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My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9) by Alanea Alder (2)


"I am starting a religion."

Etain looked across the breakfast table and stared at the small human. He and Micah had been invited by the prince himself to take their meals on Level One going forward. It was easier to get everyone's briefings done while eating than to have multiple meetings later throughout the day.

Aiden's head snapped down to look at his mate. "No."

"My furries need guidance. And, I'm bored." She looked over to Gavriel. "You've been around a while. How do religions start?"

Aiden's expression became more panicked as he realized that his mate was serious. "Meryn, you cannot start a religion. It just isn't done."

She looked up at her mate. "Why not?"

"Because!" Aiden sputtered.

"I think I would be a great religion." She turned to Magnus. "Right?"

Magnus' lips twitched. "There are worse examples of both religions and religious leaders out there. I do believe you could do better than they." 

Aiden shot the prince a dirty look before focusing his attention on his tiny mate. "You don't even update your Facebook regularly, how could you run a religion. What are you basing it on?" The Unit Commander sounded absolutely flustered.

Meryn tapped her chin. "Good point. Other regions have martyrs and shit and I don't feel like dying. They're also usually really smelly, and my stomach is finally settling down. I don't need to make myself sick with my own body odor."

Aiden relaxed a fraction. "See, there you go."

Gavriel chuckled. "These things usually evolve over time Meryn. I do not believe you can just announce it on social media."

"But I've worked out my first commandment already," she said brightening.

Eva's eyes were dancing as she leaned forward. "Do tell."

Aiden growled. "Don't encourage her."

The air around Meryn shimmered, and suddenly she was dressed in a black monk style robe and cowl. "Thou shalt not be a douchebag," she intoned in low monotone syllables.

Across from each other, Colton and Declan folded their hands in front of their chests. "Amen," they said in unison.

Adriel frowned at the grinning duo. "These two should stay in different cities. I fear for Noctem Falls."

"Oh Holy One, your latte is ready," Ryuu said placing a tall cup in front of Meryn.

The hood was thrown back before the clothing shimmered to the sweats and tee shirt she had been wearing. "Yes!" She picked up the cup and inhaled reverently.

Kendrick smiled indulgently at Meryn amused by her wackiness. He then turned to Aiden. "She will need another guard. I am commandeering Law and the twins to work in the lab with me."

Meryn frowned. "My acolytes? Why?"

"Because they are twins and can run power between them, amplifying it like a battery. They will be needed," Kendrick informed her.

Etain cleared his throat. "I can watch over her."

Aiden look at him relived. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Of course. My queen holds her in high regard. It would be an honor to guard her."

"Perfect," Law said. "Kendrick told me that we would be delving into old magic. I don't know if I will ever have another opportunity to see it done."

"Does anyone have anything else to go over?" Kari asked looking up from her clipboard.

Meryn raised her hand and waved it. Kari smiled at her. "Go ahead Meryn."

"Y'all's iPads arrived yesterday with the shit ton of supplies that Marjoram strong armed that hospital into donating." She laughed. "I was there when she called, the directors were tripping over each other seeing who could be the most ingratiating because of that asshole who tried to kill Ellie. I could almost hear them genuflecting over the phone." She looked at Ellie. "Your gram is a serious badass."

Ellie grinned wickedly. "I know."

 Meryn turned back to Kari. "I already set up the iPads and linked them to our network. They are ready to go." She looked behind her. "Ryuu?"

"I have them here denka." Ryuu lifted a small stack of silver tablets. He handed one to each person at the table. Etain frowned down at his. "What does this do?" he asked.

Meryn shrugged. "What doesn't it do? It can do lists, email, texts, FaceTime, video and audio recording, movies, music, books, internet browsing, lists, database records and more."

Adriel held his in his hands as if it were made of expensive, delicate crystal. "You said that it could also use a pen." He pulled out a ballpoint and went to write on the tablet.

"Stop!" Meryn screeched.

Adriel froze. "What?"

Ryuu handed him a thin white object. "I believe you are to use this."

Adriel frowned. "Where is the ink or lead?"

Kari shook her head. "I can show him Meryn. I use a tablet at work."

Meryn sat back. "Neanderthals I swear." She looked at her mate. "I added everyone to the same running contact list including email addresses."

Colton held up his tablet. "Meryn what is the app with the 'V' on it?"

"That's the Vanguard app I launched last year. I had Radek distribute it among his squad first. They forwarded it to every Vanguard they knew of with instructions to do the same. To register they have to meet up with another Vanguard squad for verification then both squads can proceed. Their personal information is then added to my database and I'm able to track them using a built in GPS feature on the app." She  became thoughtful. "There aren't many of them."

