the bed, covering her body with his, never breaking the kiss. Jen's hands came up of their own accord and she ran her fingers through his hair, sighing at the softness.

Decebel pressed her more firmly into the mattress and she felt his hand on her calf. Slowly he ran his hand up to the back of her thigh, pulling her body closer until his hand cupped her bottom.

Jennifer groaned at the feel of his hand on her, not that she'd never had a guy put their hand on her butt, but this felt different. So much more intimate and possessive. Decebel trailed kisses from her cheeks, down her neck, up to her collarbone as Jen tried to catch her breath.

When he nipped her she gasped. The sound pushed through the fog of desire that had clouded Decebel's mind. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, gently caressing her face with his fingertips.

"We should stop," he whispered as he traced her red, moist lips in a trance-like state.
"Uh-uh," Jen muttered.
"Jennifer," Decebel growled. "Tell me to stop."
Jen closed her eyes in order to escape his soul-searing amber gaze. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Clearing her throat, she was finally able to speak. "Decebel, I want you to stop." She opened one eye to peek at him. "How was that?"

A smile threatened to cross his face. "Almost convincing."
A thought hit Jen's mind as she considered what he was asking her to stop him from doing.
"Are you a virgin?"
Decebel shook his head and chuckled. "You're quite blunt, aren't you?"
Jen cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Jennifer, I'm 125 years old," he told her, as if that explained it all.

"That's not an answer," she growled. Then another thought hit her. "Should I be creeped out that you are so old?"

"If you want to break it down to a science, Canis lupis actually age one year to a human's six. I'm more like twenty in 'your years,' in a sense. If anyone should be creeped out it should be Jacque. Fane is only three."

That made Jen laugh. "Oh, that is just too rich. Definitely going to have to hold that one over her head." Then she got serious. "Okay, so twenty I can handle. Now, Captain Evader, answer the first question."

Jen looked taken aback. "No. You are refusing to answer?"
Decebel growled. "No, the answer to the question is no."

Jen just stared at him, not really sure how to respond. She knew she shouldn't be shocked, but she couldn’t keep from feeling the hurt that flashed across her heart at his answer.

"Are you okay?" Decebel asked gently.
"When was the last time?" she asked him quietly
Decebel groaned. "Do you really want to do this?"
"When, Decebel?"
He tilted her head back up to look at him when she tried to shy away.
"It's been five years."
Jen's mouth fell open. “Oh.” Her eyes moved to the ceiling.
Decebel caressed her cheek softly. “Are you okay?”

After a moment, she sucked a breath in through her teeth. “Well, I never thought I'd date such a loser... Five years?” Her eyes met his now, her mouth pulled up into a mocking smile. “I really overestimated your sexiness.”

He rolled off of her and threw an arm over his face. “You are exasperating, woman.”
“That's what you like about me.”
Decebel grumbled noncommittally.
"So...does that mean you aren't mad at me anymore?" Jen asked hopefully.
He lifted his lip in a snarl, and she could see his canines were still descended.
"I'll take that as a 'not a chance in hell.' Good to know."

Then, randomly: "Did Matty," Decebel snarled the name, "touch you?"

She laughed. "You're seriously still hung up on that?"

When he didn't answer, she huffed and rolled her eyes. "We kissed, but that's it. And I only did it to keep him occupied so Sally could make a break for it."

Decebel took her by surprise when he was over her once more, his mouth covering hers.

Suddenly, the door to Jen's room flew open, and Decebel rolled off of Jen with a howl of pain and rage.

Jen sat up and saw a very panicked looking Costin in her doorway. She felt a sharp tug inside her, almost like a pulled ligament, but she wasn't in near the pain that Costin and Decebel obviously were.

Decebel snarled as he forced himself to his feet.

"What's happened to him?" he gritted through his teeth.

Costin shook his head, visibly fighting through his own pain. "He collapsed at the dinner he's having with the other Alphas. Alina fell next to him." The wolf's eyes were becoming wilder the more he talked.

Decebel grabbed Jen's hand and headed towards Costin.

"Where's Fane?"

"He's on his way with Jacque to the suite..." he gasped “...where the dinner is,” Costin explained as they headed towards the stairs.

Jen stopped when two doors opened and Crina, Marianna, and Sally came into the hall.
Crina and Marianna were doubled over in pain.
Decebel snarled again, catching himself on the stair railing. Jen let go of his hand and ran over to help the girls.
"What's happened?" Crina cringed.

"Vasile has fallen," Decebel told them, still struggling in pain. "Jennifer, you and the other females need to get in a room and lock the door."

