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Outlaw Xmas: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 10) by Chiah Wilder (13)

Chapter Twelve


“I can’t believe I agreed to a fake tree,” Jax said as he spread out the folded branches on the seven-foot tree. “I like the scent of pine.”

“Stick your head outside and breathe in deeply. We have a ton of pine and evergreen trees in our front and backyard,” Cherri answered.

“I like the smell of real pine in the house, smartass.” Jax made a face at her and she laughed.

“But we can have the tree up longer because it won’t dry out, and vacuuming up the needles is a pain in the butt.”

“Speaking of butts, I oughta spank yours for talking me into this.”

“Later, baby.” Cherri winked while staring at his tight ass. Thoughts of being with him after Paisley was tucked in bed made her skin tingle. She still couldn’t get enough of him, and the way he kissed and hugged her every chance he got meant he felt the same. And that made her very happy. After so much crap in her life, she finally got it right with Jax.

“These are pretty, Mommy,” Paisley said, showing her mother two shiny ornaments. “Can I put them on the tree?”

“After your dad puts the lights on.”

“When’s that gonna be?” Paisley carefully put the two ornaments down.

“Shouldn’t be too long, honey,” Jax said as he wound a string of multicolored lights around the branches.

An hour later, Cherri, Paisley, and Jax stood back and admired the tree.

Paisley clapped and jumped in place. “The ormaments look real pretty with the lights on.”

“Ornaments, sweetie.” Cherri ruffled the little girl’s blonde hair. “And they do look pretty.”

“Best tree ever,” Jax said, leaning over and kissing Cherri on the lips. He drew Paisley to him and gave her a tight hug. “You did a great job decorating.” Paisley giggled, then looked back at the tree.

“What about hot chocolate and sugar cookies?” Cherri asked as Paisley skipped around the room.

“Yay! I’ll put on one of my cartoons. The one about the anominal snowman.”

Cherri laughed. “Abominable, and I love that one.” She went into the kitchen to make the cocoa. As she placed a few cookies on a plate, Jax came up behind her and curled his arms around her, nuzzling her neck. “You smell like chocolate and sugar. I want to taste you.”

She giggled and turned around in his arms, and he captured her mouth, delving his tongue deep inside as he pressed her closer. Heat burned between her legs as he rubbed his hard dick against her. “Let’s go in the pantry and have some fun,” he said against her lips.


“She’s watching the mean snowman. I need my cock inside your pussy, woman.”

Cherri glanced at Paisley, who was sitting on the couch, engrossed in the cartoon. “She’ll want her cookies and hot chocolate.”

“We can have a quickie.”

“Paisey?” Cherri said, smiling when her daughter turned to her. “It’s going to be a few more minutes for your cocoa and cookies, okay?”

Her head bobbed up and down, and she turned back to the television screen. Before Cherri could say anything, Jax had her inside the walk-in pantry, her hands on the wire shelf and her knit top pushed up around her shoulders.

“I love it when you don’t wear a bra,” he rasped in her ear, cupping her tits.

She moaned and pushed her ass back, rubbing against his tight bulge.

“Fuck, sweetie. I love you so much.”

Hearing him unzip his jeans had shivers gripping her spine. He nudged her feet farther apart and cupped her sex. A low grunt rumbled from his throat. “You soaked right through your panties.” His voice was raw. She ground into his hand, her pussy twinging with an aching throb only his cock could relieve. “I love you too, and I want you so badly right now.”

Fingers pushing her panties down her pebbled skin made her arousal shoot through the roof. Bracing herself, she groaned when his iron-hard dick hammered into her. She craved it hard, fast, and rough. When Jax yanked her head back by her hair and shoved his tongue into her mouth, she slipped her hand down and played with her clit. With him pounding away, tweaking her nipples, and her finger moving rapidly over her nub, she bit down hard on her bottom lip as a rush of molten liquid rushed through her.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped, trying to keep her cries at bay.

“Fuck!” Jax dug his fingers into her hips, and, in the midst of her feral fireworks, the heat from him exploded inside her.

Their jagged breaths filled the space around them, and Jax ran his hands over her back as he gently kissed her neck. She straightened up and leaned back into him, reaching over and looping a hand around his neck.

“I better see how Paisey’s doing. I’m surprised she hasn’t called out for her cookies.” She pushed away and he swatted her butt gently. She giggled as she pulled up her leggings and pulled down her top. When she turned around, Jax was zipping up. “Do you want a shot of whiskey in your hot chocolate?”

He drew her to him and brushed his lips across hers. “I’m going to the clubhouse to shoot some pool with Axe. I should be home in a few hours. Cool?”

Nuzzling her face into his chest, she nodded. “Cool. I have to go to the grocery store anyway.”

When they came out of the pantry, Cherri saw Paisley lying on her stomach on the floor, her chin resting in her hands, her eyes fixed on the raving white monster with yellowed, crooked teeth.

“Do you want your cocoa and cookies now?” Cherri asked her.

