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Mr. King Sized: A Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (42)


After a brief trip to get groceries for their weekend of normalcy, Aiden and Cat arrived at his condo and quite normally carried in all the bags, which Cat proceeded to empty while Aiden went into the living room to see what was on the television.

“Cat, do you like horror movies?” he wanted to know.

“Scary, not gory?” she wanted to know.

“Gory as hell,” he replied. “I can find something else.”

“Thank you.”

When Cat entered the living room at last, she came bringing out two glasses of soda complete with ice and straws and set one next to Aiden. He cast her an appreciative smile. “Now see, there’s my point right there. Brynn never would have done that.”

“Hmm?” Cat asked, sipping on her straw as she settled herself at his side. “What, she didn’t even bring you a drink when she got her own?”

“She never got her own,” he scoffed. “She has a cook, a maid, and a butler to order around, so why should she bother to do it for herself?”

“Somehow, I get the feeling the mood’s been put off,” said Cat, frowning.

“The hell if it has!” Aiden protested. “I’m not going to let that woman ruin this relationship too. I’ve found a fairy tale movie. Do you like those?”

Cat giggled. “Of course.”

“Well, this one doesn’t contain the handsome Legolas, but it will have to do.”

“Aiden, don’t be jealous of a poster,” she chuckled. “Listen to you.”

“I’m not jealous,” he refuted. “But why’d you put it up in your bedroom at the resort?”

“Well, because I love the story, and because the wall needed some decoration,” she snorted. “That is the usual reason for posters. Didn’t you know?”

“I don’t mind that you have him at all,” he explained. “I’d just rather you would have him on the wall over here, that’s all. I don’t want you anywhere near Brynn while she’s around.”

“You could always just kick her out,” Cat pointed out.

“We’re not divorced yet,” he sighed. “She’ll only tell any officer who arrives that she has as much right to be on this land as I do, and until that damned paperwork goes through she would be right. But maybe that’s the whole point! Do you think she is here hoping to start a fight? Get more grist for her insane tabloid story? How she wanted to ‘make things right’ but once again I wounded her to the core?”

“I don’t know her well enough to judge, unfortunately,” Cat told him. “Maybe we should give her enough rope to hang herself and see how it goes.”

“Yes, that’s all well and good, but what happens if on the way down that rope wraps around me too?” he complained. “I was hoping all of this would just go away, Cat. That my lawyers would talk to hers, they’d see reason and accept my offer of a severance payment plan of some kind, and I’d never have to tolerate that woman or her scheming ways afterwards. She’s up to no good, as sure as I’m sitting here.”

“Are you sitting here?” Cat scoffed. “I thought you were still about a mile away.”

Then, Cat resolutely set her drink down on the coffee table and took his too. “Fairy tales are all well and good, but I think what you need right now is something else entirely. I know just how to get your mind off this whole thing.”

Aiden caught on right away, and his frown turned into a smirk. “You do?”

Cat traced her fingers along his bicep, and he flexed, making her chuckle. She said, “I’ve barely had a chance to be in this arms today. Why don’t we start our weekend off the right way?”

“It sounds like a great idea to me,” Aiden grinned, capturing her hand and bringing it up to his lips. He kissed her fingers, and the heat of his breath sent a little thrill right down Cat’s spine. It amazed her, but the more she touched the man, the more she wanted to. Heat pooled between her thighs just thinking about what they were about to do.

Smiling, she got up and started to head for his bedroom, but as he got up Aiden stopped her. “Do you know something, sweetheart? I don’t think we’ve broken in the breakfast nook.”

Cat blinked. “You’re kidding, right?”

Grinning wickedly, Aiden shook his head no. He twisted her back around, kissing her soundly as he scooted her in that direction. Cat giggled as she felt the low circle strike her in the backs of her thighs. Their tongues twined as the stood there, and then she felt him reach down and tug her skirt upwards. She gasped into his mouth when he fingers slid into the sides of her underwear and began to pull them down.

“Such a naughty billionaire,” she told him playfully. “How will I ever keep a straight face if we’re here with company?”

“I’m not above a bit of snickering,” he said as he grasped her by the hips and flipped her around so that she was facing the nook and couldn’t see what he was doing, but no doubt it was bound to be something kinky. She heard his zipper, and the distinctive noise of his pants dropping down, followed by him kicking them off to the side.

But she knew he wasn’t going to just push her down and take her. That was something that had been rare over the past two weeks. She felt him drop down onto his knees; he put one hand on the inner portion of each of her thighs, urging her to part her legs. Was he really going to taste her from behind? Cat’s breathing quickened as he did just exactly that, his magical tongue finding her slick, wet hole. Tilly’s pronouncement came back to her mind as she bit at her bottom lip and extended her arms, grabbing onto the sides of the nook table and laying forward with a heavy, contented sigh. Aiden really was a keeper, all right.

His gentle torture lasted until he’d made her come, and then he moved back and kissed one of her ass cheeks. “God, Cat! I will never get enough of you! Now let’s see how this nook really works out!”

Cat found herself squirming with need as he stood up, taking the time to put on a condom before he positioned himself behind her. She wanted him in her desperately—her body was screaming for it at the moment. “Dammit, Aiden, no teasing right now. I’m still way too close.”

“Not a problem,” he said huskily, and then he was there, sliding into her with his glorious cock. Cat groaned softly, then sucked in a breath when she realized she’d been holding it. It felt too good, doing this here. Every single move conspired to tell her so, but she didn’t care. Aiden knew what he was doing, that was for sure. He began to pound into her, fucking her hard, and the noises she’d been biting back finally let loose.

“I think you like it here,” he teased her, giving her ass a slap that almost stung, but not quite.

“Obviously!” she managed to reply. “Oh, oh, yes! Right there!”

He probably thought the angle wasn’t the easiest one to hold, but that certainly didn’t stop his from doing it anyway. If anything, he pounded even harder. Cat moaned louder, making sure he was well aware of her appreciation for it.

“God, Cat, I’m going to—“

“Please! I love it when you come right along with me!”

Aiden exploded, and Cat felt a keen ache as her own orgasm shortly followed. He leaned down and kissed her between the shoulder blades as he moved out, and tossed the condom into the nearby trash can.

“I sure won’t mind when we don’t need those, sweetheart,” he whispered into her ear as he drew her backwards into his arms.

“And that won’t be for a while either,” Cat insisted. “The last thing you need is to impregnate me when you’re still having troubles with your wife. I know you’re feeling impatient to get on with everything, Aiden, but someday you’ll thank me for doing this thing right.”

He sighed and nodded as he moved back over to the couch, uninterested in retrieving his discarded clothing. “Cat, do you know what else we need?” he asked as he sipped at his soda.

“What’s that?”

“A nice, long, hot shower,” he said, grinning. “Nice and steamy.”

“I see your real agenda, mister,” she teased him, chuckling. “You just want to break in all of your things.”

“Well, not all of them,” he said, smirking. “I don’t think we’ll want to break in the big screen.”

“Okay, it’s official.”

“What is?” he asked, laughing.

“You are the weirdest guy I have ever known,” Cat told him. “Call me crazy, but I think that’s wonderful.”

Aiden grinned. “Yeah, I know.”