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Legends Mate by Jennifer W. Smith (6)

Chapter Six


Luna strolled toward the Haus after her morning session with Selena, renewed and content. She searched for Sage to inquire about one of her famous shakes. Cemil had mentioned his sister made the best concoctions on the island, and, earlier today, Selena recommended them as well.

When she reached the lobby, the Zen atmosphere had changed. Luna paused. Several feet away, the ample-chested blonde she had seen groping the vampire last night—after groping her mate—raised her voice at Rekkus and Cyrus. Others hung around to listen, including Charlie, who leaned heavily on his cane. She proceeded to the front desk. Rekkus tapped information in a handheld device while the woman prattled on about her complaint. Cyrus casually strolled away, apparently allowing the head of security to handle the distraught woman.

“And where are these bites you woke up with?” Rekkus asked.

“Everywhere! My neck, my thighs, my tits. And I’m telling you it was that guy. I don’t remember his name, but the pale one…you know, the one who could use a suntan.”

Luna suppressed a laugh. Blondie got what she deserved after touching Nate. The vampire is forgettable, but he did a lousy job glamouring you. She stepped up to the counter and smiled at Myron. The ladies exchanged pleasantries as if nothing odd was occurring, though they heard every word.

“I’ll file your complaint, and we’ll have it rectified by this evening,” Rekkus robotically informed the agitated woman.

“This evening! Why can’t you just talk to the pervert now?”

Luna glanced their way. Because he’s a vampire who prefers the night. She flicked her gaze to Myron. “Where can I find Sage? I was hoping to sample one of her famous smoothies.”

“Sage usually works in the garden at this hour.” The receptionist slid a paper forward and pointed to a drawing of its location on a trifold map.

“Perfect. Thank you.”

Myron returned to flipping cards. Luna discreetly scanned the room. Many onlookers had moved out of hearing distance. Even Cyrus walked outside with Charlie, engaged in conversation. Heading out of the building, and feeling a little sorry for Rekkus, she couldn’t resist one last glance at him.

“We have protocol and procedures.” Rekkus glanced at his military grade watch. “If you have more to add, we can step into my office.”

“Oh, there’s more! I think you may need to drain the lake.”

His gaze lingered on the entrance, making Luna wonder why Rekkus still seemed suspicious when he watched her leave. Did he think she might have something to do with the lake? Dashing into the sunshine, she skirted the building and found Sage in the garden.

After a pleasant fifteen-minute conversation with Sage, Luna left the herbalist to her task of tending the garden. Sage had offered to make her a shake right away, but Luna assured her there was no rush and she was headed for the beach to swim.

While the other guests congregated at a sandy beach, Luna preferred to bask on the smooth flat surfaces of the rocky shore on the other side of the island. She padded barefoot down the overgrown path toward the surf. An agonized moan filtered through the thinning trees. She halted and scanned her surroundings. It came again. Stepping off the path, she picked her way through the underbrush to investigate. A few hundred yards in, the owner of the Wiccan Haus, Cyrus Rowan, lay sprawled and semi-conscious in the vegetation. Her heart raced, and she gasped as she dropped to her knees beside him.

What possibly could have brought down this large man?

She leaned closer. A dart of some sort stuck out of Cyrus’s neck. Instinctively, she plucked it out and tossed it aside. The puncture wound swelled, turning a blackish purple. Crashing footsteps penetrated the fog of bewilderment gluing her focus on Cyrus. Awareness infiltrated, and she pinpointed the culprit. Charlie ran away. She tried to solve this puzzle as her mind spun.

Charlie is running? Where is his walking stick?

She staggered to her feet, calling his name. He paused and narrowed his wild eyes at her. When she advanced toward him, she stepped on a hard object—Charlie’s walking stick. She bent to retrieve the broken stick, except it wasn’t broken. It lay in two pieces with a hidden compartment just large enough to contain something narrow like the dart.

Charlie must have shoved the dart into Cyrus’s neck. A part of the puzzle solved, she exclaimed, “Charlie, what have you done!”

