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OUR UNLIKELY BABY: Blacksteel Bandits MC by Paula Cox (99)

It didn’t seem possible. Not after all they had shared and how she had fought to all common sense just so she could touch him again. He’d said he would kill for her. Something in that made Lena love him even more. But then, right before her eyes, he dismissed her like a burden he had to drag into this meeting. So what if he was finally here because of her? Lena still felt like she was clothed in a second thought and wanted to scream at the top of her lungs to just leave. Silver stallions or skulls with wings, each and every one of them were the same, flapping their dicks and marking their turf. That’s all she was to him, and Jax was only enraged because she’d compromised his precious position.


Lived with it for far too long.


In some ways that was true. He’d dwelled in Eric Stiles’ house and had to call him father. But the rape? What was the knowledge of that to him? A few days suffering at most?


And now he had to tell them she would go back to being nothing if Eric breached this threshold.


Thinking of nothing but putting Milo in his place and Jax too by way of nearness if nothing else, Lena took a breath. If he couldn’t stand up for her, be the man she wanted, then what was the point?


Moving past him, she felt his hands encircle hers, and his heart thudded against her palm. Jax stayed silent, but as soon as Lena met his eyes, her heart softened. Maybe his tongue was tied, but his gaze and his pulse told her more than she wanted to know. Because Milo had asked the wrong question, or at least was bound to get the answer he wanted least.




He would always choose her; Lena knew that in her bones. Not for one second did she regret coming back for him. But was there a way to stay put, get all he wanted and then some?


And still keep him close?


“I… Sir?”


Lena endured Milo’s laughter and felt Jax’s fingers pressing into her arm as he tried to drag her back into the shadows.


“Stop,” she insisted. Jax demurred as the room erupted into laughter, but Lena turned back to Milo and narrowed her gaze.


“Fine then,” she said. “Milo.”


The bearded man seemed to bristle at the sound of his name leaving her lips, but Lena shrugged the chuckles and Aggie off as she stepped closer.


“If we’re a problem for you,” she started. “We’ll be on our way. No harm, no foul, right?”


Lena bit down on her lip and hoped that it was the right step when Milo laughed and shook his head.


“And just wait for another surprise?” he asked. “All three of you have already exposed us. Maybe I can save Aggie and her boy if you go quietly.”


Again he raised his gun, and Lena tensed as she waited for what felt like the end. But instead of the crack of a bullet leaving the chamber and everything going dark, there was nothing but Jax at her side.


“I won’t let you hurt her!” he bellowed.


Lena felt Jax’s arms surrounding her waist. Wanting nothing more than to sink into his chest, Lena knew even Milo’s pardon would not mean freedom. Eric was coming. Who knew what moves he was making even now? Not knowing how far they could make it on their own, she pushed away from Jax and sank to her knees.


“Lena! What do you think you’re doing?”


Aggie kept her son at bay as Lena’s fingers surrounded the barrel of Jax’s gun, and she helped him guide the piece towards her brow, her eyes growing wide as she spoke slowly.


“Nothing would give me more pleasure than to go and never see you again,” she started. “But you would really make him choose?”


“Price of my protection,” Milo said. “I need to know where his loyalties lie.”


“With her!” Jax insisted.


“Jackson, don’t,” Aggie cautioned.


“What else can I say? If he doesn’t want to believe it…”


And he wouldn’t. Milo would always put his club first. Just like Jax would her. How to spin it? How could she make him…?


“Who is she?”


The girl with the short dark hair cowered in the corner, and Milo waved her forward, Artie looking up and down her legs as Milo pressed the girl under his arm.


“This is Viv,” Milo said. “My sister. We take care of what’s worthy around here.”


Lena looked hard into the girl’s eyes and forced herself to remember.


“So it’ll go down like this,” she said. “Eric Stiles will come. And he’ll lie that Jax was a bad seed. He’ll apologize for any inconvenience.”


Feeling exposed, Lena ran her fingers through her hair and lowered her voice.


“And once he makes like he’s on your side, he’ll take a long hard look at Viv here.”


“You leave my sister out of this.”


“Then it will be him asking for a taste to seal your new deal.”


“I would never let him touch her,” Milo insisted.


“But by then it won’t be your choice anymore,” Lena continued. “He’ll strip her down and push her to a floor.”


It killed her where she knelt, but Lena had no choice but to stare at Viv.


“It will hurt. You’ll cry. And you’ll plead for him to stop.”


A hand was at her shoulder, but Lena couldn’t bring herself to meet Jax’s eyes.


“Take it from me, he won’t, not until you’re shredded, not until you just wish you could die.”


As Lena shifted to her feet, and a strange calm washed over her. With no way of knowing how many other moments she had at her disposal, she was still standing now, and she turned, expecting to see Jax.




The eyes were his, but not the form.


“You don’t have to say another word,” Aggie said. “Milo, come on now.”


He eased his sister away and looked at Lena, his eyes burrowing into her blood. Lena took some satisfaction in the fact that she was no longer trembling, and Aggie’s hands at her shoulders helped her stand taller still


“Prick did all that to you,” Milo started. “Lots of other girls wouldn’t be so strong as to bounce back and stand toe-toe with the consequences.”


She didn’t feel so strong, but it was something to get it all out in front of so many and see, feel, that it didn’t kill her where she stood.


“We’d all be stronger if you just said yes,” Lena dared.


Milo seemed to ponder the possibilities, and he smiled softly as he patted his sister’s hand and held her at his back.


“Still thinking it over,” he said. “But I’m almost on your wavelength.”


She heard Brutus grunt as Aggie passed her back into Jax’s arms and touched her son’s cheek.


“Now you can get a good night’s sleep,” she promised. “It’ll all make sense in the morning.”