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Kimiko and the Accidental Proposal by Forthright (24)

Lady’s Choice


Sentinel excused himself to speak with the next classroom, and Reaver Armstrong moved to the corner of the room with Cove to answer questions and allow students to interact with his Kith partner. Meanwhile, Boon circulated through the room, asking questions in low tones.

Suuzu touched Kimiko’s hand. “You are wanted,” he murmured.

She had no idea how long Eloquence had been trying to catch her attention.

His gesture was crisp, commanding. Wait for me.

Kimiko shook her head. “I can’t. My sisters ….”

Eloquence’s lips pressed into a thin line, but he inclined his head. His gaze shifted, and he said something she couldn’t hear.

“He wishes you to meet him,” Suuzu relayed. “After school. In the Kith shelter.”

Akira was paying attention now. “What’s up, Kimi?”

She could feel color creeping into her face. “I need to talk to Eloquence.”

“How long?” asked Suuzu.

“Not long.” She shifted into a consenting posture.

Suuzu’s hand was warm around hers, and his declaration was just as crisp, commanding. “When you finish, Akira and I will walk you home.”

Across the room, Eloquence inclined his head again.

In context, the gesture could indicate simple understanding … or permission. With a sudden pang of uneasiness, she hoped it was the former. Calling Eloquence Starmark a beauty and kissing his hand had been a bit much. She’d wanted to win a smile, to give him a nice memory. But she hadn’t stayed around, and she didn’t know him well enough to guess if he’d been amused or insulted or … or all the other little things she usually never worried about.

Flirting with schoolgirls was easy. A nonsense game with no consequences since she never saw them again. But there would be no avoiding Eloquence Starmark.

Did dogs understand games? Did Amaranthine even flirt? Did he think her behavior strange for a reaver? Middle school and movies had turned her into a bizarre hybrid, teetering on the borderline of acceptability as a reaver.

“You are worrying him.” Suuzu left his chair to kneel beside her. “You are worrying me.”

She caught a glimpse of taut concern before Akira came around and sat on the table, blocking Eloquence’s view of her.

Akira asked, “What’s his deal?”

Kimiko hadn’t wanted to tell anyone until she felt more confident, but maybe by confiding in Akira and Suuzu, she’d find the confidence she needed. Leaning to one side, she met Eloquence’s waiting, worried gaze. And she proved that she, too, could be crisp, commanding. All is well. No insult intended. Untuck your tail. May clear skies fill your eyes. Shake those antlers, you ruddy buck.

Bemusement stole the tension from Eloquence’s expression. The last chivvying encouragement even netted her an amused huff. And now that he was smiling, she quietly asked, “Can I tell them?”

The answer came without hesitation—at your discretion.

Akira and Suuzu readily agreed to wait until they reached the privacy of Kikusawa Shrine before Kimiko unburdened herself. They would be waiting at the gate. And she was hurrying toward the inner compound that the Kith called home.

Not many lingered in the mews and stalls. She supposed they must be patrolling the campus or helping search for Minami Li. Why would anyone kidnap a high school girl? And who would dare to do it here? Keishi was the informal headquarters of the Five, and more than any other clan, the Starmarks considered reavers their allies. Dogs and reavers—they were the In-between’s founders and foundation.

Someone was going to regret taking that girl.

Given the number of trackers in town, Kimiko was rather surprised they still hadn’t found her. Maybe Eloquence could tell her more?

A low bark from the back guided her to a straw-filled alcove partially sheltered from the wind by heavy curtains. Eloquence stepped into the open and quietly offered his palms. As soon as hers rested on his, his fingers tangled with hers.

“I apologize,” he murmured. “For asking you to come when you would rather go to your family.”

“My first impulse was to get home as fast as possible. My second was to text Sakiko. She’s fine. So’s Noriko.” She felt foolish and let him see it. “I asked you for time to talk, then tried to rush off. I’m the one who owes an apology.”

Backing up, he drew her into the shelter, which was large enough to accommodate a pair of russet-furred dogs with cloudy eyes and whitening muzzles. “This is Edge and his bondmate Flay. They belong to the Starmark pack. They’ve decided to … conspire with us, I suppose.” His gaze dropped and he gruffly added, “They offer their den for our trysting.”

“I see,” she said. Although once again, she didn’t. “Thank you very much.”

Eloquence seemed flustered. “They’ve always been matchmakers. As bad as my grandsire. And full of suggestions. To be perfectly honest, they’ll make terrible chaperones.”

Everyone knew Kith were sentient. But it was also universally understood that Kith couldn’t speak. Unlike the so-called High Amaranthine, they couldn’t take speaking form. Although Kimiko suspected she should be more concerned about his references to chaperones and trysting, she blurted, “What do you mean … suggestions?”

His mouth moved, but no sound came. His hands spread, curled, and wavered without making any sense. Finally, he forced out one word. “Specifically?”

Kimiko studied the two dogs. “Kith communication is limited to rudimentary concepts and inferences gained from the inherent force of personality that comes with sentience.”

Eloquence relaxed a little. “That is an excellent summation of Reaver Armstrong’s lecture. That is the way of things between a reaver and the Kith.”

“It’s different for you?”

He said nothing, did nothing. Had she run up against some sort of clan secret?

This time, she made it a statement. “It’s different for you.”

“May I confide in you?”

She nodded, and he led her deeper into the shadowy alcove, behind the two lazing dogs. Eloquence sat in the rustling straw, using Edge as a backrest, and drew Kimiko down by his side. It was warmer here and well-guarded. A good place for sharing secrets.