He bolted. She chased after him. He’s remarkably fast for a man with a bad knee. As more puzzle pieces snapped into place in her mind, she realized birdwatching had been a disguise, and Charlie was an imposter. But why? Why attack Cyrus? She should have guessed he wasn’t genuine when he hadn’t recognized the common goldfinch. And she’d caught him spying on Cyrus in the woods several days ago. As the sticks poked at her feet, she grumbled, knowing she couldn’t catch up to him. But she couldn’t let him get away with this! There was only one thing she could do.

Taking a huge, shaky inhale, she exhaled in song.




The early morning hours had started with glorious lovemaking. Everything he’d heard about finding and connecting to a mate was astonishingly true. The worst part about it, though, was separating from her—he to his security duties and she to her session with Selena. Nate had hastily dressed, dragging his gaze from Luna’s tempting, lithe body curled in the scattered sheets. Her black hair, long and luxurious, cascaded over the pillow in stark contrast to the snowy white linens. He’d blown a long, exaggerated breath to ease the tugging in his loins. Nate had other responsibilities and couldn’t neglect the ongoing investigation into the death threat on Cyrus’s life. As he reached for the doorknob, he’d stolen one final look at his mate before he left the room.

Nate’s first order of business this morning would be informing Rekkus and the Rowans about what occurred regarding the wolf shifter and Luna last night under the full moon. The stunt the alpha pulled on the path had left him silently seething. Now Nate was bonded to Luna, his instincts to protect her surged, rivaling his instincts to love her.

He entered the security office and met Rekkus’s serious gaze. He’d left the weretiger in the middle of an interesting pool game last night when he’d rushed out after Luna. Rekkus didn’t comment about it, showed no emotion that anything unusual had occurred. Rekkus promptly started the meeting. As an added member to the security staff’s morning meeting, Nate explained the incident.

He insisted after his monologue, “It would be my pleasure to handle the reprimand.”

Nate and Rekkus had worked together several times in the past, and they were friends. Rekkus took a split second to respond. He gave a curt nod in agreement before moving on to other business.

Nate didn’t need Cemil’s tactful reminder. “Let’s not forget or underestimate the pull of a full moon. Not all shifters can handle it. After all, some come here just for such reason—to help them deal with the unruly and sporadic emotions.”

Every month, the morning following the full moon, the Rowans gathered to assess the issues that arose—there seemed to always be something. Placing humans and paras together during a full moon had its challenges. Nate and Rekkus exchanged glances. They knew well the call of the moon.

Nate left the security office and worked up in his mind how the pack could pose as a great threat to Cyrus; perhaps they were in on a conspiracy. While he puzzled all the angles, he made haste to the spa. Myron had tipped him off. The hockey players were receiving physical therapy treatments for their sports injuries. The four of them gathered in a relaxation room with an attendant placing ice packs on their swollen elbows and shoulders. When he entered, filling and disturbing the relaxation space, the tension in the room ignited. The alpha jumped from his lounge chair, his shoulders flexed and erect. The others sat up straighter, their jaws clenched. The nervous attendant whisked from the room and softly closed the door behind her.

Straight away, the alpha lowered his eyes, followed by his shaggy head in submission—this being the hardest thing for an alpha. His pack followed suit, giving the hulking Sasquatch respect.

Nate exhaled; his instincts told him these men were not a threat to Cyrus Rowan. And now the full moon cycle had passed, nor were they a threat to others. He followed up with standard questioning to be sure and learned the alpha was here to treat his full moon-induced, impulsive-control disorder. Nate recommended further treatment before he returned to the security office, neglecting to dish out punishment at the sincerity in which the alpha declared his apology.

Trekking to the Haus, he shrugged off his disappointment. There was nothing complicated to report. He’d hoped to close this mystery shrouding Cyrus’s current threat, if only to dissolve and permanently remove the suspicion from Luna. Thoughts of her tugged and twisted his gut. His need to be constantly close to her and protect her surprised him. The height of the sun told him she should be back from her session with Selena by now. He quickened his pace, eager to lay his hands on her again.

Entering the lobby, he glanced about, hoping to spot his mate. He hid his disappointment behind the smile he flashed at Myron. However, Myron’s stricken expression suddenly sent his hackles to attention. She blinked at him then returned her gaze to her scattered cards. Her resourceful card reading remained an important and reliable asset to the Rowans. While Myron hastily collected, shuffled, and flipped the cards again, Nate approached the security office. He intercepted Rekkus leaving the room with the same blonde woman who’d molested him last night in the lake. Her face was flush with anger, and she glared at Nate with supreme disappointment before she huffed away toward the elevators.

