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Omega's Wish: A Nonshifter MPREG Novella (Love in Ellsworth Book 1) by Sienna Willows (7)



"Okay, what's going on? Your head has been in the clouds all day," Devon said. Devon was Carson's assistant, and he usually took it upon himself to manage not only Carson's professional life, but his personal one as well.

In other words, Devon was nosy as hell. He was an excellent assistant, though, and an even better friend. Carson found him invaluable.

Except in times like these, when all he wanted was to be left alone with his thoughts. "Nothing, you're seeing things again." Carson leaned against the back of his chair, stretching his arms out and letting some of his tension go. It had been a long day.

"Something is clearly going on, because you canceled all of your scheduled dates indefinitely. You had a lot," Devon said pointedly.

"You make me sound like a slut," Carson replied, his brow arching.

Devon shrugged easily. "Hey, I'm not judging. You do you, et cetera, et cetera. I'm just saying--you had a lot of dates planned in your calendar, and now all of a sudden, they're gone. Add the fact that you've been out of it all day, well, it's not hard to put two and two together. Now spill."

Rolling his eyes, Carson looked at the clock on his computer. "There's nothing to spill." Just half an hour more, and he could pick up Kyle.

Fuck, Kyle. He couldn't help the grin spreading on his face. It had been a few days since Kyle's heat, and Carson couldn't stop thinking about him. They'd seen each other, of course, and they'd texted--but tonight was different. Tonight, they were going on a date.

Their first real, official date.

"Sounds like a lie, but okay," Devon said suspiciously. "Something happened over the weekend, I'm sure of it. I'm going to find out, you know. You might as well tell me now."

"Don't you have work to do?" Carson said without heat. "I'm pretty sure you have work to do."

"Well, so do you," Devon supplied, pointing at the pile of papers on Carson's desk. "You need to sign off on those."

Groaning, Carson flipped through the stack of papers on his desk. This was easily the worst part of his job. He wasn't a paper pusher--he was a do-er kind of guy. Paperwork didn't agree with him. "I'll deal with this tomorrow," he said. "Now go, Devon. Either go back to work, or go home to your boyfriend."

Devon blinked. "Wait, you're letting me go early? Wow, now I know something is really up. I'm on to you."

"Go," Carson commanded, shooing Devon off. "Before I change my mind about letting you go home early."

Devon didn't think twice. He left the room, letting the door shut behind him. Thank god. It wasn't that Carson didn't like his assistant. He did. Devon was hardworking and thorough with his job.

But it would be a lie if Carson said he didn't want to be alone right now. He needed to calm his nerves and settle his thoughts. The last thing he wanted was to have his assistant pry into his personal life, not when everything had turned upside down in his head.

Another look at the clock showed it was almost time for him to leave. Standing up, he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack. He slipped it on, adjusting his shirt in front of the mirror at the corner of his office. He looked okay, Carson supposed. His hair needed taming, but that was a full-time job on its own.

"Get a fucking grip," he muttered to himself, his hands clammy as he adjusted his tie. He was nervous as fuck, and it irked him that he felt so out of sorts.

This wasn't like him at all. He'd never been nervous before a date.

He'd never been on a date with Kyle before, though, so Carson supposed he could give himself that. Carson knew he really shouldn't be nervous. This was Kyle--his Kyle. They had history a mile long, unlike the other omegas Carson had dated before.

Still, he didn't want to fuck this up. Kyle had been so hesitant to give him a chance--to give them a chance--that Carson really didn't want to do anything that would push the man away.

He wanted this to be good for Kyle.

Grabbing his bag from the couch, he slung it over his shoulders, making his way to the door. He couldn't wait to see Kyle. Fuck, he'd been thinking about him all day long. Devon was right--Carson's head had been in the clouds. His focus had been shot, and the only thing he could think about was Kyle.

The thing was, his daydreams hadn't even been sexual.

Okay, that was a lie. Part of his daydreams had been sexual. Of course they were. Carson didn't think he'd be able to stop thinking about the way Kyle opened up to him so easily, the way Kyle took his cock--took his knot. Kyle had been a sight to behold, and Carson wasn't going to forget.

Not now. Probably not ever.

But the other part of his daydreams--the part that thought about what it would be like to hold Kyle's hand as they walked around town, or the part that couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to fall asleep with him every night--those parts took his breath away.

Sex between them had been amazing, yes, but that wasn't all Carson wanted from Kyle. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about Kyle, the more Carson knew the truth deep down.

There was no way Carson could ever go back to the way things were. He wanted everything with Kyle.

He just hoped Kyle wanted the same things he did.

The walk to Kyle's office didn't take long. They weren't on the same floor, but their offices were on the same side of the building. Kyle's assistant was gone by the time he walked into their side of the building, and Carson stopped right in front of Kyle's door. He took a deep breath before rapping on the door once, then twice.

"Kyle?" he asked, turning the latch slowly. He opened the door, stuck in place, as he watched Kyle finish up with his work.