Jen looked him in the eye. "No, I'm going with you. We all are going with you." When he started to interrupt, she cut him off. "Sally might be able to help."

Decebel narrowed his eyes. "How?"

"She's a gypsy healer. She can heal werewolves."

Costin and Decebel's heads both snapped around to look at Sally, their mouths dropped open. Sally looked as if she wanted to crawl into a hole.

"How do you know this?" Decebel asked.

Sally started with, “It hasn't been conf -” but Jen spoke over her.

"She identified the herb that keeps wolves from phasing without looking it up. She just knew it. Cynthia said that's only a gift gypsy healers have and that there hasn't been one in a pack in over a century."

Decebel couldn't believe what he was hearing. What were the odds that a half blood, a dormant, and a gypsy healer would end up best friends and all in the same pack? The fates really had their hands in the Romanian Pack.

"Fine, let's go,” he conceded. “But I don't want you out of my sight."

Jen nodded once, then began helping Crina forward. Sally and Marianna followed as Costin led the way.



Chapter 29


Two hours into dinner, Thad was finally ready to pass out the drinks. The attendees brought out two trays. He walked over and began handing them out. The last glass, he handed to Vasile.

Thad raised his drink. "I want to toast to a new era for our species. Our time is now. Hopefully many of our pack members will find their mates and we will be able to bear pups once again. To each of you."

A ripple of agreement flowed through the room as they each took a drink from their glasses. Thad kept an eye on Vasile to make sure the Alpha drank enough of the wine to be effective. When he saw him drain it, he had to school the smile that flashed across his face.



Vasile looked over at his mate and smiled. "You look beautiful, Mina."

Alina blushed. "Still the charmer, my Alpha."

"Alw -" Vasile tried to finish the sentence, but he suddenly felt a tightening in his chest and was finding it difficult to breathe.

"Vasile." Alina's voice was worried as she pulled her mate's face up to look at her. She gasped when she saw the wolf staring back at her.

"Poison," the wolf told her, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he collapsed.

Alina only had a moment to realize what had just happened before she herself couldn't breathe. It was like something was crushing her chest, bearing down on her. Everything went dark and she, too, fell to the floor.

Gasps and hollers broke throughout the room as Victor hurried to the fallen Alpha's side.

"There is a pulse but it's weak." Victor looked at Thad. "Quick, find the doctor Vasile brought with his pack."

Thad nodded once and turned to whisper in his pack member's ear, who then hurried out of the room.

Thad looked back to where Vasile and Alina lay motionless. He had to force himself into action so as to appear to care. He helped Victor and Dillon lift the Alpha and carry him into the adjoining suite. Dragomir picked up Alina's limp form and laid her gently beside her mate.

Agnes and Adrianna both had tears running down their cheeks as they looked on. The group watched as Vasile and Alina's forms began to convulse.

"Somebody help them," Agnes sobbed. Dragomir wrapped his mate in his arms and whispered gently to her.

Dillon, who had backed up to the door, was nearly knocked over when Fane, Decebel, Sorin, Cynthia, and a slew of females came rushing into the room.




Jen came to an abrupt stop when she saw Vasile and Alina lying on the large bed, their bodies convulsing. Her hand covered her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. Sally pulled away from Marianna – some invisible force pulled her towards the bed.

As Sally got closer, Fane turned and snarled, but Cynthia pushed him out of the way.

"Let her through," Cynthia growled.

The entire room plunged into silence as Sally, in a trance-like state, approached the bed. She climbed up beside Vasile and placed her hand over his heart. His body calmed immediately.

"What the..." Murmurs wound through the room as mouths dropped open and eyebrows rose.

Sally leaned over Vasile and placed her forehead against his. She closed her eyes and her breathing became deep and slow, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

“I guess we have confirmation,” Jen whispered in Cynthia's direction.


"What is she doing?" Fane growled at the doctor as he watched Sally.
"She's a healer," Cynthia said in awe. "The first gypsy healer in over a century. In our pack."
Those old enough to understand the significance of her words lowered themselves to one knee.

Jen tugged on Decebel's sleeve. His eyes were glowing and she could see sweat had broken across his brow. "Why are they kneeling?"

"It is a great honor to be in the presence of a healer. Other packs will kneel out of respect."
After what felt like forever, Sally finally sat up. She turned to Decebel.
"His body has been poisoned with an herb. It's common in these parts. Moonseed." Her eyes were unfocused as she spoke.

"How? Who would do this?" Decebel snarled as he looked around the room. He wondered if he looked hard enough he'd be able to see their guilt.

