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Midnight Secrets: A Dark Vampire Romance (Secret Series Book 2) by Ditter Kellen (11)

Chapter Eleven


Simon entered the old cedar house, his gaze touching on everything around him. He could almost feel Roman’s presence, detect his scent that still lingered in the walls.

Madison flipped on the lights and stopped next to a fireplace, white puffs of smoke leaving her mouth with every breath she took. She rubbed her palms up and down the front of her jean-clad thighs.

Realizing she was cold, Simon scanned the walls for a thermostat. “I’ll just get the heater going for you.”

She glanced up, rubbing her hands together. “There is no heater…only a fireplace.”

“Okay, I’ll go out and grab some firewood.”

Madison sent him a grateful look. “It’s in the barn around back.”

Simon stepped outside and closed the door before rounding the house and blurring his way to the barn.

Thoughts of Svetlana plagued him as he gathered an armload of wood. If she managed to get her hands-on Madison, she would rip her to shreds.

Why did Simon suddenly care about what happened to the tall redhead? He’d never particularly liked her, especially after she’d tried to kill him a couple of years ago. She’d emptied an entire round of silver bullets into him while he’d been restrained. Yet, there he was, gathering wood to keep her warm.

He carried the load back inside, stacked it next to the fireplace, and grabbed a box of matches that rested on the mantle. He had a fire going in no time.

Madison pulled a chair up close and held her hands out toward the crackling flames. “Thank you.”

Warmth seeped into Simon that had nothing to do with the fire and everything to do with the woman next to him.

He abruptly spun back toward the door.

“What are you doing?”

Stopping with his hand on the knob, he answered without looking back. “You’re going to need food.”

“But Svetlana—”

“Won’t be a problem tonight,” Simon interrupted. “You’re safe for now.”

“It isn’t me that she wants.”

Simon stomach tightened. Could Madison be concerned for his welfare? He looked back over his shoulder. “You’re worried for me?”

She shifted her gaze back to the flames, ignoring his question. “Grab me a toothbrush while you’re in town.”

“I’ll get you some soap while I’m at it. You smell as if you’ve been rolling in straight-up dog.” He jerked the door open and left before she could respond.


* * * *

The next hour was spent with Simon attempting to grab enough essentials to last Madison for the next few days. He’d bought everything he could think of that she might like, from ribeye steaks to strawberry scented shampoo.

He pulled back into the drive, grabbed the bags from the front seat and blurred his way to the front door.

It opened before he could touch the knob. “Were you followed?”

Simon shot her a blank look.

“Yeah, I suppose that was a stupid question,” Madison muttered, stepping back to allow him access.

“Clearly.” Simon strode through the now toasty front room and laid the bags on the table in the kitchen.

Madison followed. She leaned over the table and began curiously sifting through the bags before plucking out the soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“In cold water?”

She shook her head. “I turned on the hot water heater when you left. It should be heated up by now.”

An image of her peeling out of those jeans she wore floated through Simon’s mind. He looked away. “He installed a water heater but not central heat?”

“He was planning on adding the central heat at some point. I guess he never got around to it.”

Simon changed the subject. “I got you something to wear until we can get your clothes washed.”

“I appreciate that.” She dug through the bags once more.

The sound of Madison’s footsteps disappearing down the hall eased some of the tension in Simon’s shoulders. What was it about her that affected him so? And why now?

Simon had always found Madison attractive, but there had literally been thousands of attractive women in his past. So many, in fact, that Simon had lost interest in sex decades ago. Not that he didn’t enjoy the company of a beautiful woman on occasion…he did. He’d simply grown bored of their vain mannerisms. Madison was different. She didn’t have a vain bone in her delicious body.

Simon quickly put the food away and took down a plate to lay a steak on. Once he had the meat seasoned, he sifted through the cabinets until he located a cast iron skillet.

Placing the steak in the skillet, he turned it on low heat and trailed into the living room to sit in the chair Madison had vacated.

The scent of strawberries and Madison drifted down the hall, up Simon’s nose, and straight into his sex.

His shaft hardened instantly to throb in time with his heartbeat. Simon wanted her. There was no denying it. He wanted her beneath him, surrendering to him and coming apart for him. Damn her.

“Something smells incredible.” Madison trailed into the room wearing the sweat suit Simon had purchased for her, and holding an armload of wet clothes. Her long, red hair lay over her shoulders in damp disarray, giving her an innocent appearance.

Simon fought to keep his fangs behind his lips. He wanted to point out that she smelled just as incredible to him as that damn steak did to her. Instead, he muttered, “It’s steak. It should be ready in a few minutes.”

A soft sigh escaped her. She moved further into the room, unfolded the wet clothes from her arms and draped them along the hearth. He noticed that her feet were bare.

She cleared her throat. “Look. It’s obvious that we could be stuck together in this confined space for a few days. What do you say we put our differences aside and make the best of the situation?”

“If you’re attempting to bed me, all you need do is ask.”

She reached out and smacked him on the back of the head. “Lowlife.”

Simon chuckled and got to his feet, forcing her to back up a step. “Take a pill, sweet thang. I’m only teasing you. Unless of course you’re considering it?”

“Go take a shower,” she bit out.

He turned to go and then stopped to glance back at her. “Last chance?”


With a shrug, he sauntered off down the hall.