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My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9) by Alanea Alder (9)


"He is over ten thousand years old! Can you even imagine?" Vivi exclaimed flinging herself on Etain's high four-poster bed.

Etain nodded. "Our queen is just as old. It isn't unheard of for the fae to live thousands of years."

She had already undressed and was freezing. She hurriedly pulled back the covers and dove in. "Well, not all of us are fae," she said scrunching her nose at him.

"No, you in particular, are a sexy vampire that tempts this poor fae warrior to distraction," Etain admitted removing his boxers and climbing in beside her.

She immediately snuggled in close to him. His skin was so warm. Being in her mate's arms reminded her of how it felt when she would toss her favorite blanket in the dryer. "So warm."

Etain began to kiss the back of her neck before moving to the side. Groaning she wiggled her bottom against his hardness. "And what am I tempting you to do now?" she asked breathlessly.

"I need to make love to my mate," he replied in a low voice sending shivers down her spine.

She rolled onto her back. "And I need to feel you. Surround me and hold me. After revealing who I am, I feel exposed, and I don't like it."

Etain moved until he was between her legs nearly covering her from head to toe. "I will always be your shield."

Vivi giggled and shifted her hips. "Right now, you're feeling more like a sword."

Etain grinned. "I love that we can smile and joke as we make love. You make my heart soar."

Vivi reached up and traced his cheekbones, then his lips. "I couldn't have done tonight without you. I wouldn't have had the courage."

Etain lowered himself until his cock was teasing her entrance. He latched onto her neck and slowly bit down. 

"Gods!" she cried out as her body lit on fire. Never before had any man learned her body so quickly. He was playing her like an instrument. She bucked her hips so that the length of him slid along her folds causing them both to moan.

His lips moved, and he kissed her temple. "You sell yourself short. You would have stepped forward had I not been there because you would have never put the city in danger."

Unable to take their mutual torture a second longer he reached down and eased into her. Both of them sighed in relief. Hooking her legs on his forearms, he opened her wide to him.

On the third thrust, he hit the perfect angle. "Don't you dare move!" she threatened. His masculine chuckle and deeper thrust was his only response. Vivi closed her eyes as he worked that elusive spot inside of her.

"Vivian," Etain groaned and she knew he was close. She reached down and had barely touched her clit when her own orgasm swept her away. Her shouts lifted with his until they were both a sweaty tangled mess. He pulled from her and literally collapsed to her side. When their eyes met they both laughed at the sheer joy of their union.

"Does your bed self clean too?" she asked.

Grimacing Etain shook his head. "I will change the sheets tomorrow," he promised.

"Put self-cleaning sheets on our wish list," she murmured her eyes drooping.

"Whatever you say my love," he agreed and pulled her close.

Love it when he says that.


The first thing they did the next morning was check on the new donations and prep them for treatment. She was somewhat surprised to see that not only had the blood finished processing already, but the stone was back to grey. That meant that the blood had finished sometime in the night, and the stone had had hours to reset.

It didn't take her long to find the correct ratio for the three donations. Carefully she filled the cartridges, and they ran them up to Level Six. She smiled when she saw that Ellie was already doing her morning check-ins.

"Is that the next batch?" she asked when Vivi handed her the new injector cartridges.

"Yes. So if you could do the same as before and just document any changes that would be great."

"I'll send down a new blood sample sometime this afternoon." She looked around when she heard a child crying. She turned back to her. "See you at breakfast?"

Vivi nodded before Ellie hurried to the child's side. As much as Vivi loved helping others, she was definitely not a hands on person. To her, Ellie was a goddess.

When she and Etain walked into the prince's quarters, Vivi was shocked at what she saw. The antechamber was filled with gift baskets and intricate arrangements of flowers. To her delight Sebastian greeted them with a smile. With his hand over his heart, he bowed low to her.

She scowled and shook her head. "Don't do that, at least, not you." Personally, Ivan DeLaFontaine could stay bent over for all she cared, but Sebastian was different.

"Prince Magnus?" she asked.

Sebastian's straightened, his eyes clouding a bit. "Still sleeping." He perked up. "But that is probably for the best. He has been going non-stop for weeks." He pointed around the room. "Half of these are baskets for Prince Gavriel, and the other half are for you. I have taken the liberty of separating the two." He indicated how the baskets lined opposite walls. "I have also written down the names of everyone who sent something and forwarded them to Kari to deal with proper replies."

Vivi exhaled. "Thank you! To be honest, I'm not too sure about this princess thing. Thank the gods for Kari, because I have no idea how to respond."