"That doesn't matter right now," Sally continued in a low voice. "He needs the antidote. He is fading fast, and Alina even faster. He needs Wolfsbane. It will counteract the poison."

Marianna stepped forward. "I know what Wolfsbane looks like. I can go get some, it grows on the mountainside."

Jen looked at Jacque and Fane, saw the horror and fear in their eyes. She was so sick of people hurting those she loved. Decebel walked up to the bed as Sally climbed down to allow him closer. While he was distracted, Jen slid over to Marianna.

"Come on, I'll go with you," she whispered in her ear.

Marianna looked at her and a small smile appeared. "Okay." She nodded and they both backed slowly and quietly towards the door. Not one person glanced their way. All eyes were riveted on the fallen Alpha and his mate.




Marianna and Jen hurried through the mansion.
"We're going to need a flashlight for you," Marianna told her and made a quick detour.
"Where are we going to find flashlights?"
"There's a shed just out the far west doors. I'm crossing my fingers that there's one in there."
"Good call."

Marianna kept glancing at Jen from the corner of her eye, sure that she'd be able to pick up on her guilt. They made it out the door and headed straight for the shed, which had light glowing on the front of it, illuminating the entrance. They both hurried in and began rummaging through shelves.

"Gotchya." Jen grinned, holding up a large industrial flashlight. She flicked it on and shined it around the room.

"Perfect," Marianna agreed. "Okay, let's go before Decebel realizes you're gone."

They left the shed and headed to the front of the estate, hurrying to make it out of the gates and onto the dark mountainside. Both girls shivered as the cold hit them – neither had thought to grab a coat in their haste. Marianna knew that Thad made sure to have all the Wolfsbane close to the mansion destroyed, so they would have to walk a good ways out to find it.

"HEY! Wait up."

Jen's and Marianna's heads turned to find Sally running after them, her own flashlight in hand. Of course Sally would think to get a flash light – she was always prepared.

"Sally, what are you doing?" Jen asked in a rush.
"I saw you sneak out. I can help. I know what to do once we find the herb. It has to be ground up in a certain way."
Marianna squinted at her. "What do you mean?"

"The small leaves have to be separated and soaked in warm salt water to draw the healing properties out. If you just crush the plant and mix it in water it won't be worth anything."

"Fine, but be careful," Jen growled.
"Oh, you're one to talk about being careful," Sally snapped back.
Marianna started walking more quickly and Jen and Sally had to lengthen their strides to keep up.

"We're probably going to have to walk quite a ways. I'm thinking if we split up then we'll probably find it more quickly."

"Divide and conquer, sounds like a plan."

"Sally, you go far left," Marianna told her and pointed in the direction she meant. "Jen, you go far right, and I will go straight. You're looking for a plant with dusky green leaves and a purple bloom."

"Dusky and purple. Okay, let's do this." Jen headed in the direction Marianna had instructed.

She shined her flashlight across the ground, side to side, sweeping across the shrubbery. All the while muttering, "purple, purple, dusky, dusky," under her breath.

Jen had been walking for a half hour when she felt a shiver go down her spine. She stopped mid-stride and slowly turned in a circle. Looking into the trees, she shined the light into the foliage. Someone was following her. No, someone was stalking her.

"Who's there?" Jen continued to shine the light and she strained her eyes, trying to pierce the darkness.

Suddenly a dark form lunged at her. She dropped the flashlight to put her hands up and protect her face. She was hit roughly, knocking the breath from her lungs. Her head snapped back and she heard a crack as her skull struck something hard. The last thing she saw before blackness consumed her was sharp teeth and glowing eyes.



The wolf that was Marianna grabbed Jen's pant leg and began pulling her deeper into the mountains. She dragged her steadily for several miles to the deep cavern she had found. The wolf set Jen's supine form right at the edge of the cavern. Marianna then phased back to her human form.

Marianna shivered at the loss of her fur, but quickly shook it off and grabbed the buckets of wolf urine that Thad insisted she take, the ones she'd hidden the day before. She made it back to Jen's side just as Jen was beginning to moan and come to.

"Bloody hell," Jen groaned.

"I'm sorry, Jen. I'm sorry, but I have to do this." Marianna pushed Jen's legs over the edge of the cavern.

Jen gasped and her arms came flailing out as she reached to grab something, anything. Marianna gave another shove and Jen slid over the edge. Her stomach scraped against the stone as her shirt slid up; her nails tore as she scrambled to grab anything to keep her from falling.

