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Only Us by Brandy Ayers (2)


The moment the words leave her mouth, I grab the girl’s hand and drag us out of there. I feel bad because she has to run to keep up with my much longer strides, but time is of the essence here. Fifteen minutes stuck at an orgy you have no interest in is fifteen minutes too long.

The cool night air washes over my hot skin the second we clear the doorway. Scents of pine and fresh earth chase away the awful smell of dozens upon dozens of naked bodies smashed together. I have never loved the outdoors so much in my life.

“Where is the brain bleach when you need it?” I look back, and the poor girl has one hand clutching her book against her chest and is sucking in deep breaths. Her other hand is still tucked inside mine, and I don’t want to let go. “I mean, did you see that? There were three. But there are only two. And he just . . .”

“Please stop. Getting the image out of my head is going to be hard enough.” I am going to kill the guys for this. I get lots of shit for being the only virgin on the football team, but I’m cool with it. I’m not ashamed of the status of my unpunched V-card. But my teammates make such a big fucking deal out of it. But tonight is so many levels past the normal ribbing. “So, I didn’t get your name yet.”

“Sorry. Jenny. I’d shake your hand, but you already seem to have become well acquainted with it.” She looks down between us with an arched eyebrow to where I refuse to lose our connection. Reluctantly, so I don’t come off as some creeper, I let her hand go, and she immediately brings it back up for a handshake. I chuckle with the formality of the move, considering the scene we just ran from. She seems to catch the absurdity of it all at the same time and laughs herself as we pump our hands up and down.

The room had been dim and filled with naked people, so I wasn’t able to get a really good look at her. But the moment I noticed her across the room, something called to me, told me to go over. She stood out in the room not only because she was one of the only ones with clothes on but because she shines.

Now that I have a clear view, I have to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. Jenny is an odd combination of cute and sexy. She has a round face with slightly chubby cheeks, full lips, and blue eyes. Her hair is a deep chocolate brown and hangs in waves around her shoulders. I try not to ogle her body too much because I really don’t want to come off as a creeper, but fuck, is it hard to rip my eyes away. She’s curvy. Like pinup model, exaggerated hourglass, curvy. Huge tits that are totally covered by a cardigan and blouse but still plain as day, a tiny waist accentuated by a belt, and hips that pretty much beg to be gripped in my large hands. I’m looking at her head-on, but if I had to guess, I would say her ass is probably the kind that sticks out in a high bubble. Fuck, I love bubble butts. I admit, I’m an ass man.

Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t have a healthy appreciation of the opposite sex. I just haven’t indulged in the carnal side of things yet. But looking at Jenny, I know that is going to change. Soon. Maybe tonight. I’ve never felt overly protective of anyone other than my mom and sister. However, just the thought of this girl having been inside that room with all those men possibly looking at her and imagining what they’d do to her makes me want to go back inside and punch them all until they black out.

Shaking my head, I will myself to look away, to shove down the unprecedented violent thoughts. Around the steel barn housing the triple X-rated festivities, there is a wide concrete porch with no railing. I sit down on the edge with my feet hanging off, and Jenny comes over to sit next to me, just a few inches separating our legs.

“Okay, so explain to me how you ended up at an orgy on a first date.” Seriously, whoever the jackass was who took her out tonight, I should find him and thank him. But that would require me wading back into the shark-infested waters behind that door, which is not happening.

Jenny groans and leans back on her hands with her head lolling between her shoulder blades. The position puts her chest on full display, and I actively work to keep my eyes on my lap. And to keep the appendage in my pants, which I thought had shriveled forever after the orgy debacle, from getting too happy.

“It is all my aunt’s fault.” She launches into a story about her family thinking she doesn’t get out enough and her finally agreeing to get set up with a friend of a friend’s son. It sounds as if the whole date was a disaster that ended with her here on the porch with me. I haven’t been on any real dates, but I can’t imagine what this Chad guy could have been thinking to take a sweet girl like Jenny, let alone any girl at all, to an orgy on a first date.

“What about you? Why would your teammates leave you at an orgy and take off with your phone?”

So up until now I thought maybe Jenny has just been playing it cool about who I am. But it occurs to me now that she really might not know. “Do you follow college sports at all?”

“Sorry, no. I’m a total nerd and just study or work all day.” She shrugs, obviously not concerned with her lack of athletic knowledge.

