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Off Lease by Annabeth Albert (3)















Chapter Three



“We’re married.” It was the only response Pike could think of, and it came out automatically.

“Excellent. I kind of figured.” Mal laughed and pointed at the rings on their entwined hands. “So are we. Fifteen years together, married ten years—we were first in line when California legalized it the first time. You guys have that newlywed glow though.”

“Pretty much,” Pike said. Under him, Zack stayed quiet, face impossible to read, even though Pike knew him so damn well. Pike tapped him with his foot again, but Zack didn’t so much as squeak.

“You guys got limits? We can respect that—we can talk more on the way back downtown, figure out what you guys are down for.” Mal spoke like a man with a plan, reminding Pike a lot of their SEAL friends like Apollo.

Limits. Huh. That was so reasonable. Problem was, it would be nice if Pike knew what the hell those limits were or even if Zack was down for anything other than a shared ride back. They’d never talked about something like this, but they hadn’t used condoms in ages, and Pike sure as hell took that decision seriously. A big part of Pike wanted to just shut this down immediately, but Zack was so damn quiet. What if he really was into this idea? What if he’d been wanting an opportunity like this? All Pike’s earlier worries about their sex life came flooding back. Maybe Zack needed something like this.

But him speaking up would help as there was a whole world of possibilities between more dirty dancing and fucking, and Pike sure as hell wasn’t agreeing to more than Zack wanted or needed.

Paulo reached over, tapping Pike’s arm. He had a gentle smile. “Need a minute to talk alone? How about we go get some more water bottles? Then we can hunt down that ride.”

“Um. Yeah.” Pike licked his suddenly parched lips. “Sounds good.”

Bounding up, Paulo tugged Mal up. “Take your time. We’ll be back, but you know the lines at the bar.”

Waiting until they were gone, Pike moved over into the space Mal had vacated and stared Zack down. Still couldn’t read him, which was unnerving as hell. And it wasn’t that he was drunk—he’d seen Zack drunk before, and Zack might have been slightly buzzed earlier, but he was far from toasted.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Pike begged.

“Dunno. You wanna go back with them?” Zack’s voice was flat, neither excited nor down, simply neutral.

“Only if you do,” Pike said honestly. “I’ll go along with anything you’re up for, but I’d be just as happy to find our own way back if you’re uncomfortable.”

Zack exhaled hard. “I’m not uncomfortable.”

“Okaaaaaay.” Pike drew out the word, trying to take some strength from it. Lord save him from unreadable husbands. “You want to, then? You’re not going to hurt my feelings if you say yes. I know where we stand. I know I love you, and that’s not changing whether we dance with other people or fool around or whatever. Mal said he’s cool with limits, so maybe you can talk to me a little, tell me what you’re interested in here?”

“Not sure. I don’t wanna stop you from doing something you want. I’m interested in making you happy. Like the dancing made you happy,” Zack said softly. “If going with them would make you happy, then I wanna do that. Whatever would make you happiest, I guess. I just like seeing you happy.”

Making a frustrated noise, Pike whacked the back of the couch. “So I’ll do it if you want and you’ll do it if I want.We’re not exactly having stellar communication here, babe.”

“Sorry. Do you want what they have?” Zack asked. “Some sort of open arrangement? I mean I’m not sure precisely what their deal is…”

“Nope.” Pike could tell it was on him to be straightforward here. “I don’t. I don’t see you often enough as it is. I’m totally fine with just us and being monogamous. But, I’m also flexible. Like I said, I know where we stand. Nothing’s going to shake that. And I’ve been your only lover. Maybe you want some different experiences, sow a little wild oats, knock a few items off the bucket list, whatever. And there’s a lot of gray space between never even considering the idea to being okay dancing with others to having a completely open relationship.”

“I liked the dancing,” Zack voice was barely audible. “That was hot.”

“It was,” Pike agreed.

“But all it did was make me turned on for you. Not sure I want to do more dancing with them in private, you know? And I don’t care about you being my only. I like that. And you’re right. We don’t see each other enough—there’s still a ton of stuff we’ve never tried, just the two of us. If I’ve got a list or whatnot, you’re on every item.”