Jen slid further and further, her feet pushing into any rock that might give her a foothold. Eventually she felt a protruding root and grabbed it, holding desperately onto the lifeline. She looked up and could just barely see Marianna in the darkness, leaning over the edge, a bucket of something in hand.

"Why are you doing this?" Jen asked, her voice tight with fear and the strain of holding on.

"You wouldn't understand." Marianna had tears streaming down her cheeks. "You have your mate. How could you possibly understand?"

"Try me," Jen snarled.
Marianna wiped her tears away. "I was in love. He was human."
Jen's mouth dropped open. "But what about your mate?"

"What about him," Marianna spat. "I don't see him. Do you, Jen? Who knows how long until I find him. It could take centuries, yet Vasile expects me to live alone, empty."

"He knows that only your mate will make the emptiness go away, Marianna," Jen said gently, trying to reason with the enraged she-wolf.

"I was happy with Drey. He made me laugh." Marianna's eyes clouded over as memories filled her mind. Then her face darkened. "Vasile found out and had Drey shipped off to the U.S. I was forbidden to see him, or any other human. The only way I can be with Drey is to no longer be under Vasile."

"Did you poison him?" Jen's eyes widened as her breath quickened.

"No. Thad did. Thad agreed to let me join his pack, and if I didn't find my mate among them, he agreed to let me go to the U.S. to find Drey. He told me I had to get rid of you. He figures getting rid of you will take care of the Beta as well. Decebel will either be killed by fighting Thad's pack or he will die searching for your body. He has plans for Fane, as well – they will be implemented in time."

Jen couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her arms were getting tired and beginning to shake. She had to try to get Marianna to change her mind somehow.

"Marianna, you don't have to do this. You could let me go and just leave. I won't tell anyone."

Marianna laughed. "Thad would kill me if I didn't finish the task he has given me. I'm sorry, Jen. I really liked you, but I love Drey and I won't spend my life hoping for a mate that I may never find."

She began to tip the bucket of liquid and Jen gagged as the stench hit her nose a second before the cold fluid drenched her. Jen sputtered and coughed, trying to keep it from her mouth.

"I am sorry about the urine, but Thad insisted," Marianna told her as she picked up another bucket and poured it. "He said it would cover your scent and it would take longer for them to find you."

Jen's hands began to slide as the root she was holding onto became slick from the urine. She tried to muffle the cry that came out when she slipped, only gaining her grasp at the last second.

"You would do anything to be with Decebel, Jen. That's what I have to do to be with Drey."

"Decebel is my mate, Marianna. It's not the same. You won't be satisfied with the human," Jen tried again, but knew it was hopeless as Marianna stood.

"I have to go, I don’t want them to come looking for me. I pray your death will be quick so you won't suffer." And then she was gone.

Jen stared up into the darkness, realizing just before her hands slipped free that she was going to die. A tear slipped down her cheek as her grip loosened against her will. She cried out hoarsely as she fell. It wasn't as deep as she thought, the fall didn't last long, but it didn't soften the landing. She hit the ground hard and once again, darkness took over.


Chapter 30

Sally finally spotted the purple flower herb. She ran, her flashlight bobbing over the ground. She fell down next to the plant and began digging to pull the plant up by the root. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew it had to have the root attached in order for the antidote to be potent.

She dug and dug, her nails caked with dirt, and finally pulled up several plants. She tucked them into her shirt and began to run again. Faster and faster she pushed herself, the urgency for her to return riding her like a pack of angry wolves.

Sally didn't give thought to Marianna or Jen, she figured they were big girls and could make it back on their own. She finally spotted the estate's massive gated entrance. As she hurried through the gate and rushed up the steps to the front door, she nearly ran into Cynthia.

"Umph," Sally grunted as she forced herself to stop. She looked up at the doctor. "Is he still alive?"

"Yes, but only just," Cynthia told her darkly. "I want us to do this in my office. I don't want to tell anyone what we're doing, and when we go up to give him the antidote we will tell no one that we have it."

"Do you know who poisoned him?" Sally asked as her eyes grew wider.

"No, but it had to be somebody in that little dinner party. I will try to get Fane and Decebel to clear the room, but both of them are very volatile right now." Cynthia cocked her head to the side. "Decebel especially so since he just realized his mate was missing."

Sally looked sheepishly at the ground. "She's out with Marianna looking for Wolfsbane."

Cynthia nodded once and echoed Sally's thoughts, "Well, they're big girls. They'll make it back. Now, let's you and I get this antidote made."

Cynthia pulled Sally into the mansion and they hurried to her office.



