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Mr. Blackwell's Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance (A Good Wife Book 2) by Sienna Blake (17)






Drake and I sat facing each other in the limo even though he’d sat next to me on the ride here. Strangely, I missed his warm presence beside me. The leather seat was much too cold.

He was staring out the window, not even looking at me.

Was he thinking about that blonde? She was pretty and buxom. She seemed more like the kind of woman that a billionaire like Drake Blackwell would be with.

Curiosity tumbled around my insides like a pinball machine until I couldn’t keep it in anymore. “She was your ex,” I blurted out.

He looked over to me for the first time since he climbed in and sighed. “Hardly.”

“She seemed to think so.”

He rolled his eyes. “Kristie and I went on four dates, maybe five.”

Kristie definitely seemed more…hurt by Drake than a four-date relationship. “Did you…” Oh God, I didn’t want to know. Shit, yes, I did. I needed to know. “Did you sleep with her?” I asked, my voice coming out all strangled.

Drake pressed his lips together and turned his head.

Shit. That means yes.

Drake was a beautiful man in his thirties. Of course, I could see how he must have been sexually active before me. The thought of that woman’s hands on Drake made me want to claw something. Preferably her eyes out of her head.

Since when was I a violent person… especially over someone like Drake?

Shit. When did I start thinking of him as Drake and not Mr. Blackwell?

Oh God.

I was jealous.

Over my husband.

What a disaster.

I changed the subject. “And you and Mr. Wright…?”

He growled at the name. Actually growled. “What about that fu—” Drake cleared his throat, “that guy?” He stopped himself from swearing around me. How cute.

“What’s his story?”

Drake’s lip lifted. “You stay away from him.”

I was planning to. There was something about the tall blond I didn’t like. But being ordered around just made me combative. I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m your wife, not your slave.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” And now we’re back to swearing. “Jared Wright is the sneakiest, dirtiest, most self-interested snake you’ll ever meet.”

I flicked through my impressions of Wright. Arrogant, without a doubt. Sleazy, to a point. But a snake? “He seemed…well-mannered enough.”

I could almost hear the sizzle of Drake’s blood. “If he’s nice to you it’s because he wants to take you from me. If the bastard thinks he can swipe you out from under my nose like you’re some Goddamn painting I will fucking kill him with my bare…” he spluttered before slamming his mouth shut, tearing his eyes away from me to glare out the window.


Drake was jealous. Over me.

A warmth bubbled up inside me. Silly girl. I was an intelligent, modern woman. I shouldn’t be condoning such caveman sentiments. I shouldn’t be happy that my husband is feeling possessive over me.

Still… Feelings were funny things that often didn’t make any damn sense. Besides, no one had to know what I was feeling.

“What are you smiling about?” Drake asked in a gruff voice.

“Nothing.” I beamed at him, causing him to scowl.




At the manor, Drake placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked up the stairs. My stomach jumbled. Oh shit. We’re going to the bedroom. He wanted…


The mere thought sent a rush of heat through me, making my cheeks burn. At the same time, an anxiousness knotted in my stomach. What if I was no good? What if he saw me naked and he didn’t like it?

Every step towards my bedroom felt like my feet were getting heavier, my head dizzier.

My first time.

My stomach did an elegant little loop and promptly tied itself into knots.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes,” I squeaked out. “Yes,” I tried again. “Fine.”

He peered at me. “You look a little pale.”

I shook my head.

By the time we reached my bedroom door, I had to fight to keep breathing properly.

“Well,” he said, facing me.

Oh my God, this was it.

“Well…” I wiped my palms as inconspicuously as I could on my thighs.

He smiled, that look in his eyes. I want to cry at how beautiful he appeared right at this second. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Noriko.” He paused. “At least, until Wright showed up. Even then, it was bearable because you were on my side.”

“Of course. Me too.” My voice came out all breathy. I found myself tilting my face up to him, my lips parting, my fingers itching to run through his hair.

His eyes dropped to my lips, hunger flashing in his eyes as it did earlier. This time, there is no Wright to stop us. No Kristie, no photographer. He slowly leaned in and…


He dragged his eyes away, suddenly finding the door over my head really interesting. He cleared his throat. “Well. Good night, then.” He turned on his heel and walked down the hall, disappearing inside his bedroom.

I sagged against my door. What just happened? Why didn’t my husband kiss me?

Did he not want me? Rejection burned in my veins as I tried to sort through my jumble of thoughts.

I should be happy he doesn’t want me. This made it easier for me to avoid getting pregnant.

Still, I was burning with disappointment. Why was I so disappointed?

Oh God, I might actually like my husband. I might actually want him. I wanted him to want me.

Why didn’t he want me? Was it Kristie?

No. If he wanted Kristie, he could’ve had her. She wasn’t over him, that much I was sure of.

I moved through my rooms, pushed open my bedroom door and flicked on the light. I froze in the doorway. My high wooden bed had been removed. Drake must have had it done while we were out. In its place was a double-sized futon. Just like the one my parents used to share.

I remembered our conversation this morning when he barged into my room to find me sleeping on the floor.

He had a futon put in here for me.

Despite my confusion over tonight, my heart warmed.