Rekkus didn’t give the woman another moment of his time; instead, he looked down at his tablet. “Fucking vamps,” he muttered in quiet frustration.

Nate recalled seeing the woman with a vamp last night. “What happened?”

“The bloodsucker didn’t glamour her all the way and didn’t cover up his marks.”

“I think she was willing at least.” Nate bristled at the thought of her touch.

“No doubt.” Rekkus strode across the lobby. Nate quickened his steps to keep the pace. “Sage is making her a mixture to keep her sleepy until the vamp is available to fix his lazy mistakes.” Rekkus focused on his tablet.

“What’s the big hurry?”

“I’m looking for Cyrus,” Rekkus said. “He’s not responding to the com.”

Myron rushed over, gripping her hands tightly together. “Cyrus is in trouble!”

Nate knew the implication. With a potential assassin roaming the island, Cyrus was supposed to remain under watch at all times. “I’ll help you look.”

Rekkus tossed Myron his tablet and tapped the closed network com in his right ear, initiating a widespread search for their boss. Nate joined Rekkus’s sprint.

After searching the immediate grounds, they spread out farther.

Outside, the familiar squealy squeaks of his red squirrel drew his attention. It occurred to him he hadn’t seen the little guy in a couple days. The squirrel zigzagged in the direction of the cliff, which was odd because he normally stayed close to the tree line. Rekkus circled around and, when Nate caught his attention, he pointed toward the cliffs. Nate kept pace next to Rekkus as they raced onward. The squirrel ruffled its red tail and jumped across the grass toward the safe gardens surrounding the Haus.

Standing twenty-five feet above the rocky beach, Nate angled his glance over the cliff. Rekkus leaned over beside him. Nate shook his head in disbelief. Luna and Charlie were below. Rekkus let out a groan as a faint song floated on the breeze. Luna led a dazed Charlie in a hypnotic dance around boulders scattered in the sand toward the open sea.

Nate’s heart thudded in his chest. Why is my mate singing to this mortal? It went against everything they had just shared. They’d mated so she was free from her siren’s life and that very act. Not to mention, she was bound not to utter a melody while on this island. Still, his worst fear was she’d done something to Cyrus Rowan, proving to be a hired killer. A sudden pounding in his ears grew louder and more powerful than the surf below.

“Luna! Stop singing,” Rekkus yelled into the wind, his roared words scarcely penetrating the drumming in Nate’s ears.

Startled, Luna stopped and jerked her gaze up. Relief flooded her expression. Hope bloomed inside him until Rekkus’s irate growl drew his attention. The weretiger hadn’t liked she was here in the first place. He’d complained from the start she was dangerous, and the fact she came out of nowhere the day the ferry arrived had put him on red alert. Rekkus put his mate, Dana, and the Rowans first. Nate’s friendship only extended so far—as did the fact he’d sacredly mated with Luna.

Damn, she is proving him right. Here she is singing and luring this man into the waves, but why?

“Oh, thank the gods! Hurry, Cyrus needs you!” Luna frantically pointed to the left beyond the rocks into the trees.

Everything happened quickly. Nate lifted his nose in the direction she pointed, but Rekkus must have picked up Cyrus’s scent first because he shifted into his glorious seven-hundred-pound black tiger form and raced for the tree line, his silver stripes blurring in the brilliant sunlight. Rekkus’s shredded clothes and boots tumbled in the grass.

“Charlie, put the needle down!” Luna exclaimed.

At the fury in her voice, Nate’s attention shot to the scene below. Charlie had awakened from his trance and now held a large, pointy needle with a feather base, similar to a tranquilizer dart, in his fist. Nate suspected it was something more lethal. Cold fear coiled in his abdomen. Luna dashed to the right, but Charlie countered her movements. For every calculated step Luna took, Charlie stayed at equal distance, holding the dart at the ready. Nate assessed the situation twenty-five feet below the cliff.