Sally laid the plants out and told Cynthia to get her a container with warm water and some small vials.
Cynthia set the items on the lab table in front of Sally.
"This is so freaky," Sally muttered.
"What is?"
"Me knowing what I should do. It's like someone just turned on a switch."

Sally worked quickly, removing the leaves and soaking them in the warm water. She filled the container until all that could be seen were floating, dusky leaves. As soon as the water was room temperature, she knew it was ready. She took the two vials and filled them.

Something clicked as she held the vials in her hands. Sally closed her eyes and felt the magic – that's all she could possibly call it – flow through her as she called upon the healing properties of the plant. Her mouth began to move as she spoke the words that appeared in her mind.

"You are named the bane of the wolf when you actually heal.
I call to you this day to seek out the poison meant to steal.
Penetrate the wolf and pour life back into him all.
Give strength to my Alpha, don't let him fall."


Sally opened her eyes and a single tear slid into one of the vials. Suddenly the liquid began to glow pure white.
"It is done," Sally told Cynthia resolutely.
Cynthia nodded. She pulled out her cell and sent a text to Decebel.
Cynthia txt: On our way
"Let's go."



Decebel paced, his wolf was worried and hurt. Their Alpha was close to death. His Alpha's mate was close to death. And Decebel's mate had taken off without so much as a “bye, fur ball.”

Cynthia had just texted him that she and Sally were coming up with the antidote. Now they just had to pray that it worked, that Sally really was a healer – though it seemed that she was. He asked for everyone to leave except for pack members, and the others stepped into the room where only hours ago the Alphas had laughed and toasted their packs.

Decebel continued to stare down the wolves through the open door, his wolf seeking out the one who would dare to hurt Vasile, but his mind was a mess, clouded with too many feelings. He would be calmer once Jennifer returned. Once she was by his side, he would sniff out the traitor.




Fane pulled Jacquelyn into his lap and wrapped his arms around her, trying to control her shaking. She was in shock – as was he.

"Who would do this, Fane?"

"I don't know, love. My father is very powerful, and with power comes enemies. I just didn't think there were any among us."

Jacque left Fane and walked to the bed, climbing up next to Alina. She took her hand and held it to her heart. Tears down her cheeks as she watched the woman she had come to think of as a mother struggle for every breath.

"She's the sweetest woman I've ever met, Fane. So selfless and loving.” Jacque couldn't stop the sob that forced its way from her chest. She leaned down over Alina and prayed for her to be spared, for them both to be spared.

Fane slid his arms around her. A single tear escaped down his cheek, for his parents and for his mate. So many deaths in the past months, so many lives wasted. And now more would be taken. Either his parents' or the one guilty of attempted murder.



Sally and Cynthia entered the room and Decebel closed the door behind them, shutting out the others. Sally walked quietly to the bed and climbed up next to her Alpha, for as his pack healer, he truly was her Alpha. Tears threatened to spill over as she thought about how she'd felt the poison in his system when pressing her hand to him earlier. It was slow, seeping into his cells, killing, destroying.

She pulled the vials from her pocket and tuned the room out as she unscrewed the lids. Placing a hand behind Vasile's head, she leaned forward and pressed the vial to his lips. Just as before, the words she needed to say flowed through her mind and out her mouth. She whispered close to his ear as she held the vial to his mouth, waiting to pour until his lips parted.

"Alpha mine, hear my voice. I am Sally, gypsy healer to the Romanian pack. I call on your wolf. Come forward and take care of the man who houses your spirit and protects your pack. Come forth, Alpha wolf, and trust that what I give you is to heal and not to harm."

Sally watched as Vasile's lips parted, and she was able to tip the antidote into his mouth. She quickly poured the second vial and watched him swallow, close his mouth, and become still again.

Once again, she leaned forward and placed her forehead to his. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She felt the wolf stirring beneath the man, hurting, afraid and angry. He feared for his mate, unable to feel her.

Sally whispered into his mind. She is here beside you, Alpha. No harm will come to her if you will fight. Fight the poison, let the healing liquid move throughout your body. If you are healed, she will be.

The wolf settled slightly. Sally could feel the Wolfsbane moving, seeking out the poison, almost as if it were a living being.

Rest now, Alpha. You are protected, you are loved. Sally pulled back and climbed down from the bed. She felt her body sag, not realizing how draining the healing had been. She looked at Decebel. "It's working. I don't know how long it will take until he wakes. They need to be protected and guarded."

"There will be no less than four wolves with them at all times. We will rotate in shifts so that everyone will get time to rest." Decebel turned to Fane. "I assume you want to stay?"

