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Off Lease by Annabeth Albert (2)















Chapter Two



Pike wasn’t sure what had come over Zack, but he sure as hell intended to enjoy this publicly cuddly version of his usually tightly-wound husband. They bought frozen lemonades on the way to their hotel to put the bag down before finding dinner and then a club or two. The two guys in front of them on line had a little kid with them with a rainbow balloon tied to each wrist. He saw the looks Zack was giving all the families, this one included—they were a few years away from having that conversation, but for the first time, Pike could picture raising the subject and Zack not shying from the topic.

“Did you find out where you want to go after dinner?” Zack asked as they approached the hotel. While they’d walked around the festival, he’d been busy on his phone trying to find out where to go that might not have insane lines to get in. He still had some friends from his teen years in the area, and he’d put out an SOS text if anyone had any inside scoop. Prior experience had shown him that they really needed a plan before they went out because the Pride weekend crowds were insane.

He checked his phone again, then let out a whoop. “Friend of a friend works at a club. They’re emailing us two VIP passes to their event. We’ll still have a line, and it’ll be crowded, but we’ll be able to get in.”

“That’s awesome.” Zack paused, studying Pike carefully. “Are you sure you and your mom didn’t plan this before we came up to visit? It’s okay if you did.”

“What? No. I mean, I might have realized Pride was coming up, but we made our plans around when you’d have leave. Mom getting the hotel room was totally her own deal. And the tickets for tonight are just good luck.”

“I’ll take the good luck. And you weren’t kidding about lines.”

Just to check into the hotel, they had a long line, then a line for the elevator up to their room. Pike could almost sense the tension rolling off Zack. Patience was not his man’s strong suit. To distract him, Pike stretched to whisper in his ear, “Want me to blow you before dinner?”


The elevator dinged right then and Pike laughed. Good to know Zack hadn’t completely transformed. They made their way to their room on the twentieth floor. It was a very nice small corner suite with a view of the city below them, with big king size bed, little sitting area, table and chairs, and nice, big bathroom with large glassed in shower.

“So about that blow job…” Pike threw the backpack near the bed and backed Zack against the wall.

“I’m not usually one to turn you down, but if we want to eat before midnight, we might want to get back out there.” Zack gave the pristine white bed a longing glance.

“Okay, fine. Be practical.” Stepping away, Pike made sure he had his wallet and that his phone had enough charge to show their tickets at the door.

“Besides, I’m giving you an incentive to make it back here and not pull an all-nighter at the club.”

“I can absolutely go twice—or more—in a night.”

“I know you can. And I want you to save all that for after dinner and the club.” Zack gave him a stern look. Technically, he was younger than Pike, but he did bossy so much better. “Once I get you in bed, I’m not letting you go until check-out time.”

“Good. Otherwise I might think the romance was all gone.”

“It’s not.” The look Zack gave him on the way back to the elevator was hard to read. Was the romance gone? Should Pike be worried? He’d been mostly kidding, but it was true that they had less sex recently than when they first got together. Zack had been both deployed and injured a fair amount. Next Pike had been injured. And there were always projects around the house needing their attention and video games and other distractions. It wasn’t that they didn’t get it on, but it maybe wasn’t each of the top three items on their to-do list anymore either.

And maybe that was a problem. They weren’t alone in the elevator, so Pike didn’t bring up their sex life, but he stewed on it. What if Zack wanted something different but was too nice to say? Dinner was equally crowded and noisy, and despite the rainbow temporary tat on his bicep, Pike knew Zack and knew that bringing up sex while literally rubbing elbows and backs with strangers would make him turn red and stammer and probably wouldn’t yield real answer.

