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Musketeers: Fallen MC #2 by C.J. Washington (2)

Chapter two

Bianca was shocked from her sleep by the sound of yelling voices. She didn't immediately recognise any of them. Fear rushed through her body. This place was always quiet – something horrible must be happening. Just as soon as she started to tune into what was being said, the deafening sound of gunfire blasted through the room.

She scrambled into the corner of her cell as tightly as she could and covered her ringing ears. She didn't want to hear anymore and yet couldn’t seem to make herself close her eyes. She needed to now what was heading her way.

She felt as if her mind was seconds away from fracturing as she saw a pool of blood slowly expanding past her cell door. She desperately wanted to shut her eyes tight, to block everything out but they still wouldn't cooperate with her wishes. The morbid sight had her transfixed.

A few minutes passed and the muffled sound of voices seemed to be getting further away. She moved her hands from her ears just in time to hear several heavy footsteps headed her way. She tried to brace herself, but for what she didn't know and didn’t relish finding out. Petrified, she kept her eyes on her cell door as she awaited her fate. She couldn't decide whether she wanted this to be the end or not. It wasn't in her nature to give up, yet the idea of finally being free of this had its pros.

Bianca's head tipped all the way back as the biggest man she'd ever seen appeared on the other side of her bars. Her breath left her lungs when she fully took in the figure before her. He was tall, heavily muscled with mid-length dark blonde hair. It was his eyes that held her attention though. They were the warmest brown she'd ever seen and an equal amount of rage, sympathy and kindness seemed to radiate from them.

Her whole body relaxed of its own accord, as if it knew something that she didn’t. It was a shock to realise she wasn't scared. Not in the least. In fact, she wanted him closer. This man appeared like a heavenly sentinel and his caring gaze promised her safety. Finally.

A small voice in her head shouted that she was crazy as she reached out towards him, a silent plea to rescue her. She watched as he struggled to unlock the door and banged his hand against the bars in frustration. A new large shadow was cast on the wall behind him and for a split second she was petrified that someone was approaching him from behind. Her lungs stalled and panic started anew that whoever it was would hurt him and stop him from reaching her.

Two more men quickly appeared, flanking him. Clearly her savior wasn’t scared and trusted these men to have his back. She found the strength she thought had left her for good to move her head to see them all more clearly. The first thing she noticed was their size. Heavy muscle rippled under dark tees and their skin was adorned with colourful tattoos. They all looked similar but were different enough that she knew they weren't related. Varying shades of blonde hair were highlighted by the flickering fluorescent tube light.

She forced her eyes to meet theirs. One pair was a deep sky blue, like you see at twilight on a clear night. They looked like they could see into her deepest fears and feelings. The last man’s eyes were deep set and so dark that they looked black. They wasn’t anything cold about them though and Bianca swore that they somehow sparkled like black diamonds.

She was paralysed by their stares and swore she felt her soul shift as she was encompassed in all their gazes. There eyes were promising vengeance and she could almost see the waves of anger pulsing from their huge bodies yet she knew with all confidence they weren't directed at her. She took the first full, soothing breath that she had since this entire plan started. Her lungs smarted as she filled them to the brim. She let her taut body sag against the cold, unforgiving wall at her back, finally allowing her stressed muscles to rest with the unwavering certainty that these three men, whoever they were, would keep her safe.


When he heard Nicole stressing to Duke, their club’s VP, that there was another person being held in these shitty cells he hadn't known what to expect. He hadn't hung around to ask questions. He just wanted this fucked up day over with. He'd never suspected that the stupid pricks from Riot MC would take things this far, to actually abduct a rival club’s old lady and a pregnant one at that. And now it looked like they'd be left to clean up whatever other shit they'd got themselves into.