“Okay, well, if you were to Google me, Spencer Wainwright, on that phone right now, there would be a few dozen articles that would pop up about my position on the University of Wildwood’s football team and my prospects for going into the NFL a year and a half from now.” I suck in a deep breath and let it out with a frustrated groan. There is no point keeping my story a secret from her. As soon as we got back to campus and she asked anyone about me, or Googled me, she’d know all the dirty details anyway. “However, there would be over a hundred articles, fansites, and Tumblr blogs dedicated to me and my unofficial status as the only virgin starting quarterback in the history of college football. Or at least that is what it feels like. The guys on the team rag on me for it all the time and keep trying to find new and inventive ways to get me to lose my virginity. They’ve tried to get me drunk. They’ve invited over whole sorority houses to seduce me. They even hired a hooker once. Then they found out about this place and decided to kidnap me after practice today, blindfold me, and leave me to fend for myself inside. I’d been hiding in a corner for fifteen minutes when I saw you.”

I expect Jenny to have the same reaction as everyone when they hear about the guys’ mission to devirginize me, but instead she looks thoroughly disgusted.

“That is awful. What kind of friends do you have? How does anyone even know you’re a virgin?” Jenny looks genuinely appalled for me, which causes a weird warm and fuzzy feeling to fill my chest.

“Unfortunately, that is my own damn fault. My dad is super strict and always had been when I was growing up. So, the first weekend on my own at college, I got shit-faced and somehow ended up playing spin the bottle at some frat house. The bottle landed on me, and I was supposed to kiss this random chick I’d never met before. But when her face was about two inches from mine, I blurted out that I didn’t want this to be my first kiss, and stood up.” The memory has the same effect it always does on me. It makes me want to slap my eighteen-year-old self upside the head. “Most of that night is a big blur, but I remember everyone stopping dead in their tracks once they realized what I said. I don’t really care that people know I’m a virgin. However, I’m still pretty pissed at myself that I got so drunk that I had no control over what I was saying. But at least I had enough control to stop her before we kissed.”

After replaying my little woe-is-me tale, I glance over at Jenny and am surprised to find her smiling this big Cheshire cat grin at me.


“How is it possible that two virgins somehow unwillingly find themselves at an orgy on the same night? The odds on that have to be astronomical.” She turns her face away from me, staring up at the stars blanketing the sky above us.

“Must be fate or something.” I had a feeling she might be pretty innocent, but knowing she’s a virgin too makes me relax even more, because she gets it. I know she does. “So, I hate that I am going to ask this question, because I hate when people ask me, but it is rare that I meet a fellow virgin in college—”

“Why haven’t I had sex yet?”

Nodding, I watch her intently as I say the words that have been turning over and over in my mind. “You’re gorgeous, so there have to have been guys who tried.”

An adorable pink blush creeps up her cheeks, and it makes me want to lean over and brush my lips over that smooth skin, see whether it is as heated as it looks. This girl is bringing out urges in me that I’ve never had before. Like some animal deep inside my brain has been stirred and won’t be satisfied until he’s tasted her.

“There isn’t some big reason. I didn’t set out to save myself or anything. I’ve just always been focused on my studies first. I’ve never been the type to go out to parties or clubs or anything like that. I’m happy to stay home reading or studying, or going to the shelter I volunteer at and spending time with the animals there. I guess some people would say I’m shy, but that isn’t really it either. I just like the quiet, and I love animals.”

She does another one of those little shrugs, and I don’t even think she realizes how amazing that little move is. Jenny simply is who she is, and she doesn’t make apologies for it. I could take a page from her book.

“What about you? Why are you still a virgin?”

“Football is why I’m still a virgin, which I realize sounds counterintuitive. Most jocks are whores, right?”

“I wouldn’t know.” She points her thumb back at her chest, and I struggle not to stare at her tits again. “Totally oblivious about sports, remember?” She smiles at me, and damn, do I want to see that smile more. I can’t let this girl get away. That animal deep inside that I’ve never tapped into before is roaring loud and clear, telling me to make her mine, to take care of her, protect her. The urges are so loud it is almost hard to think past them and give her my story.

“Well, trust me. That is the reputation we get. But my dad was a hard-ass when it came to me and my future football career. He was in the NFL, but he was a third-string quarterback for one of the best teams in the league. He’s famous for only one thing. He got to play for exactly one minute in a championship game because both the starting QB and the second-string QB got injured in this just brutal game with their rival. So, he went in, and all he had to do was hold the line, and they won the game. Actually, he’s a Trivial Pursuit question. The only quarterback to win a championship game without ever scoring a point in his professional career.”

