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Lost For You: Rockstar Romance (Sixth Street Bands Book 4) by Jayne Frost (26)


The morning sun crept through the mesh window in my tent, and I threw my arm over my eyes to block the blinding dawn.

Sweat trickled down my skin, sour from the beer and whiskey I drank last night.

Last night

After Taryn arrived and we had our little falling out, I took solace in Shiner Bock. And now my head felt like someone had buried a hatchet in my skull while I was sleeping.

Feeling around for the bottle of aspirin, I found a handful of stray tablets on top of the sleeping bag.

I popped a few into my mouth, blanching at the taste as I chewed. When the pain was tolerable, I hauled myself up and ventured to the row of faucets on the edge of the campsite to brush my teeth. Skipping the shave, I stashed my supplies in a plastic bag, securing the gear in the pocket of my loose-fitting board shorts.

Alcohol wafted from my pores, so I headed to the river to hose off. When I cleared the tree line, I spotted Taryn waist deep in the still water, chestnut hair glistening in the early morning sun. And her skin … fuck

She jerked when I snuck up behind her. “What the hell, Chase?” she screeched, loud enough to shake the birds from the trees. “You scared me.”

I dropped my hands on her hips. “That’s one way to get us some privacy.”

“Not private enough,” she muttered as she wiggled out of my arms. “Just leave me alone.”

“I would if I could,” I said truthfully.

Since I had no power over my body when Taryn was around, I sank to my knees and let the murky water hide the evidence of her effect on me.

She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. “So you’re just going to sit here.”

I squinted up at her. “Yep.”

When she made no attempt to leave, I took her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Afraid you can’t control yourself?”

“I can control myself just fine,” she said softly, without a hint of conviction.

“So, this doesn’t do anything for you?” I kissed her knuckles, then the back of her hand. A gentle tug, and she fell forward, her knees digging into my thighs. “What about this?” I brushed my lips over her neck and up to her ear.

She said nothing, just stayed still as the water lapped against us.

“Damn, I missed this smell,” I said as I breathed in her sun-soaked hair.

Taryn pushed away, and my arms fell to my sides. Then, to my surprise, she turned and reclined against my chest.

After a long moment, she whispered, “I love it here.”

“Me too.”

I doubt we were talking about the same thing. She was taking in the scenery, her gaze fixed on the sycamore and elms cupping the opposite shoreline, while I was content just holding her.

“I’ve always wanted to live by the water,” she mused. “I have a lot at Lake Travis.”

Since I didn’t know how long the magic would last, I took full advantage of the conversation. “I know a good builder if you’re interested.”

She released a tremulous breath. “Already have one. The house has been framed for six years.” Dropping her head back, she looked up at me with a sad smile. “Paige designed it. It was her house.”

I swept a curl behind her ear. “I could help you finish it.”

Turning her attention back to the trees, she shrugged. “Why? It would just be an empty house. I couldn’t sell it. And I can’t live there. It’s better to leave it unfinished. Like Paige.”

Her voice cracked, so I tightened my hold, coaxing her back from wherever she was.

“Maybe it’s better to have a short life filled with great things than a long life full of unfulfilled promises.”

“Why can’t you have both?”

I chuckled. “I wonder that every time I pick up a guitar.”

She settled into the crook of my arm so she could see my face. “What do you mean?”

Pondering for only a moment, I finally said, “I’ve been playing the guitar since before I could remember. My dad was in a band.” She nodded, and I could tell it was no surprise. “He used to make me go onstage before his shows. And it was so lonely up there. Just my guitar echoing off every wall, with only the techs and roadies to serenade.”

Her brow furrowed. “You don’t like to play? But you’re so good.”

I pressed a kiss to the little crease on her forehead. “I like a small stage where the audience can breathe with me. If I try to go bigger

Whatever thought was about to escape receded into the dark space in my head when a group of ten or so kids bounded into the water.

Taryn let out a little sigh as she climbed to her feet.

“We should get back,” she said, squinting down at me.