Pike’s sinuses burned as he scrambled back into Zack’s lap. “Ditto. You’re the only thing on my list. And I know you said you want to make me happy, but you make me happy. The dancing was hot because you were right there, getting turned on along with me. We were sharing it. And yeah, only thing on my mind really was making it back to our hotel room together, but I’m serious, Zack. I don’t wanna hold you back. If you want to share something…extracurricular together, we can.”

“Thank you. For offering. And for saying we’d be cool either way.” Zack kissed his neck. “And I’m not going to lie and say I’m not a little tempted. But you’re what I want. Just you.”

Pike couldn’t resist giving him a tender kiss wrapping his arms around Zack, everything fading away until it really was just the two of them. When he finally came up for air, Paulo and Mal were standing in front of them. Mal had a bemused smile on his stern face, and Paulo’s mouth was red and puffy, looking like they’d spent the wait for water bottles making out.

“I’m going to guess that’s a no on coming up to see the view?” Paulo didn’t sound put out at all, more just amused.

“Yeah…” Zack scratched his neck. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. We didn’t play around for years and years. We get get it,” Paulo assured him. “How about we still share that car though? Our treat. And I’ll give you my number in case you wanna watch the parade tomorrow or something—we know a good spot to view it from.”

“Maybe…” Pike looked at Zack. A ride sounded better than transit, but not if Zack was uncomfortable.

“Ride sounds fine. But we’re pretty sure on not changing our minds.” Zack finally sounded back to the Zack Pike knew and loved.

“You guys are adorable.” Mal laughed. “But don’t worry. Like Paulo said, we get it.We’ll make our own good time. Dancing with you guys was a great warm-up.”

“Yeah.” On that they could agree. Even with the heavy talk, Pike still felt the low thrum of arousal from the dancing and from being this close to Zack. Mal arranged for the ride, and pulling their shirts back on, they made their way to the front of the club. The ride was a mid-size SUV, and Mal rode up front with the driver, while Pike squeezed in the middle between Zack and Paulo, far less sexy than while dancing, but not unbearable. The other couple really did seem like good people—they were both teachers in Sacramento, so they talked education with Pike on the way back to downtown.

Zack stayed quieter, but it wasn’t the unreadable, frustrating kind of earlier, more like he was content to let Pike take over the socializing until they were dropped at their hotel amid goodbyes and tentative plans to text in the morning. They held hands as they made their way toward the elevators. In a benevolent miracle, there wasn’t a wait for the elevator and they got the car to themselves.

“So…” he turned to Zack. “That wasn’t terrible, right? We’re cool?”

“We’re more than cool.” Zack gave him a lingering kiss.

Feeling warm and in a giving mood, Pike nestled into Zack’s embrace even after the kiss ended. “You said there’s stuff that we haven’t tried—just the two of us stuff. Is there anything we could try tonight that would do it for you? Something on that list of yours?”

Zack flushed and worried his lip with his teeth. The elevator dinged for their floor, and he didn’t answer until he’d unlocked the door for their suite. “Um…if you’re serious…”

“I am,” Pike assured him. “Anything. I’m game for anything you want.”

“Well…” Zack studied the carpet. “You could top.”



Zack raised his head in time to see Pike’s jaw fall open. Which was about what he’d expected, but now that he’d said it, he wasn’t as nervous as he’d thought.

“You really want to bottom?” Pike asked.

“I’ve said before that I’m willing.” Zack tried not to sound defensive. And honestly, it had a lot to do with how much he’d been gone that he hadn’t brought it up sooner. And when he’d been injured, simply rubbing off had been luxury enough.

“Yeah, but there’s a difference between willing and wanting,” Pike said reasonably, stroking his face. “Do you want it, babe? Like honestly? I’m pretty damn happy with how things are.”

“I want it,” Zack mumbled. Damn. He might not be nervous, but this still wasn’t easy to talk about. Something flippy floppy inside him made it harder than it needed to be to ask for this. Some remnant of his past maybe, but he’d been working hard at moving beyond those old parts of himself, and he could be honest enough with himself to admit what he wanted. “You do a spectacular job of making it look like the most fun thing ever. And you’ve…touched me there when blowing me. I liked that.”

He got that there was a difference between a finger or two and a cock, but he figured that his nerve endings would figure themselves out—if his prostate liked the pressure of Pike’s fingers or the slim toy they’d fooled around with another time, then surely a cock might feel even better.

