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Known Desire (Alpha Omega MPreg) (Omega House Book 2) by Aria Grace (7)



He’s so tiny. I’ve been around a lot of babies, but I’ve never really held them in my arms or thought a whole lot about their well-being. But the instinct to keep my baby safe and healthy and happy is almost overwhelming. Little Colby Andrew Hartwick will be loved no matter what his status is. And I have a newly strengthened conviction to do everything in my power to provide a good life for him.

I’ll get my GED. I’ll take online classes. I’ll work my way up from the lowest job I can find in order to secure a future in which he has every opportunity to pursue his dreams. He may not have been conceived through love, but that doesn’t matter. I have enough love in my heart right now to make up for his missing parent.

I could stare at him forever. But as he lays sleeping, I realize how quiet it is. The silence of the hospital room is a stark contrast to the beeping, screaming, and laughing that has filled this room since I arrived this morning. I almost wish my guests had stayed longer. It was really cool to see Jase and Max, but they didn’t want to stay too long. Something about bonding time with Colby.

But I’m really wired and hope Andy and Ethan come back soon. Andy and I had a long talk before my labor got to the point of my being unable to talk, and he is open to a relationship with his brother. I was really happy to hear that because he should have some family in his life. Especially someone who cares about him so much.

As if thinking of them summoned their presence, Andy peeks through the door. “Are you up for company or should we come back later?”

“Please come in. I’m already getting antsy in this bed.” His attention is honed in on the baby resting against my shoulder. “He just ate, so he might sleep for a little while, but you can hold him if you want.”

“Really?” Andy’s eyes light up at the offer. He takes a tentative step forward so he’s within arm’s reach. “Are you sure?”

“Of course.” I shift the little burrito in my arms so I can present him to his namesake. “Andy, please officially meet Colby Andrew Hartwick.”

Andy’s eyes lock on mine and fill with moisture. “Andrew?”

I smile and give shrug. “It’s a good name.”

He nods once then reaches for Colby and tucks him into the crook of his elbow. “He looks so happy,” he says wistfully.

“He’s warm, dry, and has a full belly. I don’t think life gets much better for a baby.”

I glance at Ethan with a questioning eye. “So, you two are okay?”

He grins. “Yeah, we’re good. And there’s something we want to talk to you about.”

Andy shoots him a look that I can’t quite read before he slides onto the edge of the bed and takes a deep breath. “Yeah, well, Ethan is going to be moving to town, and he asked if we wanted to live with him. He travels a lot for work, so he isn’t home very often. It’ll be just the three of us most of the time. And we’ll be close enough to Omega House that you can still use the daycare there and work there if that job with Naheed pans out. What do you think?”

I feel like a hooked fish with my mouth wide-open. “Seriously? You want me and Colby to live with you?” I’m looking right at Ethan, only slightly suspicious of his motives. He seems like a great guy, but I don’t know why he would include me and my newborn so intimately into his life.

“Andy really wants to be around to help you, and I really want him to be close to me. I want to know where he’s at, so I can help him finish school and get into college.” Ethan looks so sincere that I can’t imagine a sinister thought ever crossing his mind. “So, if you’re a package deal, then I definitely want you guys there too.”

“Will you come, Freddie?” Andy pleads as if I might actually say no. Does he think I’m an idiot?

“Of course we’ll come and live in a nice apartment with my best friend and his hot alpha brother. I ain’t no dummy.”

When Andy’s grin turns mischievous and his eyes grow wide, I realize what I’ve just said. Shit. With a dismissive wave, I attempt to diffuse the awkwardness in the room. “You know what I mean. I think the epidural might have traveled a little too far north and my brain is still addled, but hell yeah, I’d love to move in with you guys.”

“Awesome.” Andy bounces little Colby in his arms. “You hear that, Colby? We’re going to be housemates. That means I can play with you every day.”

The joy in my heart expands tenfold as I watch my newly declared best friend interact with my baby. I had no idea he would be this excited about the prospect of helping me with Colby, but I’m immensely grateful for it. My eyes instinctively drift to Ethan. He’s watching me and when our eyes lock, I try to express my gratitude for all that he’s doing for us with just a simple glance. I don’t know if he’s getting my message, but Ethan’s hazel eyes seem to darken under my stare. And when his tongue slides across his lower lip to moisten it, a chill runs through me that I can’t quite explain.

* * *

Getting into a routine with Colby hasn’t been easy. Even though Andy is changing at least half the diapers and wearing as deep of a circle into the game room carpet as I am, we are both totally exhausted and sleep deprived. Ethan found an apartment two blocks from Omega House, but we can’t move in until this weekend. And the next few days can’t pass fast enough.

Other than the shower gifts of clothes, toys, and a stroller I received from the staff at Omega House, I don’t really have any possessions. Whenever they say it’s time to go, Colby and I will be ready. And although I was hesitant at first to leave Omega House, having to deal with twenty-five other people making noise and waking up Colby as soon as he falls asleep is getting old real fast. The facility is amazing, and I’ll always be grateful for all that they’ve done for me, but we need our own space.