Fane nodded as he held his mate.

Decebel turned to the other pack members. "Skender, Boain, Sorin, you will take first watch with Fane. I have to figure out where the hell my mate is." He turned to Sally. "Come," he commanded gruffly.

Sally straightened, gathering her strength she followed the Beta out.

"Where is she?" Decebel asked her once they were in the hall, away from prying ears.

"She went with me and Marianna into the woods to find the Wolfsbane. We split up and I made it back first. I figured they would be right behind me," Sally explained quickly. She watched the Beta struggle to control his wolf.

"I'm going to check her room. Will you please get Cynthia and Crina and look for her as well?"

Not waiting for her answer, Decebel turned and quickly walked in the direction of Jennifer's room.



Decebel knew before he opened the door that Jennifer wasn't in her room. He entered anyway, needing her scent to surround him. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Only hours ago he had lain in this bed, holding her, kissing her, showing her how much he loved her and wanted her. How had this day gotten so screwed up so quickly? He felt his chest tighten as darkness seeped in. His Alpha was sick and the pack was weaker for it, his mate was missing, and his wolf was on the verge of rage.

Decebel's hands shook as he took Jennifer's pillow and pulled it to his face. He pulled in a deep breath and took a small amount of comfort from the warm vanilla and cinnamon that seeped into his very being.

His mind wandered to a time long ago when his heart had been held by another woman, young and full of life and spunk just like his mate. Cosmina had been a joy to all around her and he had lost her. He hadn't thought his heart would ever heal from the loss of his sister. But then he'd met Jennifer, his mate. She filled the hole in him and poured life where death had slowly begun to take over. Now he didn't know where she was, didn't know if she was okay.

Decebel's heart broke and his wolf pushed forward as a mournful howl poured from the very depths of his soul. As he took slow breaths, trying to calm his wolf and pull himself together, he could feel his wolf reaching, seeking the bond between them that had yet to truly solidify. His shoulders slumped.

Have you any idea how long I’ve waited for you?” His mind reached of its own accord.

I’ve only just found you and now I’m losing you.”

Then in the silence Decebel heard her.


Chapter 31


Jen could feel something warm and sticky running into her eyes. She reached up to wipe it away and a sharp pain pulled a gasp out of her. It was pitch black, she couldn't even see her hand in front of her face.


“Crap,” she growled. She realized then that she'd probably broken her arm. She moved experimentally and felt a stabbing pain in her side. Jennifer thought for a second, trying to remember what little she could from ER.

Okay, pain in the side, hard to breath. Probably broke a rib, maybe punctured a lung. Excellent.

She rolled to the side and was able to raise her other arm to her head. She felt a gaping wound, one that was pouring blood down her face and into her eyes. She tried to apply pressure, knowing she needed to try to stop the flow. She was weak, and getting weaker.

Have you any idea how long I’ve waited for you?”

Abruptly, Jen sat up and nearly screamed from the pain that ripped through her body. Not possible, she thought.

“I did not just hear that,” she spoke into the darkness. She closed her eyes and waited to see if she would hear more of the voice that she needed to hear as much as she needed air to breathe. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breathing was shallow, and despite the cold, she could feel sweat trickle down her neck.

I’ve only just found you and now I’m losing you.”

She let out a slow breath, savoring the sound in her mind. Finally, she thought as tears streamed down her cold cheeks, mingling with the blood that continued to flow. Finally.

Decebel?” she sent hesitantly.

Jennifer?” Decebel’s voice was urgent, firm.

You can hear me?” she asked him, still unable to believe that they were speaking through their thoughts. She had dreamed, wished, hoped, and longed for this to happen.

Bloody hell. Yes, I can hear you. Where are you? What happened?”

I don’t know where I am,” she told him, trying to remember what had happened. “It’s dark...and cold. The ground feels like rocks and dirt.”

Jennifer, what happened?” he asked her again.

It’s Marianna, Decebel. She made some sort of deal with Thad. Decebel –” her voice grew stronger as she began to remember what happened, Marianna pushing her into a hole in the earth. Pouring urine on her, now that was something Jen could honestly say she would have never had happen her life. My how her expectation of life had suddenly changed. “Fane and Jacque, they’re in danger. Thad wants them all dead. You have to protect them.”

I have to find you,” Decebel insisted.

No! You have to protect them. If something happens to Fane, Jacque will die. The same with Vasile and Alina. Decebel, you have to make sure they are safe,” Jen pleaded.