Sebastian nodded. "You all are too busy to be dealing with trivial things like this anyway." He smiled softly. "You also have a guest waiting for you in the dining room."

Vivi looked at Etain, who shrugged. She looked at Sebastian. "Who?"

"Leana Géroux. She arrived an hour ago."

"You should have reached out to me," Vivi said feeling terrible.

Sebastian shook his head. "She said to let you sleep, that you had had an eventful evening, and that she knew you would be busy this morning." He blushed. "She said that it was worth coming early to partake in my waffles."

Vivi brightened. "We're having waffles?"

Sebastian chuckled. "This way," he opened the dining room door for them.

When they walked in the men stood. She sat down next to Leana, and the men resumed their seats. She turned to the elegantly dressed woman. "Have we met?" she asked.

Leana's eyes were bright. "Yes, a long, long time ago. I was your mother's best friend. I was there the day you were born."

Vivi couldn't help but smile. "I have so many questions." A flood of things she wanted to know flooded her mind. She started with the most important. "What was my mother like?"

Leana laughed. "Dutiful, but stubborn. She said that you were the only good thing that came from her association with DuSang."

"How did she end up with that jerk?" Vivi had always wanted to know why her mother hadn't waited for her mate.

Leana's face became thoughtful. "Things were different before Magnus. It was a different era. Your mother lost her parents in the Great War and was the last of her bloodline. She put off mating for thousands of years until she finally caved under the pressure of the Founding Families for to produce an heir."

"Then why didn't she choose Magnus? He was a royal too," Vivi pointed out.

Leana shook her head. "Because Armand was older and he outranked Magnus."

"Outranked?" Vivi asked.

"Yes. After the Great War, Houses Rioux and Ambrosios were elevated to royal standing by the joint councils for their work in preserving life. DuCoeur and DuSang were the original royal families. When it came time for her to choose a mate, House Ambrosios had all but disappeared so it made sense that between Magnus and Armand she would end up with DuSang." She gave Gavriel a sly look. "Though, had Gavriel been around, she probably would have chosen him."

Gavriel choked on his orange juice. Beth laughed and handed him a napkin. She smiled at Leana. "That wasn't nice."

Leana laughed. "A little pay back for last night. I almost swallowed my tongue when I saw how old he is." She wagged a finger at him. "My poor Simon went all to pieces."

Beth winked at Leana. "Men."

"Truly," Leana agreed and then turned back to Vivi. "Your hair must have changed color as you grew older, though that is the only trait of him I see in you. You have your father's red hair, but you look just like your mother. I knew who you were the moment I laid eyes on you." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "It was like Mercia had returned to us." She smiled. "I guess in a way she has. She would have loved the fact that you took the last name of Mercy." She reached out and cupped Vivi's cheek. "I was devastated when they reported your mother's death. I asked about you of course, but no one could find you. It was assumed you had wandered off and died." She let her hand fall and placed it back in her lap. "For all his sins, your father would have never hurt you. You were his heir, so I knew that you had not shared your mother's fate, but as days became weeks, then months, then years without any clues, I gave up hope." She shook her head. "Magnus was inconsolable for months."

Vivi tilted her head. "Why?"

Leana's eyes widened. "Of course you would not know." She giggled. "Your father hated Magnus with a deep-seated passion that knew no reason. However, Magnus and Caspian were the only other living royals, so he chose the eldest Rioux to be your athair. Your mother of course was tickled pink. She adored Magnus and knew him to be a good man." She giggled. "Magnus used to wait until your father left Level One, then sneak over to the DuSang quarters to visit with you. In fact, he is the one who gave you your first stuffed animal. It was a..."

"Pony," Vivi whispered.

"Oh my goodness. You remember?"

Hal chuckled as he walked in from the kitchen with a large platter of waffles. "Remember? She still has that ratty little pony. I never knew Prince Magnus had gifted it to her. When I met her, she refused to be parted with it. I thought she was the first vampire fabric hybrid and that it had grown from her chest. She would scream bloody murder if you tried to take it. I had to wait until she was sleeping to patch the poor wretched thing."

"Hal!" Vivi felt her face heat with embarrassment.

Leana beamed. "Magnus would be so pleased if he knew. Do you remember what you used to call it?"

"Her name is Maggie." Vivi ducked her head. "I don't think there is an original stitch of fabric left on her. Hal has had to do so many repairs over the centuries, she's more a patchwork pony now."

Leana nodded. "Maggie. You could not say Magnus as a baby."

Vivi felt her mouth drop open. "My stuffy is named after Prince Magnus?"