Rheia smiled. "Of course there are. Radek said that there were multiple squads per state. Even if it was only one squad per state, that at least two-hundred and fifty men right there."

"Well, only eighty-five have registered," she said flatly.

The men around the table became quiet. Colton opened the app. "Why don't we have to register?"

"Because I know you're not feral. That was the whole point of the verification process." Her explanation did nothing to alleviate the mounting tension in the room.

Etain looked to Micah, Grant and Declan. They had many close friends among the Vanguard.

"I'm sure they're just off the grid," Colton said.

"Meryn why didn't you tell me about this?" Aiden asked scowling.

She rolled her eyes. "Tell you what exactly? That your friends didn't want to sign up for my app?"

"Baby, based on what Darren Williams was able to tell you about the current list of Vanguard members, how many are missing?" Aiden asked.

Meryn fidgeted. "About one hundred. According to his latest list, there are thirty-seven Vanguard squads, which equals to one-hundred and eighty five members."

Aiden paled. "That can't be right."

Rheia set her fork down. "Does my brother know?"

Meryn nodded. "He said he would work on contacting anyone who is listed as 'unregistered'."

"Unregistered?" Declan asked.

She turned to him. "Those who have been invited to join but haven't followed up."

"Add that to our growing list of concerns," Magnus said, pointing to Kari's new iPad.

"What list?" Rex asked.

Magnus turned to Meryn. "What did you call it again?"

"The SGW list. 'Shit. Gone. Wonky'," she explained. "I moved a copy of that list to the iPads. It syncs among our group. So if someone adds something or solves a problem it updates for everyone."

Magnus nodded. "Yes, yes. Very apt name. Which reminds me," He turned to Kendrick. "Since the twins are reporting to you for the duration, can you have them check the city's refuse tubes? We have had multiple reports of slow or backed up drains. As you know, those two are some of the best earth witches we have."

Kendrick nodded. "I'll get them on it today."

Etain noticed that the prince looked more tired than normal. He had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. "Sire, mayhap you could rest after breakfast?" he suggested.

Magnus shook his head. "Too much is being added to that damn list for me to rest."

"Don't make me call my grandmother down here," Ellie threatened.

Magnus smiled. "Her company would be welcome compared to what I have planned for my morning." He sat back. "I have meetings with the heads of the Founding Families today regarding the children. Speaking of which, were you able to call your friend?"

Ellie nodded. "Vivi? Yes, I called her this morning actually while feeding Benji. She said that she had to tie up a few loose ends, but she'd get here as soon as she could. Knowing her, that means this evening at the latest. I had barely gotten the words 'Shifter Virus' out when she started asking about the nearest portal."

Magnus' eyes softened at the mention of Grant's new son. "How our little gentleman?"

Ellie beamed. "He's teething, which means tons of drool and growling. Grant thinks it's adorable," she said teasing her mate.

Grant shrugged. "He is very fierce."

"Where is my godsson?" Adriel asked.

"My gram took over watching him during the day. The antivirals that Rheia and Anne brought have bought us some time. Adora along with her mate and son help us monitor the children during the day and we've been rotating unit warriors to stay with them at night." Ellie looked at Grant, who kissed her temple. "We don't want Benji at the hospital anymore," she admitted softly.

"Well duh, that's where the sick kids are," Meryn said breaking the awkward silence Ellie's confession created.

Ellie looked up surprised. "You don't think I'm being a hypocrite?"

Meryn just stared at her. "How? If you were working at a normal hospital, treating an outbreak among kids, no one would consider you a hypocrite for leaving your child at home. It's not your fault everything is cramped in this city. I swear you can't turn around here without stepping on someone's nuts."

Eva chuckled. "Especially when you're aiming for em."

Meryn shrugged. "He had it coming." She looked at Ellie. "If anyone has something smartass to say about Benji send em my way. I'm your bitch remember?"

Ellie broke out into a huge smile. "How could I forget?"

Aiden groaned. "You don't need to be offering to fight." He looked at Ellie. "Send them my way instead."

Ellie blushed. "Thank you, Commander."

He waved at hand at her. "Trust me, it would be a pleasure to educate some of these pompous windbags."

"Did that mouthy little troglodyte ever challenge you?" Kendrick asked.

Aiden grinned. "Not yet, maybe he's still clucking like a chicken."

Meryn looked between the two men. "So it's okay for you two to cast spells and beat up on people but when I do it, I'm being 'difficult'." She held up her fingers to form air quotes.

Etain sipped his coffee. She had a point. If you took her actions and attributed them to warriors, it wouldn't seem as scandalous. "She has you there Commander," Etain mused out loud.

"My pregnant mate does not need to keep getting into fisticuffs with impudent tunnel escorts and exposed to spell making components," Aiden refuted.