After eating way overpriced burgers that they’d waited almost two hours for, they wandered around, holding hands, taking in the energy from the crowded streets. The dance club that Pike’s friend had gotten them passes for was up closer to the Castro district, so they took the jam packed Metro up Market to another mass of people waiting to get into clubs and bars and partying in the streets. Rainbow, leather, hipster, femme, and geeky wear all jockeyed for space as big signs and flags welcomed visitors for Pride. The VIP line for the club they had passes for was full of people of all genders and ages, all doing what he was doing and bringing up the VIP bar code on the phone so it could be scanned at the door. The line of people without passes was easily five times as long, and Pike was grateful that his friend had had the hookup for them. He looked up and down the line, but didn’t see any familiar faces.

Finally, it was their turn to get hand stamps and join the throng inside the cavernous club. Male go-go dancers worked platforms around the space while a DJ spun tunes for an expansive dancefloor at the rear of the club. Strobe lights added to the bouncing energy of the place and a fleet of bartenders worked two different bars on the ground level. Stairs clogged with throngs of people led to a second level.

“We should get drinks before it gets even more crowded,” Zack suggested. “Doubles? That way we don’t have to fight the masses as many times.”

“Awesome.” Sticking close, Pike followed him to the bar where after a wait they got double shots of Fireball, which made Pike think about the first time they’d been out drinking together. Fuck, but they’d come so far since that night. But one thing hadn’t changed—Zack pounding back a shot was sexy as hell, pink lips around the shot glass, muscular neck working as he swallowed, full body shudder as the burn hit, free and easy grin for Pike afterward. A double was enough to have Pike pleasantly warm. Nowhere near drunk, but the start of a nice buzz worked its way up from his chest.

“Dancing? Down here or upstairs?” Setting down the empty glass in a bus tub at the end of the bar, Pike surveyed the crowded dance area.

“Let’s see if upstairs is any less packed.” Grabbing Pike’s hand, Zack led the way upstairs where a second DJ was spinning for a raucous, sweating crowd. At least half the men had lost their shirts and the go-go dancers weren’t the only ones in hot pants and super short-shorts. Unlike the Zack of a few years ago, this Zack let himself admire the dancers, sharing laughs with Pike as they checked out different guys, and he slipped a tip to a guy in camo print briefs and a dog tag necklace even without Pike urging him. Zack found them a spot near the side of the room that had some empty real estate where they could dance.

And Zack could dance. One would never know from meeting Pike’s tough SEAL husband, but Zack had a natural rhythm and a sense of presence that made watching him dance addictive. Especially once he had a shot or two, Zack was loose and fluid as he moved. Pike would have been perfectly happy to dance far apart enough that he could watch Zack unwind, but Zack tugged him to him, fitting their bodies together, Pike’s back to his front. Heaven. Pike loved hanging out at home, loved gaming together, loved sex, but there was something magical about dancing together like this at a crowded club, their own little oasis in the middle of chaotic splendor.

The club music shifted from the slow grind ballad to a more upbeat tempo, and Pike spun, dancing facing Zack, a little more space between their bodies, but kept his arms looped around Zack’s neck. People around them came and went, and Pike didn’t pay them much notice—a group of young women who loudly declared them adorable, a nonbinary-appearing couple totally into each other, and a rotating cast of others who didn’t last a full song before moving on. It didn’t matter though—the only person Pike had eyes for was right in his arms, exactly where he belonged.


Zack loved dancing with Pike. Always had. Pike followed Zack’s lead well, but also did his own thing, showing Zack how close or fast he wanted to move. They weren’t grinding or making out, but Zack was definitely turned-on, the way he always got dancing with his guy. As the song shifted, he had a brief thought of getting another drink, but this was too damn perfect to stop. They were still on the far edge of the upstairs dancefloor, a little patch of out-the-way area apart from the throng in front of the DJ and the lurkers watching the go-go dancers on the other wall. Different people danced near them, but none seemed to stick around until an older couple showed up. One tall shirtless guy, taller than Zack, probably a decade older too, with a shaved head, ripped muscles and leather bands around his biceps and the other guy between Pike and Zack’s heights, also older than them, but hot with dark shaggy hair, gleaming tan skin, and intersecting Brazilian and Pride flags tattooed on his muscular forearm. The way they danced together was sexy as hell, alternating who was leading, bodies rubbing against each other, but graceful movements that kept up the beat, and Zack fed on their energy, pulling Pike closer to him, taking ideas from the other couple.