King made his way into the room holding the cells and skirting Noel’s blood that coated the floor, he made his way to the last cell. He registered noise not far behind him and knew that Bones and Digger had followed him. He would expect no less from them. They were his partners in every part of his life and their bond was unbreakable. Wherever they went, they went together. Everyone knew this. Any attempt to separate them from each other was met with overwhelming force. It certainly helped that they were all built like line-backers and had zero issues with fucking someone up or ending their lives. Having a brutal reputation had definitely assisted to quell any fucker trying to bring trouble to them or their club brothers.

Stopping at the cell door he looked to the small figure who’d been trying desperately to hide in the shadow of the corner. He felt his whole body jerk as his brain tried to keep up with what his eyes and apparently his heart had recognised.

He hadn't known what to expect. He'd imagined some drugged out fucker with a debt they’d failed to settle, not a broken angel. In the filthy, dank cell was a small woman huddled in on herself. From what he could see of her body under the stained rags she was wearing, she looked entirely too thin, the sharp angles of her body looking too severe. He could make out several deep bruises along with slashes to nearly every part of her exposed skin. Grime clung to her, darkening the porcelain complexion that shone through on small parts of her.

What took his breath though was the long, tangled, matted mess of what he could see would be white blonde hair when it was clean and a face worthy of a goddess. Helen of Troy couldn’t have had anything on this bitch. Red-rimmed blue eyes hesitantly met his. Rage, unlike any he had ever known, bubbled up from deep inside that someone, anyone, could do this to an angel.

The rage was mingled with a good dose of possessiveness and obsession and the bone deep feeling that this woman was theirs. This was the woman destined to complete their lives. To give them the family they craved. He had no idea how he knew and he didn't have the time or inclination to figure it out right at that moment.

He watched as tears filled her eyes and a tiny hand unwrapped from her knee and reached out to him. It felt like a fire had been lit under him as his desperation to reach his woman burned.

He was fucking up the release of the door lock in his haste, pissing himself off even more. A steadying hand clasped his shoulder and Bones’ unwavering strength settled him enough to finally work the lock. It clicked open.


The cell door slammed open and for the first time she wasn't startled by the sound, the deep fear that usually followed was pleasantly absent. The man at the front charged through the door and dropped to his knees beside her. She could see the desperation in his expression to reach out and touch her. The muscles in his arms twitched and he shook out his fisted hands. He leaned further towards her, a barely-leashed calm having temporarily eased his frantic movements.

His clean, woodsy scent filled her senses and Bianca wanted to surround herself with it. She felt it invade her body with each deep breath she sucked in. It was intoxicating and the most welcome scent after having spent weeks smelling nothing but mold, urine and sweat.

She didn't have the energy left to help him when he picked her up and tucked her close to his chest. Warmth radiated from his skin through the tee, she squirmed trying to move so as much of her body was in contact with him as possible. There seemed to be a steady growl rumbling from his chest, she could feel the vibration against her. He was angry and she prayed that sound was never directed at her. It sounded like a lion just before it roared.

Despite his rage, he was being so careful of her injuries. His hold was steady and not too tight. He’d positioned his grip to avoid the worst of her wounds and that show of kindness had a fresh wave of tears streaking down her cheeks. She was so sure she'd never experience compassion like that again, that now she was nearly overwhelmed by it.

“I've got you, Angel.” He spoke for the first time, his lips gently grazing her ear.

The deep, soothing voice made her heart quicken and relaxed her at the same time. Her head fell forward onto his broad shoulder. She buried her nose into his neck as he turned to face the other men. She titled her head down so she could see them better as they drew closer to her.

“I’m King and this is Bones and Digger,” he nodded to them as he said their names.

They looked just as fierce as the man who held her now. The man closest to her, Bones, had his face blanked and strands of golden blonde hair from his Mohawk swept haphazardly across his strong forehead. There was a sort of strain to his neutral expression like he was struggling to hold it. She took her time mapping his features and could see beyond the blankness that the same rage and turmoil as King was affecting him too. She became desperate to take the pain from his blue eyes, so she reached out to him, wanting to cling to him too. Her hand was snatched up by a warm, roughly calloused hand. The heat they gave off thawed more than her skin.