Jenny’s gaze shifts to my face, giving me this look that says she is interested but not filing the information away to use to her advantage later. It is really freaking rare for that to happen to me. Once someone hears I have an NFL QB as my dad, and I’m on my way to lead an NFL team of my own someday, they immediately start seeing dollar signs and suddenly want to be best friends. Despite the continued slapping and moaning filtering through the walls behind us, this conversation is, strangely, making me the most relaxed I’ve been since getting to this school three years ago.

“Anyway, he had all these rules while I was in high school. No serious girlfriends. Home by ten every night unless we had an away game and got back late. Keep the grades up. No partying. Most Saturday nights I would be at home helping my mom around the house, training with my dad, or watching movies with my sister while the rest of the team went out and got drunk and laid.” I hope I’m not coming off as too much of a homebody here. I want to impress this girl, but I also don’t want to come off as a loser. But I also don’t want to lie. Truth is, I am a homebody.

“Okay, but once you got to college, there had to be tons of opportunities to go out and meet girls. I mean, your teammates have presented you with a few. Why are you still holding out?” Jenny turns to me, crossing her legs and propping her cheek on the heel of her hand. She looks at me as if I’m some sort of fascinating newly discovered species. Which maybe I am. “Is your family super religious?”

That gets a genuine laugh out of me. “No. My family’s only religion is football. Even my mom is a diehard. I guess everything my dad said kind of just sank in after a while. Growing up, my parents were always super affectionate. It was embarrassing as hell, but also nice when other kids were suffering through their parents’ divorces. Dad says she is the love of his life, and he wished like hell he hadn’t been a whore in his college and NFL days. They met his last season in the NFL. She was a makeup artist for a team photo shoot. Says he knew the minute he saw her he had to talk to her. It took a long time for him to convince her that he was serious and wouldn’t sleep around on her. Didn’t help that my sister is the product of a fling he had with a superfan before he met my mom, and there was lots of drama with that too. Anyway, growing up he just really drove it into my head that someday I will meet a woman who is going to make me wish there had been no other women. I guess I took it to the extreme. I want my first time to be with a person I trust and at least have the possibility of spending forever with.”

Jesus, talking to this girl is making me pour my fucking guts out. It is as if I want her to know every single part of me right now. Move past all this getting-to-know-you bullshit and move on to whatever the next phase is, which of course I have no clue about. What I don’t tell her is, the moment I saw her, I knew. I knew that this girl was someone who has to be in my life. Forever. I have no clue whether this feeling is love, or infatuation, or maybe just good old lust. But I know I’ve never felt it like this before. And like the competitor I am, I need to go after it with everything I have.

“Wow, that is really sweet.” She’s not looking at the stars anymore, but there is an unmistakable twinkle in her eye and a slight smile on her lips.

I could look at this girl all day and not get bored.

“So, ready for the most unimaginative and standard of questions in college?” Her smile broadens, showing a flash of white teeth between her pink lips.

“Go for it.”

In unison we both ask, “What’s your major?”

I tilt my head toward her, indicating she should go first.

“Double major, biology and zoology. I have a year left, and then I’ll be going to veterinary school.”

“Damn, that is intense.” The whistle I let out echoes through the dense woods surrounding the den of sins behind us.

“You’re telling me. I almost had a nervous breakdown last year. Okay, now you.”

Another thing I always get shit about from not only my teammates but my dad as well is my major. None of them approve. “Education with a concentration in world history. I will probably end up in the NFL as long as I don’t get injured in the next year. But after that, I want to get my master’s degree in history and teach high school students. Maybe coach a high school football team.”

Jenny’s smile could seriously light up any of the stadiums I’ve played in over the last three years. She parts her lips to say something in return, but a ping from inside her purse interrupts our conversation. The size of her bag is seriously worthy of Mary Poppins. She digs down to her elbow to fish out her tiny iPhone.

After opening her lock screen and reading whatever message she received, Jenny frowns a little, the space between her eyebrows crinkling slightly with the change in her mood. I want to rub my thumb over that spot, smooth out the lines and her worries.

“What’s wrong?”

Flipping some internal switch, Jenny smiles again, shaking her head as if to dislodge something in her head. “Nothing. My roommate is about five minutes away.”

Huh. “Why would that make you frown? I thought you’d be ecstatic to get away from that.” I tilt my head back to the building behind us, and right on cue, someone screams at the top of their lungs in bliss.

A fierce blush rushes up Jenny’s face, making her cheeks, chin, and forehead blaze a bright red.

“I mean, yes, obviously I am happy to get far away from my first and last experience with group sex.” A deep sigh leaves her, and her shoulders sag a little. “This is going to sound lame, but this has been the best conversation I’ve had in months. I kinda don’t want it to end. Despite the weird circumstances.”