Every fiber of his being raged. He let out a deafening roar. It echoed in the air around him before he leaped. Nate shifted in midair, unleashing the hairy beast, the Sasquatch, as claws extended from his fingertips and his strength amplified.

The startled birdwatcher swiveled just in time to be pounced on, and then Charlie was slammed flat on his back against a nearby slab of rock, knocking his head with force. Charlie swooshed out a harsh breath accompanied by a howl of pain. Struggling and dazed, he lifted his head slightly to look at his right arm—bloody and pinned to the stone. Nate’s claws had nearly severed it to the bone. The poisoned dart toppled from his outstretched, trembling fingers. It clanked in the pebbles.

Charlie rapidly lost blood, and so, wouldn’t be going anywhere. Threat contained.

The air rang when Nate retracted his claws, and they scraped against the rock. He shifted, sweat dripping from his brow. Blood covered his throbbing fingers, and his pores were pinked from the shift. His clothes were split at the seams.

Nate’s gaze rolled to Luna as he stood. She inched closer, looking wild and beautiful with flush cheeks and the wind in her hair. He searched her face—did those large, fathomless eyes seem repulsed? He’d shifted into his other form, mistimed by forced rage, and revealed to her his true beast. Failing to display this side of himself before now could cost him his mate. He swallowed a remorseful gulp. If only I had shifted earlier under controlled conditions. I should have shown her before we mated.

She offered him a grateful, understanding smile. Supreme relief filled him. His mate accepted him for who he was. Danger past, Luna flung herself in Nate’s waiting arms. He held her and stroked her wind tangled hair with one hand, careful not to get blood on her.

“Charlie shot Cyrus with one of those darts. I think it’s poisonous. Cyrus was incoherent when I came upon him in the woods off the beach path.”

“It’s all right; Rekkus will get to him in time. Are you hurt?”

She didn’t appear to be shaken up, though he was haunted by the what-ifs, which prompted him to kiss her temple.

“I’m fine. I’m so glad you and Rekkus made it here in time. I didn’t realize Charlie had another dart until he came out of his trance. He must have had it in his pocket.” She tilted her head sideways, glancing at the weapon lying atop of the colorful pebbles.

Nate was profoundly grateful she’d followed her instincts.

“There was no other way to overpower him without…singing…bringing him into the water. After he was no longer a threat, I was going to come for help.”

“I understand.” He pressed further kisses to her brow. “You did what you thought was best.”

With Luna safe, he turned his attention to another matter. Did Rekkus find Cyrus in time? Nate released her and adjusted his stance, scanning his surroundings. He collected the dart then stepped away from the moaning man. He thought his roaring must have alerted security to their location or perhaps Rekkus called in backup. Either way, voices filtered down from the cliff top. He squinted skyward. Cemil’s fair hair waved in the breeze against the blue sky, a tactical team surrounded him.

“Initiate operation 742,” Cemil said.

The squad leader repeated the command in his headset, directing men to the beach. The team jogged off in the direction Rekkus had raced and soon came down the path to the shore. They dressed Charlie’s arm and took him into custody. Another soldier confiscated the dart.

Commands were shouted from the cliff top. Returned to human form, carrying an unconscious Cyrus, Rekkus came into view. A security team member slung a standard issue foil blanket around Rekkus’s naked shoulders. Another collected his tattered clothes and boots, leaving no evidence behind. Over their heads, a loud and flashing thunderstorm kicked up out of nowhere as the team moved out. Nate guided Luna to the Haus.

The two Rowan sisters, Sage and Sarka, met them inside the entrance. The lobby, emptied of guests, was a welcome sight. The eldest sister Sarka directed Rekkus and the troop through a doorway. Cemil had been clutching his brother’s arm as he’d trekked along beside Rekkus. Cemil released his grip at the doorway and faced Nate and Luna.

“Thank you, Luna. We got to him in time. Sarka will help him.” Cemil glanced up at Nate and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Nate tensed. He sensed Cemil reading him.

Cemil’s glance flickered to the blood drying on Nate’s hand. “You are uninjured. We will keep you informed about Cyrus, but, for now, your mate should be your priority. Now the assassin has been identified, you are relieved from duty.”

