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Musketeers: Fallen MC #2 by C.J. Washington (11)

Chapter eleven


They left the prospects to dispose of Jerry. This Dane was turning out to be more dangerous than they first thought. He obviously had a shit load of dodgy dealings with fuck knows who plus, the money to back him up. Obviously, he’d managed to hide a lot from his wife and Bianca about what pies his fingers were in. Well, they wouldn’t underestimate him again. Dane had better start counting down his last days.

Slam was waiting outside their room, “Figured you’d want an update.”

Bones and King stuck their heads in the room to check on Bianca and then quietly pulled the door closed so that their voices wouldn’t wake her.

“How is she?” he asked.

“Surprisingly well. Had to have seven stiches but the wound wasn’t deep. It’ll be the burn that bothers her the most over the next few days. She needs to take it easy for 24 hours and then she should be fine with some pain relief.”

Digger watched as King and Bones slumped against each other in relief. He knew the feeling. When he’d heard that shot go off, he’d thought that was it; that they’d lost her. Seeing her fall to the ground with blood staining her top had made his heart stop and a frenzy of terrifying feelings nearly overwhelmed him. When he covered her body to prevent her being shot again, he could clearly hear her gasping breaths and he almost went boneless with relief.

He thanked Slam and then went into their room. It was such a different picture from earlier that it almost felt like this morning didn’t happen. Bianca was curled on her side under a blanket, her face stiff with pain and her skin drained of her normal glow. Bones and King put their arms around him, their heat soothing him as much as it could. No one spoke and he didn’t know how long they stood just watching their woman sleep.

There was a light tap on the door and Nicole stepped inside with a couple of plates piled high with sandwiches. If anyone knew how Bianca would be feeling it would be Nicole. Her arm was still bandaged from where her own father had shot her in the arm before kidnapping her for Riot.

She shot them all a small smile, “Please tell her when she wakes up that if she wants someone to talk to, I’m here. I’ll be lucky to leave the club before these boys get here if Duke has his way, so I’ll be around.”

Digger reached out and let his hand rest on her bump. He found it amazing that there were three babies in there. He didn’t know how Nicole would be able to move around if she got much bigger. He felt them roll and kick under his hand. Duke was a lucky bastard.

“Thanks, Nic.”

She gave them each a quick kiss on the cheek, “Make sure you eat. I’ve left soup in a bowl in the fridge for Bianca if she wants something warm when she wakes up.” She shot a sorrowful look at Bianca and left.

“She’s a good woman,” Bones rumbled.

“She’ll make a good friend for Bianca,” King agreed.

They turned the couch to better face the bed and switched the TV on low and ate the food. The last thing they wanted to do was wake Bianca up. You don’t feel pain when you’re sleeping.

It was a couple of hours later when Bianca started to stir. They all jumped up and moved onto the bed, petting her and kissing her awake. She let out a quiet moan that filled his cock. He had to fight the impulse to bury himself inside her, assuring himself that she was okay.

“I’m okay guys.” Bianca whispered out and pulled their hands to her face to kiss and snuggled into them.

Her soft lips touching his skin soothed a part of his soul that still felt raw. She went to turn onto her back and winced, sucking air through her teeth. Digger flinched at her pain. He spotted the bottle of pills Slam had left on the bedside table. He got two out and passed them over for her to take. Bones helped her skooch up the bed and propped her up using all the pillows. She swallowed the pills and slumped back, she was still a bit dozy and tired.

“Are you all okay? Were you hurt?” her voice tremored as she wrapped her arms around King’s arm.

“No, angel. We’re fine, don’t worry.” King assured her while pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You seem okay with everything that happened.”

“I guess I am. If Dane is still trying to hurt me that means he still can’t find Maggie and Brandon, which makes this all worth it.”

Digger wanted to disagree but he could see her point. Luckily, she hadn’t brought up searching for her sister. It would be too dangerous right now and didn’t want to have to tell her no. This Dane clearly had more reach than any of them anticipated.

He’d got a few of the more inconspicuous brothers doing a bit of digging, which is weird as that’s usually his speciality, hence his road name. There was no way for Bianca to be safe until Dane was dead and buried. Until then they had to assume he had eyes everywhere and the money to outsource his violent requests.

