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LaClaire Kiss (After Hours Book 3) by Dori Lavelle (6)



My body feels numb as I walk off the Crystal Lake grounds. The guard at the gate, once an enemy, has transformed into a friend, and he’s waving at me, matchstick still in the corner of his mouth.

I think I should be kind and wave back, but my hands remain hanging at my side. My head dips to my chest as I walk through the yawning gates. I don’t feel the ground beneath me, as if I’m walking on air. Lifting my head again, I stare ahead but see nothing but a blur. My heart is a clenched fist inside my chest.

What was I thinking? Why did I answer his question? I should have known better than to give him an answer he obviously didn’t want to hear. The moment the question left his lips, I knew he wanted the answer to be no. I should have given him what he wanted. I should have lied. But instead, I spoke without thinking and possibly shattered what’s left of his soul. I didn’t stay long enough to watch his reaction, but I can sense his hurt all the way out of this place. It’s following me like a stink.

If only I hadn't come to Cabo. I wish I hadn’t gotten involved in Audrey’s mess. She’s dead. She has no way of knowing whether I respected her wishes or not.

I don’t glance right or left as I approach the black Mercedes. Juan is awake now, reading a newspaper.

Feeling like the worst person in the world, I slide into the passenger’s seat.

He folds up his paper and puts it away, gives me a smile. “Did the visit go well?” he asks.

I have no idea how long he’s worked for the LaClaire family, how close the brothers are to him, or even if he’s aware of Lance’s situation.

It’s best I keep my mouth shut. It’s not my place to hand over information that might not concern him. I’ve already done enough damage as it is. Besides, he might be asking to be polite, not because he’s digging for information.

“It went fine,” I say. “Thanks for waiting.”

“No problem.” He turns the key in the ignition, and the car vibrates to life.

As we head back to the LaClaire villa, I’m gazing out the window, not even appreciating the beautiful city, and I pray he doesn’t ask any more questions. He doesn’t, but glances at me from time to time, perhaps sensing that something is up. During our earlier ride to the facility, I’d talked more, asked questions about Cabo and Mexico. Now, I can’t find the words.

Close to fifteen minutes later, we arrive at our destination. We find Bryant talking on the phone, standing by one of the sports cars in the driveway. When he sees us pull up, he hangs up and comes to open the door for me.

“Thank you for going to see him,” he says as we walk side by side into the house.

I fall into one of the black couches and drop my head into my hands. “It didn’t go well.” I raise my gaze to his. “I’m really sorry, Bryant. Your brother … he’s so broken. I’m not sure anyone can help him.”

“I know.” Bryant sits down next to me, elbows pressing into his thighs, chin propped on two fists. He smells of fresh aftershave and soap. “I talked to Lance a few minutes ago. He sounded upset. Nothing new, I guess.”

“I shouldn’t have come. It was a mistake.”

The room grows quiet as neither Bryant nor I say a word. When he finally breaks the silence, his voice is cracked around the edges.

“You never know. Even though it doesn’t look as though your visit made an impact on him, I’m sure it got him thinking.” He twists to face me, our knees almost touching. “Do you happen to have the video your sister left him?”

“It isn’t mine to keep.”

“Did you watch it with him? What did she say?” He rubs the side of his face. “It’s just that if I know what he’s dealing with, I can know how to help him—or at least try.”

“I understand totally.” I let out a long breath. “She apologized for everything, for breaking his heart … And yours.”

I watch his mouth work, but he doesn’t say anything.

“She asked for his forgiveness and told him not to be afraid to live. She actually said she thought he’s afraid of living.” I bite my bottom lip. “Before I left, Lance asked if I felt the same.”

“What was your answer?”

“I said ‘yes.’ I wish I could take it back. No one wants to hear an answer like that. What if I made things worse?”

He places a hand on my shoulder, then drops it again. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Sometimes the cold, hard truth is the only way to get to Lance.”

“What if it hits him too hard and he attempts to commit suicide again?”

“He’s in safe hands at Crystal Lake.” He shrugs. “Who knows, he might decide he wants to prove you and your sister wrong.”

I study his face for a moment, surprised at how alike the twins are, and at the same time, so different. The same dark hair, the intense emerald eyes, the same strong jaw, the dimples. But there’s something about Lance that captivates a person instantly, draws them in and refuses to let go. Bryant is as handsome as Lance, but has no major impact on me. But he’s kind and obviously loves his brother very much.

“I’m sorry I wasted your money by coming here.” When Bryant asked me to come to Mexico last week, he offered to cover all my travel-related expenses. I took the offer because I wouldn’t have been able to afford to travel at such late notice, with how busy I’ve been with my wedding planning business. I’d definitely not have been able to fly business class.

“You have nothing to apologize for. You came here to help and that’s what you did. You could have said no.”

“You’re kind, Bryant. Thank you.” My lips stretch in a warm smile. “Still, I think my job here is done. Since you bought me a flexible ticket, I’m thinking of flying back home tomorrow or the day after.”

“Don’t,” he says quickly. “You came this far. Stay a while.”

“I can’t, Bryant. I’m sorry, but I can’t help your brother. I can’t go back there.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He shifts in his seat. “You’ve done more than I could ever ask for. It would be selfish of me to ask you to return to Crystal Lake.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“Cabo is a beautiful city. Hundreds and thousands of people flock here every year to relax. Why don’t you stay and enjoy yourself?”

“I can’t afford—”

“No worries about money. I’ll continue to cover all your expenses, and you can stay here—in this house—if you like. Or a hotel. Lance isn’t here for another few days. You’ll have everything you need. Juan and Valentina will take care of your daily needs.”


He raises a hand. “No buts. See it as a token of appreciation.”

“Thank you,” I say softly. God knows I could use a holiday after the year I’d had. It would be great to return home fully invigorated and ready to lift my business off the ground.

Rising from the couch, Bryant pushes his hands into his pockets. “I’m flying back to Boston this afternoon to return to my wife and son. I’ll come to Cabo in a week or two, or if Lance needs me. In the meantime, this place is all yours. Make yourself at home.”

I look around me at the spacious, luxurious but cool interior of the villa. It would be an amazing place to spend a holiday, surrounded by luxury and so close to the beach. If only Emile, my best friend and roommate could be here to enjoy it all with me. “Thank you, Bryant.”

“No, thank you.”

“I wish I could do more to help you and your brother.”

“You did more than any of us have done in a while.” He pauses. “And if you do decide to change your mind about going to see him, I’d appreciate it. But that will have to be your choice.”

He gives me a dimpled smile and walks out of the living room, leaving me to digest the words he’d said, my emotions wrestling within me.