Andy is sliding his phone into his pocket as he enters the room. “I just talked to Ethan. He wants to know if you need any special furniture for your room. He asked if you want a rocking chair or a recliner.”

I shake my head with an incredulous smile. “That man is gonna go broke buying us crap. An air mattress on the floor is fine. He doesn’t have to get anything fancy.”

Andy raises an eyebrow. “So that’s a no on the rocking chair?”

I shake my head. “Yes, it’s a no on the rocking chair. The bouncy seat Marge gave me should be fine for a few months. Hopefully, by the time he outgrows it, I’ll be able to buy whatever else we might need. Right now, Colby needs a pair of arms and a flat place to sleep. That pretty much sums up his furniture needs.”

“Cool.” Andy drops into a chair across from me. “So, I’ve been meaning to ask…”

I wait several beats for Andy to finish whatever he was going to say. When he doesn’t, I groan out loud, having an idea of where he’s going with this. “What?”

His innocent smile is not very innocent. “I was just wondering what you think of my brother.”

Here we go. I knew this was coming, but I figured he’d wait a bit longer before bringing up the elephant in the room. That elephant being my natural tendency to be friendly which has morphed into light flirting with Ethan. It’s all in fun, and neither of us are taking it seriously, but I can tell Andy wants to see something that isn’t there. Something that will never be there.

“I think your brother’s great.” I remain as expressionless as possible. At least, I try to. “He’s obviously a good guy who cares about you, and by extension, he cares about us. So yeah, I like him.”

Andy’s grin gets wider. “Do you like him like him?”

“Oh lord, you sound like a twelve-year-old girl, you know that?”

“Don’t dodge the question, Freddie. Inquiring minds…” Adam swats at my foot with his. “Just tell me.”

I roll my eyes and feel my cheeks warming up. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Obviously, he’s hot and kind and… The perfect alpha. I think any rational human would like like him. But that doesn’t mean you should get all excited for something to happen. I don’t know if you’ve already forgotten what this little bundle of joy in my arms represents…” I give Colby a kiss on the top of his head, breathing in his sweet baby scent. “But I’m damaged goods. Alphas want virgin omegas, or at least practically virgin omegas.”

“That’s ridicul—” Andy tries to cut me off, but I don’t let him.

“There is no decent alpha in the world who would want an ex-whore as his mate. So, please, let me have my little fantasy in peace, but don’t get your hopes up that it’ll ever be more than a daydream in my mind. Capiche?”

* * *

“And this is the baby monitor.” Ethan has been pointing out all the stuff he’s acquired for me and Colby for twenty minutes. He must own stock in Babies R Us. He draws my attention to a camera pointed directly above the crib. “You can set a password and give it to anyone you want to be able to watch Colby in his crib. They can just log in on their phone.”

And watch me while I sleep just a few feet away? Uh, no thanks.

“There’s also a little TV monitor set up in the living room that you can turn on to watch him when you’re out there.”

I have to admit, I’m a little overwhelmed by all the gadgets. I really had no clue raising a baby required so much tech. Ethan put a colorful mobile over the changing table that plays classical music, a projector displays different astronomical constellations on the ceiling at night, and there is even some kind of breathing and movement monitor we attach to Colby’s clothes when he’s sleeping that will sound an alarm on my phone if he stops breathing or rolls onto his stomach.

It feels like overkill, if you ask me, but Ethan is practically giddy while showing off his purchases, so I just smile politely and accept the tech and gifts that must have cost a fortune and are probably completely unnecessary for raising a healthy child. “That’s amazing, Ethan. I don’t even know how to thank you. You’ve done so much for us, and I promise to repay you for everything.”

Ethan places his arm on my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. “Don’t worry about it, Freddie. It’s actually been kinda fun to shop for this stuff. I almost bought a sensor that measures the mineral contents and volume in a diaper.”

I cringe at the description, not sure if he’s joking or not.

Ethan laughs out loud at my horrified expression. “Yeah, I thought the same thing and decided to pass on that.”

“Thank you. Changing diapers is bad enough. I don’t need a reminder of each and every one for posterity.”

Ethan releases his arm then takes a step back. “Well, I guess I’ll let you guys get settled in.”

“Thanks again, Ethan.” He turns and locks his eyes on mine for several seconds before he gives me the smile that makes my insides quiver. The look that I don’t understand but my body likes to interpret as “Come ride my knot, Freddie.”

Without breaking eye contact, he steps backward toward the door. “If there’s anything you need, just let me know. And I was thinking of making chicken and pasta for dinner tonight. Is that okay?”

“That sounds delicious. Thank you.” My mouth is already watering at the promise of a home-cooked meal. “And if you need help with cooking, ask Andy. I have no idea how to do anything in the kitchen.”

Ethan finally breaks away, laughing as he goes. “Will do.”