“Kith have voices.” Eloquence tapped his forehead. “We can hear those of our clan, our breed, and often of close kin.”

“They speak in your thoughts.”

“Yes. And I speak for them. That’s my role in the pack.” He edged closer so their arms touched. “That’s why my father named me Eloquence. I speak for those who cannot.”

“So you’re in charge of the Kith?”

Edge grunted, and Flay reached over her mate’s back to nose Eloquence’s hair. He chuckled and said, “I’m theirs more than they are mine.”

“And they know about the betrothal thing?” Kimiko responded to his restlessness. As soon as she shifted forward, his arm slipped around her back.

“Rise was there, and he was pleased.” Now that she was tucked up against his side, Eloquence seemed to relax. “Word spreads fast when Kith are involved.”

 “I see,” she said. And this time, she thought she did. “Should we talk about what’s supposed to happen next?”

“Yes. Because my father spoke with me on the matter.” His voice was soft, calm, yet somehow cautious. “Dad has no objection to your choice, but he set conditions for me. The chase is yours. You must court me, not the other way around.”

“I’m the suitor.”

He hummed an affirmative. “I will not initiate contact.”

Kimiko laughed. “Like now?”

Eloquence’s eyes widened. “This is not courting behavior.”

“I know.” She turned into him, placing her hand on his chest. “But I haven’t researched courting behavior, and books rarely go into nuances. If I’m going to take the lead, you’ll still have to guide me.”

“Ask anything.” He smiled faintly. “I’m not an unfathomable mystery, unlike females.”

Was he teasing? “Even Amaranthine have trouble understanding girls?”

“Persons of your gender defy explanation. If you are uncomfortable asking me something, choose other confidants. One of the teachers, or I will gladly introduce you to my stepmother. Even though she will likely relay embarrassing tales of my childhood.”

“She’s human.”

“Yes, and she’s been part of the Starmark clan for many years. Her insights would surely inform you, although in her case, my father did the courting.”

“Their betrothal wasn’t an accident.”

He smiled crookedly. “Everyone has seen the televised special detailing the two great loves of Harmonious Starmark.”

“Well, yes,” she conceded. “But there’s usually a big difference between reality and publicity.”

 “There is more to the story than the people of this city remember. But theirs is not my story to tell.” He lined up his words with great delicacy. “I can welcome your interest in me. If you have questions, ask them. If you want something, take it. Like tending with a trusted reaver, my answer will always be yes.”

His tone and posture didn’t match. He meant more than he was saying. And she thought she understood. “Are you asking me to ask for things?”


“What do you need?” Kimiko signaled that she was listening, that she was willing. “What do you want?”

Eloquence elbowed Edge.

Apparently the Kith’s suggestions were unwanted. In a way, it was too bad she couldn’t hear Edge or Flay. Then she wouldn’t be left guessing. All she could do was wait for Eloquence to find words … or the courage to speak them.

He leaned down, once again resting his forehead against hers. Eyes firmly shut, he mumbled, “I do want a taste.”

So she pressed her lips against his. Initiation accomplished.

Which seemed to be enough to fulfill the courting requirement, because Eloquence took charge, cupping Kimiko’s cheek and slipping the tip of his tongue into her mouth. She parted her lips. He pressed soft kisses along her bottom lip, followed by a cautious swipe. Then a nibble and lick. She gasped for air, and he retreated.

“This is promising. And pleasant.” He radiated excitement. “When the time comes, I know what to do.”

She was not going to ask what he meant.

Eloquence nuzzled her hair and murmured, “Your blood is stirring as well. That’s good.”

Kimiko was pretty sure she nodded. And she was almost sure he was going to kiss her again, except he didn’t.

Instead he asked, “Kimiko, have you told your parents?”


The restraint was back. “Dalliance without commitment would be an insult.”

“I’m sorry.” Yesterday had been so hectic, but that was a lame excuse. In truth, she hadn’t known how to broach the subject. “I meant no insult.”

“I would no more trifle with you than you would with me.” Eloquence kissed her forehead. “We have my father’s approval. Your father should have the opportunity to approve or oppose a match of this nature.”

Kimiko suggested, “Come home with me? We can explain together.”

“Gladly. Would tomorrow be acceptable?”

They quickly settled the details, and Kimiko made to leave. But Eloquence didn’t release her. He didn’t say anything, didn’t start anything. But the silence begged her to ask for something, to start again.

She asked, “Was a taste all you needed to decide we’re compatible?”

Eloquence grew suddenly solemn. “That is the sort of question males quail before, for any answer risks his lady’s displeasure.”

“It’s not a trap.” Kimiko decided to be blunt. “I’m not sure I care enough yet to take your answer personally.”

He blinked.

She waited.

And he spoke. “I trust myself, and I have judged you to be trustworthy. Where trust abides, loyalty grows. And loyalty breeds affection, which dogs freely express.” Eloquence waited for her nod before continuing. “In this, you are not alone. My parents, my brothers, my Kith, even Tenma and Isla have my trust, my loyalty, my affection.”

“That’s good.”

“Very good.” Again, he touched her face. His hand was warm, as was his gaze. “But I do not coax them into corners or linger over their lips in the manner of lovers. Nor could they ever cause my heart to race or my blood to rise. Because with one taste, you claimed such things as your due and yours alone. So yes, one taste was all I needed.” 





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