"Unlike your father, Magnus would spoil you with his time. He knew when your naps were. He was there for your first steps and your first word."

Etain leaned in. "What was her first word?"

Leana's mouth twitched. "Maggie."

Vivi covered her mouth with both hands. "No!"

"Your father was furious, especially since your second word was 'Mama'."

Vivi sat back stunned as Hal piled her plate high with waffles. "Prince Magnus is my athair."

Sebastian practically danced around the table. "He is going to burst his buttons with pride when he wakes up. A godsdaughter!"

Leana sighed as she took a bite and chewed daintily. "This is amazing. Simon will be jealous when he hears Sebastian was serving waffles. I invited him to come along, but Gavriel made quite the impression last night. Simon and Javier have been walking through our levels personally answering questions and speaking to the citizens. Everyone was thrilled to hear that the three previously lost royal houses had been restored. They are singing Magnus' praises saying he has led us into a 'Golden Era'." She cut up her waffle. "Will you moving into the DuSang or DuCoeur quarters?" she asked.

Vivi dropped her fork. "What?"

"Oh dear. Please tell me I did not upset you." Leana asked looking worried.

Vivi waved her hands. "No, no you didn't. But what?" She looked up at Hal who shrugged. "I figured that would come next," he admitted.

"What next? I don't understand." Vivi asked feeling lost.

Etain gently turned her in her chair. "My love, you have reclaimed your heritage. Both royal families of DuSang and DuCoeur have established quarters here on Level One along with family vaults." He rubbed up and down her arms. "I did not assume prior to your announcement that you would stay here simply because I was a unit warrior for the city. Had you wanted to leave, that's what we would have done. But things are different now," he explained.

"We're moving here?" Vivi asked looking around the room for confirmation.

Everyone was nodding including Hal. "Vivi darlin' you belong here. I have never seen you happier, and we don't have to worry about you getting burned all the time." He shrugged. "Just choose which set of quarters you want, and I'll get Ryuu and Sebastian to help me in getting it cleaned and set up for use."

Beth turned to Gavriel, her eyes a bit frantic. "Do we have to move?"

Gavriel shook his head. "We will clean up the Ambrosios quarters, but I imagine Adriel will be the primary resident along with Eva." Beth looked like she was two seconds away from hyperventilating. Gavriel rubbed her back. "Look at it this way zain'ka moya, Magnus will not have to worry about running out of guest quarters now. Everyone will have their own living space down here on Level One."

"But this is my home. I grew up here," Beth protested.

"And we will be just a few hundred yards away. We can easily walk over here for breakfast," Gavriel said before leaning in to kiss her forehead.

Sebastian ran a hand over her hair. "We can turn your room into a nursery! That way, you do not have to worry about carrying around things for the little one."

Vivi concentrated on Etain's hands because Beth was simply echoing her own panic.

"Vivi." Etain lifted her chin with his finger. "If you do not want to stay here we do not have to. If you tell me you want to leave here when this virus is cured, I will follow you anywhere you want to go." His handsome face was filled with worry.

Vivi took a deep breath. She looked over at Hal. "It's not as if we can go to Éire Danu, I'd end up a crispy critter." She turned back to Etain. "What if you had never come here? We could never have found one another."

Etain blinked then smiled slowly. "Maybe you are my reward for all of the long centuries I spent serving here."

Hal snorted. "It's a good thing you've been here so long, you don't have to adjust to the city."

Vivi looked around the table. "I wonder exactly how long the threads of Fate are."

Gavriel eyed his mate. "Truly."

Vivi winked at Sebastian. "Can I come here for breakfast sometimes too?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! The more the merrier."

Vivi turned over the issue in her mind and besides hating the fact that she would be close to where her father had lived, she couldn't find any reason not to stay.

"If we have any children, and they're like me, I won't have to worry about them getting burned," she thought out loud.

Hal ruffled her hair. "As much as I hate to admit it, you're a perfect fit here kiddo," he said begrudgingly.

"Good morning," Aiden said walking into the room. In his arms, he carried a small blanket wrapped person.

"Is that Meryn?" Vivi asked. "And is she okay?"

Aiden nodded. "Oh yeah, this is normal. She really isn't a morning person." He set his burrito mate down in her chair and carefully laid her head down on the table. He sat down and simply scooted the waffle platter in front of him before dousing it in syrup.

Ryuu emerged from the kitchen with a cup and set it down by Meryn's head. He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out an odd-shaped straw. He placed one end in the cup and guided the other end between Meryn's lips.

"You created a straw that she could use face down?" she asked.

Ryuu nodded. "It quickly became a life necessity."