We. I liked the sound of that.

I hauled myself up, nodding. “Yeah.”

We’d just reached the shore when Laurel appeared at the tree line.

“Where’s that green canvas bag?” she called. “I packed my extra bathing suit in it before we left the loft.”

I was still trying to figure out what bag she was talking about, and where it could be, when I caught sight of Taryn looking down at her toes.

She couldn’t think

But when she brought her gaze to mine, I knew that she did.

“No, no,” I said, chuckling. “That’s Logan’s sister. She’s just a friend.”

My explanation didn’t seem to matter because Taryn nodded and turned on her heel. She passed Laurel as the kid trudged to the beach.

Tamping down my anger, which had nothing to do with Laurel, I dug my keys out of my waterproof bag and handed them over. “Look in the truck.”

She tossed me a smile and then took off at a run.

Shaking my head, I took a step, grazing my foot on a jagged rock protruding from the silt. I dug the stone from its hiding place to keep some unsuspecting kid from cutting themselves.

The plain little rock had obviously broken away from one of the larger boulders. Jagged on one side, bright veins of color burst from the smooth surface on the other.

The stone was too beautiful to throw back, even with its jagged, imperfect edges, so I stowed it in my pocket.

Trudging back up the worn path, the rock bit into the skin on my thigh as I followed Taryn’s muddy footprints until they were no longer legible.

We were already an hour late pushing off when I tossed my tube into the river. Sinking onto the float, I looked around.

Spotting Laurel at the water’s edge talking to someone outside our group, I nudged Cameron’s shoulder. “What’s that about?”

He followed my gaze, then shrugged. “No clue.” Securing his float to Lily’s with thick twine, he tested the knot. “Let’s hope Logan doesn’t get all twitchy,” he said. “We don’t need him throwing any punches.”

A dry chuckle bubbled from my chest when my brother tied the knot again. And again. “Dude, I’d worry more about Lily’s narrow ass sliding through the tube than losing her on the river.”

His brow creased. “I didn’t think about that.” He glanced at Lily, packing snacks in a waterproof bag a few feet away. “Maybe I should have her ride with me.”

“She’s not a toddler,” I said.

Cameron ripped a hand through his hair. “I know, but she’s never done this before.”

“And you’ve been doing it since you were eight. She’ll be fine.”

His concern was admirable, but at the moment, I just wanted to get this show on the road. The sooner we got to the campsite, the sooner I could disappear into my tent. It was easier to avoid Taryn when she wasn’t standing four yards away in a bikini.

Hidden behind my sunglasses, my gaze roamed the length of her body, settling on her erect nipples. The pebbled peaks were barely visible, but of course, I noticed.

Glaring at me, she folded her arms over her chest.

Yeah, baby, I’m looking … sue me.

I groaned as the tide pulled me closer to their group.

Dylan pushed off the shore, sliding his float between Tori’s and Taryn’s. “Beckett’s tied up,” he said. “He’ll be here when he can.

Taryn stared off into the distance as Tori and Dylan floated toward the open river.

Sucking down the last of my beer, I tuned out the revelry surrounding me and then let my head fall back.

A couple hours later, Taryn cut in front of me, kicking purposefully.

“What’s your hurry?” I asked.

She broke to the far right and continued to paddle. “No hurry.”

From her position, a few yards ahead on the left, Tori called out to Taryn, “Hey! You said you weren’t going to do the drop! Get over here!”

Repositioning herself atop the tube, Taryn waved at Tori. “I want to grab a shower before it gets too crowded, so I’m taking the shortcut.”

Tori cursed as she floated to the left at the bend along with the rest of the group. It was the easier route by far, with calm water that spilled out onto the clearing where we would make camp.

I drifted to the right at the last moment, and followed Taryn.

She looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “Have you ever been this way?”

“Many times.” I dropped a hand into the water, paddling toward her, but the tide picked up, widening the gap. “I’ve probably been doing this float longer than you have.”