The other guys moved closer as the area became more crowded, but Zack didn’t mind. They were hotter than the go-go dancers, and they were far from obnoxious, dancing near them but not pushy like some people could get when they wanted more than their fair share of space. A remix of one of Pike’s favorite fast songs came on, and Zack stepped back, giving him more area to get down and giving himself more opportunity to watch Pike feeling it. Damn. He really was the luckiest guy here.

Near them, the other couple shifted as well, and they were more like a foursome dancing as a group than two separate couples. Which was cool. It was hardly the first time they’d danced in a group of people, having fun with the newcomers, and when the shorter guy touched Pike, a brush of arms, Zack wasn’t jealous. They were hardly that possessive with each other, and this was just all in good fun. A quick glance revealed matching platinum bands on the men’s hands, making Zack even more comfortable. And he liked how the dark haired guy looked to Zack before dancing more deliberately with Pike.

For his part, Pike seemed to like the attention, dancing closer to the other guy, but eyes locked on Zack’s. He gave him a nod, moving so that he and the man could dance on either side of Pike. The tall guy seemed to like the spectacle they made, smiling broadly at them as he danced close by Zack. Pike’s head tipped back against Zack’s shoulder, and Zack held his hips while the dark haired man danced in front of them. Somehow his hand landed right above Zack’s, and he could feel the energy thrumming through Pike at the dual contact. When the music got darker, sexier, it was remarkably easy to fall into grinding against Pike, letting the music move through him.

“You good?” he whispered in Pike’s ear before biting it lightly.

“More than.” Pike smiled up at him before also smiling at the other couple. Zack felt a hand on his waist and turned to find the taller guy closer now, as all four of their bodies tangled—his hands roving Pike’s torso, the dark haired guy holding onto Pike’s hips, but occasionally moving so his fingers brushed against Zack or his partner, who’d left a hand on Zack, close enough that Zack could feel his body heat and nearness.

“Man, it’s hot in here,” he said even as he didn’t move apart. Pike was sweaty against him, both of them with their shirts plastered on at this point.

The taller guy had a deep laugh. “Lose the shirts.”

Pike shrugged, question in his eyes for Zack. And maybe back in San Diego he wouldn’t have been so bold, but here they were in a teeming mass of happy, shirtless dudes. No one would give a fuck if he took off this shirt, which since it wasn’t cotton really was hot and constricting. So he nodded at Pike.

“Not a terrible idea.” He pulled at the hem of Pike’s shirt, something sexy about stripping it off his guy in public like this. Barely losing rhythm, Pike tucked his shirt into his back pocket. Pulling his own shirt off, Zack did the same, aided by the deft fingers of the taller guy who pulled it securely through his belt for him. Then they were all dancing again, bare torsos brushing, electric zings of contact. Shaved head guy had a lot of chest hair, and it tickled against Zack’s back, an interesting contrast to the smoothness of Pike’s torso under his hands. Maybe the music was dirtier. Maybe it was the thrill of being half-dressed in public. Maybe it was just Pike and how much he did it for Zack. But his hands got bolder, roving up and down Pike’s front, and when the dark haired guy followed his lead, one blunt finger tracing down Pike’s sternum, it seemed natural and sexy as fuck.

“Thirsty.” Pike licked his lips as one song faded into another.

“Drinks sound good.” The taller guy could be military, the way he was good at taking charge of a situation, controlling without being bossy. “Let’s get you a water.”

“Water plus a shot will probably cancel each other out, but it’s what I want.” Pike laughed as the four of them made their way to the bar on their floor.