On a whim, I reach out and scoop her hand into mine, tracing the delicate lines at the base of her wrist. “Not lame at all. I never get to talk to someone who doesn’t end sentences with a grunt and a fist bump.”

That bright smile slips across her face momentarily before she bites down on her bottom lip to hide it, looking down at our hands.

“Is this okay?” I pick up our hands a fraction of an inch so she knows without a doubt what I’m referring to. The warmth of her skin is like a brand on my soul. From this moment, I’ll always know it is there. Where we first made contact.

She nods, the corners of her mouth trying to curve even higher, but her white teeth clamp harder on her lip to prevent it.

Needing to connect us, to ensure I’ll be able to find her after this night is over, I reach for her other hand. “Can I have your phone?”

Jenny nods and passes it over.

I hate letting go of her hand, but it must be done. I program my number into her address book, along with my email address. Then, I take a picture of my hand while flipping the bird and send it off in a text to my phone so I’ll have her number when I get home.

Jenny gives me the most dubious look ever as I hand the phone back. “Um, why did you just take a picture of your middle finger with my phone?”

“I just programmed my number in and sent the picture to my phone. The guys will most likely have broken into it by now and will be looking at my texts.”

Looking down at the screen, Jenny laughs as another text comes through. “Wow, you are right. They sent a response back.”

She turns the phone so I can see it, and there is a picture of what has to be Wallace’s ass. No one else on the team has that much hair. All I can do is shake my head and laugh, because these guys truly are idiots.

“Let’s give them something to ponder.” Jenny scooches in right next to me, swings her legs over my lap, and circles her arms around my neck. Before I can ask what she’s doing, she holds up the phone as far as her arms will allow, presses her lips to my cheek, and snaps the picture.

She lowers the phone, and I turn my head to look at her beautiful face. “Don’t send that yet. Wait until tomorrow morning. That is just for me.”

Our lips are so close I can feel the condensation from her breath gathering on my skin. Fuck, I want to kiss her in the worst way. But if I’m right about this girl and what she might come to mean to me, I refuse to have our first kiss happen on the porch outside an orgy. She deserves better.

However, nothing on this planet could keep my hands from sliding up her bare legs. The night is warm, the spring semester coming to a rapid close and summer seeming to hang just out of reach. Her simple jean skirt has ridden up slightly from our position, and I can’t tear my eyes away from the black shadow at the junction of her thighs. All I would have to do is slip my fingers between her pressed together legs and push up to feel that mysterious place I’ve seen only in porn.

Not yet, I remind myself. Not here. I’ll have her; there is no doubt in my mind. But it will be in my bed, where no one else can hear, see, or smell her reactions to me.

I pull my eyes away and make contact with hers. Jenny is breathing in these short little pants that remind me of a cat in heat. Her eyes are fire and smoke, begging me to take her, to make her feel things the both of us have only dreamt about.

Thankfully, just as I’m about to say “Fuck it” and take a taste of her perfect mouth, headlights sweep over us.

Jenny pulls back, her cheeks flaming even brighter, but I don’t know whether it is from embarrassment or arousal. The crunch of tires over gravel stops right in front of our spot on the porch, and Jenny hops down, making her way over to who I assume is her roommate.

“Why the hell are you all the way out here? What is this place?” A girl’s voice calls out from the driver’s side window, though the headlights are preventing me from seeing who the voice belongs to.

Looking back over her shoulder at the building, Jenny laughs in a way that makes my chest tight. So light and carefree, despite the shitty night she just had. “Trust me, Mon. You don’t want to know.”

I follow behind Jenny, climbing into the back seat of the Honda Fit. She tries to protest, to get me to sit up front, but no way in hell is that happening. Jenny deserves the best, always. I can just barely squeeze my body into the minuscule car, but manage, and despite the discomfort, I smile knowing she is happy up front.

“Spencer, this is my roommate, Monique. Mon, this is the stranger I picked up on my date tonight.” Jenny laughs at her own joke, and I have to squelch the desire to reach up and tickle her side, just to hear that laugh a little more.

“Okay. There is a story here, and you are telling me on the freaking long-ass drive back to campus.” A serious girl with dark skin and long dreadlocks inspects me from her twisted position in the front. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed that this guy is the freaking quarterback of our football team. You may be oblivious to sports, but I have a cousin on the team and have gone to every game, remember?”

“Oh, there is definitely a story. I’m just not sure you will believe me.” Looking back at me over her shoulder, Jenny gives me a wink, then launches into the details of her night and how we met.

Monique’s jaw is on the floor pretty damn fast.




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