"You have no idea," Colton added walking through the door with Rheia.

Slowly, the dining room began to fill as everyone began waking up.

Adriel sat down and pulled out his iPad. "I take it from the number of baskets in the antechamber our announcement has gone over well?"

Leana sipped her coffee. "If anyone has anything negative to say they are keeping it to themselves. Magnus' popularity is at an all-time high. Our people see the return of the four Royal Houses as a sign from the gods that great things are coming to Noctem Falls."

"The children have even made 'Get Well' cards for Magnus." Sebastian said excitedly. "They are the most adorable things! I am getting them framed for the antechamber."

"We were also discussing the new living quarters," Vivi added slyly. She wasn't disappointed by Adriel's reaction.

He frowned. "What new living quarters?"

Vivi sat back with her cup of coffee as Gavriel explained how they were reopening the Ambrosios royal quarters and that since he would eventually be returning to Lycaonia, that Adriel would be the primary resident.

The more Gavriel spoke the paler Adriel got. "But I cannot leave the men!" he protested.

"I am sure we'll get along fine with you down here," Declan said reassuringly.

"Fine? Fine! We almost lost Godard yesterday when the twins accidentally blew up the kitchen!" Adriel looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

Eva chuckled. "Time to let your baby chicks fall out of the nest."

Rheia looked at her. "Don't you mean fly from the nest?"

Eva gave her a pointed stare. "Have you met the men?"

"Good point."

"They will die." Adriel said simply.

Kendrick leaned forward looking amused. "What did the twins do?"

Adriel waved a hand at him. "Something about increasing the gas pressure of the oven."

Eva shrugged before sliding half the platter of bacon onto her plate. "It might be safer for us to move down here."

"If it makes you feel any better I had a bit of a meltdown myself," Vivi said encouragingly.

Adriel sat back in his chair. "I think it is just now sinking in. Last night, it was simply the next step to take to prevent chaos, but this morning it seems more real." He met her eyes. "Everything has changed."

She nodded her understanding. "Trust me, I understand."

Adriel eyed Declan. "My first decision as a Royal is to make Declan attend all future council meetings in my stead."

Declan choked on the bacon and waffles he had just shoved into his mouth. "Whaaa?" he demanded his mouth still full.

Gavriel rubbed a hand over his chin. "That sounds like an excellent idea. He can act as my proxy when I leave as well."

Declan who had just taken a huge gulp of milk to clear his airways inhaled and began to choke again. Frantic Kari began beating on his back. "If you die, I swear I will kill you," she threatened.

Declan's face was beet red as he pounded on his chest. When he was finally able to breathe, he glared at the two new royals. "That was not funny. Don't even joke like that."

Gavriel and Adriel exchanged looks. Adriel looked at his second in command. "What makes you think we were joking? We are taking a page from Aiden's book and putting you in charge. It will do you good."

Aiden grinned around the table his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk from  stuffing his mouth with three waffles. He gave Declan a thumbs up.

Declan rested his face on the table. "Shoot me now. Save me the misery!" he moaned.

"Don't be such a crybaby Declan. You are perfectly capable of attending meetings," Rex chided. He eyed Adriel slyly. "Of course since he will be doing so much work for Prince Adriel, I fully expect him to set up living quarters for you on Level One."

Declan's head perked up. "Level One?" He turned to Adriel with wide eyes. "I could eat Sebastian's cooking everyday?"

Sebastian smiled as he refilled Declan's plate. "I love cooking for hearty appetites."

Adriel nodded slowly smiling. "Since so many of the Eta warriors' mates work in the lab, or with Prince Magnus, maybe the entire unit should move down here."

Eva smiled at Vivi when she caught her staring. Adriel didn't want to leave the Unit Level because he would have missed his friends.

"Isn't he just the sweetest thing?" Eva asked to no one in particular.

"I think that is a wonderful idea!" Beth exclaimed. "That way when we visit it will be easier to see Ellie, Eva, Kari and Vivi!"

"And I will be able to visit Declan, Kari and Baby Lionhart whenever I wish since the council quarters are on Level One as well." Rex was grinning from ear to ear.

"Sorry I'm late everyone! The children are feeling better and are wanting to get out of their hospital beds and play. It's making them irritable," Ellie said breezing through the door with Grant, who carried Benji on his chest in a papoose. They sat down and started reaching for food.

Vivi turned to their new prince. "Gavriel, I've been thinking."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"The second batch that is going out today only took a few hours to process. I think it's due to the age of the blood. The older it is, the longer it takes to break any bonds." She looked down at Ellie. "If this theory is correct, then we may see a slight decrease in effectiveness with the second batch."