“You got a name?” His voice was raspy and rumbled with his question. She nodded once before managing to whisper her answer, “Bianca.”

“Bianca,” was whispered out by the last man, Digger.

He was the biggest of the three. His thick powerful neck, held a head graced with a face made for the movies. His bone structure looked like it was made to be photographed. Dark blonde stubble highlighted his jaw and his dark eyes created an amazing contrast with the rest of his light features. Bianca felt herself sinking into his beauty and was sure she could just stare at him for hours. 

Her intense study of him was broken when they were suddenly up and moving. She watched, detached as she was carried past the other cells and out of the building that had held her captive for weeks.

“Who’s this?” The deep, gravelled voice startled her, forcing her to curl tighter into King’s arms.

She twisted her face around to see an older man with a deep scar marking his face. He looked like he’d lived a hard life yet she got the impression he’d revelled in every moment of it.

“Bianca. She was in the cell next to Nic,” Digger answered abruptly while positioning himself in front of them like a shield.

“Well, put her the fuck down, King. We need to get out of here and we don't need any Riot cast-offs hanging around.” She felt the already hard body pressed to hers stiffen.

She could feel herself start to panic. Her fingers tightened on the hand holding hers and the t-shirt now grasped in her fist. Was she about to be abandoned in this creepy warehouse yard? She clung tighter around King’s neck and started to scramble to get higher up on his body. She wasn't letting go. They'd have to pry her off. A deep rumble from the chest that held her came out as a snarling growl. The arms surrounding her clutched tighter, as did the hand still holding hers.

“Back off, Prez. She's ours.” It was a short simple statement that had the effect of silencing everyone who was in the vicinity.

Prez threw his hands up in frustration and looked around him like he was searching for something.

"Fuck. I don't have time to argue this shit. She's on you, you get me?”

None of them answered but she felt a sharp nod. Then the man named Prez strode away and mounted his motorcycle.

“King, you take her in the truck, me and Bones will follow.” Digger’s voice was deeper and sterner than the others yet no less comforting.

Bianca’s desperate hold to King and Bones was making her ache worse. She couldn't believe how she was acting, yet couldn’t stop it either. She should be scrambling to get away from these men and running with all her might to some place safe. Then again she’d learned a ‘safe place’ was misnomer. She’d thought her apartment was a safe place, she’d thought her sister’s home would be a safe place for Maggie and she’d been wrong about both. Yet, something deep down inside her screamed at her not to allow herself to be separated from any of them.

King started moving toward the truck and away from Bones and Digger. Bianca’s breathing stalled. She couldn't allow that so she started to struggle against King’s hold. She needed all of them together. Throwing her arms out she grabbed Bones’ hand that had released hers and snatched the front of Digger’s tee, the material now securely held in her fist. His dark eyes widened as they moved from her face to her hand screwing up his shirt. He was clearly shocked that she’d grabbed onto him too.

"What the fuck?” King exclaimed while struggling to hold on to her as she flung her body around. She knew she was acting insane but there wasn't another option in her mind.

“It’s okay, we got you, beauty,” Bones assured her while moving closer and stroking her arm soothingly. “Come on, Dig. We’ll all go together, sort the bikes later. Let's get this little lady sorted first.”

Digger pulled his tee from her fist, stroked her knuckles with his thumb and kept hold of her hand. Now she could relax. They were all joined together. After some pretty awkward manoeuvring, they were all sat in the back of a big black truck, headed to - she didn't know where and at that present moment she didn't care. She was free.


Digger had never felt so wound up before. Seeing the desperation in Bianca’s eyes as she gripped his tee, as if her whole world would fall apart if he wasn't with her had changed something profound in him. All of his life people had backed away from him. He knew he was intimidating and thrived on it. That shit kept him and those he treasured safe. The only two people who were never wary around him were King and Bones and up until fifteen minutes ago they were his entire life. Now, there was a third and she clung to his hand for grim death.