Bianca and Bones both yawned at the same time. Bianca giggled and said, “jinx!” She held her hand up for a high-five. Bones looked completely charmed by her playfulness and slapped his hand to hers.

When she yawned for the second time, he got up from the bed and started stripping his clothes off.

“We might as well get comfy. I’ll put a movie on and we can relax.”

When he was down to his boxers he grabbed a few bags of chips and a bottle of water for Bianca. King had left and returned with six chilled beers from the bar. When they all got under the covers and lay back, Digger felt something unfamiliar warm his chest. He realised he was utterly comfortable and content for the first time in his life.

He couldn’t remember the last time they’d all just been together and done nothing, simply spending time in each other’s company. He made a mental note to make sure they do it often from now on, as he looked at the totally relaxed faces of Bones and King. Bianca’s eyes were already half shut and he knew it wouldn’t be long until they all followed her into sleep.


Bones woke and stretched, feeling his muscles creak to life. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so well, especially considering all the shit that went down the day before, he was surprised. His movements must have woken Digger who was settled against his back. He felt the evidence of his desire pressing against him. Digger’s hand smoothed over his hip before diving into his boxers and wrapping his hand around his rapidly growing cock.

It felt so fucking good. It had been the best part of a week since they’d all been together and now they had Bianca in the mix. With everything going on they hadn’t explored or pushed this side of their relationship on Bianca. Part of him was nervous that when she was faced with the reality of who they were she wouldn’t like it. Yet, a bigger part of him was full of anticipation to finally start building what they’ve been craving for years; a family. Bianca is the softness they’ve craved, her gentle personality soothes their hard edges and her quiet calm when faced with danger drew them all in instantly.

The fact that Digger was initiating this helped his confidence. Digger was the cautious one of the three of them and if he felt Bianca was ready then he’d follow his lead. Bones reached back and pulled Digger’s boxers down, letting his cock rub between his ass cheeks. Digger groaned and Bianca’s eyes flew open, connecting with his.

The blue iris was startling next to the pure white of her eyes. He saw beautiful tiny, navy blue and gold flecks spread evenly throughout her iris. They were the most stunning eyes he’d ever seen and he was captivated by them. She looked perplexed for a moment as she noticed the movement next to her body caused by Digger’s hand on his dick. Then her eyes grew heated with her realisation and her teeth bit into her bottom lip. She squirmed in place and Bones knew her body was readying itself to be claimed again.

Knowing she was getting wet had his sped his heartbeat up and intensified everything that Digger was doing to him. He grasped the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. As their tongues stroked and wove together, he felt Digger licking and nipping his neck. He sighed his enjoyment into Bianca’s mouth and started to pull up her small tee. He pulled it over her head and threw it on the floor next to the bed.

He trailed his hand down the smooth, soft skin of her side, mapping out her ribs and hip. Her legs kicked and he noticed her cotton panties balled up by her feet. The little minx was so ready for this. King had woken and was leaning on is elbow, enjoying the sights before joining in. His hand brushed King’s chest as he moved to massage her Bianca’s breasts. He plucked her nipples, gradually increasing the strength of his pinch as Bianca to moan and jerk. She turned her head and King took her mouth with ferocity. Heat was really building now, they were all awake and fully engaged in what was happening.

“Spread for me, angel.” King lifted her leg, dislodging the covers completely. They were all exposed and able to watch each other pleasured.

Bones eyes were drawn to Bianca’s wet folds and he could see King’s cock sawing through them, teasing and stimulating her clit from behind. He pulled his boxers off, letting Bianca see Digger’s hand wrapped around his dick. He dripped come onto her hip and rubbed it into her skin, marking her. Digger’s dick was digging deep into his crease and he lifted his leg to open to him. Cold lube touched his hole and the familiar and blissful pressure followed. He held still as Digger seated himself inside him. The stretch and burn fuelled his own need.