I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU TO DIE!” he roared at her through their bond. “Do

not ask this of me, Jennifer. I will not lose you. I can’t.” The last came out as a near whisper.

Decebel, we aren’t bonded. If something happens to me you can go on and have a life. Jacque can’t. If Fane dies, she goes with him. That’s not acceptable. I will not take her life for mine, do you hear me?”

Tears streamed relentlessly down her face as she tried to make him understand that she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if something happened to Jacque or Sally.

Bonded or not, Jennifer, you are my mate. What you ask goes against everything I am. I cannot put others in front of your well being. You ask for a river to reverse its flow and the fires of hell to freeze over. It isn’t possible.”

Decebel’s voice was becoming more and more of a growl as he tried to make her understand that as her mate, he would not abandon her.

I understand. This is hard for me, too. I love you, Decebel. I’ve loved you from the moment I met you. I love you bossy, mad, gentle, affectionate... I love you any way you come to me. I want us to have a chance, and I have to believe that the fates aren’t so cruel as to only give us this one. I have to believe that if we aren’t together in this life, then in the next.”

Jen tried hard to make her voice strong. She wasn’t going to pretend that the idea of never seeing Decebel again didn’t hurt worse than any pain she had ever experienced. She would rather be back in that burning car, feeling her flesh be seared, than think there was no chance to be with him. “If I have to, then I will believe enough for the both of us. But Decebel, if you come for me, I will never forgive you, mate or not. If you love me, clichéd as that is, you will protect those I love. And if this life is over for me, then live for both of us, and I will wait for you. I will see you again. I will kiss you, I will touch you, I will love you, Decebel. If not on this side, then on the other.”


Decebel’s shoulders shook at the force of emotion that rolled through him. Not since his sister had died had he felt such grief. Only this was worse, a thousand times worse. Jennifer didn’t get it. Though they weren’t yet bonded by blood, their connection was strong. Already he felt his soul tearing in two at knowing there was a possibility he would lose his mate.

How can you ask this of me? Please, Jennifer. Don’t.”

"To late," he heard her whisper.

Decebel took a deep breath. He hated himself for it, but he relented, knowing she would accept nothing less.

I love you. I will keep them safe, but I will come for you. You will live, do you hear me? You will live. LIVE ! Pentru mine, iubitule. Te rog traiesc (For me, baby. Please live).”

It's so cold... Decebel? Take care of those I love. That means you.”

Decebel felt her growing weaker, could feel her mind shutting down. He felt so helpless. Once again he was unable to save the one he loved. He squeezed his eyes shut and fell to the floor. Their bond had finally opened, and for a few brief moments he had felt her. Felt all of her. Now there was only darkness.

He momentarily gave himself over to the wolf that pushed and snarled to come forward. His eyes glowed, his claws extended digging into the carpet as he felt the pain pour over him. His canines lengthened as he tilted his head back and howled.

Standing, he shook with rage and wrenched the door open and walked out into the hall. He caught a scent that nearly made him phase. Marianna, he thought. Welcome home, pack mate.

Decebel took off at a run, following her scent. It led him straight to the room where his Alpha and his mate laid at death's door. The wolves in the adjoining suite separated as Decebel stormed through. He ripped the door from its hinges as he pulled it open.

Fane, Skender, Boain, and Sorin all came forward, snarling, preparing to defend their Alpha. When they realized it was Decebel and saw the look in his eyes, they all backed down and bared their necks. His eyes scanned the room and fell on his prey.

Marianna stood next to Sally, tears streaming down her cheeks. He walked over to her slowly, letting her watch her fate come near.

Decebel grabbed her around the throat and lifted her from the floor, her back against the wall.
"WHERE. IS. SHE!" he growled into her face.
Marianna squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to fight the compulsion in her Beta's voice.


Marianna knew if she told Decebel what he wanted to know, Thad's wolves would tear her limb from limb. She knew because that's exactly what Thad had told her would happen. She didn't know why she had come back – she should've just left – but she thought that would make her look guilty. It obviously hadn't mattered.

She knew Decebel would kill her, but he would be merciful and make it quick. Thad would torture her. She bit her lip until it started to bleed, struggling to breathe as her Beta's hand tightened.

"Answer me, Marianna."

"I can't, Beta. He'll kill me," she whispered.

"You are already dead. You were dead the moment you hurt my mate, the moment you dared to touch what is mine. You were dead the moment you agreed to lead her to her death "

"You won't torture me. Please." Marianna opened her eyes and looked into Decebel's. "I just wanted to be with him. Vasile wouldn’t let me."