Bianca saw him as safety. She needed and wanted him to protect her. That affected his heart more than he ever thought it could. No one had ever looked to him for that before. He was a fighter, pure and simple. King and Bones could handle any fucker in their way and they all had each other's backs, but Bianca couldn’t defend herself or fight. To be wholly responsible for someone's well-being made his inner caveman sit up and take notice. Seeing the most beautiful woman beaten, filthy and starving sent fire through his veins. He'd done plenty of fucked up shit in his time but to do this to a woman took a special kind of sick and twisted.

Glancing over at King and Bones, he could tell they were having similar thoughts. A different kind of fire burned in all their eyes. They didn't know her story yet but once they did they'd be raining hell down on whoever did this to her. First though, they needed her home, cleaned up and comfortable.

Bianca probably thought Prez was a dick. His harsh command to abandon her alarmed and terrified her. She didn’t know his position or have any context on what that means. Prez’s unspoken order was to find out about her shit and be sure they wanted to be a part of it before they get the rest of the club involved. The brothers always had plenty of shit to deal with and we had to be sure of her before we added to it. That was fair enough, Prez was just looking out for his brothers and them. Yet, he knew down to his very core that this woman was their fourth, the final point on their compass.


Bianca was only half awake when the truck pulled over in front of a small, detached town house. It was well kept, but plain compared to the houses near it. They had gardens, fences, hedges and flowers decorating them, whereas the one they pulled up at was stark in contrast. The front garden had been torn up and replaced with paving that was oil stained and scuffed. There was nothing there that didn’t have to be. It was the epitome of low maintenance. It was definitely a man’s house.

Her body felt heavy. All the adrenalin from her rescue had dissipated, leaving her feeling utterly weak and lethargic. Still secure in King’s arms, they Climbed out of the truck. A slight breeze blew around them and her nose scrunched up at a foul smell, it only took a few mortifying seconds to realise it was coming from her. She felt her face flush as she eyed the men to see if they’d noticed. If they had they thankfully weren’t letting on or obviously repulsed by it. The urge to scrub every inch of her skin raw was a need she couldn’t ignore for much longer.

She couldn't recall the last time she'd properly bathed. Occasionally she would save up bits of the bottled water they gave her and did what she could with it, but it was never much. A part of her used to hope that being dirty would keep the bastards away from her but she guessed hygiene wasn't high on their lists of must-haves when they were abusing someone.

Inside the house was pretty bare. She could only see large pieces of leather furniture and plenty of ‘guy’ electronics from her vantage point. The walls were bare and there was no lamps or homey touches like cushions or rugs. It didn’t seem all that lived in.

She didn’t have much time to contemplate the furnishings before her body bounced against King as he jogged up the stairs. He turned right into a large, white bathroom. Bianca’s eyes fixed on the biggest tub she had ever seen. It was the size of an outdoor hot-tub. Bones and Digger weren’t far behind them. Bones had a pile of fresh towels in his hands and Digger had what looked like grey sweats. The taps were turned and steaming, clear water started to fill the tub.

Bianca was desperate to get in that bath and feel warm clean water surround her, but there was no way that was happening with an audience. She was too shy to so blatantly bare herself, especially when she wasn’t exactly looking her best.

King flipped down the toilet lid and sat her on it. She didn’t want to be out of his arms but she had physical needs that were screaming at her to be taken care of. King’s large hands gentled cradled her face and angled her to meet his gaze.

“We’ll be right outside this door. Take as long as you want. Leave your clothes in the sink, we’ll take care of them later. You need us you shout, okay?” Relieved, she nodded her head. “Make sure you do.” His eyes searched hers for a second before he seemed satisfied and stood up.

It was just the reassurance she needed to take a deep breath and settle as they turned and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them. Steam fogged the mirror and made the air heavy with the scent of whatever they had added to her bath. As she sunk into the hot water, her mind rushed though the last few weeks. It played like a horror story and she couldn’t help but wonder if it was over or if she was just entering a new chapter. Forcing herself to empty her mind, she slumped down and let her body completely submerge.