“Go for it.” The dark haired guy extended a hand. He had a sexy accent, mix of California surfer dude and South American. “And I’m Paulo by the way. This is Mal.”

“Pike. And this is Zack.” After handshakes all around and a decent wait to be noticed by the bartender, Mal insisted on paying for the round of water bottles for Paulo and Pike and double shots for all of them. It had been long enough from the first round that the shot loosened him up, burned his chest and stomach, but he still felt in control of himself. Paulo and Mal were tequila guys, and watching Paulo with a lime was better than some of the porn he and Pike liked to watch together.

By some unspoken plan, they ditched the shot glasses and headed back to the dancefloor. This time Paulo was quicker to start dancing with Pike, and Zack hung back a bit, enjoying the view, the contrast in Pike’s pale, freckled, slim torso and Paulo’s wider, sculpted chest. When Mal’s hands found Zack’s hips again, he was so intent on watching Pike that he barely noticed the contact.

“They’re hot, aren’t they?” Mal’s voice was a deep rumble in his ear.

“Yeah.” Zack loved watching Pike’s face when Paulo pulled him closer, the way Pike’s eyes fluttered closed in response to something Paulo said.

“You’re not bad either.” Mal’s laugh rolled through Zack too, as warm as the shot. He gently directed Zack closer to Pike, and Zack didn’t mind the nudge. Making a sexy Pike sandwich with Paulo really was hot as fuck. He tugged Pike to him, loving the feel of their bare torsos together, and even through their jeans, he could tell Pike was turned-on. So was Zack, but not in a gotta-fuck-or-die way, more in an increased awareness of his body. Like he knew eventually he’d get something, but he was in absolutely no hurry to pursue more than this moment, dancing with his guy and the two sexy strangers.

He was vaguely aware that Mal too was hard against his back, but he wasn’t insistent or aggressive about it, and Zack kinda liked his warm presence. Mal was as observant as any operator Zack had worked with, expertly dodging bodies and keeping all of them out of the line of traffic, which let Zack let go further and just enjoy the dancing. They moved together for what felt like an eternity but could have been anywhere from a single song to ten—time was doing funny, bendy things for him.

An old club standby came on and the floor suddenly became more crowded, pushing them more into each other.

“I need a breather.” Paulo laughed, stepping back against wall.

“Me too.” Pike followed him to a sitting area on the other side of the bar, leaving Zack and Mal to trail behind. They lucked out, grabbing a small couch right as another group vacated it. As natural as hanging out with their friends back in San Diego, they ended up with Zack and Mal on the couch, Pike on Zack’s lap, Paulo, half on the couch arm, half draped over Mal.

“You guys in town for Pride?” Paulo asked.

“Yeah,” Pike answered for them. “We came up from San Diego to visit some relatives. Mom gave us a push to go to Pride.”

“Glad she did.” Mal’s laugh was easy. “We’re in from Sacramento. Got a room downtown for the weekend.”

“Us too.” Pike’s weight on Zack’s lap was warm and welcome, and he felt like he could sit like this all evening.

“Awesome.” Paulo gave him an encouraging smile. “Maybe you’d like to share a ride back together?”

“Sure.” Pike looked down at Zack, but he didn’t really have an opinion—the Metro had been crazy crowded, so if Pike wanted to skip it, he was game.

“And you could come up, see the view from our room? Maybe have another drink? We’ve got better stuff than they’re pouring here.”

“I think I’m back to water.” Pike’s laugh was nervous, which put Zack on edge.

“We don’t have to drink. Maybe you’d like some more dancing? Fewer clothes?” Paulo’s voice had a flirty edge, but Zack finally understood the reason for Pike’s sudden nervousness.

“Uh….” Pike’s foot tapped Zack’s calf too hard to be an accident. “You guys want….”

Mal’s grin was feral and dirty as he nodded. “To fuck around.”