Fuck, Kyle was beautiful. How did Carson ever miss that?

Kyle's jacket was on the couch, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. His nose was scrunched in concentration as he focused his attention on his computer. It was adorable, and Carson wanted to reach in and touch him.

Carson zeroed in on Kyle's lips, plump and red and shiny from the way Kyle had been clearly biting them. Carson felt himself harden, images of Kyle on his knees in front of him flashing across his mind. Fuck, he needed to get a hold of himself. Kyle looked tantalizing, though, his shirt just loose enough to expose his collarbones.

Want coursed through Carson's gut. He wanted to taste Kyle's skin, to suck on Kyle's collarbones, and make him moan out in pleasure.

"Carson, hi," Kyle said, shaking him from his thoughts.

Huffing out a breath, Carson smiled at Kyle. "Hi. You look good. Really good." Carson regretted the words as soon as they'd come out. He sounded like an idiot.

Except Kyle smiled at him back, Kyle's dimples showing, and Carson felt his body relax. "Sure, if overworked accountants were your thing," Kyle teased.

"As luck would have it, overworked accountants are definitely my thing," Carson said, smirking. He crossed the divide between them until he was standing in front of Kyle. Then, bending down so they were at the same level, he kissed Kyle softly, trying not to moan at the feel of Kyle's lips on his.

When he pulled away a moment later, he noted the glazed look in Kyle's eyes. It was a good look on Kyle, Carson thought, and it made him kiss the other man again. Deeper this time, his hand curling around Kyle's tie, pulling them closer together. Kyle whimpered into the kiss, and the sound shot straight through to Carson's dick. He sounded so good, and Carson wanted nothing more than to draw out all of the noises from Kyle’s lips.

"I thought you were going to take me out on a date," Kyle panted when their kiss broke apart. He stood up, walking to where Carson was standing. He leaned his weight against Carson, his head on Carson's chest.

Automatically, Carson circled his arms around Kyle, drawing him close. He loved how they fit together like this, like Kyle was made to slot against him. Carson didn't want to let him go. "We will. Are. I just want to hold you for a sec." Carson pressed a kiss on top of Kyle's head, noting the scent of Kyle's shampoo. It was some kind of berry, sweet and light, and on another person, it would have been too much. On Kyle, though, Carson couldn't have enough.

"We don't have to, you know. You don't have to do this," Kyle murmured, so low Carson almost didn't hear him.

Stiffening involuntarily, Carson stilled. "Do you not want to go on a date with me?" Carson had been so stuck on the idea of being with Kyle, of wanting to be Kyle's everything, that he never stopped to think if Kyle felt those same feelings back.

He'd just...assumed that Kyle felt the same.

Fuck, what if Kyle didn't want him? Carson played the possibility in his mind, and he found himself growing restless. Now that he had Kyle in his arms, he couldn't imagine a future without Kyle--in his bed, in his heart. In his life.

"I do. I want to," Kyle replied just as quietly. "I'm just saying, you don't have to."

Relief flooded Carson's pores, and he tightened his hold around Kyle. "I want to, okay? I want you," Carson said. "I want to take you out, to show you off as mine."

He felt Kyle suck in a breath. "Yeah?" he asked, hesitantly.

Carson kissed his temple, then his cheek. "I do. Now let's go before I get distracted and start kissing you again."

"You're the one still holding me," Kyle said, his lips curving up into a smile.

With great effort, Carson let him go. He grabbed Kyle's jacket off the couch and handed it to him. When he noticed Kyle didn't have a scarf with him, Carson pulled off his own scarf and wrapped it around Kyle's neck without preamble.

"You gonna give me your letterman jacket, too?" Kyle teased, but he adjusted the scarf around him more comfortably, anyway. His cheeks were flushed, a pleased look on his face, and Carson knew he did the right thing.

"Don't want you to get cold outside," Carson said, voice low, before pushing Kyle out the door gently. They weren't going far--their favourite sushi restaurant was only a few minutes’ walk away, but the forecast had predicted snow, and Kyle was definitely not dressed for the weather.

Once they were at the restaurant, they tucked themselves in one of the corner booths, their knees touching under the table. Carson watched Kyle surreptitiously as he looked through the menu. There was an underlying current between them, something Carson couldn't quite place.

They'd been here a thousand times before. It shouldn't feel any different, but it did, anyway. There was a palpable change between them, and Carson was trying his best to navigate through the throng of emotions that flowed through him.

He reached across the table, touching Kyle's hand and encasing it in his. There was a flicker of surprise that crossed Kyle's eyes, but he let Carson hold his hand, the menu long forgotten on the table now. The restaurant was dimly lit, with most of the light coming from the candles scattered along the side of the table. It made Kyle look almost ethereal, and Carson had to stop himself from reaching out and touching Kyle's face.

The need to kiss Kyle was as intense as his need to hold him close again. They were touching, yes, but Kyle was still too far away for Carson's liking.