“Yes, please,” she answered without taking her eyes off the cartoon.

Jax pinched Cherri’s ass, then kissed her quickly. “I won’t be back late.”

“We’re having steak and mac and cheese for dinner. About what time do you think you’ll be back?”

“Five thirty or six. Bye, honey,” he said to Paisley, who yelled “Bye” with her eyes fixed on the TV.

Cherri placed two cups of cocoa on the coffee table and a plate with two cookies. “You have to sit up to have your snack,” she said.

Paisley sat up, took a cookie, and slowly chewed as she watched the rest of the cartoon.

*     *     *

With several plastic bags hanging on her wrist, Cherri opened the back door and went into the kitchen.

“Why isn’t the door making noise?” Paisley asked, setting down a small bag.

“I guess I forgot to turn on the alarm, sweetie. Here, give me your bag.”

Paisley handed her the bag and she took out a box of vanilla wafers.

“Can I have some, Mommy?”

“Just one. I don’t want you to spoil your appetite. I’m making your favorite, mac ’n cheese.”

Lifting her arms in the air, she giggled. “Yay!”

Cherri laughed and ran her fingers through her soft hair. “You goofball.” She leaned down and kissed her. “You’re the cutest.” She opened the box and placed one cookie in a small plastic bowl. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Mommy.”

Paisley scrambled out of the room and Cherri continued putting away the groceries. Then a high-pitched cry cracked the air and Cherri rushed into the living room to find a crying Paisley kneeling beside their Christmas tree that was toppled over and lying on its side. Slivers of broken ornaments picked up the afternoon sunlight. Paisley reached toward a shiny blue shard.

Cherri leapt forward. “Don’t touch it. You’ll cut yourself.” She pulled Paisley’s hand away and enveloped the sobbing six-year-old in her arms. “It’s okay, sweetie. Daddy will put it back up when he gets home. I guess it was too heavy. You and I were pretty heavy-handed with the decorations.” She wiped her daughter’s wet cheeks.

“Where are all the presents?” Paisley asked between sobs.

“They’re probably under the tree. It’s all good. Mommy will clean it up and Daddy will fix it.”

“But everything’s broken.”

“I know. We’ll get new decorations. That’ll be a ton of fun. Would you like to do it after I clean up the glass?” Paisley nodded while wiping her nose. “This is going to be great. We’ll get everything new and you can pick out the ornaments.” She hugged her daughter and kissed her.

Paisley smiled. “Can I get any colors I want?”

“Sure. Your job will be ornaments and mine will be garland. Let me just get the vacuum. If you stay here, you have to promise me you won’t go near the tree or touch anything on it or the floor. The glass is really sharp.”

“I’ll just sit and wait for you, Mommy.” Paisley climbed up on the sofa and folded her hands in her lap as she stared at the tree.

“I’ll be back in a sec.” As she rushed to the kitchen, she glanced behind her to make sure Paisley hadn’t moved, smiling when she saw her still seated. She’s such a good girl. I can’t believe the fucking tree fell over. I’ve never had that happen before. Shit. Like I don’t have enough to do.

When she walked into the kitchen, she stopped dead. Something’s off in here. A chill skated down her spine. Glancing at the counter, she realized the bag of chips was gone. Her mind whirred as she tried to remember if she’d put them away before she heard Paisley cry out. I must have, or they’d still be on the counter. I’m being silly.

Instead of going to the broom closet, she just stood there glancing around the large kitchen. An ominous silence crept into the room and her pulse banged in her ears. What the fuck’s wrong with me? She tried to dispel the dread weaving around her nerves, but she couldn’t.

“Are you coming back, Mommy?” Paisley’s small voice broke through the dead quiet.

“Uh… yeah. Stay seated. I’m getting the vacuum now.” I can’t believe how silly I’m being. She forced herself to take a step, then another and another until she was in front of the broom closet. With clammy fingers, she opened the door wide. She didn’t know what she’d expected, maybe a fanged demon or a demented doll. She giggled nervously. That’s the last time I let Jax talk me into watching a horror movie. The night before, after Paisley had fallen asleep, Jax had put on Black Christmas, drew her close to him under the covers, and held her tight as a madman attacked sorority sisters. And now I’m imaging all kinds of crazy shit.

Sighing, she saw the vacuum buried in the back of the closet. Great. Pushing the mop out of the way, she moved things around.

Creak. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and she stood frozen in motion, her hand clutching the top of the vacuum. Creak. A door groaned on its hinges. Paralyzed in place, she couldn’t move, breathe, or speak.

Then in one heart-stopping moment, she felt watched, as if the Devil himself was scraping a fingernail along her spine. Fuck. Someone’s in the kitchen with me. I know it.

A choking stench of body odor assaulted her nostrils, making her eyes water. Droplets of sweat formed on her forehead as goose bumps laminated her cold skin.

“Mommy, can I get up? I wanna come in the kitchen.”

Terror sliced through her. “No! Stay where you are.” Her voice trembled.

“Are you okay, Mommy?”

