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Mason James (Heartbreakers & Heroes Book 2) by Ciana Stone (6)

Chapter Six


“Okay, now do that one from Titanic.” Savannah picked up her glass of iced tea and polished off the contents as Callie launched into the song.

She stopped at the chorus to a lively round of applause from Savannah. “My God, Callie. You’re amazing. Better than any of the people made famous from those songs.”

Callie shook her head and picked up her own glass. “I’m a good mimic is all.”

“Like hell. You really are amazing.”

“Well, thank you.”

“Could I ask you something personal?” Savannah had been wanting to ask Callie ever since she found out about the recording contract she’d been offered and turned down.

“Sure, shoot.”

“Was it worth it? Turning down the contract, I mean?”

“A thousand times over.” Callie’s voice rang with honestly. “Marrying Jayce was the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened. To me or Lily. There’s nothing I’d ever choose over him.”

“Not even if he were to go broke and you all had to work like dogs just to scrape by?”

“Savannah, you already know the answer to that. I told you how things were for me and Lily and what happened. I’ve lived through hell, barely existing, and I know how to make do with very little. But making do with Jayce beside me wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to me. I’d live in a box with him rather than in a mansion without him.”

Savannah went to the table to pour herself another glass of tea and then raised it in a toast. “I don’t mind saying that I’m really envious.”

“Over Jayce?” Callie refilled her glass as well and then took a seat and propped her feet on the porch rail. “I don’t blame you. He’s so fine, I still can’t believe he fell in love with me.”

“Well, he is incredible, but then so are you. Still, I was talking about the love you and he share. You have no idea what I’d give to know what it feels like to love that deeply or to have someone love you that much.”

“Your husband never made you feel like the most incredible woman that has ever drawn a breath?”

“Not even close.”

“I guess that’s why you left him.”

“Partly. But I don’t want to talk about that if you don’t mind. Way too depressing. And this has been the perfect lunch. Thanks again.”

“You know I’m always happy when you have time to come over. And I know you have an appointment this afternoon. Another lesson with Mason, right?”

“Yes, at four.”

“So, let’s talk about Mason James. You know he and Jayce’s oldest brother JD were good friends when they were growing up.”

Savannah mentally scolded herself for the way her heart sped up a notch at the mention of Mason’s name. The morning when she left his studio, she’d been exhilarated and terrified.

Thanks to him she’d found the direction of her book, or at least she understood the characters. She could barely wait to get back to her laptop and continue working on the story. She was also scared. The hour she’d spent with Mason had inspired desire stronger than anything she’d ever experienced.

Even now, if she closed her eyes, she could relive those moments, watch him as his strong, lithe body followed her through the yoga routine, feel him against her as they danced, and be spellbound as she was captured by his gaze.

Like the character she was constructing for her book, Savannah had never known that level of desire. Mason had awakened something inside her she honestly hadn’t known existed.

Hunger. Raw, primal, consuming hunger.

“Well?” Callie’s voice slapped her back to reality.

“Sorry. What makes you think I want to talk about Mason?”

Callie laughed. “Girl, don’t even try. You’ve got a major case of the hots for him.”

What point was there in trying to lie? “Is it that obvious?”

“Only to a friend. And to be honest, I get it. The man is… I’m not really sure whether to call him hot or sexy or what, but he definitely has something.”

“Unbridled sensuality,” Savannah replied.

“Yes! That’s it. I swear, when he was dancing with Cody the other night, it got me a little worked up. Talk about having moves.”


“And you’re taking dance lessons?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump him.”

“I never thought you would. You’re way too classy for that.”

Savannah put her glass on the table. “I keep hearing that sort of thing and I really don’t get where it comes from. I’m not some socialite or the child of wealth. I’m just a girl from Georgia who got lucky.”

“Oh, so you’re saying you’re not above jumping him?”

Savannah looked at Calli in annoyance and realized she was being teased. “No, I’m not above it at all. But chances are he’d blow me off. He’s got women flitting around him like flies on shit.”

“Ah, so there’s the Southern gal.” Callie laughed. “But seriously, none of them can hold a candle to you.”

“Yeah, right. I’m sure he’d pass on those double D’s and tight tushes for my little B cup. Come on, men like tits and ass and I don’t have much of either.”

“You could be wrong about that.”

“No, I’m not and I’m not about to make a fool of myself over Mason James.”

“So, you’ll just keep fantasizing about him?”

“No, I’ll base a character on him and hope it turns into a best seller.”

Calli blew a raspberry. “Girl, you are so full of it. You’ve got a thing for Mason and sooner or later it’s going to get the better of you and you’ll give into it.”

“And if I do?”

This time Calli grinned. “Then you better share the details because I’m betting that with his moves, that man is amazing in bed.”

She’d never admit it, but Savannah would bet the very same thing.


At half past six, Savannah heard the sound of cars. She went to the front door and when she opened it, she saw Hannah’s car stop in the drive. A moment later, her friends got out: Hannah, Cody, Callie, Annie, Jolene, and Liz.