Decebel's eyes widened as her words sunk in. "You did this for a human? For a man who is nothing to you?"

"I LOVE HIM. He is something to me." Marianna shook with her pain and grief.

"If you will not speak, then I have no further use for you," Decebel told her calmly.

Marianna nodded, accepting the fate she had chosen. She looked into Decebel's eyes once more, knowing it was the last thing she would ever see.

Let it be known this day Marianna broke pack law and hurt one of her own. Attempted to murder my mate and betrayed her Alpha. That is why she dies this day," Decebel looked at the female he had watched grow from just a pup." Decebe's eyes softened briefly, "This is not easy for me. We cannot allow betrayal in the pack. A pack is only as strong as the loyalty that holds it together. "

"I'm sorry."

He jerked his hand sharply to the side, breaking her neck before she could continue. He wouldn't drag her death out and he didn't want to hear her excuses. Not while his mate lay dying.

"Is everything okay? I thought I heard -"

Decebel turned at the sound of Thad's voice. Thad's eyes widened in shock as he looked from Decebel to the crumpled body at his feet. In that moment, he knew he'd been found out. As Decebel snarled and lunged, Thad phased in mid air and ran straight for the glass window, throwing himself through it.


Decebel stopped mid-stride when power wrapped around him.

"Decebel, come to me."

Decebel felt his Alpha's power surrounding him, offering him strength and comfort. He tried to fight it, but even in Vasile's weakened state he was strong. He turned, legs moving without his permission. He approached Vasile's bedside and lowered himself on one knee.

"Alpha." Decebel bared his neck as he trembled for control.

"Open yourself to me," Vasile instructed.

Vasile and Decebel had done this only one other time. It was an ability only an Alpha and Beta shared, a way to pass on the memories if the other should fall. Decebel closed his eyes and forced his breathing to calm. Vasile placed his hand on Decebel's forehead and watched the images and sounds the poured from his Beta's mind into his own.

The room was silent as the rest of the pack looked on, frozen by the events that had just unfolded, that they didn’t yet understand.


When it was done, Vasile opened his eyes and met Decebel's.
"She is alive."
"Only just." Decebel's voice was barely above a whisper.

"You can hear her thoughts?" Vasile's lips curved ever so slightly, happy that his Beta's bond with his mate had finally formed.

"I did. But now it's silent, dark."
"That could mean she is unconscious."
Decebel nodded, unable to even consider the alternative.
"We will find her, Beta," Vasile told him firmly.
Decebel stood. His wolf was still at the forefront, unable to rest, unable to think about anything but finding their mate.
"If..." Decebel had to clear his throat before he could continue. "If she dies, you will have to kill me."
Vasile nodded once, then added, "She will not die."
Decebel closed his eyes. "How can you be so sure?"
Vasile chuckled lightly. "No one as fierce as Jennifer Adams will go quietly into the night."






Decebel gathered rope, flashlights, and water. Costin was waiting along with Fane, Skender, and Sorin.
"Thad's pack bailed with him," Fane announced.
Decebel growled. "We will deal with him once Jennifer is safe."

"Vasile and Alina are under guard. They should be safe enough here, for now." Sorin's words were torn apart as screams erupted from down the hall.

The five males took off at a run towards the shouts and screams. Crina was running towards them.
"FIRE! They've set the mansion on fire."
Decebel kept moving toward the rooms that now had smoke billowing from them.

"Crina make sure Sally and Cynthia get out." Decebel told still running. Then turned to the males running alongside him. "Go through the rooms make sure everyone is out," he yelled over the roar of the flames. The fire was engulfing everything in its path quickly, too quickly, as if something gave it power.

More screams filled the mansion and, once the upper rooms had been checked, they tore through the rest of the house.
"Get everyone out now! Fane, you come with me. We'll get Vasile and Alina."
Decebel was running while shouting his commands. He snarled as flames crawled like demons from hell up the walls.
"Something about this is wrong, Beta," Fane spoke Decebel's thoughts aloud.
"Magic," Decebel muttered. "Dark magic."



Jen struggled to breathe, fading in and out of consciousness. She tried moving at one point, but the pain was so great that she had passed out. Something had just awoken her – a noise, maybe. It was dark, and so cold.

She heard scuffling far above her. An animal? A person?
"Hello?" Her voice was hoarse. "Please help me."
"What is your name?"
Jen heard the female voice some from somewhere up above and nearly sobbed at the sound.
"I'm Jen."

"Hello, Jen." The voice was so soothing and comforting – it made her want to curl up in a ball and sleep. "My name is Rachel…"







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