"You gonna hold my hand all night, or are we going to order?" Kyle asked, but he was beaming, his thumb running across Carson's fingers.

"I'm a good multitasker, I can do both," Carson replied.

The server came then, and Carson let Kyle rattle off their usual order. Kyle knew what he liked, and he was content with letting Kyle take the lead. He couldn't take his eyes off their hands, still clasped together.

Carson thought there'd be more awkwardness between them, but their conversation gave way to light, flirty banter instead. Being with Kyle felt good. Carson had been on countless dates with other omegas in the past, and it was becoming increasingly clear as the night went on that none of them held a candle to Kyle.

Hell, if anything, it was clear that Carson had been subconsciously putting his dates against a bar only Kyle could meet.

He was so blind, so oblivious to the truth that was right in front of him all along. He wanted to hit himself for being so stupid.

All those years he could have been with Kyle.

He'd wasted so much time trying to find the perfect mate, the perfect omega, when Kyle had been there all along.

Kyle, who was kind and patient and intelligent. Kyle, who never let him get away with anything and dished out as much as he took.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle asked just as they were finishing their meal.

Without thinking, Carson said, "You." He called the server for the check.

Kyle's cheeks reddened. "Do I want to know?"

Smiling, Carson squeezed Kyle's hand. "I could tell you in detail, if you want." He winked at Kyle, loving the way Kyle bit his lower lip in response.

Before Carson could say anything further, though, the server came with their check. It didn't long for him to settle the bill, and moments later, he was walking out of the restaurant into the cool, brisk air, with Kyle's hand in his.

"Do you want to go for coffee?" Carson asked, hoping Kyle would say yes. He didn't want the night to end. Not yet, not when he was thoroughly enjoying Kyle's company. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been on a date with someone who made him feel the way Kyle did.

Luckily, Kyle nodded. "Cherie's? I think they're open late."

"Sounds good," Carson said.

There weren't very many people out, but it didn't matter, anyway, because the only person Carson saw was Kyle. They talked quietly as they walked to the cafe, their fingers still entwined, until Kyle pulled his hand away gently. He rubbed both of his hands together.

"I really should have brought gloves," Kyle said, his body shivering. The snow had started to fall lightly around them, small flakes landing on Kyle's eyelashes.

It made him look even more beautiful, something Carson didn't know was possible at all.

"Here, take mine," Carson said, shucking his gloves off, and handing them to Kyle.

Kyle's eyes widened. "You can't give me your gloves, you're gonna be cold." He stuffed the gloves back in Carson's hand, his brows furrowing.

Carson shook his head, stopping at the street corner to give Kyle the gloves back. "No, you take them. I don't get cold like you do, remember?"

Still hesitant, Kyle looked at the gloves hesitantly. "You don't have to," he said quietly.

"I know I don't. Just take the gloves, babe," Carson said. He pulled Kyle close, not caring about the people walking around them. Kyle sank into his embrace easily, and Carson reveled in his warmth.

"You're ridiculous," Kyle said into Carson's jacket.

Carson hummed in agreement against Kyle's hair. "Maybe, but you know I'm right," he said. He took a deep breath, taking in Kyle's scent. "You feel good like this. Love having you so close."

Kyle stopped for a moment, before relaxing into Carson's touch again. "You feel good, too. I--I never thought," he said, trailing off. "I like this a lot."

Carson thumbed Kyle's cheek, bring their lips together. He kissed Kyle, unable to help himself, and he groaned quietly when Kyle kissed him back, just as gently, just as sweetly. Carson didn't know how long they stayed like that, wrapped around each other on a street corner, their mouths dancing together.

"Is it bad that I don't want this night to end?" Kyle murmured. Their foreheads touched, their breathing becoming uneven.

Kyle's words echoed what had been running through Carson's mind. He never wanted this to end. He needed more of Kyle like he needed air. "It doesn't have to end," Carson said. "Not if you don't want it to."

"Tonight's been..." Kyle started, like he didn't quite know the words to say. "It's been amazing. You're amazing. I--I didn't think you'd ever want this."

"I want this," Carson replied quickly, wanting to erase any doubt from Kyle's mind. "I want you."

Kyle settled a hand on Carson's chest, near Carson's heart. Even through the layers of clothing, Kyle's touch felt like a brand. "I don't think I want to get coffee anymore, Cars."

The air between them thickened. It reminded Carson of the night at the bar, when Kyle's heat was bubbling to the surface. Except this time, it was different. Kyle wasn't in heat, and they didn't have anything to blame for the desire palpitating between them.

This was just him and Kyle, plain and simple.

"What do you want, Kyle?" Carson asked in anticipation. He knew Kyle wanted the same thing he did, but he needed to hear the words directly from Kyle.

Kyle swallowed visibly. "You," he said, his hand shaking as he rubbed his thumb over Carson's chest. His eyes fluttered in the moonlight, he licked his lips as he spoke. "Take me home, Carson."

Carson didn't need to be told twice.