He pulled Bianca further up the bed and wrapped her leg over his hip, bringing his cock to her pussy. Bianca was reaching out over him and grabbed Digger’s shoulder, securing her position. She angled herself so he could push inside. King’s cock rubbed against his as he moved back. He pushed an inch inside, the wet heat enveloping his head and Bianca gasped. He held still, worried he had hurt her somehow.

“You alright, beauty?” he asked, wiping the dampening hair away from her face. He felt a cool trickle of lube against the base of his cock as she answered “Y…Ye…Yes.” Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her breath caught.

“Easy, easy. Just breathe.” King coached behind her with a soft, yet insistent tone.

He knew King would be a couple of digits deep into her ass. Digger rocked forward into him, pushing him deeper into Bianca’s pussy. They all moaned and Digger reached over him and started pulling on Bianca’s nipples. Her breath was sawing in and out of her and a short squeal escaped, followed by a deep grunt from King. The pressure around his cock increased as he felt King’s cock push against his own.

King was soothing her stroking her arms and pressing kiss to her neck and shoulder. His hand was holding her leg up now and the pressure of her cunt had increased tenfold. He had to pull on every bit of restraint he had as he felt King’s cock finally seated fully against his, separated by only a thin layer of skin. They were both totally inside Bianca. A new sort of euphoria covered every inch of him and he basked in the sense of completeness  brought about by them all being linked for the first time.

They didn’t move, letting her adjust and absorb the new sensations. Digger took her hand from his shoulder and threaded his fingers through hers. They were all joined, they were one. It was the single most amazing feeling he’d had in his life.

“We must look like hotdogs in a packet,” Digger said behind him.

Bianca giggled causing her to clench down on him and King. He gritted his teeth against the phenomenal, strangling feeling.

“Fuck, Dig. Don’t make her laugh, she’s fisting my dick tight as it is.” King groaned out.

Bones couldn’t help but smile. He loved that they had a second of levity in this tense and charged moment.

“You okay?” he whispered to her.

He was desperate to continue thrusting into her and have Digger moving in his ass. All his nerve endings were tingling in anticipation.

Bianca wiggled, shifting them all deeper into each other, “Please move, please, please.” She tried to move her hips to create the movement. Bones held her hip still, “Steady…”

A rhythm built between them to the music of skin meeting skin, wet slapping and the groans of pure ecstasy. Bones could hardly believe how fucking amazing this was. This was not their first time in this position, yet it felt different from every other time before it. He felt his balls draw up to the base of his dick as his body prepared to shoot his load into Bianca’s hot, milking snatch. Hands grasped harder, moans got deeper and the pace increased as they all raced together toward the finish line. Part of him wished that this wasn’t about to end, but there was no holding off this feeling for much longer. He was riding the edge and then with a final thrust he fell over it. His whole body jarred with each stream of cum that shot from his dick.

A primitive sound roared from his chest as his whole body spasmed in ecstasy. He heard Bianca’s scream, King and Digger’s groans and chants as he tried to force himself back from floating in pure pleasure. Reality returned and for the first time with a woman, the bliss didn’t dissipate. It kept them all cocooned as they caught their breath and their bodies cooled.

His dick slipped from inside Bianca and Digger withdrew from his ass. He felt replete and satisfied. He moved his hands over the bodies wrapped around his, savoring the feel of their skin and basking in their newly achieved closeness. Bianca had been worth the wait. He was glad they’d waited for perfection. She was truly theirs now. She had accepted and embraced them entirely. He could now see his life filled with mornings like this.

Bianca’s quiet, husky voice breathed out, “I love you, I love you all.” He saw tears spill from her eyes at her confession.

He wasn’t sure he heard her right, didn’t dare believe that he had until Digger and King both sat up and curled themselves around her. They were all touching her as much as they could.

“Fuck, angel. I love you, we all do. You’re our old lady, made for us, you’re our perfect.”

King’s words echoed his thoughts. Her eyes turned to him and Digger, searching. He knew she must be able to see his feelings plain as day. He knew she’d want the words as much as he wanted to give them.

He had no hesitation saying, “King’s right, I love you too.”

“I love you too,” Digger echoed.

Her face lit up even brighter than before and fresh tears pooled in her eyes.