Shit. Thanks for your discretion. Nate shot an anxious glance Luna’s way. She didn’t return his gaze, only stared intently at Cemil. The lie about Nate only being a guest was another untimely reveal.

Cemil spun away and closed the door. Luna turned large, question-filled eyes at Nate.

Heh, sirens aren’t known for their forgiving hearts. “Let’s go to your room. There are some things I need to tell you.”

They rode the elevator in silence. When they entered Luna’s room, she crossed to the window. Nate slipped into the bathroom to wash the dried, sticky blood off his hand. He returned to find she hadn’t moved.

With a hollow sound to her voice, she said, “The storm has passed. The sky is clear again. Isn’t it odd a storm blew in just when they carried Cyrus inside?”

Nate shook his head, glancing out at the sunny sky. “Operation 742. It’s a spell designed to resemble a lightning storm. It charges the air with magic to help shield things from humans. It also sends them running inside for cover, though several rooms, like the lobby, are infused with magic to keep them clear. Most humans don’t see what they aren’t supposed to see—their brains shut out what shouldn’t be there, but, under extenuating circumstance, the storm helps the effect a bit.”

Luna listened, but her stiff shoulders and jutting chin marked her suspicion. “How exactly do you know all this, Nate? And Cemil said you are relieved from duty. What does that mean?”

He couldn’t hide the truth any longer. He crossed his arms, toying with the holes along the seam of his T-shirt. “I didn’t come here for a vacation. I was called to duty by the Syndicate, a governing body who rules the para species, because there was a credible death threat tip-off on Cyrus Rowan’s life. The man has a bounty on his head. Though Rekkus is his bodyguard, as well as the head of security for the Wiccan Haus, I was called in to go undercover. Many years ago, I was drafted by the Syndicate and fought for two decades against the paranormal beings who threaten human lives. During which time, I sustained injuries after taking out a coven of vampires. I came here to heal. I wouldn’t have survived in an ordinary military hospital.” He couldn’t meet her eyes and focused on another lengthy split in the seam.

“So you knew there was someone coming to the island to assassinate Cyrus?”

“Yes. They have a high-tech screening process, but paras find their way around new tech all the time. That’s why you were immediately under suspicion when you showed up with no reservation—conveniently taking the spot of a guest who unexpectedly canceled.”

“Oh!” She glanced out the window, a sad, faraway expression crossing her face. “It’s why you followed me from the start?”

“Luna, I….” He paused. “Rekkus assigned me to tail you, but I never suspected you. And it’s no lie we are fated mates.” He cozied up to her and took her hand, tenderly squeezing it. “Luna, please, look at me.” She tilted her head, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Fear of rejection burned in his gut. “You know it’s true, right? I am yours, you are mine.”

“I know.” Her voice quavered, and her love shone brightly among the teardrops clinging to her lashes. “I understand why you couldn’t tell me before about your assignment. And this explains a lot, but is it everything?”

“Yes, I’m not trying to leave anything out. Do you have more questions?”

She shrugged, grinning through the tears. “I can’t think of any at the moment.”

“Are you okay with this, then? Do you forgive me? Because I will never keep things from you again.”

She nodded as she examined his face, her searching, soulful eyes dark as caves. He waited for her to say more. After a long moment, the lines disappeared between her brows, and her mouth curved into a smile. “Earlier when you shifted…well…I thought you were hairy before.”

Mirth filled him, and he chuckled. She’d made light of his full-out Sasquatch form—hair, teeth, claws, and all. She’d shown her additional teeth last night, expecting to warn him off, but he would love her no matter what. It seemed their hidden talents were on the table, and they had no more secrets to hide. The fact he’d nearly lost her heightened his need for her. If she’d been pricked with the poison dart, would his little siren have survived? The capsule held a seemingly hefty, lethal dose. Cyrus Rowan was a large man in comparison.