Ellie frowned. "We drew blood for testing at the six-hour mark last time. I'll have new samples down in the lab around noon. I hope you're wrong."

Vivi strummed her fingers on the table. "I do too, but I don't think I am." She turned back to Gavriel. "That being said, I don't think that even warrior blood will be very effective for Prince Magnus."

"You wish for me to donate?" he asked sitting back in his chair.

Vivi nodded. "I do. The method I have come up with to treat the vampires is to mix a known compatible vampire blood strain with a donation from an older vampire. It is my hope that the older blood will give the sick vampire a boost in much the same way as vampire blood helps shifters. The stone will reduce the need to have an exact blood match." She looked around the table. "This is all experimental. I have no idea if it will work or not, but it's the best idea I have."

Beth faced her mate. "Please," she whispered.

Gavriel cupped the back of her head and pulled her close to kiss her gently. "You need not even ask my love. He means much to you, of course I will help in any way I can." He looked over to Vivi. "I must make two requests, however."

"Of course," she agreed.

"First is that you only take what is absolutely needed. If there is any blood left over, it is to be destroyed immediately. Secondly, I wish to be there to see it administered."

"Those requests are more than reasonable. We can start this afternoon drawing your blood, if you are free." Vivi couldn't help but feel excited. She would be able to see the oldest vampire blood in the world under a microscope.

"I will make time. The sooner Magnus is on his feet, the better," Gavriel answered.

Rheia leaned forward. "Do you want me to gather some older vampire blood from among the vendors just in case? We can have it processing while we're waiting."

Vivi nodded. "That is an excellent idea. While you do that, I'll get donations from Caspian and Gavriel. We'll put all five bags on the stone first thing so that it can start processing. Something tells me it will take longer than even the warrior's blood to finish. I'm thinking if we get it started this morning, we could start administering the third batch the day after tomorrow."

Beth gasped. "That long?"

Ellie turned to Beth. "The warrior's blood took over twelve hours, and they are nowhere near as old as Gavriel. If Vivi is right about age playing a factor, then Gavriel's blood will need the extra time."

Beth slumped down in her chair. "I just want Uncle well."

Rheia gave Beth a sympathetic look. "We all do honey."

Sebastian cleared his throat, and everyone looked to where he stood by the door leading out to the antechamber. "Prince Gavriel, Princess Vivian, you have a guest waiting for you in the next room. Founding Family head, Ivan DeLaFontaine wishes to speak to you regarding Prince Magnus." Sebastian's voice was neutral, even pleasant, but the irritation on his face spoke volumes.

Vivi looked over to Gavriel, who stood. "Please tell him we will be with him momentarily Sebastian."

"At once, Prince Gavriel," Sebastian responded laying it on thick.

Vivi opened her mouth but was brought up short by Gavriel raising a finger sharply. A second later the air in the room flexed.

"We have maybe two minutes before he realizes he no longer hears normal dining room sounds, like silverware and glassware clinking," Kendrick advised.

Gavriel turned to her. "If you feel more comfortable, I will do most of the talking. I will try to keep everything vague and hurry him out the door." He turned to Aiden. "If he is still here in five minutes announce you need my assistance with a concern from Lycaonia. He will not be able to ask about that." He turned to Kendrick. "The same for you. In five minutes remind Vivi she is needed in the lab." He looked around. "Any questions?"

Meryn raised her head for the first time. She looked around, her eyes barely open. "Huh?"

Gavriel stared at Meryn a moment then nodded. "Right. Let us go deal with that prat."

Meryn scowled. "Huh?"

Vivi watched in amusement as Aiden helped Meryn out of her chair and away from her coffee cup. Colton made a huge production to walk on the other side of the room, far from the barely conscious human.

"Surely that isn't necessary?" Vivi asked her mate as Colton steered Rheia in the opposite direction to walk the long way about.

Etain leaned in. "I heard from Gamma that Meryn threatened to castrate Colton the first morning she spent at the Alpha estate. I don't think he's taking any chances."

"That's silly," Vivi scoffed.

Etain pointed to the other end of the table. "You notice that Rheia isn't protesting."

"Should Meryn be allowed in the same room as DeLaFontaine? She hasn't even finished her first cup of coffee?" Eva whispered to Adriel.

Adriel flashed them a rare boyish grin. "Why do you think we are all heading to the antechamber?"

Vivi shrugged. "Let's go watch the midget in action."

Etain bowed regally and held out his arm. "After you Princess Vivian."

She accepted his arm and headed to the antechamber.




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