Meryn stared. "Did you just seriously use the word fisticuffs?"

Aiden ignored her. "She should be concentrating on eating healthier and getting more rest, for our child's sake."

"Meryn two-point-oh happens to like pudding and coffee thank you very much." Meryn sat back crossing her arms.

"I noticed you ate a normal breakfast this morning," Rheia pointed out.

Meryn blinked and looked down at her empty plate. "It tasted good today."

"It's because I doused everything in cinnamon," Ryuu said stepping forward to take her plate. "Marjoram's suggestion seems to be working, though, we may need to stock up on more cinnamon."

Meryn stuck her tongue out at her mate. "Ha! There! I am eating better."

Aiden smiled and pulled her onto his lap. "I'm very proud of you baby."

Bethy turned to Ryuu. "I don't think that will be a problem. The vendors on Level Six adore her. With all the rumors running rampant about our pregnancies, they will be tripping over themselves to donate."

Aiden looked at her. "What rumors?"

Bethy looked at him surprised. "You mean you haven't heard?" Her eyes glanced around the table. Etain shook his head when she looked at him. "None of the warriors have heard anything."

Kari sipped her coffee. "I have heard some things, but I bet you have heard more. The people here trust you more than anyone," she informed Bethy.

Bethy blinked. "Oh. Well, as most of you know a pregnancy is a sign that a couple or in our cases, our House has been blessed by the gods. Despite there being a sickness here in the city, most still view Uncle in a positive light. On this level and within our circle of friends, there are four pregnancies, plus little Benji. Most of the city believe that Uncle is favored above all others by the gods, especially with my pregnancy being out of season. It has helped more than you know to keep political rumblings to a minimum."

Eva snorted. "If you call that mob that marched on our bar-b-que minimal rumblings, I'd be afraid to see what could happen."

Bethy turned to her friend. "That was just a portion of the Noble and Founding Families. Remember, they represent a small percentage of the city. The average citizen outnumbers them sixty-to-one."

"Holy shit!" Eva exclaimed. "That's close to twenty thousand people based on the little I know about the Noble and Founding Family numbers, where are all these citizens hiding?"

Bethy looked confused. "They aren't hiding. They are on their levels of course."

"There's no way twenty thousand people go to Level Six and I missed it," Meryn argued. "I have cameras now."

Bethy exchanged looks with Magnus who shrugged. She turned back to Meryn. "Why do you think they all go to Level Six?"

Meryn held up her hand and began counting off on her fingers. "Food. Shopping. Food. Entertainment and food."

Bethy laughed. "Meryn, each level is self-sufficient and trade directly among themselves for foods and goods. Going to Level Six everyday would be like going out to eat every night."

"And?" Meryn asked as if unsure of her point.

Bethy sighed. "Meryn, normally people don't eat out every night."

Meryn looked around the table guiltily. "Oh. Well, I didn't either before I met Aiden," she said quickly. "I cooked a ton of Hot Pockets for myself."

"Don't remind me," Ryuu murmured.

Etain relaxed back in his chair. "I'm glad to hear that the people still support our prince. It will make patrols go much smoother."

"Agreed." Adriel added.

"So like twenty thousand people huh?" Meryn hedged.

Bethy nodded. "Yes, Meryn."

"So, like these peeps are kinda like homebodies and don't get out much huh?"

Bethy shrugged. "I suppose."

"So, how do we know they aren't sick?" Meryn asked.

Etain felt his heart begin to race. He looked around the table to see varying degrees of horror on the faces of his closest friends.

Ellie, Rheia, Anne and Adriel stood quickly.

"Stop!" Kari shouted holding up her hand.

They turned to her, eyes wide.

"Running out of here with your hair on fire will not solve anything. Obviously if they are ill, they are not reporting it. If you all storm out of here panicked, we will have nothing but chaos on our hands."

Slowly, the four sat back down still looking a bit wild eyed.

Kari stood. "Let us instead have the normal level patrols done by the warriors go door to door for the next few days. We have not done a sweep in a while looking for our errant feral Augustus Pettier, let us use that as our explanation to speak with everyone."

Kendrick rubbed his chin as he stared at Meryn. "How is it that you somehow manage to see things we don't?"

Meryn shrugged and stared down into her latte. "My grandmother used to say that my defective brain focused on the wrong things."

Etain clenched his fists. More than once he had heard off comments about Meryn's grandmother, and none of them were good. Having gotten to know Meryn well over the past couple weeks he could only imagine how precocious she must have been as a child. She would have been a delight to know. It angered him that her upbringing had been anything but a happy one. Hearing the gasps around the table at her quiet comment he knew the others felt the same.

"You are not defective Meryn. You are extremely special and should be treasured as the rare mind you are. If I hear of anyone saying otherwise, they will have to face me," Magnus said his eyes darkening to a deep burgundy.

