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Love in Education: De La Fuente Book Seven by Buchanan, Lexi (27)



Feeling a blush creeping into my cheeks, I let Sawyer lead me across the crowded restaurant to where my family awaits...and to my surprise, Pattie as well.

“I had no idea that she was here.”

“I’m so glad, Sawyer. She kinda got my head out of my ass. We owe her a lot.”

“I’d rather have my head buried

I smack him in the stomach and laugh at the amusement shining in his eyes when he turns back to look at me.

“You walked right into that one.”

“What one?” Diego asks.

“Nothing.” I grin and return his embrace. “I can’t believe everyone came out here for me.”

Diego leans in and kisses my cheek. “Where else would we all be on your graduation?” He kisses me again and releases me to my mom.

It seems to take forever to greet everyone because the whole De La Fuente family is here and it warms my heart. I end up sitting with Sawyer on my left and Violet to my right. Blake is sitting opposite, next to his sister, Felicity, and it’s blatantly obvious that he’s avoiding looking at Violet as though his life depends on it.

“Violet,” I whisper, “what’s with him?” She stares and blinks away tears, but more come. “Let’s go to the restroom,” I suggest.

Standing, I quickly whisper into Sawyer’s ear, “I’ll be back soon.” He glances between us and seems to understand why. I kiss him on the lips and take Violet’s hand, tugging her with me.

As soon as we’re behind the closed door of the restroom, I turn to Violet. “Please tell me why you’re so upset.”

“He’s told me,” she catches her breath and struggles to get herself under control, “that he thinks I should accept, Deacon.” She starts crying so I shove some tissues into her hands.

I have no clue who Deacon is or why Blake would suggest such a thing when it’s obvious to everyone but them that they belong together, not with other people.

After a few minutes Violet swipes at her eyes and tells me, “Deacon is with the Great Falls police department. He hasn’t been there long.” She shrugs. “He’s a nice guy and has asked me out once or twice.”

She looks so sad as I place my arm around her shoulders. “And Blake suggested you date Deacon, when Blake is the one you want?”

“Am I stupid waiting for Blake to get it together?” Her head drops to my shoulder. “I’m so mad with him, Andie. In fact, I’m so mad that I am going to go out with Deacon.” She smiles and moves over to the mirror where she splashes water onto her face.

“Are you sure?” I hesitate because I’m not sure her going out with someone else is the wisest decision.

“Deacon is a nice guy. Blake obviously thinks so.” She grabs tissues from the dispenser, her anger clear. “He suggested it so he can’t complain to anyone about me dating Deacon, right?”

I watch as she grabs her cell from her purse and sends a message, a response is quickly received.

She smiles. “I have a date when I get back home.”

“I’m still not sure dating Deacon when you’re in love with Blake is the right thing to do. Won’t you be hurting Deacon?” I hold my hands out when she turns and looks ready to snap at me. “Don’t shoot me. I’m playing devils advocate here.”

“I’m done wanting someone who will never see me the way I see him.” Shrugging she turns and I follow her back to the table.

“Thought we were going to have to send a search party after you,” Mateo comments.

I take my seat next to Sawyer and slip my hand into his, intertwining our fingers.

“I needed a minute,” Violet volunteers, and smiles. “And in that minute, I did what Blake suggested, and accepted Deacon’s date.”

The table goes silent, but Violet acts as though she doesn’t notice by looking through the menu. I’m sure I’m the only one who must notice the tremble in her hands as she keeps them tightly together on her lap.

Chancing a glance at Blake, his furious eyes are on the top of Violets bent head. His anger is palpable and it’s only when his sister nudges into him that his attention moves.

“What was that about?” Sawyer whispers into my ear, sending shards of pleasure down my spine.

“I’ll tell you later.” I kiss along his jaw. “Much later.”

His eyes darken and he lets me see everything he’s feeling; lust is there, but most notable of all is the love that shines back at me.

He slips an arm around my waist and as he nuzzles into my neck, oblivious to my family chatting around us, he whispers, “I have this fantasy of you in sexy lingerie.”

“Hmm, and what would I be doing?” I slip my hand to his thigh and slowly slide it along. I grin when he quivers under my touch.

“You’d be,” he chokes when my fingers graze his trapped cock, “bent over my desk.”

“Good to know.” I press against him before pulling away.

I smirk at the blush coating his cheeks.

“Can you two stop playing around over there and pay attention,” Kasey says, and laughs when Felicity nudges into him. He wraps an arm around his heavily pregnant wife and kisses her on the top of her head.

“We’re not playing around,” Sawyer says. “In fact, I’m very serious.” Raising our hands, he kisses my knuckles.

His love for me is there for anyone to see. “I love you.”

His smile is so wide that my belly flutters with the love that I’ll never be able to describe even if I tried.

“Let’s eat,” Diego suggests. “We need to celebrate your graduation in style.” He turns to the waiter. “Can you bring us a couple bottles of champagne, please?”

The waiter dashes away and everyone starts talking at once and as Sawyer starts whispering into my ear, I notice the sadness surrounding Blake. Violet seems to have changed since our talk in the restroom, but Blake...I just want to wrap him up and tell him he has nothing to be afraid of and to go for it with Violet. The sad part is that I don’t think he will as long as he’s in the wheelchair.


Turn the page for a sneak peak of Love in Surrender #8.