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Last Chance (Lake Placid Series Book 6) by Natalie Ann (16)



Trevor had no clue what that question was about but figured he’d answered it right. He’d find out before the night was over, though. Right now he had other things to focus on. Like the hot woman that was pulling him toward her room.

The thing was, he wasn’t about to let her control this moment. Not this time, not at first.

He had no problem being equals in a relationship and actually preferred it. So she’d just have to get used to that.

But right now, no, right now he was taking charge. Because he’d seen the spark in her eyes when he smacked her ass, then saw the arousal. So though she might say she was used to being the lead in a relationship, he got the feeling it wasn’t always her preference.

When they got in her room, he twisted his hand so that he was holding hers, then yanked her forward against his chest. She fit nicely against him, exactly how he’d been dreaming.

He gave her no chance at all to respond to that move before his mouth was over hers and his hand going to the waist of her shirt. As much as he wanted to just whip it over her head like she did his, he wanted the slow teasing dance tonight. The buildup and release that made it all the more pleasurable for them both. The gliding and the twirling, then the spinning them both around.

“Your skin feels like silk,” he said as he ran his fingers up her back and unhooked her bra.

“Yours doesn’t, and I like that a lot.”

She sure knew how to compliment a man. “I don’t spend a lot of time putting lotion on like I’m guessing you do.” She smelled like honey right now. Sweetness to go along with the silk.

“Good thing. I don’t like a man that’s softer than me. Or smells fruity, either.” She brought her mouth to his chest, inhaled his scent, then bit him sharply. “I like a man that smells like a man. Clean and fresh and nothing like a bouquet of flowers.”

He laughed. He didn’t know what to say to that and was glad for his mountain-fresh-scented soap that he’d never paid much attention to before. Now he’d buy it in bulk. “Flowers aren’t quite my thing, either.”

Her hands moved to the buckle of his jeans, so he pulled his hands out from under her shirt and stopped her. “Hang on there. What’s the rush?”

She looked in his eyes, then let those dark orbs of light roam over his chest, down a little lower, and back up. “I like the way you look. All big and strong. Lots of muscles. I need to get my hands on them.”

He didn’t think it was possible to get any harder than he was, but the pulsing in his pants told him he was wrong. “I’d like to get a better look at you first.”

“You have a funny way of showing that,” she said. “Let me help you.” Then she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head along with her bra.

She was a tiny thing. Skinny wasn’t a good word, more like toned. Not a lot of muscle, not real firm, but shapely. Perfect, even. Her breasts were a good size, not overly large but proportioned to her body.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked him, an abundance of laughter in her voice. She had a way of making him feel like he was sixteen again.

“Hell yeah,” he said, moving forward. Rather than kiss her again, he pulled her close, picked her up, and tossed her over his shoulder. He took the last few steps to her bed and brought her down fast, his body covering hers.

He silenced the whoosh of her breath from that move with his mouth, his fingers threading through hers and holding her in place. He wasn’t about to let her hands start roaming all over him again. Not yet. She could have her turn when he was done.

As much as he loved the taste of her mouth, the feel of her tongue dancing with his, there were other parts of her body he wanted to get his mouth on. Other parts he was guessing were just as deliciously sweet.

Without releasing her hands, he slid down and found a nipple. Hard and begging for his touch, for his taste. No need to rush, so he swirled his tongue around a bit, covered it with his lips in a nice gentle kiss, sucked lightly, then nipped her fast. Her hips bucked up and she let out a groan of pleasure.

“I’m thinking you don’t always like it so soft and sweet,” he said.

“I don’t know,” she said back. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve got in mind so I can decide.”

He couldn’t get any more of a go-ahead than that. He went back to her nipple and did more of the same. Moving from side to side. Licking her, teasing her, kissing her, sucking, then not-so-gentle nips. The nips got more of a reaction than anything, and he found there was a part of Riley that she might have never shown to another person.

She yanked her hands free of his and put them in his hair, then tugged his head up to look at her. “Move down,” she said, grinning at him.

Yeah, he was liking this side of her…a lot.

No use keeping her waiting then. He inched down her body some more, undid her trousers and pushed them off her legs with her panties. Would he have liked to do a nice little slow strip of her? Sure, but that could come at another time.

She took very good care of herself. Her body was nice and smooth here, too. Little Miss Riley had a secret wild side to her, it seemed.

He eased his hands under her hips, lifted her up, and brought his mouth down. Sweet and juicy just like the honey she smelled like. There was so much of her he wanted to taste and touch, and he couldn’t get enough. She wasn’t letting him either, not with the way her nails were biting into his shoulders.

Holding her hips up with one hand, he moved closer to her core, slid a finger in, and then another when that didn’t seem to be enough. He just watched what he was doing now. What he was playing with, how he was moving in her, her body responding to everything he did. Then, when he felt her start to tense, he went down on her again. His mouth went right where he’d noticed she’d liked it the most while his hands moved in and out at a steady rhythm.

He paced himself as long as he could. She was almost screeching now with the noises she was making. He could get lost in the sound of that. The sounds of him bringing her pleasure to the point that she was out of control.

The comforter moved on him and he realized she was gripping it tightly and yanking on it as her body just started to explode all around him. He didn’t let up, not one ounce, just kept going at it, drawing every gasp and tremble out of her.




Riley had never felt so drained in her life. Never felt so relaxed, either.

Who would have thought being tossed on the bed and a few teeth marks would be such a major turn-on? But it was, and she wanted more of it. She wanted to feel Trevor inside of her.

This muscular man that was bigger than anyone else she’d been with before, the one that had an easygoing nature about him, even a sweet tender side, was now dominating her like she’d never been before. Like she’d never thought she’d want before.

“Trevor,” she said, letting out a little whimper when he stood up. Her body felt cold now, missing the heat of his touch. “Don’t go.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

She opened one eye and saw him undressing. Not even hurrying, just taking his sweet little time as he watched her watching him with a satisfied smirk on his face.

“You sure are cocky,” she heard herself say.

“I’m beginning to think you like that a whole lot, too.”

“I sure do,” she said, leaning up on her elbow to watch him slide his boxers off. He was put together nicer than she imagined.

He was pulling his wallet out of his pocket, then a condom, only to toss it on the bed next to her, her eyes following its landing.

“Do you want the pleasure?”

“Come here,” she said, reaching for him. But rather than grab the condom and put it on, she lowered her head and put her mouth around him instead.

“Shit,” he said, pulling her head back gently.

“Ah, not so much in control as you’re leading me to believe,” she said, grinning, then picking up the condom. She wouldn’t push it right now. Another time, though.

“You’re evil.”

She only smiled again, then covered him and scooted up the bed. “Show me what you think should be done to evil women.”

He stared at her for the moment and she realized what she’d said to him. Words she’d never thought she’d ever voice. Words she’d never even come close to saying or even wanting to say before. What the heck had come over her?

But when Trevor smirked at her, then climbed on the bed and covered her body with his, she realized exactly what had come over her. Trevor.

He didn’t waste time now either, just slid right in, laced their fingers together, and started to move.

His mouth covered hers, silencing any words or commands from either of them. Their bodies did all the talking now and it seemed they knew exactly what needed to be said.

It didn’t take long for them to find a rhythm. Not a steady one either, but more of trying to finish a marathon while sprinting the remaining distance after they’d already burned themselves out. Trying their hardest to get to the end at the same time. To feel the triumph and success.

And when Trevor pinned her hands over her head, moved his lips to her ear and nipped her there, she saw the finish line in sight. She lifted her legs up, wrapped them around his back, and let him bring them both home for the victory.