Meryn smiled shyly at his pronouncement while Aiden continued to rub his cheek against the top of her head. "So if I need a favor?" she started, a calculating look on her face.

Magnus smiled, his eyes returning to their normal color. "You have only to ask."

"Will you take me down to the vaults today? I'm kinda tired, so I was thinking we should just take it easy and have some fun," she suggested.

Beside Magnus, Bethy stilled as did Adriel. Etain knew the two of them along with Sebastian had been pushing Magnus to rest more. The prince was pale and looked exhausted. A day with Meryn might be just the thing to help him recoup.

Magnus became thoughtful. "I do not know Meryn, so much is happening. I have the meetings with the Founding Family members this morning." He strummed his fingers on the table. "I could have Sebastian escort you down so you could pick out your rewards."

Meryn hopped down off her mate's lap and trudged over to Magnus. She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. "Please," she asked simply.

"I could very easily go to those Founding Family meetings in your stead Uncle," Bethy offered.

Magnus' eyes went wide as he stared down at her spiky brown hair. His mouth opened and closed several times before he smiled gently. His arm came around so he could pat her on the head. "Of course dear, I will go with you." 

Meryn's popped up, and she grinned at him. "Good because I don't know what you consider an heirloom. Plus half of it is probably stuff we don't use anymore. I don't want to pick out a golden bowl only to discover people used to shit in it or something."

Magnus stared, then burst into laughter. Wiping his eyes, he pulled her head down and kissed her forehead. "I will keep you from making such mistakes." Meryn blushed furiously.

Bethy met Meryn's eyes and mouthed, 'thank you!'. 

Sebastian stepped up behind Meryn and ruffled her hair. "I will pack a huge lunch and soft duvets. You can make a day of it, the whole day in fact."

Magnus shook his head. "Surely not the whole day."

Sebastian pointed to Meryn. "You would not want to disappoint the little one would you?"

"Of course not."

Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest. "Then you both are to spend the entire day in the vault, relaxing and resting."

Magnus looked at his niece. "Thank you for taking over the meetings for me darling. Remember if they get too rambunctious to call me immediately."

Bethy looked over at Kari grinning. "I think we can handle it Uncle." Kari nodded.

Etain hid a smile. It was clear who was really in charge on Level One.

Meryn rubbed her hands together as she walked to Aiden and climbed back into his lap. "Time to swim in the gold coins like in Duck Tales."

Etain smirked at Law who was scowling. "Too bad I'm her guard now. I bet you would have loved to see what our prince has in his vault."

"Shut up," Law groused.

"I'm not upset you're jealous," Kendrick said to Law. "Even I wouldn't mind seeing what the prince of the vampires has deemed precious enough to store in the family vault."

Meryn looked at the witches smugly. "I get to go. I even get pudding," she gloated.

Kendrick winked at her. "That's because you're so special."

Micah cleared his throat. "Adriel, with four new adult cases showing up at the hospital yesterday, would you like me to change out the rotations so that the shifters are doing patrols away from sickness? The witches, fae and vampire warriors can help on Level six," he suggested.

Adriel exchanged glances with Rheia and Ellie. They both nodded before Ellie spoke. "That might not be a bad idea. As Meryn pointed out just because we haven't seen any vampires coming forward as sick doesn't mean there aren't any. But we do know for a fact that shifters are susceptible. The last thing we need is for our warriors to get ill." 

Grant turned to his mate. "I've been around the kids since day one and haven't gotten sick, in fact, none of the shifter warriors have."

"Let us not tempt Fate," Adriel said.

Grant scowled at his unit leader. "I'm staying with my mate."

"Of course you are," Adriel sighed. "Just be careful."

Grant rolled his eyes. "At this point, I have been covered in just about every type of bodily fluid a kid can produce, if I was gonna get sick I would have by now," he said jokingly.

Ellie turned to her mate slowly her eyes wide. "You're right. You've been exposed to everything from vomit to blood. Why aren't you sick?"

Grant looked surprised at her expression. "Because I eat my veggies?"

Declan laughed. "No you don't, you're a meat and potatoes kinda guy. Sometimes minus the potatoes."

Ellie frowned. "Why aren't you sick?" she demanded again.

Grant looked around to the others. "Do I apologize for this?"

"No, but this does make for an interesting morning in the lab," Kendrick mused.

"Grant as you have just admitted, you have already been exposed. You stay with Ellie and continue to help on Level Six. The other shifter warriors should be moved to patrols in the city. I do not want to take any chances with their health," Magnus ordered. He turned to Ellie. "When did you say your friend was arriving?"

Ellie smiled. "I bet you she is packing as we speak."