“Yeah, you did.” Pike gave him a searching kiss. “You want me to make you feel good like that tonight?”

“Please. Fuck me.” Just asking like that made him feel all soft and warm inside, vulnerable, but also strong, like he’d finally gotten up the courage to talk about something difficult.

Pike’s eyes flared dark and hot, and he all but pushed Zack in the direction of the bed. “I can so do that.”

“Wait. Am I supposed to… Uh…shower? Prep?” They’d fucked in a variety of situations, some spontaneous, some more planned, but he really wanted to get this right.

“Shower sounds awesome.” Pivoting on his heel, Pike switched course, dragging Zack into the large bathroom. Clearly in a take-charge mood, which was what Zack had been hoping for, Pike started the glassed in shower going before stripping off his sweaty club clothes. Zack did the same, then let Pike lead him under the warm spray. It was…well, fun wasn’t the right word, but relaxing maybe, letting go and letting Pike soap him up.

They kept stopping for long, lazy kisses, but eventually they both got clean. Pike dropped to his knees, and Zack thought he might about get blown, but instead Pike spun him and lathered up Zack’s ass, paying way more attention to Zack’s hole than he ever had in any of the other dozens of showers they’d shared. He didn’t really have a chance to get embarrassed about that though, because as soon as Pike rinsed him off, his mouth was there, hot and urgent. Holding Zack’s ass open, he teased all around the rim. Zack had to lean against the slick tiles to avoid tipping over, and his hard cock brushed the cool wall, making him shiver.

“Did…you…lube? In here?” He wasn’t sure he had it in him to wait for the bed.

“Height difference.” Pike lightly slapped Zack’s ass. “And trust me on this, you don’t wanna be trying to stand the first time.”

“Bed. Now. Don’t wanna wait.” His voice was needier and threadier than usual.

“Me either.” Shutting off the water, Pike tapped him again. “Race you.”

Pike tossed a towel at him as they sped from the bathroom back to the bed. Stopping to grab the lube from the backpack, Pike then tackled him before they fell onto the bed in a damp heap. Finding Zack’s mouth, Pike kissed him with more urgency than he had in the shower. Zack tugged him on top, loving the warm weight of his body.

“Want it like this.” They’d tried any number of other positions with Pike bottoming, but this one was his favorite because it meant more kissing and watching Pike’s face. And when he’d stroked off imagining getting fucked, it was usually this position. Imagining Pike on top of him, hard and insistent… Yeah, he got off fast with those thoughts, and predictably, just asking for it had his dick twitching against his stomach.

It was weirdly familiar and brand-new at the same time, Pike kissing him while shifting so that he was in between Zack’s thighs, gently pushing Zack’s legs up and back. Zack got the idea and helped out, opening further to let Pike sit back on his heels, peering down at him.

“You can just go,” he assured him. He’d fucked Pike with little prep at his urging a few times, and it was always hot as fuck. And he was impatient, more so when Pike laughed.

“Uh, no. Easy there, Sailor. First, I’ve never fucked someone bare before—”

“Really?” Zack blinked up at him. “That’s kind of cool. Like a first for both of us.”

“Yeah, real cool until I come in five seconds.” Pike’s laugh had an unsteady edge to it. “And I’m more than a little worried about hurting you and you hating it…”

“I’m not going to hate it.” Zack pulled him back down for another kiss. “I’ve spent way too much time fantasizing about this to hate it, promise.”

“Really? You jerk off thinking about me fucking you?” Pike’s bossy swagger was back, making Zack’s stomach flutter. Pike reached for the lube, getting his fingers slick. “Show me. Touch yourself now.”

Giving Pike a show made his skin heat, but he did as requested, stroking his dick, continuing even as Pike started tracing slick circles around his rim.

“Fuck. You are so hot. Tell me you want this.”

“Want it. So badly.” Zack almost didn’t recognize his voice.

“That’s it.” Pike pushed in, what felt like two fingers, which they’d fooled around with before, and he knew that not tensing up was key, so he forced himself to exhale and meet the pressure. The burn as his muscles adjusted wasn’t his favorite thing, but he kept stroking himself, waiting for—

“Fuck.” That. The magic spot up inside. God bless the prostate and Pike for introducing him to it. And Pike knew exactly how to play it too, the right amount of pressure and rubbing. “Come on. Fuck me. Don’t wanna come on your fingers.”