He took her face in his calloused palms and brushed his lips against hers. She clutched him to her. He deepened their kiss and continued at a frenzied pace as he tugged her clothes off. His soon followed. He settled her against the mattress, sinking her under his weight. Mouths joined with bruising pressure and urgency, Nate swiftly entered her folds. Luna wiggled and bucked, conforming to his size. With their legs intertwined, he grunted against her with each thrust until she broke the kiss to cry out. It was sweet music to his ears. Her warm sheath spasmed around him, pushing him over the edge, and his control shattered. With one final thrust, he filled her. The intensity of his climax left him panting and damp with sweat. He clung to her in silence and reverence. She rested her arms around his shoulders and caressed the damp locks of his hair. After his heart rate returned to normal and his body cooled, he moved to the shower, taking Luna with him for a slower, more involved, performance.

Dinner hour approached, and the couple dressed. Luna groaned when she put on her sandals. “Why do people wear these things?”

Nate chuckled. “Those aren’t even high heels. Mmm, I bet you’d look amazing in high heels and nothing else.” He grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows.

She ignored his comment. “Couldn’t I go barefoot…or not at all?”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. Dinner is mandatory because the Rowans need a daily head count. They can’t be careless with vampires and the like prowling around. Right?”

Luna agreed by shuffling to the door. “Okay, fine, I’m ready.”

Exiting the elevator downstairs, Nate called to Cemil who stood in the lobby, “Evening.” When he was within elbow distance, he asked in a lower voice, “How is everything?”

“Good evening. Won’t you both join my siblings and me in the office for a few minutes before you head to the dining room?”

“Of course.” Nate glanced reassuringly at Luna, despite his apprehensive curiosity. He hadn’t forgotten Luna had broken her contract. He followed Cemil inside with Luna close to his side.

Rekkus, fully clothed, stood by the window with his arms crossed. Sage stood beside her sister’s chair. Sarka, regally seated, reigned behind a wooden desk. Cemil offered them seats and leaned against the desk.

Nate focused on Sarka. Her hair, dark like Cyrus’s, was piled on top of her stately head and secured by two pencils. Sarka and Cyrus were referred to by the staff as the dark ones while Cemil and Sage were called the light ones, likely because of their golden heads of hair and friendlier personalities. The four siblings shared the same vivid, ice-blue eyes and aristocratic good looks.

Cemil indicated the woman behind the desk. “Luna, this is my eldest sister, Sarka.” He swept his arm in Luna’s direction. “Sarka, this is Luna.”

“Hello,” Luna said.

Sarka nodded.

Nate already knew her, of course, and he’d made it a habit to stay clear of her. Sarka was the most intimidating of the Rowans. He’d heard of the legendary arguments between the siblings along with Sarka’s bad tempter.

Cemil began, “Luna, I’ve been selected to discuss your contract.”

At his words, everyone’s attention was on the siren.

“I only sang so Charlie wouldn’t get away, especially after what he’d done to Cyrus,” she said.

“Yes, Myron’s cards support your statement.” Cemil gave a half smile. “It is why we are willing to overlook the discrepancy. We are grateful to you, really.”

The monarch, Sarka, spoke to Luna. “Our brother Cyrus will make a full recovery thanks to you removing the dart before all the poison was injected. Can you tell us what happened?”

Nate listened to Luna’s story, realizing he had never even asked her the details. He’d been so relieved she was safe, he could only concentrate on her.

At the end of her recount, Luna asked, “And Charlie? Who is he?”

“That’s what we intend to find out. His background check was solid. Whoever hired him covered their tracks.” Rekkus prowled closer, and Cemil moved out of the way. Nate didn’t like the man’s hard expression as he drew closer to Luna. Rekkus added, “I’d like to ask for your full cooperation regarding this investigation.”

Sarka handed Rekkus a piece of paper.

Nate leaned forward in his chair, irate. “She’s not going to say anything.”

Sarka waved her hand in dismissal. “Of course not, it’s just legality.”

“Nate.” Luna placed her palm on his wrist to prevent him from snatching the paper. “I understand. I’ll sign it.”

Sarka almost smiled. “On behalf of our family, I want to thank you. You’ve both done us a service. I highly recommend you two take a walk through the southern forest tomorrow. Spend the whole day if you’d like—”

Rekkus cleared his throat.

Sarka added, “Until you find yourselves famished for dinner.”

Tomorrow was their last day full day on the island. With the capture of the assassin, Nate’s job was concluded. He was mated to boot. Now all he had to do was convince Luna to return home with him. Her place—under the sea—wasn’t a viable option.





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