As she watched them head for the house, she was struck by how gorgeous they were. Every single one. And how wonderful.

“So, Charli said yes? It’s definitely yours?” Callie asked.

“Charli said hell yes.” Charli’s voice came from the door behind Savannah.

“Early bird.” Cody remarked.

“She came early to help.”

“What? You mean you didn’t have to pry her away from Grady and that sweet little Josie?” Hannah said as she stepped up on the porch and gave Savannah a hug.”

“Almost, but damn, girl, who can blame her?” Savannah quipped.

“Truth,” Cody agreed and indicated the wooden crate she carried. “Where do you want this?”

“Did you clean out the bar?” Savannah asked when she looked at all the bottles of liquor.

“As if.” Cody snorted. “Kitchen?”

“Yeah, that’s great.” Savannah then greeted the rest of the girls. “Come on in.”

Everyone congregated in the kitchen and within a minute, they were all talking and laughing as drinks were poured or mixed and Savannah pulled trays of vegetables and cheese and cold cuts from the refrigerator.

“So, Savannah convinced you to sell.” Hannah directed her comment to Charli and Charli smiled and raised her glass to Savannah.

“More like she wove her magic on me and Grady.”

“Magic?” Jolene perked up. “Okay, don’t stop there. What kind of magic.”

“Magic fingers.” Charli said.

An eruption of laugher and questions had Savannah laughing along with everyone. “A threesome?” Cody asked.

“Right, like she’d share Grady,” Savannah replied.

“Oh, yeah, you have a point. So explain.”

“I gave them massages.”

“You what?”

“You didn’t know?” Charli looked around. “Ladies, standing right here is the mind and the magic fingers behind Manhattan’s more successful string of spas, Hot Hands.”

“Seriously?” Liz asked. “There’s one in DC, too. I went with my mother the last time I went to visit and that place is fantastic. You’re Hot Hands?”

“Well, I started it.”

“And now?”

Savannah grinned. “Another reason I wanted to celebrate. I accepted an offer to buy the franchise and the deal was finalized yesterday. I am now a full-time writer, and thanks to Charlie, a homeowner here.”

Everyone toasted and congratulated her, and then Cody asked. “So, back to those magic fingers. You actually give massages?”

“Well, I haven’t done as much as I once did, but if I’m able to buy the spa that went belly up here, I will be soon.”

“Holy smokes.” Callie raised her glass. “That’s great.”

“If I get it and if I can find people to work for me and if I can get people to come and if—”

“Open it and they will come,” Annie intoned and everyone laughed. “I’m just happy you decided to make this your home.”

“Me too.” Even as she said it, she wondered if she could truly make it a home. She had made wonderful friends, and she thought she would like being a business owner here and also having all the time she wanted to write, but there was more to life than work.

She looked around at the women in her home. They were all married and crazy about their husbands and families. She didn’t have either. Soon her divorce would be final and that chapter of her life would be done. Her visits with her mother were strained, to say the least, and becoming fewer and fewer. She was essentially alone and while she knew she could survive, it wasn’t what she wanted from life.

But then, what she wanted wasn’t available to her. A man who loved her and children. That’s what she wanted more than anything. And that was the dream that wasn’t going to come true.


Mason mopped his face with the hand towel and then tossed it toward the chair where he’d put his shirt. So far this week had been crap. His shipment of leather didn’t come , he screwed up the new saddle tree he’d been working on; and he completely forgot about a set of chaps he was supposed to have ready for pickup this morning.

To ice the shit cake of a day he’d had, and end up the week on a crappy note, an hour ago, he received a call from his ex-girlfriend that she needed to see him right away and if he didn’t come to New York, she’d come to wherever he was.

The call had done nothing but anger him. Brittany was one of the biggest mistakes of his life and one he’d not soon get over. Not her, but the situation.

They’d danced together once-upon-a-time in London, and a year ago ran into each other again in New York when he was in between assignments. He didn’t know why they hit it off that time, but they did and before he knew it, they were living together.

Things were fine, at least as far as he knew. Until she found out she was pregnant. Then it went to hell. He wanted to keep the baby and she wanted nothing to do with it.

All they did was fight until he gave in. Mason gave her the money for the abortion and the morning she walked out to have the procedure done was the last time he saw her.

She never even came back for her things, she just sent a mutual friend to box up her stuff.

To hear from her now brought back all the pain and anger. He stewed on it until his head felt like it would explode. When he arrived at the Legion Hall, he was in such a rage, he forgot about the upcoming lesson with Savannah Harper and just danced.

Before long, he was wet with sweat and breathing like a locomotive. Mason stripped off his shirt and threw it to the side, then launched into action again. It wasn’t until he paused to mop his face that he realized he was no longer alone.

Savannah stood leaning against the wall, watching. In one part of his mind, a voice encouraged, no, it shouted for him to let go of the anger and get through this lesson.