Minutes later, the trees became denser, blocking out a little of the sun. I sat up straight and examined the shoreline. The water was up at least a foot—maybe two—from the norm. This route was by no means treacherous. Tricky? Sometimes. But the sound of the falls ahead was louder than I remembered. Louder than it should be.

A sinking feeling hit my stomach, and kept right on going,

“Taryn!” I yelled. “Wait for me, baby.”

“I … I can’t stop,” she said through gritted teeth. “The water’s a little choppy.”

A little choppy? I was being thrown around pretty good, and I was six three and two hundred pounds. Taryn was almost a foot shorter, and couldn’t weigh more than a buck twenty.

“Just hold on, baby.” I tried to mask the urgency in my tone as I wiggled to free my legs so I wasn’t a slave to the tide. Head first in the tube was never recommended. In calm water it was fine. But in chop, you could slide under. I didn’t even want to think about what could happen in this position going over the drop.

I kicked furiously, but Taryn slipped over the falls before I could reach her. My leg scraped the jagged rocks as I followed her over, landing with a splash at the bottom.

I looked around in a panic. “Taryn!”

Spying her empty yellow float, I dipped under the water line. All matter of debris swirled in front of me as I tried to make out any shapes in the murky depth. Spotting her red bikini, I surged forward.

Please … please … please

Grabbing her around the waist, I held on tight until I felt the muddy ground beneath my feet. A cough wracked Taryn’s body as I laid her on a patch of tall grass under a canopy of trees.

“Baby …” I slapped her cheek lightly. “Taryn, talk to me.”

“Chase …” She coughed out my name along with a mouthful of water.

“I’m right here. Open your eyes for me.”

Her hand shot to the back of her skull, and she winced. “Ouch.”

“Taryn, talk to me.” I slid my fingers into her hair, feeling around for a bump. “What day is it?”

“Saturday …” she mumbled.

“Where are we?” My stomach sank when she looked at me in confusion. “Do you know where we are?”

She nodded, her brow pinched tight. “On the river.”

I grazed the large goose egg hidden beneath her tangled locks, and she hissed a breath. “I think I hit my head,” she mumbled.

I pulled my hand away to check for blood. Nothing. Thank fuck.

Holding up two fingers, I asked. “How many?”

Taryn rose to her elbow and winced. “Two.”

“I think you’re okay. But I want to get downriver so I can take you to urgent care.”

“It’s just a bump on the head,” she grumbled. “I’m fine.”

Ignoring her protests, I tried to remember all the signs of a concussion.

Tipping forward, I examined her eyes. “Look to the right.” My heart sank when she looked to the left. “The other right.”

A bubble of laughter tripped from her lips. “It’s a thing. Right and left are hard for me. Even if I hadn’t bumped my head, I probably would’ve missed that.”

My shoulders sagged with relief when I realized she was okay.

“God, you scared me.” I rested my forehead lightly against hers. “Don’t ever go alone like that again.”

Taryn curled her fingers into my hair, and her free hand slid to my chest. “Your heart is beating so fast.”

“Yeah … well …”

Smiling, she pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Thank you.”

Since she was the one who kissed me, I laughed. “For what?”

“For following me.”

I’d been following Taryn from the first day we’d met, and there was no reason to believe I wouldn’t continue the trend.

“I’ll always follow you.”

Her brows turned inward, and she cupped my cheek. “What was Logan’s sister doing at your loft?”

Apparently, I was right about her assumption. Blowing out a breath, I took her hand and then fell onto the grass on my back. “Laurel’s had some problems. She’s staying in the space above mine for a little while until she gets on her feet. And don’t ask me why she put anything in my duffel, because I have no clue.”

For a long moment, there was only the sound of the rushing water and the rustling leaves. And then Taryn said, “I don’t think I can be just your friend, Chase.”

When I rolled onto my side, her eyes were closed, like she was bracing for a storm.

Grasping her chin, I turned her face to mine and smiled.

“Then let’s renegotiate.”