“Damn. I can’t hold back when you beg.” Pike withdrew his fingers, then slicked up his cock.

“I love that we get to do this bare,” Zack confessed.

“Yeah? In those fantasies you get to feel me come?” Breathing hard, Pike urged Zack’s legs back further.

“Fuck, yeah. Just you. Always you.” That seemed important, adding that, because it really was true. Sure, he loved watching porn with Pike, and he could appreciate other attractive guys, and the dancing thing had been hot, but when he closed his eyes and thought about getting fucked, it was always Pike doing this to him. And he knew how fucking hot it was, coming bare in Pike’s ass, feeling it afterward. Something primal and sexy as hell about it.

“Just you too.” Pike leaned down for an awkward kiss. “Love you so much.”

“Love you too, and if you don’t fuck me soon, I’m gonna—”

“Okay, okay.” Pike moved so that his cockhead was at Zack’s rim, blunt pressure there. Zack tried the exhale trick, but his body stayed tense. With his free hand, Pike stroked Zack’s torso. When he flicked a nipple hard, Zack gasped, and the distraction was enough that when Pike pushed forward again, he didn’t clench. The stretch burned more than the fingers, but the look of utter concentration on Pike’s face was sexy enough to keep him going.

“Keep touching yourself,” Pike urged as he slid in a little deeper. Zack kept waiting for the good feeling to return, but his body seemed split as to how it felt about this new invasion. Sexy as fuck in theory, a little uncomfortable in practice. But knowing it was Pike, Pike in him, Pike sharing this with him, made his blood hum. It wasn’t long before he was stroking himself while still trying to sort out how he felt about the fullness in his ass.

Then Pike did something—some minute adjustment—and electricity zoomed up his spine. “That. Do that again.”

“Yeah? That the spot?” Pike did it again, more deliberately this time, and fuck, all Zack could do was moan in response. For the first time, he got it why the guys in porn could never talk much while fucking. Talking was hard. Thinking was hard. Everything came down to the pressure against his prostate, how damn good that felt, each thrust a fresh wave of good, and moan after moan kept escaping his throat.

“Gonna come for me?” Pike demanded, eyes dark and hot, mouth a thin line. Fuck, but he was magnificent. He drizzled some lube over Zack’s fist, making his strokes slicker. And still all Zack could do was groan, his breath coming like a tank trying to take on a hill. “That’s it. Get yourself there.”

He wanted to make it last forever, wanted to draw this out, but he also recognized the desperation in Pike’s voice.


“Take it. You’ve got me.”

“Fuck.” Even that word was a struggle, followed by more moans as his brain surrendered to the pleasure swamping him. His body tensed, but this time it was welcome, a beautiful tension, one that let him grip Pike’s cock with his ass, let him spiral closer to release. His free hand clutched at Pike’s shoulder, as he tensed further, waiting, waiting, and then his back lifted, ass rocking, body apparently knowing what to do even with his brain shot, climax finding him in heady waves. He spurted all over his stomach and chest, the force of his release making his gasp and pant.

“Oh my god. Beautiful. Fuck.” Pike’s hips stuttered, a fast series of thrusts, and then he was coming too, warmth flooding Zack’s ass. God, he’d wanted that so much that it forced out one last spurt from his dick. His muscles twinged a bit as Pike pulled out, but reaching down, feeling his slick hole was sexy in a way he’d never contemplated much before.

“Tell me we can do that again sometime when I can last more than three minutes,” Pike gasped, collapsing next to him.

“Oh, we are so doing that again. What’s that called in porn where both guys get fucked in a single scene?”

“Flip fuck.”

“Yeah. That. That’s on my list too.” Zack sighed happily. He was a major mess, needed a second shower, but he couldn’t remember ever being more content, more sure that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

“How about you don’t wait so long next time to tell me what’s on that list?” Pike’s voice was sleepy, but serious. “And if the list changes, I wanna know that too.”

“Talking is hard.” He nuzzled into Pike’s shoulder. “I still get all tangled up in my head sometimes. But I love you. And you’re right. You shouldn’t have to guess what I’m thinking or what I want.”

“Well, I want you. Always.” Pike pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “Tangled up or not, I love your head. And the rest of you.”

“Love you too.” Zack found his mouth for a soft kiss, even more sure that this was the right place for him.