That voice wasn’t nearly loud or forceful enough to break through the haze of rage that had him in its grip. It was rare that Mason allowed his temper free rein, and it had been quite a while since he had opened that door.

But it was open now, and anger provided a power that was the most raw and vital of all. It also was an energy that could be quickly blended with lust. He knew that to be a dangerous and heady brew, but one look at Savannah had him tossing good sense out the window.

Her eyes moved over him as he stalked to her. It was clear from the opacity of her shirt that she wore a sports bra beneath it. He wouldn’t much have cared what lay beneath the material. He wanted her as bare as possible.

With both hands, he grabbed the hem of the shirt and tugged it up, over her head. There was alarm in her eyes, but something else as well, when his gaze locked with hers.

With no words passed between them, he took her hand and yanked her to him. He didn’t ask if she wanted to dance and when she spoke his name, he shook his head.

“No words.”

Surprisingly, she didn’t say another thing. What she did added fuel to the fire that was burning inside him. She surrendered.

Her free hand moved up to drift over his chest. It was like electricity on his skin. Mason whirled her around, swung her into him, and with their bodies molded together from groin to chest, he led her into the dance. More correctly, he danced and used her like a prop, turning and positioning her with his hands on her body, whispering orders and all the while continuing the dance.

It was unlike anything he’d done before and to his surprise, wildly erotic. She allowed him to move and position her, to order her to move in whatever manner he demanded, and she never complained or balked.

Instead, her eyes focused on his and held. Mason lost track of how many songs had played, how much time had passed, or how much sweat poured from their bodies that made the wooden floors slick.

When Savannah slipped, he caught her with one arm and swung her up against him. For a moment, she looked startled, then her expression changed. He saw it, felt it and before he knew it, took advantage.

His arms tightened around her, crushing her to him as his lips claimed hers. For a split second, her lips were tense, then they loosened, became pliant and willing, parting against his.

Mason heard that small sound she made in her throat and felt her hands gripping the sides of his body, pulling him toward her even though they could not get closer. He felt her desire as keenly as his own and that added fuel to a fire that was already dangerously close to raging out of control.

It may have done just that if Nellie Mae Baker hadn’t barged through the door just then, hollering at the top of her lungs. “You best get over to my house right now, Mason James. Those crazy girls have done showed up again and are camped out on my front porch and— Oh my goodness.”

Nellie Mae’s right hand went to her heart as her eyes and mouth rounded in surprise. Savannah tore away from Mason and hurried across the room where her shirt lay on the floor.

Mason shoved back the annoyance Nellie Mae’s appearance provoked. “Thank you, Mrs. Baker. As soon as I finish this lesson I’ll head over and take care of it.”

“A lesson?” Nellie Mae gave Savannah the side-eye before responding. “That’s what you call it?”

“Yes, ma’am, it sure is and since my client is paying for my time, I need to get back to it, so if you’ll excuse us?” Mason gestured toward the door.

“Well, you see to it that you straighten those gals out, you hear? I can’t be putting up with floozies showing up at my house all hours of the day and night.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll see you in a bit, Mrs. Baker.”

“Well…” Nellie Mae cut another look at Savannah. “All right. Just don’t you dillydally.”

“Of course.”

Mason gestured again toward the door and this time, Nellie Mae turned and waddled out. Once she was gone, he looked at Savannah. “Sorry about that.”

“Does this happen a lot?”

“Mrs. Baker barging in?”

“No, women showing up at her house trying to see you.”

Mason felt her discomfort all the way across the room. “I’m sorry that happened, and no, it doesn’t. Those women are— I don’t know what they are… Desperate for attention and going after it in all the wrong ways. They’re competing with one another and seem to have singled me out as their prize pig.”

“Prize pig?” A hint of a smile came on Savannah’s face.

“Something like that. Look, I’m not interested in those women and I never invited or encouraged their attention. I think I’ve danced with them once, but I never asked for more and turned down their offers.”

“You don’t owe me any explanations. As you said, I’m a client.”

That’s when it hit him. She felt demeaned by what he’d said. He’d put his hands on her, kissed her and then referred to her as nothing more than someone paying for his services. Of course she was hurt and offended.

Mason’s body was in motion ahead of his mouth. “Not any more,” he said as he backed her up against the wall and cupped her face in both hands.

“You’re not going to teach me to dance?”

“You’re not going to be a client.”

“Then what will I be?”

“What do you want to be?”

Her gaze met his and held for a long time. He saw fear and uncertainty and felt it in the small trembles that ran through her. The strange part was that he felt the same, nearly holding his breath as he waited for her answer, and somehow nervous over what she would answer.

“I want… I want to be touched and taught, to watch and learn, to feel the air of sensuality that wraps around you and have it envelope me. I want to know it, to know you.”

It shocked him how much her words thrilled him. He wasn’t a man who fell easily, so how was it that he was falling so fast for Savannah Harper?




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