Forcing the bile down her throat, a tight pull of fear threatened to erupt from her. “I’m more than okay, sweetie. I just had to find the vacuum. I’m coming. Be a good girl and stay where you are.”


“I will.”

She dragged the vacuum out of the closet and shut the door. From her peripheral vision, she saw someone standing next to her. Jumping from fright, she gasped and clutched her hands to her throat. Turning around quickly, she screamed when a man in a black ski mask faced her, his brown eyes fixed intently on her.

“What’s wrong, Mommy?”

She dropped the vacuum and stepped away, but the masked man reached out and grabbed her arm, jerking her to him.

“Who’s that, Mommy?” Paisley’s voice quivered.

Cherri darted her eyes away from him and saw Paisley standing near the kitchen island. Like a lioness protecting her young, Cherri kicked the guy hard in the balls and he groaned, releasing her. Using the few seconds he’d be incapacitated to her advantage, she grabbed Paisley’s hand and dashed down the stairs. Behind her, she heard him grunt.

Thud. Thud. Thud. His heavy footfalls on the stairs pounded in her ears.

With her heart slamming against her rib cage, she dragged Paisley through rooms, ignoring her questions. The only goal she had was to reach the safe room.

In her panicked state, she thought she could feel his breath on her neck, but she didn’t dare turn around. Every second counted.

With trembling fingers she punched in the code, and the steel door swung open. Cherri shoved Paisley in, and just as she turned to close the door, the intruder stuck his foot inside. Anger flashed in his eyes.

“No!” she cried.

With all of her strength, she lifted her leg and slammed her foot on his. He laughed. The voice of her self-defense instructor echoed in her head: “Jab your fingers into his eyes.” The intruder started to push himself into the room, and she poked him hard in the eyes. He yelled out and stumbled backward. Then she quickly put a knee between his legs and pushed hard, forcing him to the floor. Without any hesitation, she kicked him viciously in the groin. Immobilizing him, she spun around and dashed into the safe room, slamming the steel door shut.

With her back against the door, she slid down to the concrete floor, sobbing. Paisley came over and sat in her lap, pressing her head against Cherri’s chest.

“It’s okay, Mommy,” she said over and over as all the fear and terror spilled out of Cherri.

Loud pounding on the steel door startled her, and horror seized her again. I’m in the safe room. He can’t hurt us. The thought ran through her mind each time he slammed his hand on the door. Paisley covered her ears with her hands.

When Jax had first built the room, she thought he was being paranoid, but he told her all of his brothers had them in their homes, and now she was grateful for the protection. She glanced at the screens and breathed a huge sigh of relief when she saw the intruder climbing the stairs. Her stomach flipped over when she saw him take a butcher knife from the kitchen and go into the living room. Raising his arm, he swung it down, slashing strings of lights and synthetic needles on the tree. Lifting his foot, he stamped over the downed tree, breaking what little ornaments remained intact.

As she watched his angry attack, her blood ran cold. That’s the fucking nut who’s been in the news. I can’t believe it.

“Why’s he hurting our tree?” Paisley asked softly, her eyes brimming with tears.

“He’s crazy. Don’t look anymore, sweetie. I’m going to call Daddy. He’ll know what to do.”

She held Paisley tight, then slowly rose up from the floor, grabbed the landline, and dialed Jax. As she waited for him to pick up, she saw the psycho jump up and down on their tree and presents, then walk out of the house.

“Hi, sugar. What’s up?”

“You need to come home. That nut who’s been breaking into people’s homes and destroying their Christmas decorations was here. He was here when Paisey and—”

“I’m on my way. Where are you?”

“In the safe room. I saw him leave, but I don’t know if he’s coming back.”

“Stay there and don’t move. Did he hurt you?”

“No. I got away before he could.” The man’s penetrating brown eyes flashed into her mind and she shivered. “But he wanted to hurt me.”

“The fuckin’ bastard.”

“I don’t know why he picked our house. We only have a simple tree. And it’s light out. I’m surprised he even saw it. I can’t believe he waited for me to come home.”

“Did you put the alarm on when you left?”

“No. I know… I know.”

“It’s okay, sweetness. The important thing is you and Paisley are safe. I’ll be there real soon.”

When Paisley saw Jax and Axe rush into the house, she jumped up and down while pointing at the screens. “There’s Daddy and Uncle Axe.”

Relief washed over Cherri, and for the first time in the past two hours, she relaxed. When the door swung open, she fell into Jax’s arms. “You’re here,” she murmured as she peppered his face with kisses.

“I’m always here for you. I’m just relieved you and Paisley are safe.”

With one of his arms wrapped around her shoulder and the other one carrying Paisley, she rested her head against his shoulder as they left the room.

We’re safe now.

And she knew they always would be with Jax in their lives. He’d come into her life like a candle in the night. He was her beacon then and now, her yesterday, her today, and her tomorrow.

She put her finger under his chin and turned his face toward her, then kissed him hard and messy and passionately.

Then they went upstairs.